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Posts posted by camiar

  1. dear Pnoy,


    i'm sorry if i caused a 'mild' commotion...well...actually, a misinterpretation of galactic proportions !...what i was trying to do was help out a reliable debater re : his question of bautista being 'horny' against your administration...


    little did i know that it would be, again for the nth time, misunderstood, misinterpreted and given a new spin by a gma/gibo toadie...a comment made by ms horn is NOW keeping investors away and that your administration is bringing this country down...haha...how pathetic !!


    may i suggest that you hire this spinmeister to be part of your communications group...i bet you that he will outperform your 3 spokesmen...

    Hoy Noy!


    This rabid fan of yours cannot even answer a simple question; going at length on a lame excuse of being "misunderstood" to cover up for his blunder.


    Let me repeat the question(s): Was that remark an attack against Noy? Will that remark keep away the investors?


    Ahh, nevermind. We know the answer already.


    No point rubbing his face into his own s@%t.

  2. Are you really sure that Noy is bringing our country down? Do you have any data to prove it? The new goverment is less than 100 days and the exchange rate and stock market are stable the last time I checked. Kindly enlight us!

    The question to Wolfie is to explain how that innocent remark of Elena would keep investors away. Let him answer that first.

  3. When sought for comment on the hotdog meal of the President on the streets of New York, Elena Bautista-Horn said, "That maybe good for keeping travel costs low. For our part, we kept the number of hostage deaths down."



    glad to be able to help you out... :D


    That is an attack? Come on. Are we onion skinned or what?


    Grasping at straws.


    And could you explain how that remark would keep our investors away?


    Why can't you understand that it's not the criticism of Noynoy's detractors that are bringing this country down but his inept, indecisive, and weak government?

  4. Ok. I give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps I am just too irritated by the sound of her pa-cutesy voice. Siguro nga, whenever I hear her talk, I think of giggly high school girls.


    May kasabihan ang mga matatanda:


    ...Sa hindi magka-tugma: Ang pandinig sa "Kumusta Ka?" ay "P#t@ng-I&@ mo ka!".


    You heard what you heard. You believe what you see. You hated GMA so much that everytime there's anything about GMA, you see only the negative.


    Similar with me when it comes to Noynoy. Whenever I see Noynoy's smirk, twisted smile, or blank look, (which I see a lot these days) I see nothing but incompetence.

  5. Deal. You should have seen my posts from way before when I was the number one defender of Gloria (even if I didn't vote for her). It was only when the Garci tapes came out that I had to reverse positions. If PNoy commits an IMPEACHABLE offense, I give my word, I will rescind my support for the man. Not only that, I will join the ranks of those who would try to remove him from office. Like I said, I am not PRO-PNOY, I am PRO-PINOY.


    Hoy Noy!


    You can see from MTC alone, a lot of people are now starting to realize what we on the "other side" knew all along about you being incompetent and unfit for your post.


    Many have switched sides already. Some hold-overs of course, to save face, will make "if-and-when" conditions as excuse for reversing on their opinions.


    The excuses range from stating that they will be making "constructive criticisms" and being pro-Filipino tienes. But it's still the same. They allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by your propaganda, and are now desperately looking for an excuse to switch sides.


    Noy, in less than two years, you will be all alone, considering the type of fans you have.

  6. Well, if it is indeed noynoy ordered that one, and he said that he was monitoring the situation, he could have seen clearly that there was a blatant insubordination on his command which causes the main kapalpakan of that tragedy. Dapat immediately he could have informed everyone that his command was not followed and he should immediately fired his generals, the insubordination already happened right under his nose.


    But what happened was that after the incident he placed mainly the blame on the media and on the MPD, and none on the insubordination. Bakit hindi niya hinighlight na hindi sinunod ang pinag utos niya as Commander-in-Chief ng tatlong heneral niya?


    That's why Im more inclined to believe that this report is just a whitewash para linisin ang pangalan ni noynoy.


    Hoy Noy!


    Read Mike Chester's post very carefully. You might learn a little about leadership and power play.


    Noy, that hostage fiasco report actually admitted and even declared to the world your totally weak leadership. You should fire De Lima.


    If you really ordered the ground commander to use SAF, and he disobeyed, you should have relieved him and his generals immediately right after the firefight. The commander-in-chief's orders are inviolable. Nobody can countermand the orders of the commander-in-chief without suffering immediate consequences. Yet, you allowed the report to declare that you, as c-in-c, were ignored by your own men!


    A commander will not allow own soldiers to disobey him without getting severely punished IMMEDIATELY. That's rule number one in military power play. But you did not do anything when you were disobeyed. Why? I know why. It's because you're a frigging LIAR. You never issued those orders.

  7. I'm sure the Anti-Noynoys of mtc would read the Inquirer headline today as a negative. "Aquino back with $2.4B in new US investments", also the business news, "Stocks continue to climb". Yang mga ganyang bagay BAD NEWS sa desididong basta kumontra na lang.


    Slamdunk, pati JP Morgan gusto mag-invest. So ano ngayon? Bad news ba ito? Dapat bang kontrahin natin? Sabihin natin sa Coca-cola na abnoy ang presidente natin at wag ng mag-invest? At wag silang mag-i-invest hangga't hindi si Gibo ang presidente?

    Hoy Noy!


    Naloko mo na naman ang mga fans mo dito. Me good news ka daw!??!!


    What are you trying to pass off to your gullible supporters? That when you became President, these American companies suddenly decided to invest billions next year?


    Yes, its good news! But what your fans don’t know is that those investments were already earmarked TWO YEARS AGO. Our company has been eyeing to participate in three of those projects ($2.0B out of the $2.4B) since 2008. It just so happens that projects of this magnitude takes long to implement and these, in particular, has to be started in 2011. It didn’t matter who the Philippine President would have been by that time – it will push through, and you have nothing to do with it!


    Your claims merely show how desperate you are for anything you can pass off as good news to your desperate supporters.


    And in turn, your supporters are desperately waiting for any good news coming from you.


    This so called “good news’ is another dud. Another case of grabbing credit from the past administrations' achievements.

  8. dear Pnoy,


    i have to apologize for this guy who can read but who, obviously, CANNOT understand...he has this awesome tendency to always make the wrong interpretation of things written, WRONG predictions ...beats me how

    he can come up with his own erroneous conclusions ?!! the guy must at least be right 10% of the time..?...i mean, what are the chances of throwing 10 darts and hitting the dartboard at least once !!...??...tsk...but always, BOKYA...pa rin...


    there are quite a few of HIS kind here at MTC....also, most are SORE losers...once gma apologists turned gibo supporters..(by the way, where is their idol, GIBO? have GIBO deserted his constituents or is it the other way around ???) they rant and rave without offering solutions to problems...as you know...if they are NOT part of the solution, then they should be the PROBLEM...

    sometimes, we wish that these EXTREMISTS/destabilizers would vanish into thin air...but in a democracy, if there is heaven, there is HELL...if there is GOOD, there is CAMIAR....

    sad but they are part of your constituents....you have to learn to tolerate them or else you'll lose all your remaining hair...

    they have been given 9 years during the GMA administration and could show NO progress(retrogress pa nga!) to be proud of...

    but to give CREDIT where CREDIT is due, we should recognize them for the rampant graft and corruption which you have inherited and also, the destruction of our faith in the democratic institutions, which i hope will not take you 6 years to turn around...(of course, CAMIAR wants these problems, that his favorite GMA caused to be UNDONE in 3 MONTHS !!!)

    what can they OFFER ?....NOTHING...except cheap talk...and lots and lots of b.s....heaps of it...mountains of it....


    so long as you do NOT get eaten by the system....as long as you stay CLEAN....

    you will NOT lose the SUPPORT of the MAJORITY (on which democracy stand solidly on).....the majority (you do NOT need 90% approval...51% will do) who yearn for good, honest and 'thinking' citizens and a much BETTER Philippines...


    Hoy Noy,


    First off, don’t believe the platitudes this guy is pouring on you. He’s just waiting for the first 100 days to end to turn around and go against you. Hiyang-hiya na siguro sya sa patung-patong mong kapalpakan kaya gusto na n’yang bumaligtad. But don’t worry, I won’t let him turn against you. I will always remind him na wala syang karapatan. He’s not welcome on our side.


    He no longer argues with me. Several months ago he lost the argument about the economic gains under GMA. Wait. No, he didn’t lose. He ran out of arguments. How could his tabloid based reasoning match with official economic and financial reports that I use to debunk his claims? It is the same report that Noynoy’s Finance Secretary is now using to sell to the world that the Philippine economy is doing well!


    So, in his frustration, he even alluded that I, too, must be corrupt because I take the side of the person he perceives as corrupt.


    And all he can do now is claim that I have no credibility because the candidate I supported lost. What kind of hare-brained reasoning is that? He also supported Mar Roxas, and the poor guy lost, too. What does that make him? Oh well, it’s the same type of ridiculous argument he used when he got trounced in his debate on the Truth Commission.


    Anyway, my post on rats deserting your ship is just to remind him to keep the course he started. There are people who switch sides depending on which way the wind blows. This guy seems to be such the type. He has started by going against your buddy Rico Puno. The wind is now blowing against you and this guy is just itching to switch sides. I won’t let him. Don’t worry.




    @ wolfie: You are willing to defer to DB because you can't win any argument with her either. No match.

  9. pansin ko lang, iho. masama ang loob mo kay noynoy at sa mga supporters nya.

    pero nasa sig mo ay quote from alex lacson, isang noynoy supporter.


    Hoy Noy!


    Baka akala mo masama ang loob ko sa yo at sa supporters mo. Hindi totoo yan.


    Wala lang akong bilib sa yo. You are a slacker. You don't have what it takes to become an effective president. And during your first 100 days, you make a point everyday to prove me right, starting with your first Executive Order.


    And Noy, I supported Alex Lacson's advocacies long before you came into the picture. You had nothing to do with it -- you have no advocacy of your own.

  10. we can disagree...but we do NOT have to be disagreeable....calling the ELECTED President an "idiot", autistic, abnormal, etc ...is totally uncalled for ...

    one of the hallmarks of democracy is freedom of speech, yes...pero at least, ipakita naman nating may pinag-aralan tayo...(note: i am aware that you are not of them, extremists)


    i was waiting until Pnoy's 100 days are up to start writing constructive criticisms about his administration...give him time to 'acclimatize', or so i thought...

    i guess, i was drawn in by the fervent ardor of the posters here...and so i found myself supporting the calls of a few here who thinks that puno should

    leave the Pnoy administration on his own accord...


    in fairness to Pnoy, it is some of the president's men who are proving to be NOT up to par...and he is taking the flak, instead of the other way around...

    compare that gesture to the past 2 presidents, who have a coterie of shock absorbers and perhaps, we will have a better perspective for a continuing decent debate ....


    Hoy Noy!


    Your apologists are deserting you. This one says he is just waiting for your 100 days to end. So he can start giving "constructive criticisms" (my foot!)


    Well, just like the rats who deserted GMA's ship to go over to yours, now there are rats deserting your ship, after seeing your incapable leadership mess up the country in less than 3 months!

  11. wag mo naman tawagin na bobo ang mga bumoto kay noynoy. bad yan.


    Hoy Noy!


    Ano kaya puedeng itawag sa mga posters dito na bumoto sayo? (yan Father, ha? limited lang dito sa mga forum posters...)


    mis-informed? uninformed? gullible? utu-uto?


    I know that many of those who voted for you were doing it out of their hate for GMA. I call them gullible because they let themselves be fooled by politically controlled media with hidden agenda. They believed the innuendoes and hearsays and accepted them as gospel truth.


    It should have been fine. They didn't trust GMA, so they vote for somebody not linked with her.


    Unfortunately, they voted for an incompetent laggard like you. They are so naive to think that a position of power like the Presidency can be handled through mere good intentions.


    Yes, you have good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  12. sorry guys konting ot lang


    educate me kasi di ko nagets: anong "samar/balay"?

    The first, the Samar faction, is named after the street where one of Mr. Aquino's campaign headquarters was located, and includes former aides and officials with long personal ties to the president and his family. Many of them, like National Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, served under Mr. Aquino's mother's government in 1986.


    The second, the Balay faction, is associated with the Liberal Party and former Hyatt-10 cabinet secretaries who publicly challenged Mr. Aquino's predecessor, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The Balay group is also associated with ABS-CBN-backed politicians like Senator Mar Roxas


    Hoy Noy!


    The Hostage Report has been released three days ago and up to now you haven't finished reading it? What kind of lame excuse is that for delaying your decision?


    Now you say you'll let your palace lawyers study the report! Ano ba yan? The lawyers would recommend to your advisers which recommendation to recommend?


    Tangena ka, anong klaseng presidente ka ba? Ayaw mong magdesisyon nang sarili mo?


    I was right about you all along. You are not fit for your post. You will go down in history as the Philippines' most incompetent president.

  13. Top 5 Messages Left on Acting DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo’s Answering Machine


    No. 5: “Hi Secretary. Suwerte ka nga eh, may another two months ka pa. Samantalang ako, wala pang anim na linggo, sinibak na! Si Dr. Prisco Nilo nga pala ‘to.”


    No. 4: “Hi Jesse, si Bise Presidente ‘to. Ay sorry, wrong dial.”


    No. 3: “Hi Jesse, this is Mar. Two weeks ago, you’re out of the loop. Two months from now, you’ll be out of the group. Ramdam kita.”


    No. 2: “Hello, Secretary Robredo?! Si Michael Rogas po ito ng RMN. Live and exclusive po kayo ngayon sa programa namin dito sa dzXL! Kumusta na po ang lagay n’yo? Ano po ang masasabi n’yo sa balitang hindi kayo ipinapakumpirma ng palasyo? May plano ba kayong mag-resign? Tatambay po ba kayo sa Luneta para maghintay ng tourist bus? Kailangan n’yo ba ng media? Huwag po kayong aalis sa kinaroroonan ninyo! Papunta na po d’yan si kasamang Erwin Tulfo!”


    And the No. 1 message left on acting DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo’s answering machine…


    “Jesse, si ‘Noy ‘to. Ganito na lang… mag-aral ka muna ng practical shooting. Kapag mahusay ka na, txt mo ko. Mas malaki ang chance mong ma-appoint permanently sa DILG. Hi nga pala kay Usec Rico Puno!"

  14. Hoy Noy!


    In fairness naman kay Hellyeah, di ikaw ang paghanapan ng economic performance sa first 100 days mo.


    Lahat ng economic performance ng bansa natin ngayon (4-7% quarterly growth), hanggang 1st Quarter of 2011, ay resulta ng mga ginawa ng nakaraang administrasyon.


    Kaya sabihin mo dyan sa amateur mong Finance Secretary Purisima, tumahimik na sya sa propaganda nya, wala pa syang puedeng ipagmalaki ngayong taong ito!

  15. Hoy Noy,


    Kung ako sa 'yo, di ko babanggitin sa taumbayan na pinadalhan ka ng nakaka-insultong sulat galing sa matataas na opisyal ng Tsina.


    Una, ipagkahiya mo naman ang sarili mo. Ang nakaka-insultong sulat ay tanda ng pagkawala ng respeto ng liderato ng ibang bansa sa iyo. Kailangan mo bang ipangalandakan iyon sa mga kababayan mo na wala nang respeto ang lider ng ibang bansa sa iyo? Bakit, gusto mong humingi ng simpatiya sa mga botante mo? Anong magagawa ng simpatya nila? Malamang ma-asar pa sila sa yo. Tanga!


    Pangalawa, ang ganyang mga uri ng sulat ay sikreto. Di yan ipinangangalandakan sa media. Sa level lang ng national leadership pinag-uusapan ang tungkol sa ganyang uri ng mga sulat. Hindi yan binabanggit sa media. Tanga!


    Pangatlo, sa sinabi mong pinadalhan ka ng nakaka-insultong sulat, para mo na rin sinasabi sa taong bayan na ininsulto ng mga Tsino ang mga Pilipino. Anong gusto mo, mag-away ang Tsino at Pinoy? Ang isang tunay na lider, hindi gumagawa o nagsasabi sa publiko ng mga bagay na pag-uumpisahan ng away. Tanga!

  16. Hoy Noy!!


    Pinag-uusapan ka pala sa MTC Massage Parlors thread....


    According daw sa DZRH, nasa Maalikaya ka daw nung merong hostage crisis, kaya di ka mahagilap ni Donald Tsang?


    The source of the story was apparently Erwin Tulfo, ang allegedly aired on DZRH by Deo Macalma. Aba! You must sue them for libel!


    Nakakahiya sa reputasyon mo! Biruin mo, presidente ng Pilipinas, ang cheap, hanggang Maalikaya lang ang kayang puntahan?


    O baka naman yung mga tulad ng MPAs sa Maalikaya ang talagang type mo?

  17. HOY NOY!


    Sinungaling daw kayo ng mga alipores mo, sabi ng Tribune:





    Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, speaking with reporters said that if necessary, she would summon President Aquino, as well as Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) chief, Jesse Robredo, her co-chairman in the probe body, for them to shed light on the botched hostage rescue operations.


    Obviously, that’s all for show. She certainly wouldn’t dare summon Noynoy Aquino to even “shed light” on what he was doing all that time, because if she did, Noynoy and his boys who claim to have been in Emerald Restaurant on Roxas Boulevard, in front of the US Embassy, would be found to have been lying through their teeth, since it has been confirmed by the restaurant staff, as well Robredo, that Noynoy arrived at Emerald after 8:30 p.m., or after the hostages were already killed. His secretaries, such as Robredo, were there some 30 minutes early as they were summoned by Noynoy to a meeting.


    And even as Noynoy was already near the area of the hostage taking, it still took him over four hours to make an appearance, made worse by wearing a smile on his face.


    So it has been established that neither he nor his officials were in Emerald monitoring the situation the whole time. So where were they? In the Palace playing billiards while the hostage drama was ongoing?


    Or was it case of Noynoy not being able to decide what to do or say because he failed to get his sisters’ consensus?


    All the explanations he has made appear to be based on lies and his communications chiefs, in a bid to cover up for his appalling deficiencies as a leader when crisis befalls the government, were also engaging in lies, to save Noynoy’s political hide.


    Another detail that has been found out: DILG chief Robredo is only half a DILG chief, as the mandate given to him by Noynoy was for him to merely take charge of the local governments, but not the Philippine National Police (PNP). This task has been given by Noynoy to the DILG undersecretary, Rico Puno, who is apparently, another half secretary, as the PNP is his domain. The situation then is one of the appointed secretary (Robredo) bowing to his undersecretary (Puno) in police matters, as this has been ordered off limits by Nonoy to Robredo.


    One already clearly sees the lack of management and administrative skills, not to mention the absence of leadership of Noynoy with this kind of set-up in his Cabinet.


    As Robredo says, in reaction to calls for him to take responsibility and for him to resign: He was out of the loop during the crisis situation.


    Why should this be so? Easy, that’s because his officials are made up of two factions, each faction wanting more power within the government.


    But there may also be an additional reason for Noynoy giving Robredo, who belongs to the Roxas power bloc, half the job of the DILG and giving Puno, of the so-called Samar Group with the Sisters Inc. and the Noynoy yellows, the PNP side of the equation.


    Noynoy and his Samar Group may well be insecure in handing control of the PNP to Robredo, who os allied with the Roxas group, or the Balay Puti group. After all, it has always been the PNP that saved the day for Gloria, when she was in Malacañang.


    Similarly, as admitted by one of three communications officials of Noynoy, there has not been assigned a point man among them, to speak before the media, but that now they will thresh this out among themselves.


    This is an appalling situation that only reinforces the impression that Noynoy Aquino is only president in name but not in deed, and that he truly cannot be expected to lead the nation because he has been proven to be an incompetent manager and administrator, who is moreover surrounded by equally incompetent officials.


    Noynoy appoints his Cabinet and other officials without as much as clarifying what role each is tasked with?


    And when he does — as in the case of Robredo and Puno, it is certainly a stupid way to have a department run.


    God help this country under Noynoy Aquino.

  18. Got this from anotther website:








    When you were inaugurated as my country's president, you said:


    KAYO PO ANG BOSS KO. (You are my boss.)




    With barely three months in service, you have showed me a very dismal performance. I am disappointed.


    I never liked you. I never wanted you to become president. In fact, to vote for you never became a choice. But what is more hateful at this point is that you are giving me all the reasons why I should not regret not liking you, not wanting you to become president, and not voting for you.


    Personally, I do not think that I should expect a lot from you since you do not owe me a vote. And hence you can count my criticism and satisfaction as dispensable. But how about the 15 million others? Are theirs as dispensable as mine?


    I have a lot of questions. And as your boss, I demand you to answer them. No smirking and no stupid excuses. Just clear-cut answers.




    Why did you not save that bus full of innocent lives when you have all the power in your disposition to do so? Where were your high officials who could have dealt with the situation, if you think you could not? You have served the Committee of Public Order and Safety during the time you were in Congress. [Did you even serve it at all?] Then why did I not see neither public order nor safety last Monday?


    Why did you not censor the media when you thought in the first place that it needs control? Press freedom, I get that. Eight innocent lives, how do you actually explain?




    Where were you? If you say you were in a closed-door meeting, why did you take so long? If that meeting was really about the situation, why did it still end in that tragic accident? While your presence does not necessarily guarantee the resolution of the ordeal, your absence was definitely no help either, if it had not made the matters worse.


    But whether your presence could have made the matter the same or better, one point is clear. Your participation in that drama could have made a different ending. Possibly even better.




    Why did you let the rampage result in a bloodbath of 8 Chinese nationals? Are they dispensable to you because you did not get votes from them? Which puts me into thinking, if you can live not giving the good service deserved of those who voted for you, all the more can you ignore those who did not. So can you definitely ignore those who never will.


    When you were inaugurated, together with 80 other countries, China’s delegation was be led by National People’s Congress Vice Chairman Yan Junqi. Now tell me, can you still say that you were worthy of attention? If you have been indifferent to a country as big as China, how about the 80 others?




    Why did you not take HK CE Donald Tsang's call? What is too difficult in answering a mobile phone and saying "Hey you're people are held hostages in a bus and are about to die but I think it is not until I let my incompetent policemen storm it so you can sit back, relax, and let the rampage unfold in your TV screen, REAL-TIME." Or at the very least, what is too difficult in ordering one of your pawns in your chessboard to send the message across? Not having to wait for them to find out from your nosy media men who reported things blow-by-blow and who, if any, share the blame.


    At close to midnight, you acted. You showed yourself in front of the whole Philippines and the world and excused your incapable police. Lack of guns. Lack of tactics. But you did not admit your lack of action. On August 24, you declared the next day [August 25] as National Day of Mourning. Why only then? Because HK had already done theirs? To show that "at least" we did?





    You said you were sorry for what have happened. But what made the matter resort to the worst scenario in the first place? Was it not partly your fatal incapability to delegate your people and employ your powers as president? With some smirks, one and two, you said that you are sorry for what happened. But where was sincerity? Did it hide behind your smiles? Because it was never heard in your messages. Not even in your actions.


    You made yourself look like a fool in public. You made your people look like fools. Now we are the laughing stock of the world. They have called us monkeys, they have called us subservient dogs. But all you do is to give them reasons to continue doing so. All you do is to prove them that by being a president, we really are but monkeys and subservient dogs.


    When I was in the university, I came to know who Plato is. Do you know him? Did you know him? He said:


    Justice means keeping a just order. Everybody should do what he does best and stay out of everybody else’s business. If every citizen does what he is assigned to do, not because he is ordered to do it, but because he enjoys doing it, justice will reign. Citizens won’t harm each other and the state will flourish because, on the one hand, justice leads to harmony and unity, while injustice, on the other hand, leads to sedition and revolution.


    Have you been giving us the justice that we deserve? Are you doing what you do best and staying out of everybody else's business? Are you doing your job as a president not because you are ordered to do it but because you enjoy doing it? If so, then why are people harming each other and the state is not flourishing? Why is there no justice and unity? Are we leading to sedition and revolution?


    Do not get me wrong. I love you as a person (read: I love all persons) because I have been taught to love and not to hate. But to love you as a president is something that is difficult for me to do. I love you as a person so I want you to do something that you do best, something that you will enjoy doing. And being president, it seems, is not what it is.


    Do not get me wrong. I love my country (read: I love all countries) because I have been taught to love my family and my neighbors. But to love my country with you heading it is something that is difficult for me to do. I love my country that is why I am doing this, I am saving it at least its face if there is even something left for me to save. I am starting to fear that the day might come when the only reason why I love my country is because this is my country and nothing else.


    When you were elected, let me just remind you, you embodied hope. With and from the 7,107 islands of this archipelago, you embodied unity. And that is why 15 million voted for you. Have they voted wrongly? Or have the 20 million others who did not choose you voted rightly? Only you can say. But we need not another word from you, we need a lot of [pragmatic] actions.


    My last request: Use your position wisely. With that, I mean you should do action equipped with the deepest understanding of things. It is because when you do not understand what you are doing that things go astray. If you have to take extra time for that, then do so. Why should not you? You are the person tasked to do that. As how we have expected the policemen to do police work because that is what they have been assigned to do.


    Let not our 7,107 islands remain a mere archipelagic territory they call monkey country. Make it a human nation. Let not our 90 million citizens remain subservient citizens. Make them proud and dignified nationals.


    Never settle for what is "least" and never excuse yourself by saying "we cannot do anything anymore". A lot of us are already contemplating on our being Filipino. Please be reminded that in order for us to live, we need not only the basic food, clothing, shelter, and water. We also need our dignity and sense of being people. Unite us. After all, that was the only thing that I know you promised to do.


    I never liked you. I never wanted you to become president. In fact, to vote for you never became a choice. But please, prove me, and 20 million others, wrong. Why? Kasi KAMI ANG BOSS MO (We are your boss).


    Hoy, Noy!


    I wish I could be as articulate as that. The message above is exactly how I feel about your weak leadership. And how those who did not vote for you feels.


    Can you please translate it to tagalog and give to skitz?

  19. Hahaha.... ang saya saya ng mga kontra PNoy dahil sa nangyari. PIYESTA ang mga mokong. Hoy, kung hindi kayo nakakaintindi, hindi lang problema ni Noynoy ito. Problema ng buong Pinas. Pero sige, dahil sa sobrang babaw ng pag iisip nyo, ituloy nyo yang pinag gagawa nyo ng tuluyang LUMUBOG na tayong lahat. Para happy na kayo.




    Remember too, it would have been too easy to lump all the blame on GLORIA when the Maguindanao massacre happened (and it was so close to the elections). I didn't do it. None of the then opposition candidates did it. Why? Oh it is not something I can even hope you people would understand. Sige tuloy nyo ang banat. Pakaligaya kayo. Pag sumadsad na sa 100 ang piso kontra dolyar, happing hapi na siguro kayo.


    Hoy, Noy:


    Tingnan mo etong isang 'to. Sinasabi na nga namin dati pa na wag ka nang iboto dahil baka manalo ka at dalhin mo kami lahat sa kangkungan.


    Ngayong nanalo ka na, sasabihin, di lang sa yo ang problema; dapat dalhin ng lahat, at pag di namin naintindihan, toloy tuloy tayong lulubog.


    WTF, Noy? Ano gusto nyang sabihin, ipagpuri at ipagpunyagi natin ang kapalpakan ng mga amateur mong alipores? Gusto ng mga apologists mo, maging tulad din kami nila na bulag, pipi, at bingi sa mga katangahan at pagka-inutil ng gobyerno mo? Na maging mapanisi kay GMA pero wag sa 'yo?


    Maswerte ka pa rin, Noy, dahil sabi ng SWS mo, 85% daw ng Pilipino, nagoyo mo at bilib pa rin sa yo. Ewan ko lang next month.


    So hangga't mataas pa ang popularity rating mo, gumawa ka naman ng tama.


    Di ka na puedeng magtago sa sinasabi mong kasalanan ng dating administrasyon. You're the man, now.

  20. Noynoy:


    Read newspaper commentaries about you (Daily Tribune):


    "There is also something to be said of Noynoy’s strange silence and inaccessibility during that long negotiation period, especially when he should have touched base with Chinese high officials, as well as Hong Kong’s chief executive, Donald Tsang, who was frantically trying to get through to Noynoy — for high level discussions on the crisis. That is unforgivable for a head of state and government, to keep out of sight and maintain silence all throughout — waiting for some three hours before he finally spoke at a press conference, giving no substantial details at all, except to convey his condolences. That is not what a leader of a nation is. That is the sign of a weak leadership."

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