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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Dear President Noynoy,



    Look at the sky, foreign Air Forces are violating our air.


    Look at the sea, foreign Navies are swimming in our waters.


    Look at the mountains, insurgents are slaughtering your Army.


    Inside out, your country is nearly defenseless.


    Should I address this to you or to the next president?



    Your Taxpayer,





    Hoy Noy!


    The Military is now watching how you handle the China issue. Wag ka lang magkakamali. Baka ikaw ang ibala nila sa kanyon....

  2. post-206207-0-24987700-1303173237.jpg


    Takot sa sarili nyang daga!



    The way Noynoy and his boys are doing it blaming all the ills of government on the past government and corruption what is more likely to happen is that once the Ombudsman is removed, corruption will even be more massive under the Noynoy government as he and his allies will be protected. And he will have no one to blame but himself.

  3. A doctor from Israel says: "In Israel , the medicine is so advanced that we cut

    off a man’s testicles, put them on another man and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work"



    The German doctor comments: "That’s nothing, in Germany we take part of a brain

    from one man, put it in another man and in 4 weeks he is looking for work"



    The Filipino doctor answers and laughs: "You all are way behind us.

    Last year , we took a man with no brains and no balls and put him

    in as President. Now, the whole country is looking for work!!!

  4. do you honestly think that abs-cbn will keep quiet just because willie apologized? they have already tapped the CHR, DSWD and MTRCB to make this a big deal. last nite anthony taberna was interviewing grace poe who agreed with him that willie had some violations.


    i would not be surprised if the DOJ will dip its fingers in this issue.


    I think that the public will forget about this soon.


    I agree with you that ABS-CBN will do whatever it can to maximize their propaganda against TV5.


    But I still think that compared to the stampede case of ABS-CBN's Wowowee, the macho dance issue is not sensational enough to keep the public interested for long.

  5. dont you think its stupid for MVP to apologize just not to go head-on against abs-cbn? isnt it that apologizing will just put TV5 in a more vulnerable position which abs-cbn can exploit? abs can now ask for willie's head if that is the case.



    if MVP is afraid of the lopezes for a public opinion war, he would not coddle willie while he is at war with them.


    I don't think it's a case of MVP being afraid of the Lopezes. It's more of acknowledging that ABS-CBN is ahead of TV5 at this stage.


    The faster TV5 can put closure on this issue, the sooner the public can forget about it. So the best defense is to just let it pass then move on.


    Let's see if MVP will drop Willie. I don't see MVP coddling Willie. It is just a business decision for him. It seems that his show is making money, for now. If it turns out later that his show's ratings would fall because of this issue, it's likely that Willie will be booted out. Then good riddance to him.

  6. granted that you are correct.


    then why did willie make a public apology if nothing was done wrong?

    Let's think outside the box.


    Is it because Manny Pangilinan ordered him to?


    Obviously TV5 needs this controversy like it needs a hole in the head. At this stage they cannot take ABS-CBN head-on in a public opinion war, especially with ABS-CBN using their minions in Malacanang to be their attack dogs.


    The best defense for TV5 is to apologize, move on, and hope the public forgets about it as soon as possible.

  7. Does your post mean you are in favor of child abuse? After all, that episode did make Willie look like he was making fun of the kid, as if the kid had no human dignity.


    Dinky's letter was posted in Malacanang's "Official Gazzette". The header preceeding the published letter said:


    "During the March 12, 2011 episode of the TV5 prime-time gameshow Willing Willie, six-year old Jan-Jan Estrada was forced to dance under humiliating and abusive circumstances. The Aquino administration is of the belief that not everything is within the commerce of man, and for this reason we are publishing on the Official Gazette this letter by Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman. Addressed to ABC Development Corporation Chairman Manuel V. Pangilinan, the letter identifies Estrada as a victim of child abuse under Republic Act 7610."


    I searched the youtube for this episode, and I from what I saw, I don't agree that the child was forced to do what he did. He was taught by his parents to perform that dance. His aunt brought him to TV5 as contestant.


    I'm no fan of Willie. In fact I don't like him at all. But I think Dinky's concern is misplaced. This episode is no different from any of the debasing and brainless shows typical of all Willie's shows, which all started in ABS-CBN's Wowwowee! His shows are designed to entertain the gullible among the C, D & E classes. His new show in TV5 is no different.


    Dinky should just have asked MTRCB to look into the matter. MTRCB has more jurisdiction on this matter than DSWD.


    But what is interesting is the fact that Malacanang, in issuing the bleeding-heart letter, prostitutes itself to ABS-CBN in sensationalizing issues against TV5, a rival network. It's too obvious that the tenant in Malacanang and his incompetent cabinet are indeed ABS-CBN's lackeys.

  8. Hoy! Noy!


    Wake up! While your minions as busy preparing to impeach your favorite Ombudsman and Supreme Court Justices, our OFWs' sources of livelihood in the middle east is unraveling. The March 11 "Day of Rage" being called by Shia protesters in Saudi Arabia has already spooked the market. Now oil price has surged to US$200/barrel!

  9. There should be a law to phase out jeepneys and tricycles out of our metropolis and major cities.


    The Jeepney Franchise Rationalization law should have the following features:


    1.Jeepney operations shall be allowed only within franchises in provincial towns and barangays. They shall not be allowed to operate as a mode of public transport in cities and the metropolis.


    2.Jeepney owners should be forced to either join or form a corporation or a cooperative before they can operate their unit for public transport.


    3.Provincial town transport franchises shall be awarded only to these corporations or cooperatives, who should have proven capability to manage passenger load scheduling and trip dispatching, and building of jeepney terminals. This should do away with the antiquated barker system whose aim is only to cram hapless passengers into jeepneys before dispatching them.


    4.Minimum specification shall be defined in terms of comfort, safety, and reliability of the jeepneys. It should be mandatory to scrap units that are 10 years old and above.



    The Tricycle Franchise Rationalization law should have similar features except that their operation and franchise should be limited to provincial inter-barangay transport only, and should not operate in towns, which are reserved for jeepney operations. This law would keep tricycles from plying the National Highway.

  10. You're giving abNoy much credit, Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think abNoy got 80% of the votes, I don't think he even got 50% of the total votes.. So still, MAJORITY of the Filipinos don't deserve what we're getting from abNoy's administration.

    You're right. About 15 million out of a possible 35 Million is less than 50%. Anyway, the point still is, those who ignored the warnings and still voted for Noynoy deserve him and his student council government. The rest of us don't. We deserve better.

  11. the fact is whether or not you feel the time of gma is like what and now is like what?


    realize that the philippines doesnt have a long term goal or a plan to counter whatever it will face in the coming years or months. actually i think they know but they just dont act


    it has always been come what may then adjust then act and see how it goes. the problem is in everyone of us, those who are seated doesnt really make it much of a habit to act so fast for its people, those who are seated are acting on their own agenda or when they feel about something.


    All major presidential candidates during the 2010 elections HAVE long term goals and plans, except Noynoy. Those of us who were campaigning against Noynoy keep on pointing out that among all major candidates Noynoy is the only one who DO NOT HAVE a clear program of government.


    80% of the voters ignored that. Those of you who voted for Noynoy deserve what you got. The rest of us, don't.



    to us citizens we never really made it to make those who are seated accountable to their actions, if they just play golf , stay at home, go on trips we dont know when. so what, wala hindi kinakabhan ang mga nakaupo na tao na dapat kinakabhan sila kung hindi naplano ang dapat nilang gawin.


    especially what works for them and not to the citizens. like the load only when a congressman or a senator got fed up that its load is missing only then we set up a body to tackle it and even brought to congress and set its parameters.

    What do the Noynoy apologists say about this? Give Noynoy a chance to prove himself? What chance can you give a clueless man who is doing nothing?



    kawawang pilipino, masyadong nalulong sa democracy. just like any other human at first its the nature of survival then when achieve looks for a little bit of luxury then in the end the lifestyle of a millionaire playboy.

    Hindi pa nalululong sa demokrasya ang mga Pilipino.

    Nalulong? Hindi. Naloko? Puede pa.

    Ang masakit na katotohanan, nagpaloko ang karamihan ng Pinoy kay Penoy.

  12. Hoy, Noy!!


    While British SAS and German Commandos go into covert operations in Libya, landing Hercules transport planes deep in the Libyan deserts in the middle of the night to rescue and evacuate trapped oilfield workers, you are busy partying with your yellow supporters, celebrating the meaningless EDSA1 People Power - while families of OFWs in Libya, Tunisia, Yemen, and those affected by earthquake in New Zealand e anxiously waiting for government action.


    As usual, you are nowhere near the action. Only the lower ranked assistant secretaries and government bureaucrats are the ones facing the citizens.

    Can't you for once show leadership and be at the forefront? Is there anything at all that you can do right?

  13. Kung ayaw nila sa iyo eh open naman migration sa ibang bansa pwede naman silang umalis at pumili ng ibang bansa bwekekekekekekeke! Hanggang ikaw ang Presidente wala silang magagawa, mag-antay sila ng 6 years! Bwekekekekeke!


    Hoy Noy!


    Alam mo, ganyang-ganyan ang sinabi ni Erap noon sa mga bumabatikos sa kanya noong presidente pa sya....

  14. Dear Noy: Maiba naman usapan, kamusta na nga pala ung pinsan mong si Gilbert, ung walang kaba-kabang hinulaan ng taong makati ang puwet na lalampaso daw sa iyo nung Mayo.

    Hoy Noy!


    Pansin ko lang, laging ito lang ang kayang ibato ngayon ng mga apologists mo.


    Ikaw naman kasi... kung anu-anong kabobohan ang pinag-gagagawa mo. Wala na tuloy maisip na depensa mga fans mo...

  15. Hoy Noy!


    I heard you recently ordered Magtibay and Lim to shut up and stop their public verbal war. Why? Afraid that somehow the real truth might come out that you lied about giving the orders to use SAF?


    From the recent interview of former MPD chief Rodolfo Magtibay, he says that there was NEVER an order from you to make use of the SAF, because if there was one, he and everyone else would have followed the your order.


    His statement seems to be the real truth. The IIRC testimony of Usec Puno and all the rest of those who testified, not a single one mentioned that you actually ordered the use of SAF --- so, you lied; no such order came from you. You claimed this only after it was evident that you did not do anything at all by way of being in control of the situation and barking orders. This was an afterthought and which you used to make it appear that you were taking control of it — to save your hide and your clear absence of leadership.

  16. you are charging the head of police, and other law enforcers plus lesser charges on mayor lim and the ombudsman but you are sparing puno, versoza and robredo claiming that none of us is perfect. geez hindi naman ata matuwid ang reasoning mo.


    masyado atang malakas ang hawak sa yo ni puno. why can't you fire him. he should not be indispensable. and robredo for all his awards when he was naga mayor, he's a wimp. he should be on top of the hostage fiasco not puno. why is puno in charge of the pnp and not robredo?


    dapat ata si binay na lang inappoint mo sa pnp e.


    Hoy NOy!


    Bakit ba PNP lang ia-appoint? Dapat ata si Binay na lang ang presidente...

  17. ms horn used sarcasm - defined by webster as - "a form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule"... what she said is a personal"attack" - defined thus, as - "a rhetorical strategy of attacking one's opponent personally rather than attacking their views, argument, or stance on an issue. Personal attacks are very popular in political campaigns."


    for us to be reminded of what ms horn said :


    "That maybe good for keeping travel costs low. For our part, (that means during the gma administration) we kept the number of hostage deaths down."


    a good example of sarcasm might be :


    "camiar is an open minded poster...he argues intelligently...he reads and understands the issue at hand, before he comes up with a well thought of rebuttal"...




    Ohhhh, you pooor dear! You were sooo hurt by that sarcasm! I didn't know that you could be so vitriolic when you attack the past president, but demand that others thread very lightly when speaking about your lord almighty Noynoy!


    But Wow! I admire you research abilities coming up with the unimpeacheable definition of sarcasm. Do you really need a dictionary definition of the word to make your point? It shows you're not confident with your argument. But I understand. It's your style to rely on the help of other posters to help you out of the bog you put yourself into. But this time you seem to be alone...


    NOW give me a well thought of reason how that remark will keep the investors away!


    I also didn't know there are people who really enjoy rubbing their face into their own sh#t, don't you agree?

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