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Posts posted by camiar


    amusing ... di na kita papatulan sa mga paratang mo. Paano naging hindi sensible issue ang corruption sa eleksiyon?



    Balik tanaw ...


    Camiar: Ok lang na magbigay ako ng 20 sa kotong cops kahit anti-corruption advocate ako kasi anu ba naman ang 20 napakamaliit na bagay ...barya lang sa akin yan.



    So ang tanong ko Camiar, yan ba ang itinuturo mo sa anak mo? Ok lang mangupit o magnakaw ng 20 tutal 20 lang naman, maliit na halaga. If yes then saludo ako sa iyo...I rest my case na isa ka talagang anti corruption advocate. Pero if hindi, then obviously corruption and/or stealing from the gov't coffers is an issue. Otherwise, bakit mo pangangaralan ang anak mo na wag mangupit kahit 20 lang yan.

    Oh di ba? persistently reorienting the discussion to corruption angle.


    Per post ba ang bayad sa yo dito?


    Bistado na.


    Tama na.


    Alam na.


    No more arguments.

  2. Efforts ba kamo to stop corruption Camiar?


    Eto lang yun .... Ikaw mismo inamin mo corrupt si Binay. A no to Binay is a no to corruption. Simple logic lang yan. And i have also been into debates with people (including you if my recollection serves me right) claiming Marcos is the best because he is acknowledge as the most corrupt president we have.


    You have always supported the likes of Marcos and Binay, even belittling corruption issues against them. Quite surprising for someone who claims to be anti corruption but believes corruption is not an issue when we go to the precint and choose our next president.


    Who is trying to tell the world that he is doing his share to fight corruption because his company has a "shitification" from an agency that its advocacy on anti corrupt business practices when the fact of the matter is you, who's the majority owner and a sr. executive have already confess to corrupt practices. Again let me remind you of your confessions as to "donations" given a.k.a extortion plus the 20 pesos you hand out to kotong cops.


    Sabi nga nun isang poster ... The principles you have in choosing your candidates reflects who you are. Mahirap magpanggap ng kung sino hindi ka talaga dahil lalabas at lalabas din.


    Bayaran daw ako? How low can one go just to look credible again. Well if that is true, whoever paid me should be commended for doing a good cause for being truly anti corruption.


    Alam na.


    Your main mission is to hijack discussions in this forum and refocus it back to corruption issue because it is your main negative propaganda vs. Binay.


    You are not after a sensible debate on presidential policy issues.


    You are just a minion tasked to keep negative comments on corruption flowing in this forum and divert the flow to Binay.


    Posters here will be quick to realize your schemes.


    A short review of your previous posts will clearly prove it.


    Kahit na anong self-righteous holier than thou mantra pa ang sabihin mo ngayon, wa epek na yan.


    Magpalit ka na lang ulit ng alternick. Bistado ka na.

  3. Rooster:


    While reading your series of posts, I had an epiphany:


    Your main reason in posting in this forum is just to keep the discussion on one topic alone : Corruption => Binay


    You're not interested on whether people are making efforts to stop corruption.


    If any poster try to talk about other campaign issues, you hijack the topic to steer it back to corruption issue.


    Your job here in this forum is to force the discussions to revolve around corruption and then you will link it to Binay.


    Corruption. Binay. Corruption. Binay. Corruption. Binay....


    Propaganda and character demolition. They must pay you well...


    Alam na....

  4. ^^^Sa hinaba-haba ng sagot mo, iisa lang ang lumalabas.


    Hanggang reklamo ka lang.


    But there are others like us who are already incorporating anti-bribery and anti-corruption culture into our corporate organizations. A growing number of us who have taken the pro-active stance have already realized that corruption per se is not the problem . It is the lack of leadership and competence of our leaders, particularly so with the current administration under the Liberal Party and Abnoy..



    Well, pinagaganda lang naman yan...


    Sino ba sa atin na kapag nahuli at hindi makuha sa sweet talk at charm natin eh sasabihin na mamang pulis eto o susuhulan na lang kita para ayusin na natin ang problema. Usually, sasabihin natin boss patawad/pasensiya na po...eto ho ang pang meryenda. So in that sense is that a feeding program and not bribery? O baka naman dahil pinatawad ka ni mamang pulis e sign of appreciation lang yun.

    Nasubukan mo na bang magpaliwanag ng maayos at magalang sa pulis para patawarin ka sa traffic violation mo without paying bribe? Ako nagawa ko na. It worked 70% of the time. Yung iba, (yung 30%) kelangan talaga magbigay kahit bente pesos, kasi yun talaga ang gusto nung nanghuhuli -- maka-kotong. It's not a perfect world. So ingat ka lang sa pagda-drive at sumunod sa traffic rules para maka-iwas sa huli.


    Pero sa yo na holier than thou, tulad ni Punkee, hindi nyo talaga matatanggap yan.

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    Ang pari they made a vow ... sila ang sugo ng panginoon sa paglaganap ng utos ng diyos at kabilang dito ang dapat huwag tayo gumawa ng masama pero hindi po ba may mga paring gumawa din ng kalokohan? lahat ba sila really practice what they preach? Lahat ba sila really walk the talk? Therefore hindi dahil sinabi, eh dapat maniwala. May kasabihan din na talk is cheap and actions speaks louder than words even in that one incident alone.



    Si Erap, he got almost 11M votes lahat yan naniwalang siya ang magbabago sa kanilang buhay at magiging tapat ito sa kanyang tungkuling. Naging tapat ba si Erap sa kanyang pinagsasabi/pangako? In the end, tama ba angnaging desisyon ng pagsuporta nun 11M na botante kay Erap kahit sila ang nakakarami?





    As they say talk is cheap ... or maybe its what they say that actions speaks louder than words?


    To you everybody is corrupt, even the priests. So how could we even attempt to be corruption-free? -- Without directly mentioning it, you are trying to discredit my claim that we donot engage in corrupt practices.


    Well of course, if you're not aware of Trace International, you wouldn't appreciate the efforts and actions we did to achieve the certification.


    Does any your clients conduct integrity check on their suppliers? Probably not, because you obviously do not understand the efforts in maintaining professional, corruption-free transactions. You probably are not aware that it can actually be done.


    We diligently maintain our commitment against bribery and we have our clients and third-party certifying organizations like Trace Int'l to back it up.



    Ikaw, anong meron ka?



    Talk is cheap, you say? What have your company, or you yourself done to fight corruption? You think ranting on perceived corruption issues against Binay will do it? Dream on.


    Feeling holier than thou, but empty on results.

  7. Having a policy not to engage in corrupt practices does not guarantee the people within are not.


    Walang pinagkaiba sa gobyerno. Alam naman natin na bawal ang corruption...hindi lang policy kundi batas pa nga. Yun mga gov't officials/politiko ni isa wala naman nagsasabing o aamin na corrupt sila and yet we all know corruption exist.

    Basahin mo ulit ang post ko. Di mo lang siguro naintindihan. We walk the talk.


    I am part owner of the company, a major stockholder and a senior executive who initiated the anti-corruption policy and employee awareness. We stand by our policy, and we have the Trace International to certify us. Our customers, through their official suppliers review and rating system, can vouch on our commitment to integrity in our business dealings with them.


    We take positive action against corruption and bribery.


    In my company, and in my personal life, I am one of the influencers and movers against corruption. Yet, like 31% of the voting population, I am for Binay.


    Analyze. What does that tell you?





    For more info on anti-bribery, follow this link: http://www.traceinternational.org/


    Not necessarily. It just means nobody cares to answer.



    But you cared to comment on a mundane post of mine again. :lol:


    To this post yes. But to your comparison challenge post, meron ba nag-react? Last time I checked, nobody cared to answer.


    Actually, this and the previous post are not directed to you. It is for the other posters who ignored you and who are now ROTFL as they read this.






    Sorry Mod FDL. Can't help myself. Awesome material na naman ito.

  9. I think it all boils down to how much Chinese people supports their governent if it calls for all out war. I think China is rich not because of China but because China opened its doors to globalization. If the declare all out war, how would it impact their economy. Plus, I think a lot of rich Chinese would want the PRC to fall to enter a more democratic China.


    Just think about this....


    Because of China's one-child policy, if they ever go into an all-out war with any country, each Chinese soldier's family will be sending their only-child to war.


    Once the parents start getting back from the war-front their sons (their one-and-only son!) in body bags, I doubt if they will continue to support the war.

  10. Vat is different from Annual Income tax, You have no choice for VAT, it is included on all products, while ITR filling is an option. you opt not to pay then you opt not to vote per se.


    kung marerealize ng lahat ng Pilipino na lahat tayo nag cocontribute by means of ITR (well maybe change it to MANDATORY TAX RETURN since ITR means INCOME TAX RETURN and not all has income) maiisip nila kung san napunta yung Php 365.25 pesos nila.



    You are mistaken to think that filing your income tax is optional. It is not voluntary. It is mandatory. If you or the company you work for doesn't file your income tax, the government will run after you and your employer. If you are self employed, e.g. a balut vendor, and you earn above the minimum income level set by the BIR, you have to file your ITR, too.


    But Income Tax is only one of the many forms of taxes collected by the government. Value Added Tax, Professional Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Sales Tax, Real Estate Tax, Excise Tax (on cigarettes and booze), Road Tax, etc...


    Everybody pay taxes in one way or another even without them knowing it. Everybody --- even those who don't file ITRs (students, farmers, senior citizens, fish ball and balut vendors, etc...)


    That is why those who say that only those who pay their income taxes should be allowed to vote are wrong.

  11. Binaytard, this was your retort. You said I was whining when I was stating a fact. So according to you, stating a fact and whining are synonymous. Furthermore, you post an ad hominem by saying that the Duterte faithful can't accept that Binay is leading. How sure are you that I can't accept it when I was stating a fact? Defensive ka kasi nagreact ka kaagad ng ad hominem. The next time you argue with me, base it on facts and not be defensive and get butthurt and react with ad hominems.

    So wala din. Di mo masagot kung saan ang sinasabi mong defensive sa post ko. At nasaan naman ang salitang "whining" sa posts ko? Grasping at straws ka na.


    And I've just proven to everybody in this forum that I can goad you into making more inane posts. Di mo kasi mapigil ang ego mo.


    So predictable.


    Awesome thread material lang ito.

  12. Defensive mo naman. You didn't see me react when you lambasted the Duterte faithful by calling them "mababaw". Pero ikaw, biglang naging defensive nung sinabi ko na pumapalakpak tenga ng mga Binaytards. Apparently, you can dish it but you can't take it. Ganun ba talaga yung mga maka-Nognog? :lol:

    Syempre di ka magre-react dun sa mababaw issue. Totoo naman kasi. Wala kang pangsagot doon. Kahit ikaw nga sinasabi mo pang comic relief lang yung mga simplistic antics nila.


    Please point out which of the statement in my post was defensive.

    Actually, it is offensive, to goad you into making more inane posts.

  13. 1,800 is only a small sample size albeit representing the exact percentage of voters per region and this was done amidst the comic relief of a word war between Duterte Harry and ObMar and the Grace Poe disqualification case. Palakpakan siguro mga tenga ng Binaytards. :lol:


    Noong si Duterte and leading sa loaded survey, wala kang comment.


    Ngayong di mo manok ang nangunguna, reklamo ka sa sample size.


    I sympathize with the Poetards, Martards, Dutertards. Mahirap talaga matanggap para sa kanila na leading ulit si Binay, and Front Page news pa sya in all major dailies, Top Story sa Radio-TV news and magiging hot topic sa social media ang lead nya sa polls in the next two weeks.

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  14. Considering that criminals either get away scott free or spend time at the BNP Hotel and Country Club in the current "just tiis" system, I'd rather have Duterte. You cannot commit crimes once you are dead. That is good enough for one term. After that, we shall see....if people respect laws again...there may be no need for a second term.


    Your reasoning is rooted on feelings of desperation for a working justice system.


    But instead of choosing a leader who can get our system back to the rule of law to make our justice system work, you are now rooting for somebody who would advocate machismo and flaunting of the law. Nice.


    Duterte's campaign strategy is to play on your emotions. Make you feel like criminality is the root of all that is wrong in the Philippines and his no-nonsense summary exectution of suspected criminals is the way to go.


    Sige lang, magpaloko ulit kayo. Dati, kay Abnoy with his corruption bogey, now it's Duterte and his "deteriorating" law and order bogey.


    Only the gullible gets convinced by shallow politicians like Duterte who use machismo and bravado to mesmerize them. It's all talk. Unfortunately, just like in 2010 many today are just as gullible.


    " It's the Economy, Stupid!" (by Bill Clinton)

  15. check out what is being done at the MRT now to correct past failures. of course, you wont believe me. but just like that other poster, I challenge you to get out of your comfortable chair and do some real research on what is going on at the MRT.


    this MRT situation may not be about Mar. but it is about throwing allegations and making unfair presumptions.


    Of course I won't believe you.


    I have tried our local MRT.


    I also have used the Singapore MRT for ten years.


    While the Singapore MRT improved and expanded several-fold in the past years, our MRT deteriorated over the same period. Next time I'll post pictures of the the unsightly food kiosks that look like squatter shanties along the MRT station walkways , the grime on walls, the non-operational escalators and elevators, the tripping hazards on the stairs, etc...


    The corruption of a$$hole Vitangcol and his uncle is one of the reasons why the MRT services deteriorated.


    "...Vitangcol and De Vera were accused of extorting $30 million from Inekon Group CEO and chair Josef Husek at the residence of then Czech Ambassador to the Philippines Josef Rychtar in exchange for granting Inekon the P3.7-billion contract to supply 48 coaches for the MRT 3 expansion. The money was later reduced to $2.5 million..."


    Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/702585/ex-mrt-manager-vitangcol-indicted-for-graft#ixzz3tVSEKFcr


    "...Inekon’s Husek has corroborated Rychtar’s account of De Vera and Vitangcol’s “corruption offer” in a witness statement drafted in Prague in August. The statement was one of the documents forwarded by Rychtar to the NBI and to the House good government committee..."


    Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/592607/czech-ambassador-rychtar-im-not-afraid-of-vitangcol#ixzz3tVVRMJi4


    So much for "tuwid na daan" . So much for making "unfair presumptions".

  16. No wonder during Thanksgiving, President Obama introduced the name of his pet as ABE. This is a provocative media assault IMHO: Knowing how Japanese and Americans are East - West worlds apart in culture and psychology, but maybe this was the direct result of Japan bashing Islam?


    Obama has a pet dog named "Bo" and had a pet APE named "Tata". So far my search for a pet named "ABE" turned up nothing.


    Maybe you misread APE as ABE.


    Even so, if there really was a pet named Abe, he would have pronounced it as "Eyb", as any American would, not "Ah-beh" as a japanese would. I doubt if Japan would in any way be offended.

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