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Posts posted by camiar

  1. This is just my opinion. She should have just kept it to herself. Huwag niyang siraan employer niya sa mga tao niya kasi it's ethically wrong.

    Especially if she's doing it because it's the "fashionable" thing to do; i.e. show how close she is to the inner circle to the point of knowing how the president think and act.


    The fact that she still allies herself with GMA, despite her claims against her shows how people behave in the "Snake PIt" in Malacanang.


    Anyway, that's human nature. A person will say negative things about his/her superior if he/she thinks the boss will never know about it.


    For me my decision for GMA is not only based on the media but my boss which is her presidential adviser confirms that she is truly an evil and corrupt person. Although she did help improve the economy of the country siya pa rin ang biggest benefactor and the the people.



    Your boss is entitled to his opinion. I am just wondering why he still worked for Arroyo since he perceived her as evil and corrupt.




    Because she still wants the connection and prestige to be a Presidential adviser. Active/officer din kasi siya noon sa mga business organization groups. She was also a presidential adviser for Ramos and Erap so may comparison din siya.


    Evil and corrupt are strong words.


    So what if GMA benefits from the improved economy? That's part and parcel of being in power. Your boss's perception probably comes from misplaced self-guilt. Or probably just like any hanger-on, she jumped on the bandwagon of betraying GMA to protect her own hide.


    In Prod Laquian's book, " The Erap Tragedy, Tales from the Snake Pit" , he catalogued his political misadventures as Presidential adviser in what was an insider/outsider look at what happens behind Malacanang’s closed doors. From the book it is not really the President but the people around the President's inner circle who are evil and corrupt.


    Just a curiosity, is your boss by chance be (PEZA's) Lilia de Lima? She served Ramos, Erap and GMA, too. I have the same misgivings about her, as with her sister Leila.

  3. Hmm....kudos on #4, galing sa research. Pero yung #5, :unsure: parang di naman..papansin pa rin e.


    How about #6, ano positive contribution niya?


    Actually for #5 & #6, I can't think of tangible accomplishment.


    Their administrations marked the return of oligarchs and vested interest groups into power.


    The elites are now dominating the businesses. Our economic growth during their administrations were based on constructions of malls, condominiums and property developments, as well as roads and power plants that are built to serve these developments. Government development projects were only to enhance the value of the elite's investments.


    There were no attempts to develop agriculture and the livelihood of the people living in the countrysides.


    There were no development in small to medium scale industries and businesses to generate sustainable jobs.


    Their administrations' time and resources were wasted in going after, and destroying their political rivals.


    My ranking of presidents with most tangible accomplishments:

    1. Marcos

    2. Arroyo

    3. Ramos

    4. Erap

    5. BS Aquino

    6. CC Aquino


    Those who claim to be honest and corrupt-free are the ones without tangible accomplishment. Neither have they reduced corruption towards the end of their terms.



    what (positive) accomplishment did #4 and #5 do?


    Hmmmm.... tekaaa... medyo mahirap, eh...




    #4 Erap set up the Carabao Center to re-develop carabaos for the benefit of farmers. Improved carabao breeds are now bigger and stronger. Some breeds were improved to produce more milk for dairy business production. Erap actually spent more for the development of the agricultural sector than most presidents while Abnoy practically neglected the agricultural sector.


    #5 Abnoy : His being president forced his sister Kris to tone down her antics by maybe...35%. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. My ranking of the most corrupt presidents that I saw:

    1. Marcos

    2. Arroyo

    3. Ramos

    4. Erap

    5. BS Aquin/CC Aquino


    My ranking of presidents with most tangible accomplishments:

    1. Marcos

    2. Arroyo

    3. Ramos

    4. Erap

    5. BS Aquino

    6. CC Aquino


    Those who claim to be honest and corrupt-free are the ones without tangible accomplishment. Neither have they reduced corruption towards the end of their terms.

  6. I think GMA was a victim of media bashing. I would take her over Ramos.



    Yup. Di nya masyadong controlled ang media compared sa ginagawa ni PNoy ngayon. Comparing to Ramos, malaki talaga agwat nila ni GMA. She is still the best between the two.


    ABS-CBN started the persistent vilification against GMA when she refused to allow the Lopez group from increasing NLEX toll fees until they have finished the project. The Lopezes wanted to finance the project by raking-in money from the road users. Gustong lutuin tayo sa sarili nating mantika.


    She also disallowed Maynilad to raise water rates until after they have completed the rehabilitation of the waterworks system. Same with Meralco.


    For ten years, ABS-CBN and Daily Inquirer made continuous daily negative reporting against GMA's government. They put negative spins on almost all government actions.


    Their successful negative propaganda vs. GMA took a toll on her administration. Many people, even today, have come to believe that GMA is the worst president we ever had.


    Many of these people do not realize that GMA put up the foundations of sound economic policies that resulted to the economic growth we are experiencing today.

  7. Kung lumabas na yung final decision ng Arbitral tribunal at pumanig satin, paano natin mababawi ang Scarborough shoal? Makakapasok pa kaya dun yung mga ships natin eh naka-standby na dun yung mga coast guard ng china.

    If the Arbitral Tribunal rules in our favor, then the international community will support us.


    The Chinese will be politically isolated if they do not heed the Tribunal's ruling. Also, our ASEAN neighbors, Japan, and the US will have the valid political reason to openly support our struggle against the Chinese encroachment.


    Nevertheless, it is still our responsibility to do the dirty job of expelling the Chinese out of our shoals. I'm sure our AFP has plans for that.

  8. Malayong mangyari yan sa Pinas.


    Pwede pa siguro maging imbakan tayo ng mga na-naminang produkto mula sa asteroids. Kung kakayanin lang ni Mar ang umepal sa kalawakan, tiyak nauna na yan sa kalawakan para hulihin ang mga asteroids (figuratively) at gumawa ng eksena syempre pa kasama nya ang sangkaterbang medya. :rolleyes:


    Peace sa mga pro-Mar.

    Malayo talaga para sa Pilipinas to lay claim on asteriods. We are not a Superpower. At least not yet.

    Currently the race among superpowers is to explore and stake claim on something nearer to home -- the Lunar surface -- for future colonization and exploitation of its mineral wealth.

    But that would take a very long time before it happens. Right now, metals and mineral ores are lying at our very doorstep -- at ocean bottoms. But we don't have the affordable technology yet to reach them.


    I still can't imagine how possible it is for anyone to commercialize anything that comes from outer space, more so in harvesting out of mining from those asteroids. At di pa issue kung paano ang business regulations huh.


    Unless such articles are some kind of hoax. :rolleyes:

    During the 13th to 15th century, the superpowers of the era, Spain, Portugal, Holland, France and England are on a race to discover lands in the Far East. They claim exclusive economic rights to exploit the resources of the lands they discover.


    We are now in similar situation where the superpowers of today, USA, China, Russia are claiming space bodies, planetary and lunar areas as their exclusive properties, just by mere fact that they "discovered" it and have sent their men or machines to land there or take fly-by pictures.

  10. Nagrally na ba sa tapat ng chinese embassy ang akbayan, bayan, lfs at kmu to protest yung breach in sovereignty tulad ng ginagawa nila pag me westerner allegedly incursion sa pinas?


    I don't understand your logic. Does akbayan, et. al. have anything to do with this?


    Did the Americans in Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base do anything when the Chinese People's Liberation Army constructed their illegal structures in the Spratlys? No, they didn't do anything.


    Don't expect them to. It's not their job. It's ours.


    Don't expect foreigners to protect your sovereignty.

  11. I have been to Bangladesh several times to work on a Power Plant Project.


    It was during the time when anti-Marcos propaganda was harping that the Philippines is only comparable to Bangladesh.


    I like Bangladesh, its culture and quiet simplicity in the city and countryside. I like the kindness and hospitality of Bangladeshis. But Bangladesh is nowhere near the status of Philippines in terms of infrastructure, technological development, urban development, etc...


    If you compare their capital, Dhaka to Metro Manila, it's like comparing one of our small provincial city to Makati City.


    Only a person who hasn't travelled outside his own hometown would ever believe the Philippines has deteriorated so low to the level of Bangladesh.


    Don't believe the yellow media and propagandists.

  12. if this is chess, we already lose the war since our honorable senate ejected the US bases. Chinese are quick to position themselves strategically, and I doubt if portion of US forces can even help us with this issue. the only thing left for us is the UNCLOS.

    You really think we should leave it to the US to fight for our sovereignty?

    The US bases were still here when the Chinese started encroaching into our shoals and sand banks. They did not do anything.

  13. Ira Panganiban, former Radio-TV reporter and currently Editor-in-chief of Wheels Philippines Magazine, wrote this open letter addressed to the LGBT community in defense of Pacquiao:


    "...Dear LGBT Community,


    Yes I understand your concern. And yes it was a bit insensitive of Manny Pacquiao to have said what he said about gays being worse than animals.


    But see, he was asked his opinion in public television. It’s not as if Pacquiao was walking around preaching and telling people how to act and what to do. Manny was never been the kind to dictate to people how to be.


    Let’s put things into perspective before you hang the dude. Perez Hilton, a USA based blogger asked Pacquiao what his stand on same sex marriage was. Pacquiao gave his opinion.


    Yes it may have hurt, but it was his opinion. When people called him names and accused him bad things, no one heard Pacquiao cry foul. He took it like a man that he was and moved on to be a world champion.


    When the same members of the gay community made fun of him and his mother, Pacquiao took it all in stride. When people blast him for his intelligence, the champ did not get mad, when they called him idiot, he just went on and won championships.


    Now that the gay community gets in the receiving end, they cry like little babies condemning him to high heavens. Guess what the definition of a “bigot” is? Here, let me tell you, “bigot – a person who has no tolerance for the belief and opinion of others and forces their opinion on others.”


    Now, who is the bigot? Who cannot take the opinion of others and forces their belief on him? Take a wild guess.


    Bestest to all,


    Not A Gay Hater Me..."

  14. Kasama ba dyan ang mas masahol pa sa hayop?

    Actually, there is a twisting of meanings there.


    "Masahol pa sa hayop" translates to "worse than animals".


    But Manny said animals do not practice unnatural same-sex intercourse. He was actually implying that animals are BETTER because they instinctively know what is natural vs. unnatural behavior.


    He should have said, "Mas mabuti pa ang hayop."


    I have not read about his exact words. Did the statement "masahol pa sa hayop" come from him, or was it imputed to him?

  15. In fairness to MP, I also do not like how some of the LGBT had reacted on the situation (an “OA”ness at its best). They’re also nothing but sanctimonious hypocrites who judged a person without acknowledging their own sins.


    Bigotry begets bigotry


    For once, let’s define the term bigotry as an intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.


    So based on that, both MP and his bashers (especially some of the LGBT ones) are guilty for that matter.


    And I believe that what Manny had been said was based on opinion and if anyone who couldn’t handle other’s opinion should also be called (small-minded) bigots. .


    But then again, MP is the triggering factor here. Who could you blame then? The MP himself or his bashers? Or was it the media?

    I think it's the media.


    Somebody probably got him into ambush interview, asked a controversial question about same sex marriage, and MP obliged in saying his opinion without weighing how he should say it.


    Like Manny, I, too, have strong opinion about same sex relationships. I can always speak my mind without considering if I offend anybody.


    But Manny has to be more careful because he has lucrative product endorsement contracts to protect, and a political campaign to run.


    Lucky for him Mommy Dionisia will always be there to defend him. :D :D :D

  16. That disputes island belongs to us. But China is a super power. So theres nothing we can do. Thats how simple it is


    As JP Enrile said, there's no way we can match China's strength. But we can make sure it would be very painful and expensive for them to try to cross us.


    JPE is advocating something similar to Sweden's defensive strategy. The strategy is not to defeat an invading force or win the war but to have the capability to inflict so much damage to the aggressor that they will think twice before invading.


    In addition, think about this: if Vietnam can defeat a world superpower like the USA, and win the oil rig standoff against China in the Paracels, why would you think we Filipinos can't do anything vs. China? Nasa strategy lang yan.

  17. Kapag nakalapag na yung fighters jet ng china sa fiery cross reef, within 9 minutes kayang-kaya na nila marating ang Mainland ng Pinas. Ang Nakakatakot pa may pangsupport na sila kapag ipinadala na nila yung oilrig nila sa recto bank. And mas lalo tayo mahihirapan mag-oil exploration dun kasi anytime pwede na nila i-blocked using fighters jet.

    How does a fighter jet stop a drill rig? By bombing it and start a war?


    In Vietnam's case, they harassed China's oil rig using unarmed civilian fishing boats, blocking, ramming, crowding the rig and other Chinese support ships around it THOUSANDS OF TIMES. Persistent, but non-lethal manuevers. Until China was forced to retreat.


    Had Vietnam used military force against the Chinese oil rig, China's stronger sea and air power could have easily dispatched them. Still it's Vietnam who won the stand-off.


    Oh. Well. We can't talk different things here in the same breath. They're like apple and oranges. You were talking about your passages and I was referring to the moral lesson of my previous post, thus, my reply "it was uttered in broad sense". This alone gives me an idea how this discussion will head to no where.


    I've already given my own perspective based on my original post. And if you think that your "bet" MP (UNA's senatoriable bet) has made the right move to regain his reputation, so be it.

    He's not my bet.


    I respect his opinion. But I have a different view on how he should have presented his stand on LGBTs.


    He appeared self righteous, but so, too, were most of those LGBTs who responded.

  19. Leviticus 20:13:


    "...If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads..." (New International Version)


    "...If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense..." (New Living Translation)



    Is there any other literal meaning to this passage?





    It was asserted in broad sense. :rolleyes:


    And thank you for putting those verses here.


    No wonder why MP is in big trouble now. He puts every verse literally (in his mind).


    And he thinks that what he has learned from the holy scriptures, he has already the license to discriminate anyone or any group in the community.

    I can't see how anybody can claim that the passage is stated in a broad sense.


    It is very specific: Having sex with a man as he would with a woman is an abomination.


    I cannot make any other interpretation on it other than its literal meaning.


    In fairness to Manny Pacquiao, he was just stating a fact. But he did not choose his words carefully. He spoke against people who are very defensive about their sexual practices. It shows that as a politician, he is an amateur.


    Now he has to apologize to a pseudo-intellectuals like Boy Abunda and Vice Ganda who have enough air-time in ABS-CBN to cut his popularity down to size.

  20. Ang aral dito, hindi porke nagbabasa ka na ng bibliya, alam mo na ang literal na kahulugan ng bawat salita ng skriptura.

    Leviticus 20:13:


    "...If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads..." (New International Version)


    "...If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense..." (New Living Translation)



    Is there any other literal meaning to this passage?

  21. E kahit bumagsak rating ni Binay at BBM maiiba ba opinion mo? Manok mo yan pareho so alangan naman siraan mo o maging nega ka.


    Campaign managers also manipulate surveys ... Para mag trending.


    Of course lets leave it at that....baka may masabi ka na naman at mapeligro na naman posisyon mo. Less talk less mistake...remember mr 20 kotong cop?


    Ingat ka. Binabantayan ka ni FDL.


    You're trying to troll me into insulting you. Hindi ka pa ba nagsasawa? Lahat na yata ng posters dito asar na sayo.


    Still hurt dahil nabisto na modus operandi mo? Hijack discussions here to redirect it to corruption issue, then direct the flow to Binay.


    Dun ka sa Awesome Thread. Baka me pumansin sa yo dun.

  22. ^^^ Aba, nag tag-team pa si Rooster at Punkee.


    Halatang one and the same person using two alternicks. Double pay siguro. :D :D :D


    Same modus operandi. Corruption --> Binay.


    Both tasked to keep this post flooded with corruption issues to keep the negative propaganda going against Binay.


    Bistado ka na Rooster69ph aka Punkee.


    Tigilan mo na kami. Di na uubra style mo. Gasgas na.


    Magpalit ka na lang ng alternicks and try again.




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