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Posts posted by camiar

  1. The AFP is now on the move with regard to the bidding of Choppers for the Naval Air Group... They are currently planning to buy 2 Choppers with an option for 1 more in the near future... said 2 Choppers are gonna be assigned to the BRP GDP and the upcoming 2nd Hamilton Class Cutter due to arrive on or around the first 6 months of 2012... the 3rd Chopper which is an option would be for the 3rd Hamilton Class Cutter....


    What did the scuttlebutt say about the weapons fit? Will there be Anti-ship and Anti-submarine missile system to be fitted? Do they require over-the-horizon targeting? Form what I know, helos are used as part of stand-off targetting system. What use would the helicopters be if the Hamiltons don't have missile systems?


    Why is there so much obsession on the procurement of choppers? Toys for the big boys? Baka naman gagamitin sa 2013 elections?

  2. In a speech before the Filipino community in Beijing, President Aquino compared his love life to a brand of carbonated soft drink. He said, ‘Parang Coca Cola; noong araw ‘regular,’ naging ‘light,’ ngayon ‘zero.’


    No wonder, his sex life is so much like San Miguel. You know, Super Dry.

  3. I got this in my email:




    Dilemma of Accounting in Filipino Accountants (Pagtutuos) Take Note!!!!!!!!! A bill filed by Sen. Lito Lapid asks that proposed laws should be written in Filipino (Pilipino). Likewise, the official spoken language in the senate should be Filipino. A young, good-looking representative from Laguna sponsored a bill recommending the Filipino language be used in all levels of accounting firms & Banking Institutions. The solon claims it will provide better understanding of the business transactions for those who are inexperienced & non-English speaking citizens. The bill received unanimous approval from the House & was presented to the President for signature to become law of the land. But inspite of the overwhelming pressure from the members of the Congress, the President vetoed the bill. WHY? He explained that when the English "business" words are translated in Tagalog, they sound very malicious (malaswa) and are nakaka-hiya at nakaka-kilabot.


    Here are few sample words-English to Filipino

    - ASSET-Ari

    - FIXED ASSET-Nakatirik na Ari

    - LIQUID ASSET- Basang Ari

    - SOLID ASSET- Matigas na Ari

    - OWNED ASSET- Sariling Pag-aari

    - OTHER ASSET - Ari ng Iba

    - MISCELLANEOUS ASSET- Iba't ibang klaseng Ari

    - ASSET WRITE OFF- Pinutol na Pag-aari

    - DEPRECIATION OF ASSET- Laspag na pag-aari

    - FULLY DEPRECIATED ASSET-Laspag na laspag na


    - EARNING ASSET- Tumutubong pag-aari

    - WORKING ASSET- Ganado pa ang Ari

    - NON-EARNING ASSET- Baldado na ang Ari

    - ERRONEOUS ENTRY- Mali ang pagka-pasok

    - DOUBLE ENTRY-Dalawang beses ipinasok

    - MULTIPLE ENTRY- Labas pasok nang labas pasok

    - CORRECTING ENTRY- Itinama ang pagpasok

    - REVERSING ENTRY- Baligtad and pagkakapasok

    - DEAD ASSET- Patay na ang Ari





    The Arroyos are being tried by publicity B.S.Aquino's administration. But up to now Noynoy's amateur attack dogs are still fishing for evidence. That's why up to now they still couldn't file any case in the proper court.


    Pero sa isipan mo, guilty na silang lahat. Keep it up.


    B.S. Aquino is getting desperate. Now he wants to re-open the Aquino-Galman case to shore up his declining popularity, to divert people's attention from his mediocre performance, and cover up for his selling out to the MILF.

  5. I don't think the Chinese will invade any other part of the Philippines except the Spratlys. Once they take hold of the Spratlys that's it na, otherwise they will risk getting the ire of the other asian countries. This will happen as soon as there is confirmation that there's a lot of good quality oil in and around the Spratlys. But then that will also be a good reason for Uncle Sam to come to the aid of the Philippines, in the meantime puro "word war" lang iyan.

    Perhaps you mean the Pag-asa island, the biggest island in the Spratlys? That island is the most strategic of all, because it is the biggest, and it has the largest airstrip in the area. If China can take over Pag-asa Island, they can station jet fighters and bombers there and control virtually all the sea lanes in the area. It would be like having an aircraft carrier battle group permanently deployed in the middle of West Philippine Sea.


    But I doubt if they would make he first move to take the island by force. It's bad for their business and international relations. They cannot risk ASEAN turning from a political and economic alliance into a military alliance. And to whom would you think Japan, South Korea, and Australia would side with in case ASEAN stands up to China?


    But of course, the possibility of China getting too greedy and agressive to make the first move is still there. That's why we should upgrade our capabilities to defend our territory as much as we can.


    This is Pag-asa Island of the Kalayaan Group:




    This is a model a Naval and Air Base that the Chinese can transform it into if they ever get control of the island:



  6. soon the next headline on the news will be: "Philippine Navy Cutter, cut in half by Chinese Navy" :angry2:


    The Chinese will use their blue water navy to keep their sea lanes and supply routes open. I doubt if they will ever use them to invade smaller countries like the Philippines. Not good for their relationship with the rest of their Asian neighbors.

  7. Hindi talaga sya magnanakaw coz di naman sya isang magnanakaw. Walang kawatan sa pamilya nila. Sila pa nga ang nagbibigay

    Hindi mo pala kilala kung sino yung kamaganak ni Cory na kumuha ng mga naiwang alahas ni Imelda sa Malacanang when the Marcoses fled. This was a few days before the Palace was inventoried kaya walang records kung alin ang nawala. But Imelda surely knows which choice pieces were taken and who took them.


    Di mo rin siguro kilala yung kamaganak ni Noynoy na nagpapatakbo ng jueteng sa Tarlac.


    Di mo rin kilala yung kamaganak nila na nag-take over ng mga sequestered companies by using their influence to get them from the PCGG for a song.


    Di mo rin alam na si Cory mismo was so alarmed at the rise of graft and corruption during her term, and that she acknowledged that those accused of corruption were her own relatives and cronies.

  8. i think it is incumbent for any citizen to fight for his country...so the question of

    'will you fight for your country'...is immaterial...the answer is "of course !"

    with our backs against the wall or the idea of being cowed by conquerors

    will make us angry ...take up arms, rise and fight...



    Red60 and inverbrass are in a bind because after making a lot of noise about the futility of fighting the Chinese and questioning the sanity of those who say they are willing to fight, they now cannot say it is NOT their duty to fight because it will reveal what they really are --- "Realists" :lol: .

  9. Road Users' Tax as Disaster Relief Fund? WTF?!!!


    News item:

    “In view of the onslaught of typhoons that the country regularly faces, Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. pushed an additional measures, which include the use of the Motor Vehicle Users’ Charge (MVUC) to address the effect of calamities.

    The senator expressed confidence that the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Act of 2010 (Republic Act 10121)will reduce the number of casualties and damage to properties brought by calamities and disasters.”


    My take on this:


    The MVUC Law was crafted for the specific purpose of providing a source of funds for the maintenance of national roads.


    It is an equitable law because it is those who benefit from the infrastructure – the road users – who are paying for the maintenance of the roads.


    These past years, I have seen the positive effect of the road users’ tax on the good quality and proper maintenance of our national roads. Now the fund is in danger of being diverted to other politically motivated expense.


    Sen. Revilla would want to get hold of that money to diverts its use to disaster relief. He should find other ways of raising funds for disaster relief.


    Keep your dirty hands off the road users’ tax!

  10. ^^^ We are talking about military strength and the duty to defend our country from agressors.


    When you talk about how the Chinese will sink all our ships, shoot down all our planes, and make mincemeat of all our soldiers, that is all about physical, violent and deadly fight. We are talking about a shooting war!


    But when I asked what would you do if you are called to duty to face the Chinese agressors, you suddenly switch to fight against cancer, AIDS, and TB?


    WTF are you talking about?


    Try answering this question again:


    Will you say that it is no longer your duty to fight to defend our territory because it is futile against the almighty Chinese?

    • Downvote 2
  11. Well lets see...the president have presidential powers but not absolute powers...this has already decided by the SC as those lawyers before always say that decisions should be left to the supreme court now that the supreme court made its decision of a referendum they throw it back to Pnoy and demands that he gave it to the people??? how exactly is he going to do that??? Arent our resident lawyers here always say that the supreme court is the final arbiter and judge so why ask pnoy about this issue??? why arent they complaining to the SC and put the justices on a target and burn their own version of effigy???? We dont live on the Dynasty era of china and imperial family of japan and the royal lineage of UK that during those times pwede nila papugutan ang sino man na hindi nila gusto without any repercussions...Now even the imperial family of japan cannot lift a finger without the prper due process etc etc etc..


    Sheessshhh most of the time people just think for themselves..their like this little stubborn kids..

    Let me remind you... B.S. Aquino and his family owns Hacienda Luisita. If they decide to give away the land to the tenants, it is their prerogative, the SC can't do anything about it. The problem is, the Aquinos and the Cojuangcos want to keep the land for themselves.


    SC is only involved in the Hacienda Luisita arbitration because both camps won't budge.

  12. what is this?


    Are you guys trying to redefine the word "fight" the way you redefined "realist"? :lol:


    "...fighting is not synonymous to violence"...? the last time I checked the Thesaurus, the synonyms of "fight" are all violent or forceful actions.


    a Marine gunnery sergeant once told off those who try to philosophize their way out of their duty to fight for the country, saying:


    "shut up, suck it up, and do your job."

    • Downvote 1
  13. Is that reasonable enough? You're just one of the 84M or so Filipinos. How about those millions who voted for him? Do you think they want P-noy to step down? It's a six-year term, pls remember that. Do you have some person in mind as P-noy's replacement? Or you want another MORE CORRUPT official to replace him?

    10 Million gullible Filipinos voted for him. Not 84 million. And many of those who voted for him are regretting it now.



  14. I don't know if you're playing stupid or really stupid.. Ito na para hindi ka na mahirapan..


    I never said that we should sit idle and let the Chinese occupy the islands. It is our duty to fight and secure the islands thru non-violent methods. Risking an all-out war by engaging in skirmishes against a foe a thousand times stronger is reckless, blind patriotism, suicidal and stupidity on so many levels.


    Camiar, I already refuted and replied to all of your comments point by point, if this question is all you can muster then we are done here.


    who are you kidding?


    "It is our duty to fight and secure the islands thru non-violent methods."


    A non-violent fight? A peaceful war?


    Answer the question directly:


    Will you say that it is no longer your duty to fight to defend our territory because it is futile against the almighty Chinese?


    @ red60:


    I knew you can’t answer the question because you painted yourself into a corner. Just like inverbrass.


    Anyway, I’ll answer the question for you:


    No matter how weak we are militarily, it is our duty to defend our country against the aggressors. When called to duty, you can’t argue that fighting a stronger enemy is blind patriotism, reckless bravery, stupidity, or suicidal -- it is a duty you must accept. So instead of whining about your weakness and your fear of the Chinese, just keep quiet about it and do something to correct the situation.


    But instead, you and inverbrass just love to denigrate our military’s capability. You do it with so much relish, even questioning the sanity of those who would stand up to the Chinese aggressor.


    You and inverbrass self-righteously claim that your defeatist mindset is just being “realist”.


    Bakit? “Realist” na ba ang tawag ngayon sa mga walang bayag?


    Jopoc was right when he said:

    lets support our military rather than be pessimistic.

    kung takot kang lumaban, suportahan mo na lang mga kababayan mo.

    ang problema kasi ng iba sa atin, pakitaan lang ng malakas na armas, umiihi na sa pantalon. :lol:

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