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Pano Ba Paliitin Ang Tyan

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go to the GYM and kumuha ka ng personal instructor mu na mag te tech sayo

how to reduce your belly

you know tigaan lng yan eh

if youre matiyiga to get reduce your belly

then you get wat you want


stop eating some junk foods or bad oil na ginagamit sa pagluluto

lyk animal oil or vegetable oil

much better to use OLIVE oil

maganda yun sa katawan and beside's you can use this for

applying in your skin as a moisturizer

tpos stop drinking beer

you know that thing is no 1 naka beer belly right??!!!

so after that mag use ka rin nang masisikip na panty

rpos lagi lng gym then you can make iyt

just believe in your self :zorro:

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  • 4 weeks later...
lots of cardio excercises is the best... treadmill, stepper, even dancing and taebo helps... then follow it up with crunches to produce abs...


What the hell is this? If all that cardio really worked then how come most people I know who are in commercial gyms who attend all the areo classes are still fat???


You need to build muscle to help keep the fat off and you don't necessarily have to do crunches to shrink your midsection

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Listen to the trainers who post here or read the studies...


Cardio works, but not as efficiently as building lean muscle.


Proper diet!


Targeted training (i.e. abs workouts) won't get rid of the flab, it only makes your abs look good once you LOSE THE FAT.


And yes, I used to work out at a commercial gym and I never got anywhere. And I see the people who do all the classes everyday and they're still carrying around flab. My GF said I only started looking leaner when I started watching what I ate and doing simple muscle-building workouts at home. No Arnold look for me here, but at least I look better in a fitting shirt.

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build muscles first since muscles help burn fat and increase metabolism. theres no such thing as spot reduction. always aim for compound workouts (which will hit the core indirectly and allow your abs to develop as well) and eat a balance meal (don't ever think of eliminating one of the major components of a balanced meal: carbohydrates, protein, and a bit of fat of course). also, its better to eat 5-6 small balanced meals than 3 big meals. it helps burn fat since the metabolic rate of your body wont slow down. it will somehow make the body think that there is no need to store body fat and slow down due to constant supply of nutrients needed by the body.

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iwasan lng yung mga carbo

wag masyado magkakain ng carbo pag gabi


exercise much better

if u have a lot of money then go for lyposuction

after lypo e dicipline mu self mu kundi wla din silbi yan o di mag wo work out kung wla ka disiplina sa katawan mu




mamang kalbo,


e ano po ba ang forms of COMPOUND WORKOUT?

is doing an hour of workout in a cross training machine considered a compound workout?

how about the treadmill? is it a compound workout?


tenchu :)

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i used to have a 42-inch waistline...now its 30 inches...i run 5 days a week for 30 minutes covering 5-6 kilometers, do core training and weights, and as a warmup do 200 situps, and another 200 situps for winding down...


tough but great results...hey, did i say i'm over 40? :P






how long did it take you to get down from 42 to 30?

how many weeks or months did you run 5 days a week for 30 minutes?

did you run on an oval track, or did some jogging around the neighborhood, or on a treadmill?

or does it matter just as long as you run, even stationary at home lang?



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lots of cardio excercises is the best... treadmill, stepper, even dancing and taebo helps... then follow it up with crunches to produce abs...



What the hell is this? If all that cardio really worked then how come most people I know who are in commercial gyms who attend all the areo classes are still fat???


You need to build muscle to help keep the fat off and you don't necessarily have to do crunches to shrink your midsection



Here's how I shrunk my tummy: RUN, RUN, RUN! Pull/weights!


Why run? Kung "hingalin" ka agad, pano ka makakapag buhat ng marami?


You need to push/pull weights in order for your body to go to this "fat burning" state.


The older you get, the lower metabolism rate you'll have. Therefore, you will need more exercise/weight training in order to burn fat.


Running helps your body preps you up for weight-training. But now too much, 20 to 30 mins of jogging EVERYDAY before weight training is a must.


DIET! It's not eating less, IT'S EATING RIGHT!!!


Any expert who think I'm wrong or would like to add up something, please feel free to do so.

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mamang kalbo,


e ano po ba ang forms of COMPOUND WORKOUT?

is doing an hour of workout in a cross training machine considered a compound workout?

how about the treadmill? is it a compound workout?


tenchu :)


compound workouts are workouts that require you to move different muscle/body parts at the same time. these workouts burn more calories than an isolated workout. i'm referring to resistance/strength training compound routines here done with the body or with weights.


examples: bench press, push ups, pull ups, deadlifts, military press, push press, squats, bent over/dynamic rows....


some would think "eh pang guys lang yan noh... how the hell should a girl perform that.. girls will look absurd doing those". :grr: hehehe! wrong thinking! well, these kind of exercises can be done by anyone! i even saw beyonce knowles (the singer) do push presses on tv... of course with lite resistance/weights lang.... pang girl :)


treadmill is a cardiovascular exercise. well it does work most of your body since you're running.... however dont ask me about long duration cardio exercises since ive never been a fan of that. id rather do HIIT for cardio... usually with sprinting or jumping rope. i do find long bouts on the treadmill and the stationary bike boring and unchallenging kasi eh. inaantok ako. however, you might have a different opinion on this. ask other people din. what works for me might not work for you since im a power athlete.

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Here's how I shrunk my tummy: RUN, RUN, RUN! Pull/weights!


Why run? Kung "hingalin" ka agad, pano ka makakapag buhat ng marami?


You need to push/pull weights in order for your body to go to this "fat burning" state.


The older you get, the lower metabolism rate you'll have. Therefore, you will need more exercise/weight training in order to burn fat.


Running helps your body preps you up for weight-training. But now too much, 20 to 30 mins of jogging EVERYDAY before weight training is a must.


DIET! It's not eating less, IT'S EATING RIGHT!!!


Any expert who think I'm wrong or would like to add up something, please feel free to do so.



Running and lifting are two separate activities and require different stimulus and adaptation. Common sense, if running really developed your condition for weightlifters, then marathon runners would be world champion powerlifters and weightlifters, but they're not


There is no "fat burning state" This is but one of the myths incorporated by so called experts. You need to get your metabolism up its that simple. You burn more caloires than you consume, and you lose wight. People make this subject so freaking complicated.


UUhhhhh I can deadlift 360 lbs bench over 200 and squat well over 300 and I don't run. So how in the world can running prepare you for lifting weights?


And on what basis should you jog first before lifting? whoever said that should be shot in thew head!!!! stop spreading all these old wives tales!!!!!


Diet is about proper eating and balancing of macros I give you that.


Again guys, leave the educating part to the real strength coaches

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Running and lifting are two separate activities and require different stimulus and adaptation. Common sense, if running really developed your condition for weightlifters, then marathon runners would be world champion powerlifters and weightlifters, but they're not


There is no "fat burning state" This is but one of the myths incorporated by so called experts. You need to get your metabolism up its that simple. You burn more caloires than you consume, and you lose wight. People make this subject so freaking complicated.


UUhhhhh I can deadlift 360 lbs bench over 200 and squat well over 300 and I don't run. So how in the world can running prepare you for lifting weights?


And on what basis should you jog first before lifting? whoever said that should be shot in thew head!!!! stop spreading all these old wives tales!!!!!


Diet is about proper eating and balancing of macros I give you that.


Again guys, leave the educating part to the real strength coaches



So what you're saying is that I don't need to run, but just by lifting a weights as heavy as a truck in different directions would make a tummy small?


I'm running and lifting weights to have a fit body not to look like Ronnie Coleman. I just wanna have a tip-top shape, that's all.


Well I beg to disagree that weighlifting alone can make you loose weight. It does develop your tissues into muscles, but I believe its not enough to loose your beer gut.

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So what you're saying is that I don't need to run, but just by lifting a weights as heavy as a truck in different directions would make a tummy small?


I'm running and lifting weights to have a fit body not to look like Ronnie Coleman. I just wanna have a tip-top shape, that's all.


Well I beg to disagree that weighlifting alone can make you loose weight. It does develop your tissues into muscles, but I believe its not enough to loose your beer gut.


Losing one's beer gut means you have to lower your bodyfat and this can only be achieved through cleaning up your diet and intense weight training. The reason why lifting weights make you lose pounds is the fact that more muscle mass burns more fat as well. Peace.

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So what you're saying is that I don't need to run, but just by lifting a weights as heavy as a truck in different directions would make a tummy small?


I'm running and lifting weights to have a fit body not to look like Ronnie Coleman. I just wanna have a tip-top shape, that's all.


Well I beg to disagree that weighlifting alone can make you loose weight. It does develop your tissues into muscles, but I believe its not enough to loose your beer gut.


Let's not start dealing with old wives tales here.


fact: lifting weights does build muscle and is an anaerobic activity

fact: anaerobic activity boosts your metabolic rat more than areobic activity

fact: lifting heavy weights will not make you look like ronnie coleman if you don't have the genetics and the tons of drugs he takes.

fiction: tissues cannot turn into other tissues

fact: you can lose fat without running as there are several other options you can do to burn fat and boost metabolism

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  • 2 months later...

for the perpetually bloated, you may want to try PSYLLIUM HUSKS (brand names include C-Lium, etc).


it's fiber, so it expands in your tummy (when mixed with water) and cleans out your innards (like a toothbrush for your intestines). for first time users, you'd be surprised...your jebs will be anaconda-ish (and you'll be surprised at all the dirt and crap you've been carrying around all these years).


should be able to shrink down your tummy (just a bit, but it helps) if it's caused by gas or undigested food/debris lodged in there. more importantly, you'll feel SOOOO clean inside! ^_^

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