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Posts posted by camiar


    I wonder though if, prior to the interview, there was any screening committee or sort of orientation for the line of questions to be asked to the respondent. Because from the looks of it, Karen Davila had clearly caught Alma Moreno off guard and depicted the latter like a dimwit.

    That's what differentiates real Senatorial candidates from the rest of wannabes.

    They would ask for a list of questions that will be asked, including what topics they themselves would want to talk about during the interview. And then agree on it before the taping.

    Alma did not do her homework. Karen Davila devilishly did.


    I have already so you may want to backread a bit to see the figures I've presented that shows there were more that 17,000 classrooms built.


    Now unless Marcos loyalist or defenders in this issue can show figures that will counter the numbers presented, e this will remain a myth. Ang dali kasi sabihin na "ang alam ko talaga marami" eh hindi naman maibigay yun numero. As I said talk is cheap.



    I made some searches, and I can't find Marcos' figures.


    From www.nscb.gov.ph, GMA's statistics shows she built a lot of classrooms, too, and the numbers shown are only during the last five years of her term.



  3. Eto para mainis lalo kayo




    Anak ng tinapang galungong O! Eto ba gusto maging senador? Wow! hiyang hiya naman kami sayo Alma Moreno. Buti pa si Vilma Santos talagang nagaral para maging mahusay, ikaw parang iniaasa mo na lang ata sa PR team mo. Huwag sana pahintulutan ng dyos maging Senador ka, at kung sakali man ha, huwag naman sana singtanga ng staff ni Sotto kunin mo.


    Yan ang hirap sa mga yan. Hindi man lang naghahanda. Hindi man lang nagbabasa ng konti

    Di naman nakakainis. Nakakatawa at nakaka-awa. Sasayangin lang nya ang pagod nya.

    Di naman mananalo. Pero magagamit sya sa pangangampanya dahil president sya ng League of Councilors, dati syang artista, at nanay sya ni Vandolph.

  4. Hindi naman issue kung madami o konti eh...


    What you just said still does not resolve the issue whether or not marcos indeed build more classrooms than all the president that came after him as one claimed. So fact ba yun or myth?


    I think it's up to you to find out in order to disprove edmund's (?) claim.


    Ang alam ko nung Marcos' time, marami talagang newly constructed school buildings kahit saan ka magpunta, na hindi ko nakita in the subsequent administrations.


    So ilan ba lahat talaga? Can you provide comparative figures to justify your statement "Pagsama-samahin mo man presidente mula kay Cory at Ngoyngoy hindi pa din yan matatapatan". Talk is cheap right?






    Matanong lang din kita, sinisisi ba o may nagsisisi ba kay Marcos about the text book scam nun panahon ni Erap?


    During Marcos' administration, there was a classroom building program using mass-manufactured standardized building design (they called it "Marcos-type" school building). A lot of classrooms were built during Marcos's first 8 years as president, a lot of which still stands today. If I am not mistaken, it is part of Japan's war reparations payment program to the Philippines, which also included funding for the construction of the famous North Diversion Road (now NLEX).


    Regarding Erap, why would he say anything negative vs. Marcos, eh magkakampi naman sila simula't sapul?

  6. Do you really think the Filipinos have forgotten and are ready for another Marcos?


    Meldy tried and failed ... Miserably.


    What do you think will be the reason why he would win?


    Who remembers Martial Law?

    Only us, the old voters.

    It's almost three decades since the fall of Marcos. Majority of the voters now are post-Martial-law babies who never experienced what Martial Law was like.

    Just like the Japanese. By 1970's, three decades years after the end of WW2, the majority of Filipinos have forgotten the Japanese war atrocities.


    Martial Law bogey does not affect Bongbong Marcos's candidacy as much as you may think.


    Since there are so many candidates running as VP, Bongbong Marcos actually have a good chance of winning. Just like Binay, he has his own solid vote supporters.

    In addition, INC historically supports the Marcoses.

  7. ...But the movie, I suppose is a letdown for historians since the script writer is Chinese and failed to appreciate nationalism...






    Ok, here is the list of the screenwriters of Heneral Luna, the movie.


    Directed by Jerrold Tarog Written by E.A. Rocha

    Henry Hunt Francia

    Jerrold Tarog


    Who among the 3 individuals is Chinese?

    I guess Jacuzzi was misinformed. The scriptwriter is not Chinese as he claims.

    To quote Wikipedia:

    "The first draft of Heneral Luna was written in 1998 by E.A. Rocha and Henry Hunt Francia, who chose to write about Antonio Luna after being hired by Cirio Santiago to write a television script for a television series in celebration of the centennial of Philippine independence. When the series failed to push through, Rocha and Francia were asked to rewrite the script as a feature-length film. The film did not go into production, however, and was shelved for seventeen years.[9] Eventually, Leo Martinez convinced Rocha to submit the script to the Film Development Council of the Philippines.[10]

    Jerrold Tarog, who had separately developed an interest in making a Luna film after reading literature about Luna, learned about the Rocha and Francia script, and asked if he could use for his planned film. Tarog re-wrote the script, which was originally written in English, with fellow director Alvin Yapan helping translate the script into Tagalog.[9] Francia died before the film's release.[11]

    Among Tarog's references during the rewriting of the script were Philippine National Artist Nick Joaquin's A Question of Heroes, which he used as a guide to the film's tone and in humanizing the character of the titular protagonist; and Vivencio José's The Rise and Fall of Antonio Luna, which Tarog used as the primary source on Antonio Luna's life.[9]"

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  8. The slight easing of traffic in EDSA when the HPG took over proves that the public transport system is the main cause of traffic.


    Undisciplined drivers - loading and unloading at corners and intersections, over-extending their waiting time at bus stops, cutting in-and-out of lane


    Unregulated dispatching - not cooperating with MMDA's proposed dispatching system that was supposed to send buses at calculated intervals to avoid overcrowding the bus stops along EDSA.


    Biglang tumino ang mga bus drivers nung pulis na ang nagta-traffic. Resulting to smoother flow within the yellow lanes.


    But HPG is not the real solution.


    Eventually, the bus companies and jeepney operators will find a way to divert the kotong collection to the HPG, just like how they do now with MMDA and local traffic enforcers, and then chaos in EDSA will return.


    Let's not kid ourselves. There are too many buses operating in EDSA. There are too many cars, too. The solution lies in upgrading the infrastructure.


    The real solution is a combination of:

    1. widening of existing roads
    2. constructing more alternate roads
    3. implementing strict no-parking zones on secondary roads so they can serve as alternate routes
    4. limiting the number of buses in EDSA
    5. adding more train coaches and increasing the frequency of trains in the MRT & LRT
    6. phasing out the tricycles and jeepneys from the metropolis (buses taken off EDSA to replace the jeepneys, force the jeepney and tricycle operators to relocate to the rural areas)
  9. This lack of vision and planning for an effective mass transport system spans several administrations. GMA, Erap, and Abnoy failed to expand the mass transpot system of Metro Manila.


    In fairness to GMA, she tried to expand the rail system but met constant resistance from vested interests in congress. If you remember, it was during her term when the north and south rail right-of-way were cleared of squatters. However, Liberal party opposition prevented her from pushing through with the rail project. To be specific, it was Drilon who blocked the North Rail project so he can have the project transferred to Iloilo. The result, parehong walang nakinabang. The North Rail could have made Clark International Airport a viable alternative for NAIA.


    Also in fairness to GMA, she made a lot of progress in getting the SLEX, NLEX, and MRT Balintawak line fast tracked.

    She was also the one who successfully cleared the Airport Road of squatters to widen the road for the skyway that's being built today.

  10. I agree with this but the problem is the purchasing power of Filipinos is quite limited. You increase the fare by P20 or P30, and you have protests left and right. People should realize that they get what they pay for. If people want a worry-free mass transport system, they should be prepared to pay for that.


    Same thing goes with education. When schools raise tuition fees, many people protest. Thing is, if the schools don't raise tuition fees, it won't be able to pay the wages of good teachers who will leave the Philippines for greener pastures abroad. Without tuition fee increases, schools will not be able to provide for better facilities.


    People only see the cost but not the benefits of price increases in mass transport and education.


    It takes political will. Abnoy had the political capital in his early days to increase the fare. But he wasted his chance.


    Sayang. Abnoy should have used his political capital to improve the MRT's revenue situation. If he increased the fares during the early days of his term, even by just a small amount, the MRT system should not have deteriorated to its present state, and he wouldn't have met resistance to additional gradual increases as long as the system worked fine.


    Now that the system is in shambles, they talk about raising the fares. Talk about incompetence and insensitiveness!


    Mind you, Mar Roxas was the DOTC Secretary during those days when they had the chance.


    Seems like you forgot to include Grace Poe (but, mind you, she's a sure win for a VP candidacy) and Ping Lacson. :rolleyes:


    Grace Poe is not presidential material. At least not yet. There's also a good chance her handlers will get her to run as Binay's VP.


    Ping Lacson may have come in too late to organize a political alliance at presidential level. The criminal cases that he ran underground to hide from will haunt him. He squandered his chance to fame as he failed to make any headway as the czar of Yolanda rehabilitation. Anyway, I don't think the Aquino-Cojuangco oligarchy will support Lacson since they seem to be supporting Binay. In addition, Lacson doesn't seem to have the trust and support of the other oligarch families.

  12. This would work here as long as we had an efficient and trouble-free mass transit system such as those found in Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, etc. Whenever I'm in Hong Kong, I find the MTR as a very convenient way to get around. If I lived there, I wouldn't even need to buy a car.


    Over here, we only have 3 lines. I would have thought that by now we would have at least 8 to 10 lines. Instead, we have one line that's extremely problematic (MRT) safety wise, convenience wise, and maintenance wise.


    I used to take the MRT in its early years. I found it just as convenient as Hong Kong's MTR and just prayed that there would be interchange lines along Shaw Blvd and Ortigas. Well there's an interchange line in Cubao (LRT 2). It made travel between Makati and Quezon City a breeze and in those days, very few people used the MRT. One could actually find a seat easily.


    Today, the MRT breaks down on a regular basis and the number of people who use this greatly exceeds the capacity of the MRT. The poor planning and poor maintenance of the MRT makes it very inconvenient to use. Hence, the need for private vehicles.


    The LRT and MRT are having troubles now because the revenue they get from fares are too low to sustain the system. In addition, the train station facilities are commercially underutilized to generate supplemental revenue.


    We should allow them to raise the fares. The government should phase out the subsidy, maximize the revenues on advertising and commercial space rental in the train stations, and gradually raise the fares to make it self-sustaining.

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  13. These oligarchs probably don't want you to know that they're supporting Binay for the presidency.


    They probably realize now that there's no other choice.


    Who else is there? A thug like Duterte? a weak and unimaginative Mar Roxas? Cayetano with his pathetic 1% approval rating? Trillanes, the loose cannon who talks faster than he can think?


    Anyway, Peping has already declared that he will support Binay's presidential bid, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Aquino sisters already have a deal with him for the safety of Abnoy.

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  14. Improve mass public transport (like MRT/LRT), iretire na mga sasakyan na 20 years and older, bawasan ang bus at mahalan ang gasolina (hehe). I remember when the gasoline prices shoot up, sobrang luwag ng kalye nun, driving was a breeze.

    That was what Singapore did.


    Old cars' registration cannot be renewed after a certain number of years (15 yrs?).


    You have to bid for the right to own one. Usually, the right to own a car (Certificate of Entitlement) bids out at $20,000 or more. Usually more that the price of the car itself. Registration costs more than $20,000 for a small car and more than $100,000 for an SUV.


    This system enables the government to control the number of cars in the streets and they make enough money to sustain a world-class MRT, Public Bus, and Taxi system.

  15. They are simply not trained to do their job. Basta kung sino sino lang ang kinukuha, mostly mga recommended o relatives ng nasa loob na.

    Karamihan sa mga traffic enforcers, di naman marunong mag-drive. So, they don't know how drivers behave.

    There's a disconnect between the traffic enforcers and the drivers. That's why they cannot control the traffic.

    You cannot manage what you don't understand.

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  16. Aside from DAP, I think that the Pnoy never hoped that the other accidents, calamities, fiascos and tragedies happen. It is not his fault. However I agree that the handling of them was lacking on his and his Team's. I was going to say that Command responsibility in this sense applies... but then I would be making a mistake, because the theory of Command responsibility is if the people under his command commits a crime... they committed a crime of ignorance or slow action, which isn't against the law.



    Both Ignorance and slow action can be construed as being negligent.

    It is against the law for a person in a responsible position to be negligent on his responsibility. He will be charged for the damage caused by his failure to do his job.


    BS Aquino will benefit more from the publicity of the visit than Bill Gates himself.


    With Bill Gate's foundation contributing millions of dollars to IRRI, Malacanang propagandists will likely spin the visit and the donation as Bill Gate's endorsement of Abnoy's style of governance.


    It seems Bill is the guest of the Sorianos / Ayalas. I wouldn't be surprised if they advised Bill against the Malacanang courtesy call. But Bill should be smart enough to see through that and decide for himself to call it off.

  18. tell the truth or step down noynoy

    wag na mag-tell the truth.... step down na lang!


    Malamang, noong day of infamy ng SAF 44, feeling Obama sya, monitoring blow-by-blow feedback from the drone video patched to Malacanang.


    Then sh1t hits the fan as dawn comes and the thousand MILF started waking up for their 5 AM salah prayers, while many of the SAF are still trapped in the area.


    Akala nya siguro video game lang yung pinapagawa nya sa SAF. Eh kung sa video game nga palaging talo sya ni Joshua (Abnoy Jr.), sa tunay na buhay pa kaya sya manalo...

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