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Posts posted by camiar

  1. Hoy Noy!


    Doing an Imelda? It won't work!


    Instead of wasting money on doleouts and cover-ups, use the money to focus on giving these squatters a compelling reason to give up living in these areas. If you don't undersatnd this, you're not fit to continue as president...



  2. She just wanted to stay somewhere in the middle. If you're in a similar situation, you'd understand her.


    STAY SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE? Mediocrity and lack of decision will not get us anywhere.


    It is clear today that what Cory did during her term was to bring back the power to the oligarchy while at the same time feeding the people's emotions with their hatred of the Marcoses.


    The same is happening now under her son, Noynoy, trying to regain the power they lost in the past and to prevent the distribution of Hacienda Luisita, but this time around feeding the people with their hatred towards GMA.

  3. Hoy, Noy!


    me bagong revelation na naman tungkol sa 'yo ang Tribune:


    "... in his post in a social networking site, a cyber friend, Jerry Ocampo bared that just last year, Noynoy ordered that an image of the Virgin Mary inside the Malacañang Chapel be removed and placed inside the stockroom despite the protestations of the members of the Presidential Security Group.


    And his only reason was that the he doesn’t want that particular image of the Virgin Mary inside the Malacañang Chapel as it was brought there by his predecessor, former President Gloria Macapagal -Arroyo. Not only unpresidential but outrightly sacrilegious.


    What kind of man who claims to have come for a very religious family would dare remove a religious image from the chapel simply because it was donated by his perceived enemy? Maybe only those who are sick in the mind."

  4. Barack,


    May power crisis sa Amerika. Wala kang ginawa.Wala kang magawa.


    Nagtataasan ang presyo ng mga produktong langis. Wala kang ginawa. Wala kang magawa.


    Ang mga kriminal ay naglipana. Wala kang ginawa. Wala kang magawa.


    Ngunit sikat ka pa rin. Mataas pa rin ang iyong popularidad.


    Mag-Obamanomics ka man, mahal ka pa rin ng mga nabubulagan.


    Hanggang ibinabaling mo ang poot ng bayan kina Bush at Cheney, ligtas ka sa galit ng balana.



    So anong ibig mong palabasin? Porke inutil yung presidente mo dyan sa USA, eh OK na ring maging inutil ang presidente ng Pilipinas? OK lang basta sikat sya sa mga naloloko nyang kababayan? Popularidad lang ba sa mga yellow zombies ang sukatan?


    Sa pag-baling mo ng pansin sa pagka-inutil ng mga presidente ng ibang bansa, inaamin mo na rin na talagang inutil ang idol mong abnoy.

  5. NOYNOYING Definition:



    “Noynoying is the new planking: upo lang walang gagawin kundi papogi at tamad-tamaran,” [Vencer Crisostomo, Anakbayan national chair] said.


    [Tagalog quote translated: "just sit around and do nothing other than try to look good while being lazy"]





    The year 2012 may be the year we see Juan Tamad bow out of the role of Filipino quintessence and Philippine President Noynoy Aquino take his place as the embodiment of the Filipino Condition. Indeed, to slap the Noynoying label on the popularly-elected president without considering the character of the voters who elected him does not paint the full picture of what Noynoying really means to all Filipinos. For Noynoying is a condition that afflicts not just the President of this sad republic. It is one that describes the people he governs and, as he and his mob continuously insist, from which he derives his “power” and “mandate”.


    ^^^ excerpts from Get Real Philippines

  6. PNoy


    Namo wala ka man lang bang gagawin at papalapit ng maging 60 pesos ang presyo ng gasolina

    ang presyo sa pagsusulat ko ay US$ 106 per barrel


    naman naman



    Nung umabot ng 60 petot sa nakaraan ang presyo nun ay US$ 146 pb


    The last time when gasoline was PhP60/liter, the foreign exchange rate was PhP50-55/US$ and oil at $146/barrel.


    Today US dollar is down to PhP43/US$ and oil is only $106/barrel.


    How come the price is still the same at almost PhP 60/liter?

  7. Was Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr brilliant? The following info from wikipedia could be a clue:


    According to one of his biographies, he considered himself to be an average student; his grade was not in the line of 90s nor did it fall into the 70s.


    In short, mediocre lang sya.


    Considering his family lineage, his teachers would hesitate to give him a line-of-7 grade even if he deserved it, but would NOT hesitate to give him a line-of-9 grade even if he half deserved it. So kung wala syang line-of-9, mas malamang borderline case lang sya at the lower end of the scale.


    Tapos kelangan pang mag-consult sa school psychiatrist...


    Anyway, kita naman sa accomplishment nya sa private career nya, sa personal relationships nya, sa congressional stint nya, and right now, during his featureless stint as president of this poor godforsaken country.

  8. They want to kickout Corona sa SC pra umupo na si Carpio then be awarded the 10B.

    Hindi daw plunder o corruption yun kasi award/kabayaran or "just compensation"

    daw yun sa nawala nilang lupain. Eh kumita na sila ng binili ng gobierno certain

    portions of HL for the SCTEX right of way na hindi naman nila pinartehan ang mga

    magsasaka dun sa kabayaran na yun. Kung hindi pandarambong ang tawag dun, ewan

    ko kung ano?



    At eto pa...


    Sino ba ang gumastos para tumaas ang value ng lupain ng HLI? Di ba ang taong bayan? Kung hindi yan nilagyan ng expressway gamit ang buwis natin, di naman lalaki ang halaga ng lupang yan. Ano ba ang pinagmamalaki nilang "improvements" sa HLI na hindi galing sa pondo ng bayan? Yung bulok nilang azucarera? yung nilalangaw nilang shopping center? pwe!!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. I think that even if it is true, it will be denied because whoever the psychiatrist is can lose his or her license for unethical practice of divulging patient information. That is what Nonoy is counting on. But even without the report, I think his statements and actions are proof enough. I think in law, it is called preponderance of circumstantial evidence - which can take the place of actual proof.;)


    The one who leaked Noynoy's psychiatric report was most probably NOT the psychiatrist himself, but somebody who has access to his past records.


    You are right, just observing his actions and comparing it with the psycho report, you can see that the report was spot on in explaining why he do what he does today.

  10. Hoy Noy!


    Akala ko hindi puedeng mangyari ito, Corona is making a counter attack and he has the INC and the CBCP supporting the judicial institution he represents.


    You have nothing to blame but yourself and the monkeys bungling your impeachment project. You amateurs have committed enough unconstitutional and illegal acts that will backfire on you once this impeachment fiasco is over. Your turn to be impeached is next in the agenda.

  11. The Bulatao Report:


    The Facts they don't want you to know:


    Document 1:

    Chief Complaint/Reason for Consult: Depression and Deep Melancholia; History of Present Illness: The patient is a 19 year old male who claims he is suffering from episodes of depression and melancholia each episode being 2 to 3 weeks in duration. His attacks always occur after his visits to his father who is now incarcerated in a military camp for political crimes; Past Surgical History: Patient denies any surgical history; admits to a fear he is being watched and followed;


    Document 2 (Impression)

    Physical: casual in manner and attire


    Muscoloskeletal: low, slightly flaccid muscle tone which makes him older than his age


    Speech: pompous, crisp with a vigor of articulation, emphatic accents, and frequent changes of pitch.


    Thought processes loquacious, with a rapid association of ideas which later develops into a flight of ideas which is a play upon words.


    Associations on the surface, there is an impression of a great variety of ideas, but in reality, the range is really limited.


    Judgment and Insight impaired insights as well as superficial judgment, always ready with an excuse when asked about his failures in life.


    Orientation well oriented to person and place, saying he knew where he was and who he was speaking to but was disoriented with time.


    Recent and Remote Memory intact and adequate, no impairment visible


    Attention Span and Concentration short attention span given to fleeting enthusiasm and easily swayed by new impressions.


    Language quite theatrical and pre-occupied with phonetics.


    Food of Knowledge very little, very shallow and all pre-occupied with self.


    Mood and Affect depressed and melancholic. The patient is morose, gloomily irritable and sensitive to advice or criticism.


    Document 3: (Physical Examination)

    Several entries the more significant being a recommendation for laboratory examination (cranial and spinal) and medications (vitamins, tranquilizers when needed)


    Document 4: (Case History)

    Benigno Aquino III was admitted for psychiatric evaluation at the age of 19. The family history revealed no significant history; the only difficulty the patient could recall was that he had a slight stutter in elementary school. In stressful situations, the stutter would be more pronounced along with a profuse salivation.


    At the time of his first interview, he was accompanied by Joseph Galdon, S.J., who described the patient as a serious, honest, stubborn and worrisome person.


    The patient is ambitious. He wants to get through college and be more than his peers. He looks to be in politics one day, saying politics is the road to power. He wants the power one day not so much to help others, but to be able to heap a measure of revenge on the people who had imprisoned his father, troubled his family, and who made his life a living hell.


    Despite the deeply rooted desire for revenge, the main complaint of the patient is depression and melancholia experienced after his visits to his father who is at present incarcerated in a military jail for political crimes.


    After every visit, the patient suffers from depressed episodes, each attack being from 2 to 3 weeks in duration. These attacks never really get better because after every visit, the depression and melancholia returns.


    Aside from depression and melancholia, the patient complains of loss of appetite, coated tongue, a marked difficulty in thinking, disturbed and unrefreshing sleep. He claims that he has a lack of confidence, a loss in his zest for living, feelings of inadequacy and having a difficult time coping with life in general. He has numerous doubts and fears, being especially over anxious about the welfare of his family.


    Document 5: (Case Summary)

    Symptoms: The patient has complained of hostility,, anger, and being openly punitive. He also complains of fatigue, coated tongue, disturbed and unrefreshing sleep and poor appetite.


    Diagnosis: The patient is suffering from depression and melancholia


    Recommended Treatment: Regular psychotherapy; Pharmacological Treatment with aminodibenzol (Tofranil) 75 mg three times a day.

  12. I want a law that LIMITS the amount of assets that can be earned by a FOREIGN NATIONAL or a FOREIGN NATIONAL who got married to a Philippine National. And that those properties that went BEYOND the limit be CONFISCATED and converted into cash for the construction of government schools and government medical facilities.



    That would be a sure-fire way of inhibiting business initiatives.


    That in essence what the communist regimes want to do, not just to foreign investments, but to their citizens' businesses as well. Look where they are now.

  13. Ayaw nilang mawalan ng Hacienda Luisita. Period.


    Ang sumbat ng mga Kapamilya, Inc. kay Pres. B.S. Aquino:


    Nakuha natin yan nung panahon ni Magsaysay,

    Nabigo si Pres Diosdado Macapagal noon na ibigay ang lupa sa mga magsasaka.

    Nabigo din si Marcos na i-land-reform yan,

    Na-redevelop pa natin yan nung panahon ng mommy mong si Pres Cory,

    Nalagyan pa yan ng kalsada nung panahon ni Pres Ramos at Pres. Erap,

    Nabigo din si Pres GMA na ituloy ang gustong mangyari ng tatay nya,


    tapos ngayong ikaw na ang Presidente, saka pa lang mawawala ang Hacienda natin????!!!


    Wala kang silbi!!!


    Kaya ayun, si BS Aquino, desperadong matanggal si CJ Corona at ang lahat na SC Juctices na bumotong ipamahagi ang Hacienda Luisita sa mga magsasaka.

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