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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Hoy Noy!


    Your approval ratings went up after you persecuted GMA.


    This tells us two things:


    1. Your approval among the gullible pinoys is mainly because of their hatred of GMA.

    2. You are willing to distort issues, persecute people, and destabilize our democratic institutions just to save your flagging popularity.

  2. What new evidence? mellow.gif


    There were no new evidence filed in Supreme Court.


    SC recalled (not suspend) its resolution because of a technicality.


    It should have been the high court's special 3rd division and not 2nd division that should have decided on the MR.


    Well within reason? I don't think so. Example of SC's incompetence and inefficiency

    Ah yes, it was a technicality. Not new evidence. Thanks for the correction.

    But still the SC was right to suspend the decision and correct the technical error. Otherwise,the error may be used later on as precedence.

  3. are you also sure that your interpretation of the law, is the same as the interpretation of other lawyers or the justices of the supreme court ?...it would seem that even midas marquez has been wrong in his interpretation of the SC decision ?...like for instance, the TRO which he said was 'in effect' when in fact, it wasnt because the 2nd condition was not complied with...



    Midas Marquez did not interpret the SC decision. He, as the SC spokesman, announced them.


    That the TRO is not in effect, is merely a dissenting opinion of Noynoys appointee. The SC decision is in effect.


    also, our supreme court has flipped-flopped on its decisions quite a few times...

    wouldnt you think that the law is not an exact science ? and the media too ?

    sometimes, we have to use logic and common sense to arrive at the truth...

    The SC did not flip flop as you were led to believe by Noynoys propagandists.

    The Supreme Court SUSPENDED the decision it has previously made on the case of PAL employees. Suspending a decision is not flip-flopping. If new evidence warrants further deliberation on the matter, then the SC is well within reason to suspend its decision.


    dr. lambino's and dr topacio's medical bulletins to the media have been thwarted by real physicians...it took awhile, but the truth came out...

    Get ready for another truth… when the case they filed against GMA gets junked because of lack of evidence.


    i agree with you about 'checks and balances'...the minority should always be protected... also, about presumption of innocence...


    GMA, now in the minority was subjected to curtailment of her constitutional right to travel. You defended Noynoy arguing it was right for him to throw due process out the window in his pursuit of justice. You, a member of the majority, rejoice at her public vilification and humiliation when nothing is proven yet in court. Yet you say the minority should always be protected and one should be presumed innocent. Hypocrisy.


    we have been both exposed to the greatest democratic system in the universe...

    where the best options arise because issues are debated...

    i think that's the reason we both enjoy airing our points of view...

    What democracy are you talking about? Noynoy is weakening our democracy to satisfy his political vindictiveness. Even foreign observers have noticed. But gullible pinoys like you are still blissfully ignorant of whats happening.

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  4. Kris loves to glorify her family. Remember the Mendiola Massacre? Why not tweet about it? http://www.gmanetwor...acienda-luisita

    ito yung isa sa mga pinaka-gusto kong reaction sa article:


    from malaya1962:

    " wow the nerve... sana ang i-make kuwento ni Kris ... for 50 years ginamit nila ang lupang ipinahiram ng Pilipinas to them... as if naman utang na loob pa ng Pilipino na mabalik sa mag-sasaka ng Hacienda ng lupang para naman talaga sa kanila.. now sino talaga ang corrupt ... magnanakaw... mapang-api ??? "

  5. Before the SC's final ruling, Noynoy pretends that he is neutral about the Hacienda Luisita issue, because he is just a "minor" stockholder.


    Now that SC finally gave justice to the farmers' land reform claims, he is now insisting that his relatives be given "just compensation" for the land that will be "taken away" from them.


    If you look at the history of Hacienda Luisita, practically, laway lang ang puhunan ng mga aquino-cojuangco clan dyan. Since the beginning, money was provided for by the government. So kung laway lang ang puhunan, then their just compensation should be a spit on each of their faces.

  6. ok lang yan.... di naman ako sumasamba sa mga diyos diyosan.

    ikaw yun.... pero andami pa ring mga naloko ng painting na yan para iboto yung anak nya.


    biruin mo, pati si Blessed Virgin Mary, ine-endorse si Aquino? talk about connections.... hanggang langit ang taas ng padrino nya...


    This is the ultimate of what the oligrachs are doing to perpetuate themselves in power. Making full use of propaganda and subliminal messages. Many gullible Pinoys are actually falling for it.

  7. http://www.mb.com.ph/node/257673


    marami nag sasabi na Blasphemy ang ginawang picture, kung saan isinama sa painting ni Virgin Mary ang picture ng isang politician, from a known influencial family, try to put a picture of a convicted criminals it will be a case of Blasphemy for manny religious group, pero ok lang sa isang politician. Excuse sila kumabaga :lol:


    Ang masasabi ko lang dyan sa painting na yan... ANG KAPAL!

  8. The question is just as the same as those politicians that you defend so much how could that video prove the aquino and cojuangco for fault? Any moron could make that video but where is the proof behind it as most of our in house attorneys so claimed to be knowledgeable about..another is what exactly are the allegations that can be thrown on the current admin except speculations which is vehemently denied by our inhouse lawyers in this form when their favorite politicians is assailed with hailfaire of allegations...if its something bad about their favorite they cried foul if its something beneficial for their political pets they will say gods gift...sheesshhhh talk about hypocrisy...gagamitin ang issues para malihis sa dapat pagtuunan ng pansin yan din ang sinasabi nila dapat daw focus sa issues at hand that has basis pag tinitira ang mga idol nila pero pag may lumabas na issue na makakasira sa hindi nila gustong pulitiko sasabihin dapat pagtuunan ng pansin...Man be consistent!!!

    isnt on your other other debates you ask for sensible and factual allegations to be corroborated with evidence so what seems to be evidenciary about this video???I dont see any facts that are being presented merely speculations and more speculations...

    About the SCTEX how could a mere congressman have major role in having this project approve?? who where the deciding body that supposed to be approving the said project? who releases the funds and who does controll the budget for the said project? Is it Pnoy? Again dun sa sinabi ko na ala namang nangyayaring singilan sa na paglabas mo ng luisita exit may babayaran ka pang P20.00 para makapasok ng lusita compound hindi naman sumagot and nagpasimuno nito?

    yung issue about the land to be distributed to the farmers was settled during the 1980's pa ata at mga farmers during that time was already given those lands at may mga particular land holdings na silang dapat hinahawakan. For example isang magsasaka nun nabigyan ng 5hectares ang problema dumating ang 2012 nagkaroon na siya ng mga 7 anak dapat ba ang mga anak niya rin bibigyan ng tig lilimang ektaryang lupain di ba dapat ang ipapamahagi sa kanila ay yung 5 hectares lang na pinamahagi sa magulang nila?ang problema gusto pa nilang pati mga anak magkaroon din ng tiglilimang ektarya so saan ang fair play dun?


    This is a brilliant exposition, although I cannot understand it. Judging from the posts, I can surmise that they,too, cannot understand this esoteric essay. The writer must be great. For, as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "To be great is to be misunderstood."

    maybe he's on drugs....:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Downvote 1

    ^^^ what does your lenghty post have in relation to what I posted?


    What's your point?



    You seem to be pretty convice by the video so why dont you answer what I said? di ba on your other issues raise you say alang basis ang mga allegations namin sa manok na sina GMA et al so bakit ngayon ala kang basis sa video na ito yet you seem to believe it?


    Why would I even bother answer to what you say? Everything you put there has no relation to my post. And what does GMA got anything to do with the topic?

  10. The allegations are flawed..kung hindi ka nagpupunta sa tarlac at nakikibahagi sa buhay ng mga tarlakenyo then this video will dissuade you to believe that it is true..yun sinasabing naniningil ng P20.00 sa lusita exit going to the luisita compound is a blatant lie...ala namang ganun nangyayaring singilan sa exit to luisita compound...hayyy buhay nating mga pinoy...


    "Blatant lie" ba kamo?


    HLI did collect toll fees last June amounting to P20 for cars, P50 for minibuses, vans and small trucks, and P100 for large buses and trucks. But the Toll Regulatory Board (TRB)gave them a cease and desist order to stop them from further collecting the illegal fees.


    In June, tickets turned in by motorists as evidence to the Inquirer bore the names JCSI-Bicsi.


    Brown International Corporate Services Inc. (Bicsi) is the service company that is collecting fees for Jose Cojuangco and Sons Inc. (JCSI).


    Motorists are complaining because HLI did not pay for the construction of the interchange and has no legal right to impose fees on commuters using the interchange. All the costs of the road construction were shouldered by the contractor of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA), the owner and operator of SCTEX.

  11. just to add malinaw ang mensahe ng gumawa ng video. isinusulong nil a ang constitutional reforms at federalism kung saan maiiwasan ang pagdomina ng oligarchs sa ating lipunan. ginawa nyang halimbawa ang aquino-cojuanco na patuloy na nagiging leader ng bansa sa kabila ng pagkakaroon ng baluktot personalidad.

    Yes. That is what the video is getting at.

    It is not really against Noynoy and the Aquino family per se, but to highlight the abuses of the oligarchy (particulatly the Cojuangcos) who keep the Pinoy masses ignorant in order get their proxies voted into political power - kahit na baluktot ang personalidad ng manok nila (makukuha naman sa catchy slogans at media propaganda para maipanalo sa eleksyon)


    I hope more videos like this will come against the Lopezes, the Aboitiz, and the Kamag-anak Inc.


    The video is advocating parliamentary federalism. It is a way to neutralize the stranglehold of the oligarchs on national political leadership, level the political playing field so that enlightened and independent political leaders can have a chance to win against the oligarch's political proxies who are supported by funds from their monopolies, and their yellow media (tv, radio, and newspapers).

  12. Ikaw talaga Mr.Finger, eh ano pang minamarakulyo mo? Ayaw mong magsampa ng kaso! Edi maliwanag na propaganda lang iyan..Lakas naman ng hang-over mo ng eleksyon propaganda ..move-on ka na ..Lusaw na ang pinagmamalaki mong partido Lakas-NUCD at tanggapin mo na wala ng pagtitimplahan ng kape ang tatay mo Bwekekekekekekekekeke!



    Yang mga sintimyento mo ukol sa Luisita eh luma na iyan! Wala na ba kayong bagong propagandang epektib? Sampahan mo ng kaso si Noynoy kung wala kang maisasampang kaso ..Malinaw na propaganda lang yan! ibalik mo ulit yang utak mo sa pwet bwekekekekekekekeke!


    This is a sample of how the yellow propagandists work.


    Divert the issue through ad hominem.


    For decades the oligarch media has been effectively using this tactic to divert the attention of gullible masses. Here in MTC, same tactic is being used.


    My advice to Mitsui, ignore the ad hominem and don't be baited into a flaming contest. Focus on presenting the real issues.

  13. saw the video and i knew some information the video showed. the question is, whose behind it. and why only now? and another thing what about other presidents??? what about the millions imelda and marcos cronies they stole??

    What do you mean "why only now"?


    A lot has already been said in the past about how the ruling oligrachy has kept our nation poor and ignorant. Even Ferdinand Marcos tried going against them and eventually lost (He has his own faults but that's another story). Decades of information campaigns against the real nature of the oligarchy have been drowned out by media, propaganda, character demolition jobs, and outright assasinations of enligthened protesters perpetrated by the yellow propagandists and their underworld thugs.


    It is only now, through internet and mobile communication, that the people are starting to get information that has been kept from them for generations.


    Decades of ABS-CBN's media hype in cheap raunchy "masa" entertainment and biased "news" reporting they call "balita" kept the majority of Pinoys clueless of what's really going on. These are all done to keep the Pinoys perpetually ignorant enough to continually vote for the puppet politicians beholden to the oligarchs. Cory, Erap, and Noynoy are the most rabid pro-oligarch puppets the brainwashed Pinoys voted to power.

  14. well..well...


    apparently, the present gov't was honoring the agreement that the GMA gov't

    made with the MILF...(and please dont give me the b.s. that the Pnoy gov't

    shouldnt have honored a previous govt's pact )


    now the question should be asked...should dureza and esperon be charged with treason ?

    or are we applying double standards here ?


    What double standard? Did Dureza or Esperon give the MILF PhP 5Million? Noynoy did. Who wants to give the Alex Boncayao Brigade PhP 31 Million? Noynoy does. Who castigated the Military after they were stabbed in the back by MILF? Noynoy did.


    Who's doing double standards? If it is for the purpose of Noynoy brown-nosing the MILF or the CPP-NPA, he is very willing to "honor" your so-called "previous GMA agreements" and waste millions of pesos...


    ...but when it is for the public good, like the dredging of Laguna de Bay under Belgian-Phil govt agreement, or the upgrading of seaports under French-Phil gov't agreement, Noynoy would not honor anything.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. Hoy, Noy!


    Will any ordinary Filipino be guilty of treason if it gives to the NPA any weapon, money or food?


    The military, when they conduct information campaigns to locals in NPA infested areas, always makes it a major point that any civilian who provides the NPA any aid and comfort is guilty of treason. Does this apply to the MILF too? What is the difference between the NPA and the MILF? They are both rebel forces waging war against the government purportedly on the basis of their ideology. Would giving MILF PhP 5 Million be considered providing aid to the enemy, and therefore an act of treason?


    Get ready for impeachment.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. please re-read my post about President Reagan and you might find a tinge of sarcasm there...


    as for Pnoy being a disgrace...well, 80% of Pinoys would disagree with you....


    i have to concede that, probably, 20% are still dreamers who would want GMA back...


    you and i are students of politics, and we both know that in a democracy, the majority rules...


    funny that the tables have been turned...i used to be the critic and you were the apologist....hehehe...


    80% ? What a joke! Is 12 million voters 80% of 100 Million? Check your math.


    Would they disagree with me now? It only shows how detached you are from what is really happening HERE in the Philippines. It is evident that you haven't had a chance of talking to real Filipinos on the streets lately. Many of them are now regretting they voted for Noynoy. You wouldn't see that frome the comforts of where you are right now.

  17. there's one positive aspect in your comment...you called Noynoy 'our' president which is good...

    now, if we could only respect the office of the president...and disagree without being disagreeable...

    about issues...

    then there's hope...

    Oh yes, I do have respect for the Office of the President. But I don't have any respect for Noynoy. He's a disgrace to the Office.


    How about your former President Reagan, do you respect him? You said he is stupid....

  18. Hoy Noy!


    A year and a half already and what have you got to say for your administration?


    All you have done politically is to pick fights with those whom you cannot control, such as the Supreme Court;


    Your focus is not on governing well and effectively, but to keep on threatening to file charges against your political foes, while protecting your now infamous KKKs (kaibigan, kaklase, kabarilan).


    Your poorly conceived PPP projects are being derisively referred to now as "Puro Powerpoint Presentation". Showbiz lang. No substance, just like you.


    Anyway, four and a half years na lang.... sana mas mapa-aga pa.

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