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Posts posted by camiar

  1. pagtyagaan na lang natin remaining term ni PNoy. but please, let us not go back to obvious thieves and/or grandstanders.


    our economy is on an upswing in spite of a mediocre president. no matter how intelligent our previous leaders were, our country sunk to lower depths because priority was always to steal.


    problem is, there seems to be very few choices in the horizon.


    The upswing is due to the economic policies already set in place during the FVR and GMA administrations.


    Abnoy has nothing to claim for it. May binago ba sya sa previous economic policies? Wala!


    Its now already the last year of his term but his much ballyhooed PPP hasn't taken off yet.

  2. I don't think all is well with the Aquino-Cojuangco family. There are divisions within the family. One only needs to recall when Danding Cojuangco publicy denounced his nephew Gilbert Teodoro during the last elections. Danding's wife Gretchen, even went to the extent of stating "anyone except Gibo." I don't know what the squabbling was all about but I guess they supported their other nephew Noynoy instead, who eventually won.


    Danding denounced Gibo during the last elections because he and Noynoy already already had a deal assuring major infrastructure projects for San Miguel.

    Danding asked him to stand down, but Gibo ran anyway.

  3. Mukhang ok yan Sir! ASEAN NATO! Or just sign along with the BRICS or SCO! We must realize that we are an Asian/ East nation and not American/ West! We must fend off US/Western Imperialism as it is really the major threat out there! Not Ebola, nor China/ Russia or even ISIS! NAM nations is Latin America and in Asia should be united with the BRICS and show the US/West what it feels like to be isolated! All nations must be equal and this is what the Emerging countries asks for, stop the Western hegemony on economics and especially in politics!


    If we go by the NATO model in establishing SEATO, it will be aligned with the US. The idea behind the Asian version of NATO is to contain China, just as NATO was formed to contain Russia.

  4. They're selling us again the idea of reviving the Southeast-Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) or a larger Pan-Asian equivalent.




    Anders Corr: China threat requires an Asian NATO


    "...The increasing belligerence of China in the East and South China seas, and towards India, has fundamentally destabilized the security dynamics of Asia. Japan is seeking a closer alliance with India, and is likely seeking advanced offensive weapons from the U.S. Vietnam is considering a U.S. alliance. China increasingly makes common cause with Russia, using unethical and illegal practices in trade and geopolitics.


    While existing bilateral alliances go partway towards defending against the resurgent autocratic threat, only a formalized multilateral treaty organization would provide the coordination necessary to defend democracy and international law in Asia against emerging threats. To survive, Asian democracies must create what might be called an Asian Treaty Organization, patterned after the successful North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Europe and North America..."



    I have a different idea.


    "The only way to eliminate an enemy is to make him your friend."

  5. I didn't realize that I can't create new threads until Larry mentioned it...


    Creating new, threads about what's going on around us has made this forum interesting. Is manilatonight becoming a bigot?


    Anyway, as a sign of protest, why don't we all stop posting in this forum until ManilaTonight gives us back the right to create new threads.


    Moderators: PM me once you guys changed your stupid rule.


    Goodbye for now. I won't be posting no more till you give back our rights.

  6. I didn't realize that I can't create new threads until Larry mentioned it...


    Creating new, threads about what's going on around us has made this forum interesting. Is manilatonight becoming a bigot?


    Anyway, as a sign of protest, why don't we all stop posting in this forum until ManilaTonight gives us back the right to create new threads.


    Moderators: PM me once you guys changed your stupid rule.


    Goodbye for now. I won't be posting no more till you give back our rights.

  7. I didn't realize that I can't create new threads until Larry mentioned it...


    Creating new, threads about what's going on around us has made this forum interesting. Is manilatonight becoming a bigot?


    Anyway, as a sign of protest, why don't we all stop posting in this forum until ManilaTonight gives us back the right to create new threads.


    Moderators: PM me once you guys changed your stupid rule.


    Goodbye for now. I won't be posting no more till you give back our rights.

  8. glory denied those requests, we were pawned to china remember with joint seismic agreement, together with other chinese funded govt project like the NBN-ZTE and north rail


    it was during corys term that the S211 trainer jets were requested and acquired (brand new) for the phil air force

    I doubt if GMA denied the request because there was an ongoing search for a suitable offshore patrol vessel was at that time, and the government was evaluating other alternatives. It was during GMA's term when they came up with the idea of using Malampaya Funds to acquire OPVs to protect our offshore platform and the other oil exploration sites within our EEZ. What was your basis that GMA denied it?


    The S211 is the lemon of all lemons as far as Trainer/Attack planes are concerned. Though brand new, its optical targeting system sucked from day one. The air force technicians had to use the famous Filipino "diskarte" to use the targeting system recycled from retired F-5's to make some use out of the S-211s other than train pilots how to take off and land a jet. Of the 25 we bought, only 5 are now left flying in so short period of time. S-211s is the Philippine Air Force's version of the "Widow Maker". Anyway, I doubt if Cory has any idea what her government bought for the Air Force at that time. I'd hazard a guess that a few Air Force generals retired rich when the S211s were procured.

  9. 1.) The Hamilton Class acquisition was being pushed by then Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes to guard our oil rig in Malampaya, and they were gunning for only 1 unit. But the go signal and processing of acquisition happened during the pedophile Minion's term, and he wasn't happy with only 1 unit, we now actually have 2 and lobbying the US for a 3rd one... (Remember the AFP's rule of 3 when it comes to refurbished military assets, 1 is on patrol, 1 is on short term maintenance or crew rest, while the 3rd is on long term maintenance)

    2.) Same with the LIFTs of the PAF under the Klepto Dwarf... The PAF was aiming for 6 TA-50 birds... He made a better decision with 12 FA-50 ones.

    If one Offshore Patrol Cutter and six TA-50 LIFTs were all we can afford to requisition during her term, then so be it. China was still trying to be a nice guy to its neighbors during that time, so there was no pressure then.


    If BS Aquino wanted two or three cutters and 12 FA-50s, that's even better.


    But think about this: He is known to dilly-dally in his decisions. Imagine if there were no previous requisition for the OPC and LIFTs, do you think he would initiate one? I doubt it. Baka hanggang ngayon wala pang pagdedebatihan sa congress kung ano o magkano ang bibilhin.


    3.) Can't argue with you on this.

    4.) Nope... The AFP's morale was at its lowest during Erap's time because of the very real possibility of the AFP being divided into 2 and them troopers shooting it out with each other in EDSA... Then Lt. Gen. Espinosa of the Philippine Marines was on his way to EDSA to declare support for the then saintly VP Arroyo along with his boys when Angelo Reyes pulled a fast one on him and brought the entire AFP Command Group and Service Chiefs in full uniform but unarmed to declare their withdrawal of support for the philandering drunkard... The AFP doesn't want a repeat of the coup of 89 when they shot at each other.


    During Cory’s term, my older brother was a young Army surgeon assigned to the Mindanao frontline. He tended the wounded soldiers at a station hospital. He was almost in tears with anger and frustration when he tells me stories on how desperate the situations of the soldiers were. They were always low on supplies. He sometimes had to operate without anesthesia; The soldier would just say, sige lang sir... tuloy mo lang... and just try to bear the pain. The soldiers have no uniforms, sometimes they buy fatigues from US army surplus so they can have one. Their combat boots wear out in just three months, and no replacement comes. They have to buy rubber shoes out of their pocket or they just wear flip flops to the battle zone. They were always low on ammo. For their own safety, some of them have to buy their own bullets.


    By the time Erap was president, a lot have already improved under the previous FVR administration. Maybe the morale of the senior officers were lowest during Erap’s time because of politics, but I still say the soldiers’ (officers and men) morale were lowest during Cory’s term.


    5.) Ganon talaga. The rebels knew the Yanks loved the bimbo housewife, they took the risk and lucky for them, the hotdog eaters turned down the bimbo's request and instead of blowing their asses down, only did persuasion flights on them... i.e. overtaking their Trojan T-28 tora-toras with supersonic F-4 Phantoms at almost Mach 1 speed resulting in serious loss of control of their aircraft due to turbulence... at which point, they were so rattled that they landed back at their airfield in Sangley Point...


    What kind of a president would ask another country’s air force to shoot down his own men? That was in essence what one of the US president’s adviser was asking when they were deliberating on Cory’s request.

  10. Tingin ko lang, hanggat iniisip natin na maliit tayo at walang kakayahan, magpapatuloy ang pangangangailangan natin ng simpatya o tulong mula sa buong mundo kaya asahan mo ang walang radikal na pagkilos. Alam kasi ng China na wala tayong kakayanan na pumalag kaya ganun kalakas ang loob nilang mang-angkin ng isla at karagatan ng Pinas. Kung mapapansin natin bawat bansa na sumusuporta sa atin nag rereact sila by saying "Don't interfere". Hindi ba malinaw yan na yakang yaka nila ang Pinas kung walang mangingialam na ibang bansa? Ang kaso, di lang China ang claiming dito, pati neighboring countries natin. Ang mangyayari ngayon, mapipilitang sumuporta ang mga naturang bansa sa atin kasi tayo ang "direct hit" ng China. Napaka ironic na tayo ang "direct hit" na dapat ang China kasi sila ang nang aangkin at naangkin na ang ilang isla natin ng walang kahirap hirap, In fact, nag celebrate na sila ng 2nd anniversary sa islang nakamkam nila. The article I think is making sense here. Darating ang panahon na magsusunod sunuran na lang ang Pinas pag nagtagumpay sila. Tsk tsk, kawawa naman ang susunod na mga henerasyon pag nagkataon...

    You’re right. If we keep on thinking that we are weak, we won’t be able to stand up to China.


    Look at Vietnam, they know that they are no match to China, but they had the guts to go with non-military actions to physically harass the Chinese intruders. China, on its part, can't use lethal force to prevent the harassment. Still, they are perceived as the bully. The longer this goes on, the worse China will suffer in international relations.


    Our problem is that we have low level of self-worth and self-confidence as a nation. We also have a mendicant mentality – always trying to get others to do things for us out of pity. Add to that a President with a weak personality. Puro pa-awa effect. Di naman kumikilos.


    If we don’t follow Vietnam’s example, all we'll get is contempt instead of sympathy from our neighbors and allies.


    Good thing we have top notch people in the Foreign Affairs department – at least we’re doing OK in the diplomatic front.

  11. For one thing after Mischief Reef eh hindi na nasundan yon during El Tabako's time... Same with Erap... Erap had cojones, he was the one who ordered the BRP Sierra Madre be grounded in ayungin... They knew kasi na papalag tayo non...


    Compare that with La Klepta with El Tenga behind her.... JMSU with the Viets and them Chicoms... Plus soft loans left and right??? Sa toto lang yung 9 na taon ni gloria kinapon yung AFP....

    Isn't it that it was during GMA's term when the Hamilton class cutter was requisitioned? And it was during her term when the search for Lead-in Fighter-Trainer was on-going?

    In my opinion, BS Aquino is only enjoying the results of modernization that was initiated during the time of previous administrations of FVR, Erap, and GMA.


    What I can say for sure is this: Kinapon ang AFP during Cory's time. It was during that time when our soldiers were sent to combat wearing t-shirts and flip-flops, and even situations when they had to buy their own bullets. The military's morale was at the lowest during her term. Remember the time when she even asked the US President to order the US Air Force to shoot down our own planes?

  12. I revisited the Liaoning. There is no way a Japanese destroyer cum helicopter carrier can go toe to toe with it. The Chinese can take that destroyer out with its fixed wing aircraft aside from the TOR and various ordnance. The best way to engage a carrier is by sinking it via submarine. I was thinking along the lines of a Los Angeles class submarine. However, I'm not sure if the US is willing to sell these hunter-killers to the Japs.

    OK. I’m glad you now understand and agree that you don’t use attack helicopters to k*ll ships, let alone an aircraft carrier.

    This is what you said in your previous post:

    Super Cobras have been known to sink patrol boats. A couple of Apaches can sink a Chinese carrier with Hellfire missiles. I believe China only has one carrier in its arsenal.

    Now, you say:

    I don't think a Japanese destroyer cum helicopter carrier can take on the Liaoning when it is fully loaded with fighter jets. Like I said, the best way to take out a carrier is by submarine.

    It’s amazing how fast you go for 180-degree turn-around. At least we are now on agreement that helicopters will not be used against a well-armed ship.

    But a ship like the JS Izumo, outfitted to carry F-35 vertical-landing stealth fighters, will be a good match against Liaoning with its relatively inexperienced crew and pilots.

    Take note: The Chinese J-15 carrier-based fighters are not stealth fighters. Their own stealth fighter, the J-20, are not yet available and are not capable of operating on aircraft carriers. So, JS Izumo with F35s and Ospreys on board has some technological advantage to make up for its smaller size - but right now, the Japanese Navy can't operate fixed-wing aircraft on their carriers unless they get their anti-war constitution amended. A legal technicality.


    Now, a submarine killing an aircraft carrier? Read up first on ASW tactics used by escort Destroyers and Frigates to protect the Carrier. Can you tell me of any instance in history where a submarine ever successfully sunk an Aircraft Carrier? I'm really interested.



    Yup but it is not spatially possible for an F-14 or F-18 to land on that Japanese destroyer.

    Of course -- hence the vertical landing F-35s. Get it?

  13. Assuming lang this highly trained military unit as you said has/have the power to sabotage, then most likely, they also have the power to prevent any invaders in our territory, right? But the point is, there's no such thing as highly trained or super-trained military unit. Pwede pa super-power ammunition and all that. But come to think of it...sana nga merong ganun para matapos na ang anumang gulo.

    If I'm not mistaken, during the time of FVR, and GMA, the Philippine Navy has dismantled and blown up markers and unmanned structures that the Chinese put up in KIG.

  14. Critical na situation natin vis a vis china but this article is too alarmist... Exag eh... Ikumpara ba naman tayo sa Israel for one...


    Bakit, meron na bang Nuclear Power na tinira ang Israel?????


    Even if the entire Israeli Air Force were loaned to us, do you think any sane Philippine leader would push the trigger without any overt casus beli against china? America nga eh, binangga na sa ere ng PLAAF fighter plane nung early 2000s recon plane nila in international airspace, si Bush pa nag-sorry sa mga punyemas...


    Let's not take all articles out there as gospel truth... Experience ko lang kasi ang bilis makatanda ng mga bagay na hindi naman dapat seryosohin na sineseryoso.... :)

    We should not make any military action that would make things worse. But we should do something other than talk.


    China is on a construction spree in the Spratlys. So does Taiwan, Malaysia, and Vietnam. And all we do is watch and complain. No action.

    The thing is, with all the construction going on in the disputed islands- why do we allow ourselves to be left behind? We cannot even put a coat of paint on our rusting BRP Sierra Madre. Our airstrip in Kalayaan Island is slowly being reclaimed by the sea. No development at all. When I googled the pictures of fortifications of Vietnam in the Paracels and Spratlys, I feel ashamed. Kaya din naman nating ayusin yung facilities natin dun. Tatanga-tanga lang tayo. Ano bang inaantay natin? Ayusin yun ng mga Kano at Hapon para sa atin? Yung mendicant mentality natin -- "wala tayong pera" syndrome - yan ang magpapabagsak sa atin.

  15. I'm assuming that you're talking about Chinese ships. Are there Chinese ships with surface to air missiles that have a range of 8 kilometers? If yes, then the Apaches or Super Cobras are in trouble but if these Chinese ships don't have missiles with that range, then the ships are in trouble because Hellfire missiles have a range of 8 kilometers.

    Ship-launched short-range anti-aircraft SAMs can go over 20 km.

    Long Range SAMs go over 100 nautical miles ( about 200 km).


    Super Cobras have been known to sink patrol boats. A couple of Apaches can sink a Chinese carrier with Hellfire missiles. I believe China only has one carrier in its arsenal.

    If they can come close enough while all of the Chinese carrier crew AND those in the escort ships are asleep. But first these Apaches must reach the carrier, which would maintain at least 200 km distance from the nearest threat,(does the Apache have enough fuel for the round trip flight?). Then they must get closer than 8 km, which is within point blank range of the Chinese'’s short-range missiles, not to mention the long-range ones. Then, you must know exactly where to place your missiles, and you should be carrying a lot of them because just a few cannot sink a ship. Otherwise, your apaches are cooked.


    I overlooked the vertical take-off landing factor. If that's the case, then yes, F-35s can land in these planes. I was thinking along the lines of an F-16.

    F-16 is not a carrier plane. Landing gears are not strong enough.

    F-14, F-18, Harriers, and F-35 are designed as carrier-borne fighters.

  16. Point taken but if the Chinese bring in their own attack helicopters, you can't defend carriers with Seahawks alone. Now, regarding the F-35, I think the Japanese need to get a super carrier instead of carriers that size. It's too small and narrow for fighter jets.

    Attack helicopters are no match for ship-launched surface-to-air missiles, because out there at sea, you have no hills or trees to cover your approach. You'll be splashed before you even get to the ships within the range of your own missiles.


    I don't know if they'd use attack helicopters to carry anti-ship missiles. These are too big and too heavy for lightweight attack helicopters. To carry big bad ass missiles over long distances to k*ll ships, you need bigger helos like Seahawks. You use attack helicopters for land battles, but for sea battles? maybe if it is a one-way suicide mission.


    The new Izumo can accommodate 12 (maybe more) F35 fighters with minor modifications to its landing platform. That's more than the entire fighter wing of a small country! You don't need a big carrier to operate STOVL planes.

  17. I think he still makes his own decisions based on the recommendations submitted to him by his trusted advisers. Problem is when trusted advisers submit conflicting recommendations. Of course, a lot of the time these advisers make recommendations that will personally benefit them. I imagine PNoy would give more weight to the recommendations of advisers who are his constant shooting buddies.

    I'll tell you why I think he's a lame duck from day 1.


    BS Aquino has been fighting for passing of the FOI bill and the anti-impoundment bill when he was still in congress.

    Now that he's president, he can't get these bills through because his handlers won't allow him to- they are impounding the budget allocation as a means to get congressmen to do their bidding. If he is really making his own decisions, why can't he endorse his pet bills, which he fought so hard for while in congress?.


    When he was in congress he was against GMA's Conditional Cash Transfer program, saying that her government is using the money to buy votes. Now that he's president, he cannot dismantle the program, he even increased it tenfold. Why? Because his handlers want to use the fund to buy the beneficiaries' loyalty. If he is making his own decisions, why can't he now order to stop the CCT, which he fought so hard against while in congress?

  18. It looks like a hybrid destroyer and helicopter carrier. Perhaps, the Japs can purchase a couple of Apaches and Super Cobras to put in this ship to spook the Chinese.

    Not attack helicopters. They can operate MH-60R Seahawks now - better at carrying heavier Anti-ship and Anti-submarine missiles. They're looking at operating tilt-rotor Ospreys in the near future, and Short-Takeoff-and -Vertical-Landing (STOVL) F-35B Joint-Strike Fighters later, depending on how fast they can amend the laws that prevents them from operating offensive weapons. Aircraft Carriers are considered offensive weapons, while helicopter carriers are considered defensive.


    Anyway, the helicopters on-board these ships are better used at detecting, tracking and targeting enemy ships and submarines. Ship-launched missiles will take care of destroying them.

  19. Compare JS Hyuga to USS George Washington. JS Izumo is 35% bigger than Hyuga.

    Japan somehow realizes that it cannot rely too much on the US to protect its territorial rights vs China. So it is making a quick adjustment to its military capabilities, especially in protecting its shipping lanes in the South China Sea / West Philippine Sea.



  20. On a more serious note, look at the new Japan Maritime Self Defence Force's (JMSDF) Helicopter-carrying "Destroyer".


    This photo montage shows the newer and bigger Izumo next to its older smaller sister Hyuga, so you can compare their relative sizes. They may be carry helicopters only for now, but in the future, they can carry F-35s.


    "Destroyer" pa lang yan, ha. Paano na kung gumawa na sila ng tunay na Aircraft Carrier?



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