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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Dear Noynoy,


    I wouldn’t expect the president to go to the crime scene. That’s clearly police matter. But, you should have let Mayor Lim handle the matter instead of your amateur DILG Secretary.


    Mayor Lim has already made moves to call for an immediate review of the case, on the concurrence of the Ombudsman. Decisive move like that has been proven in the past to diffuse potentially deadly situations.


    Fire whoever came up with the idea of arresting the hostage taker’s family members on live TV coverage – to scare Mendoza thinking that if he has hostages, you have his family as hostage, too?. That tactic only works in the movies. Was it your DILG Secretary’s idea? did he sanction it? If you notice, the situation worsened when your novice cabinet secretary came to the scene.


    Fire Coloma, too. He has no business making statements that the hostage incident will not affect the tourism industry while the crisis is still going on. The Hongkong authorities learned about his statement and promptly issued a black advisory to Hongkong travellers going to the Philippines. Now, you have to send no less than the Secretary Romulo of Foreign Affairs to China to beg for forgiveness. You should have sent Coloma to China instead of Romulo, then fire him later when he returns.

  2. Noy,


    Napulot ko 'tong "dear P-noy" from Philippine Star web on-line readers' reaction:


    Pangulong P-Noy: Pakitanong sa drayber ng bus kung anong istasyon nakatune-in ang TV sa loob ng bus. Sigurado kundi GMA ay ABS. Yung dalawang talakerang istasyon na yan ang hindi marunong gumalang sa kahinahunan at katahimikang dapat mayroon sa mga ganitong krisis. Pinakita pa ang pagdadrama at pagwawala ng Mendoza family na akala mo aping-api sila. Kung ikaw yung hostage taker di ka ba madedesperado lalo? Patayan kaya niya amng ilang hostage dahil kinakaladkad ang kapatid niya at nagmumura na ang pamangkin. Ang unang ginagawa ay siguraduhin walang access sa nangyayari sa labas ang hostage taker. Pero obviously walang sapat na training at common sense ang mga rumesponde. Pintuan lang ng bus di mabuksan. Bandang huli nakakaguilty na pero nakakatawa ang itsura ng SWAT daw. Tagal nila sa gilid ng bus, nalaglagan pa ng maso etc, di nakapasok samantalang iisa ang hostage taker. Hinihintay ko na nga ikaw na P-Noy ang umatake dahil legendary na ang shooting skills mo e. Kawawa ka naman, ang dami mong namanang kapalpakan tapos ang media spoiled pa, arogante at walang pakialam basta makaiscoop. Totohanang panganib ang naganap kanina hindi scripted na reality TV. Say goodbye to tourism, Sec. Lim!

  3. Dear Noy,


    In the Presidential SONA, youre supposed to tell us what the situation now is and what you intend to do until the next SONA. What Ive witnessed is a campaign speech.


    You fooled a lot of people, even in this forum, into thinking that you have a solution. But all you have presented are intentions very well meaning intentions, though. But your so-called solutions will not happen in the next 5 to 6 years even if you start today.


    So, for now until the next SONA, you have nothing to offer.


    Just an invitation for us to dream again.


    Nice try.


    Lucky for you, many of us Filipinos cannot tell the difference between intentions and programs of action.

  4. Good point :lol:


    Dear Noynoy;


    Go on and enjoy your task of attempting the rebuilding of this nation after the former president has stolen most of the money of the nation. I do hope you learn to ignore the very loud vocal minority that are still brown-nosing the former president who has fled before your speech can further show how much of a crook she is despite the illusions of others. I do hope however that it is true that you will also be presenting solutions to those problems.


    Dear Noy,


    Bandit and I are very disappointed that you did not present in your SONA any solutions to what you perceived as the worst state of the nation the country has ever been dumped into -- just your intentions -- to make us dream again.


    I feel bad for Bandit because he was really hoping for it.


    Don't worry about me, though. I never expected anything from you, anyway.

  5. Oh please, why not wait until AFTER the SONA before you start looking for cheese to go with that whine.


    Let's face it, your beloved Gloria is probably the most hated person in the land now, and with what seems to be good reason. She may have been an effective president, but effective at what? Preserving her power base and promoting her supporters?


    I didn't vote for Benigno 3, but give him at least the same benefit of the doubt instead of going on and on shall we?

    I thought this is a "Dear Noynoy" forum? All posts should be addressed to Noynoy, di ba?


    BTW, the post you reacted to is Daily Tribune's Editorial -- it is not about SONA per se, it is reacting to Noynoy's showbiz style "teasers" about his upcoming "expose's" at SONA.

  6. Dear Noy,


    Please read this commentary:


    Noynoy Aquino will unwrap his tales from the dark side today in a State of the Nation Address (Sona), supposedly detailing the horrors committed by Gloria during the twilight of her nine-year misrule.


    The Sona will likely be a rehash of Noynoy’s inauguration speech spiced with “shockers” which are Gloria’s dark legacy to Malacañang.


    Thus far, almost a month into the presidency, Noynoy had failed to give the nation even a hint on where his six-year administration is heading. What has been done thus far was for him and his propaganda team to come up with a plethora of promises is no different from his campaign pitches. His presidency, as it is turning out, appears to most a mere extension of his days in the campaign trail.


    His Sona, even with the revelations he is expected to tell the nation, will not likely be of any help, again, in charting the direction of his administration.


    The Palace said that the Sona would be a recounting of the true state of the nation less Gloria’s enchanted tales that Noynoy’s aides believe is a commendable path.


    Many, however, have already heard his promises and his show of good intentions ad nauseum and many have been waiting for Noynoy to spell out where he expects to take the nation under his helm.


    The Sona would be a perfect occasion for Noynoy to show his confidence in being a leader of a nation and to show Filipinos that he knows what to do as the president.


    He had in the past and will give today the nation ways on how not to be a president again with Gloria as specimen. Filipinos are through with that, well, except his yellows who are also still in a campaign mode. But Noynoy should start showing how he intends to become a leader and a president of all the Filipinos, and not just of the yellows.


    But lack of leadership has remained as evident in the way the Cabinet is being apportioned among the groups backing Noynoy with the many business interests that contributed to his presidential bid all properly represented in his government.


    The delegation of authority, while extremely lacking during the term of power-hungry Gloria, seems to have been overdone during the first few days of Noynoy with him seemingly clueless on what is going on right under his nose.


    For instance, Public Works and Highways Secretary Rogelio Singson has been announcing that he is taking over the helm of the Manila Water and Sewerage System, the water service regulator, and when asked by media about the supposed appointment, Noynoy confessed he was unaware of it. Singson was the former president of the moribund Maynilad Water Services Inc.


    The Sona would also be among the few chances of Noynoy to directly talk to Congress which is a branch of government he is expected to have a hard time communicating with, due to the lack of numbers among Liberal Party (LP) members. While LP members in the House of Representatives have boasted to now being the dominant party, its force mainly is made up of alliances from other parties, including that of some Lakas-Kampi members who still owe allegiance to Gloria.


    Noynoy might as well use the Sona to pitch for a compact of cooperation with members of both the Senate and the House to enable quick resolutions of what he terms as the many tasks being confronted by his administration.


    Noynoy can make use of more for his administration through the Sona instead of adding another layer of promises to the list he had already given since his campaign days or to again count the ways Gloria made off with the National Treasury.


    He had said that the Truth Commission will take care of Gloria’s excesses and it is enough for him to assure the people that all her misdeals will be looked into.


    The nation knows Gloria left huge problems for the nation and Noynoy should already be enumerating the ways to resolve these. Filipinos are already familiar with the abuse done under the Gloria administration to express shock about these.


    What would shock the nation more is if Noynoy would merely recount such horror tales without any solutions offered.

  7. Dear PNoy,

    And in that case...bring back Ace Durano to DoT...Albert Lim has shown his biases against a certain popular tourist destination because he is connected with a lot of lesser known but expensive resorts in other parts of the country - that is conflict of interest already. And what the hell are your minions doing to PAGCOR...smokescreen yung ginagawang imbestigasyon sa P21 Million ek ek. Kung may kasalanan si Genuino kasuhan na ninyo agad hindi yung kabi-kabila ang media sa pagtira gayung iniimbestigahan na nga...And while nakatutok ang mga mata ng public sa alleged wrongdoings ng past PAGCOR Chair...madaming nailusot na shady appointments sa GOCC na ito...unang una, you appointed a relative to the PAGCOR Board...appointed Boy Abunda's boyfriend Bong Quintana as AVP for entertainment gayung may sariling production outfit ito - conflict of interest na naman kasi puro talent na nila ang bibigyan ng shows sa PAGCOR. and what the hell is your sister Pinky doing appointing friends to certain postions in PAGCOR? ano to? please do not be like GMA!


    Dear Noy,


    ---and you're what? just one month in office... and your Kamag-anak and Kaibigan Inc. already has their dirty hands in the appointments? I thought you'd wait 100 days before you let that happen...

  8. The Hair Cut


    One day a florist went to a Barber for a haircut.


    After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the Barber replied, “I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.” The florist was pleased and left the shop.


    When the Barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.


    Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the Barber again replied, “I cannot accept money from you , I'm doing community service this week.” The cop was happy and left the shop.


    The next morning when the Barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.


    Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the Barber again replied, “I can not accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.” The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.


    The next morning, when the Barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.


    And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.

  9. Edited na po, as MTC members AIDS/HIV incidents are disconcerting also, specially with the DOH caution that Condoms are only 85 percent effective against the said virus.


    Teka, teka! Me mali pa rin.


    I looked at your Power Point chart more closely. It seems that the figures shown are number of new cases PER YEAR -- tama ba talaga yung heading na per month yung figures? If it is per year, the number of new cases was 44 in 2008 and 65 in 2009, and the average occurence of new cases rose from 0.12 case/day in 2008 (one new case every eight days) to 0.18 case per day in 2009(one new case every six days).


    Statistically then, 0.0000007% of Filipinos are infected with HIV/AIDS per year (or per month --- if the Power Point heading is correct) . But can you claim is as an epidemic? Last year, there were 15,000 new cases of the deadly dengue in the first six months alone. That's what an epidemic is.


    Is this a religious campaign to scare us into leading sexually moral lives? If it is, scare tactics wouldn't work. Try a more level headed approach, with correct presentation of data.

  10. This should be merged with the other HIV/AIDS thread. Same topic. Same epidemic daw. 65 new HIV case out of 90,000,000 Filipinos. Shouldn't we be more concerned with Dengue instead?


    Anyway, ano ba talaga? Sabi sa powerpoint mo, 2 new cases per day.


    Tapos sasabihin mo, 65 new cases DAILY! How can you convince other people if you yourself don't read your own materials?

  11. HIV/AIDS VICTIMS GETTING YOUNGER:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6QpHQG5Q1U&feature=related


    HIV-AIDS incidence among yuppies rising: DOH:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHm0Z8LBT5Y&feature=related



    hindi pa ba alarming ito???


    So what? What is the percentage of infected cases that makes you claim that it's an epidemic?


    Cancer incidence is also increasing.


    So epidemic na rin? Alarming na rin sa yo?


    Do you know the meaning of epidemic?

  12. You don't just claim that there is an epidemic. Did the DOH release any declaration about an HIV epidemic? Alam nyo ba kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng epidemic?


    Alarming rate pa raw, wala namang binigay na figures.


    Sa nag start ng thread na ito, mag bigay ka muna ng figures as proof kung epidemic nga.

  13. Lost


    A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him,


    "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."


    The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.


    "She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat."


    "I am,"replied the man. "How did you know?"


    "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."


    The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."


    "I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"


    "Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

  14. This is from an article in the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper on Sunday. The Business Section asked readers for ideas on "How Would You Fix the Economy?"




    Dear Mr. President:

    Please find below my suggestion for fixing America's -economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to companies that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:


    There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:


    1) They MUST retire. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.


    2) They MUST buy a new American CAR. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.


    3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing Crisis fixed. It can't get any easier than that!


    If more money is needed, have all members of Congress and their constituents pay their taxes... If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know. If not, please disregard.

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. Top 5 “revised copy” for Mar Roxas’ premature political ad “Padyak”:


    No. 5

    Anak itabi mo.

    Ako na.

    Sobrang sikip dito sa loob,

    Sumasakit ang batok ko.


    No. 4

    Anak, itabi mo.

    Ako na.

    Hindi ako ‘kita ng mga tao sa labas.

    Palit tayo ng puwesto.


    No. 3

    Anak, itabi mo.

    Kasi naman, kuwento ka nang kuwento, ayan, lumagpas tuloy ako.

    Ako na nga!


    No. 2

    Anak, itabi mo.

    Ako na.

    Sa sobrang bagal mo, ‘inip na si Korina sa kakahintay sa kabila.

    Baka nangangati na ‘yon sa dumi ng hangin dito sa lugar n’yo.


    And the No. 1 revised copy for Mar Roxas’ premature political ad “Padyak”:

    Anak itabi mo.


    Hindi n’yo ‘ko anak!

    At lalong hindi ko kayo ama!


    Anak, sabi nang itabi mo eh!

    Ako na!


    Sinabi nang hindi n’yo ako anak eh!

    At ‘wag n’yo kaming abalahin. Wala pa kaming kita!


    Put*ng inaaaaa! Sinabi nang ako na eh! Bababa ka ba o hindi?!


    Postscript: Shocked, the boy and his sister rushed home. The man in blue maneuvered the pedicab across the street, fetched her girlfriend, and together, headed straight to Wowowee studios where the same pedicab was raffled off to a lucky viewer. Maagang pamasko mula kay senador

  16. Before Erap filed his candidacy for mayor, he has to get NBI clearance as part of his supporting documents.

    Unfortunately, there was a hitch.


    NBI: "Sir, kelangan nyong bumalik after 3 days. We need to verify your records. Kasi, me kapangalan ka sa records namin na me kasong estafa..."


    ERAP: "Ganun? Eh ano naman pangalan nya?"

    • Downvote 3
  17. :thumbsupsmiley: From G.L.'s post @ ABS-CBN Thread "Is ABS-CBN anti-government?":



    "...you know what, this is all a very simple misunderstanding....


    Sa ABS CBN kasi, i-isa lang ang MOTTO nila... lahat ng employees, talents, media people, etc nila they indoctrinate one very simple MOTTO...


    No, its not "In the service of the Filipino" Thats the "public" ek-ek nila.. inside their buildings they Drill people with the simple slogan... " DOWN WITH GMA!!!!"


    So ayun, thats what their people have been doing ever since...


    the problem is, they meant GMA-7, and not Gloria M Arroyo...


    so misunderstanding lang...


    eh he he " :thumbsupsmiley: :thumbsupsmiley:

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