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Posts posted by camiar


    During the 80s, an engineering fresh graduate can get Php900/month starting salary, which is more that twice the minimum wage of the period.


    Today, an engineering fresh grad will be happy to accept PhP15,000/month or less , which is the same as getting the minimum wage for unskilled laborers.


    Daang Matuwid pa more!



    let us be more specific. a regular, engineering fresh grad, maybe. and NOT EVERY engineering fresh grad. the good fresh grads are getting good opportunities. besides, the minimum wage is a short term indicator of how good things are. by now, we in business rewards productivity. produce and earn more. that is what is driving good economies. not basic pay.


    Yup. Daang Matuwid pa more. Even Du30 now that he wins, is indirectly praising the achievements of PNoy. after bashing the admin during the campaign of course.


    Di mo yata naintindihan.


    During the 80's engineering fresh grad get at least 2X the minimium wage.


    Today, engineering fresh grads get minimum wage.


    Why? Because the current economy cannot absorb the engineering graduates. There's not enough engineering and manufacturing firms because there's not enough infrastructure projects and no investments in the industry.


    Reasons: Abnoy's administration emasculated the construction industry by consistently underspending on infrastructure during its entire 6-year term. Oligarchs and big business, instead of investing in agriculture and manufacturing, choose to import from China most of the goods we buy and they just concentrate on building shopping malls, condos, and resorts.


    Regarding Duterte parroting the Daang Matuwid fiction, it just supports my prediction that, eventually, he will allow himself to be controlled by oligarchs and the big business vested interest groups to save his own skin. And the poor will remain where they are -- helplessly hoping in vain for change that will not come.


    I hope I'm wrong.

  2. Talaga naman itong si Tatang 2016 na hinde ka pa rin nagbabago! Pasubalian mo na lang ang mga argumento sa sinulid na ito kaysa mag-ngangawa ka ng wala namang basehan. Nakakatawa talaga ang mga fans bi Bobong Marcos, nung nakakalamang "move on na and let's start the healing process" ang mantra, ng malamangan nagkadayaan daw.

    Pinaka classic ang People Power sa Luneta napuno nila ang isang puno. Bwekekekekekekeke!


    Hello Hellyeah!!! Long time!!!


    Na-develop mo na ba ang intellectual balls mo?


    Tingin ko di ka rin naman nagbago. Ikaw pa rin ang inspirasyon ko sa isa sa mga messages ko sa baba...

  3. Ginawa na nga ni marcos yun walang congress dati, hindi mo ba alam yun?


    Di na pwede ngayon yung ginawa ni FM noong 1972.


    I am not a lawyer, but I know this cannot happen under the current Constitution. The president can only declare Martial Law for a limited time (60 days?), subject to approval by congress within 48 hours of proclamation. The congress may vote to reject the proclamation, or in the same manner, opt vote to extend its period.


    How can the president work without Congress if it is the Congress who will decide whether or not to allow the implementation or the continuation of martial law?


    Read the 1987 Constitution first before you take seriously any of Duterte's jokes.


    Hindi pa naman sure kung tatanggapin ng CPP yan or kung ilang department ang makukuha. I think isa lang doon ang ibibigay, may option lang sila kung ano dun ang gusto nila. Para tumigil lang sila kakareklamo sa gobyerno.


    Para lang tumigil, bibigyan mo ng poder? Bakit hindi sila tumakbo sa halalan at tingnan natin kung mananalo sila?


    Let's not be naive. Offering government posts to CPP is like letting the fox into the hen house.


    The communists want to bring down the government so they can take over.

  5. Calling all PEaCE regulars:


    Haven't you noticed that this thread is being flooded with posts from newbies like:






    shai hulud


    all of them have same message: " there's no fraud. let's move on..."


    that's why I believe there may be trolls here who are paid to post pre-arranged themed messages to sway opinions in social media....

  6. Marcos' quick count shows he's leading by 163K based on their copies of official COCs:

    Amorado, who heads Marcos’ quick count team, said their data is based on 92.59 percent or 100 out of the 108 certificates of canvass (COCs) from provinces and chartered cities nationwide that their camp have internally tallied.

    “Based on 92.59% percent of the COCs that we have internally canvassed, that’s 100 out of 108 COCs,… the vote of BBM (Bongbong Marcos) is 13,506,005, [while] the vote of Congressman Leni is 13, 343,009— or a difference of 162,996 [votes]. This is as of 3:45 this afternoon [May 17, 2016],” Amorado said.

    “That is why we are optimistic that we will still win this election,” Amorado added.



    - See more at: http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/566639/news/nation/marcos-camp-claims-lead-of-100k-based-on-internal-tally-of-cocs#sthash.WM4kjxKK.dpuf

  7. Our company makes machine code programs. I know it is possible to program a "sleeper code" in the machine program and it can be activated by changing the value of any trigger tag like simple "?" changed to "#". The changed value will "wake-up" and activate the "sleeper" algorithm.


    If there was fraud, the hashcode change was just a triggering mechanism. Another algorithm could have been introduced or a sleeper code was in the program right from the start.


    That is why I share the suspicions of Contreras. I think the Smartmatic's hashcode change could have triggered a sleeper code. A forensic evaluation should be done.


    Excerpt from news report:


    "...For his part, Contreras noted that based on the evaluation he conducted with David Yap, his fellow university professor, it was revealed that the rise and fall of the count of all the vice presidential candidates showed a uniform pattern which was unusual.
    He pointed out that such occurrence was not normal in elections especially when results from all areas were being transmitted on random.
    “There should have been a spike either down or up depending on areas where the votes were transmitted but in the vice presidential race, the graph showed a uniform upward line and then after the 80 percent transmission rate, Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s numbers fell in a linear line which is very abnormal,” he said.
    Contreras explained that the linear line can only be the result of the data having been manipulated or a system introduced which should not be there.
    It was not only Marcos and (Liberal Party bet Rep. Leni) Robredo who we assessed but all the candidates in the vice presidential race. All of their tally formed a straight line which is impossible to happen except when there is another program introduced. We believe there was a manipulation that happened,” he said.
    Both said they were not supporting a particular candidate but were merely interested in ensuring the integrity of the elections."

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. So for those who will not accept a Duterte presidency, especially the die hard Abnoytards....saang bansa kayo pupunta if he wins?

    They don't have to go anywhere.


    Just be true Filipinos who love their country.


    Duterte won't last forever.


    More so, I don't think he will last two years before he does an Erap or a Robredo.


    Let's look forward to BBM as president. :D :D :D :D


    Pero si Binay pa rin ang iboboto ng barangay namin sa May 9.


    because all candidates of all positions are affected hindi lang mga VP kung talagang may dayaan. And im waiting for explanations/defense from the yellow ribbon army

    What I mean is, this is the Moderator's Listers Thread.

    It's supposed to be a thread to remind posters of the thread rules and to list names of rules violators.


    Now I'm confused.


    What is this thread for?

  10. Marcos all set to file complaints vs alleged vote discrepancies



    Marcos claimed that, based on the reports, it appears that only he and his cousin, senatorial candidate Martin Romualdez, are the only ones losing votes in the OAV.

    Sa ngayon, nakapagbuo na kami ng almost sampu na complaint na dadalhin namin saDFA, sa Smartmatic at sa Comelec para pag-aralan nila, imbestigahan nila at tingnan nila kung ano ang nangyari dito," he said.

    Should this post be in this thread?

    It should be in the VP thread.

  11. haha. that's so funny. 80's to now.


    ive done this many times. you cannot bring facts to the table when the other party holds a fantasy book. isipin mo, nakuha nyong isipin na mabuti ang Marcos para sa bansa? kahit si JK Rowling hindi kaya gawin yan.


    and im ready for your next witty, smart, intelligent remark because I wouldn't engage you or any loyalist. the pattern is so predictable. I can even make a collection of the typical words you guys use, and the ready responses.


    During the 80s, an engineering fresh graduate can get Php900/month starting salary, which is more that twice the minimum wage of the period.


    Today, an engineering fresh grad will be happy to accept PhP15,000/month or less , which is the same as getting the minimum wage for unskilled laborers.


    Daang Matuwid pa more!

  12. To me, a spirited debate or discussion is always healthy.


    Unless a poster actually posts something really criminal or extremely libelous in nature, moderators should just let heated comments slide and just focus on preventing the trolls and nonsensical posters from hijacking the thread, without stopping the flow of arguments and opinions.


    We are here to voice our opinion.


    We know each other only by our alternicks.


    As far as I'm concerned, insults and praises are directed to the alternick, not to the real person.


    So, let's not be too concerned about each other's personal sensitivities.

    • Like (+1) 1

    Wow ... kailan ka pa naging ADMIN ng MTC?





    e yun "latest survey" di mo pa rin matanggap? In denial stage pa rin ano po? Napakasakit ba?




    Did you read the article before you posted it?


    The article tells about "Ilocanos for Leni".


    Their names are listed at the end of the article.


    There are ELEVEN of them.


    And there are 2.8 Million Ilocano voters....



    Diyan ako bilib eh...you are well into details . For me more than the numbers its an Ilocano turning his back on a marcos and supporting Leni ... Na dapat solid dahil sa dami ng magagandang nagawa nila for so long.


    Pero ganun naman di ba talaga ... Pag pabor ka sa kandidato mamaliitin mo ang pagtiwalag. Parang un ginawa lang ng Garcia kay Binay di ba?


    You were always trying to mislead.




    Were you hoping that readers will just accept your banner without looking into it?


    I looked into it and uncovered your pathetic attempt to mislead.


    Supalpal ka na naman.


    I hope Php 10,000.00 a month to paid trolls like you (see latest news on TV about political trolls) is enough to get you by.

  14. Ang inaalala ko kasi yung sa scarborough shoal nagbabadya ng i-reclaim ng china, U.S na mismo nagsabi na may mga nakita silang mga research vessels sa area. Samantalang ang Navy natin wala naman daw silang namomonitor? sinu ba paniniwalaan? Kung sabagay alanganin yung pag-reclaim ng china sa panatag kasi sobrang lapit sa Subic wala silang depensa maliban na lang kung magpapadala sila dun ng isang katutak na CCG at warships para magbantay habang nagrereclaim.


    China will only look like a fool if they ever try to build or do reclamation works on the Scarborough Shoal.

    They might as well start a full invasion of the Philippines. They will have war on their hands either way.


    Development Projects are currently on hold prior to the decision of the PCA re our case against the PRC. To maintain and show our "Good Faith" per the DFA Peeps.

    That means, once the Arbitral court's decision is given, that's the only time we can resume development projects?


    In the meantime, the Chinese artificial island in recto reef is growing faster than ever.


    It might be too late for us when the time comes.

  16. Authoritarian regimes are never good for any country. They are closed systems that by nature, relies on tight control of military to be able to impose its will on the people and maintain power. Authoritarian regimes like China looks good when things are going well. It seems very efficient in decision-making and accomplishes things faster (because there is no opposition). But now that their economy is in trouble, no one is sure why, what went wrong, whos to blame and whether it is being fixed. A black box produces awe when things go well. But when they dont, that opacity causes anxiety and fear.


    Singapore and Malaysia are to some extent, authoritarian. The system did good for them


    Thailand was for a time, authoritarian, under military rule. What was good for them was the strong influence of the monarchy, which kept the military rule more pro-people (in contrast to our country where the military during martial law were pro-ruling-elite).


    But we have come a long way from authoritarian martial rule. Over the years, we have seen our military transform to be more professional now than during the '70s and '80s. I don't think we will go back down that path again. Our constitution has safeguards to make it difficult for an authoritarian-inclined president to call for martial rule without a real emergency.



    Open systems like democracies on the other hand looks very messy and ugly. Our country often looks dysfunctional because its problems are on display and debated daily. Everything — economic strategy, police practices, infrastructure, corruption — is out there and open to constant criticism.But this transparency means that people have information, and it forces the country to look at its problems, grapple with them and react. It seems dysfunctional, but it is actually highly adaptive.


    Our democracy does not "look dysfunctional" .


    It is dysfunctional.


    Our inept leaders are getting away with it because the elite-led media are keeping the people ignorant of the real issues on why we're not moving forward.


    Democracy works if the people are allowed to make educated choices. The problem is that people are fed superficial information on what's going on.

  17. We should have enough national pride and dignity to be willing to fight for our sovereignty against the Chinese. Even if the odds are overwhelmingly against us.


    Vietnam showed how when they harassed the Chinese oil rig and its naval escort ships more than a thousand times, using hundreds of unarmed civilian boats. It went on relentlessly until the Chinese realized the foolishness of their show of force in bringing their oil rig into the Paracels.


    Moral of the story:

    We can always wipe out a puny little hornet's nest, but it will not stop them from stinging us in droves if we disturb their home. And that is why we leave them alone.

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