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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. Thank You Lord for everything.


    Thank You Dad and Mom for your untiring support of what I do.


    Thank You Friends and Officemates just for being there.


    Thank You my Cornermen for ensuring my safety and for talking me thru the fight.


    And Thank You to all who were there last saturday. Your presence definitely made a difference.


    Thank You!

  2. Hello! i'm interested with mixed martial arts lately. But i can't seem to find anything cheaper than 3000 per month and close to manila. (Sta.Mesa area) could anyone help? Muay Thai and Brazillian Jiu Jutsu are what i'm aiming for.


    Well what exactly are u looking for. May groups kasi who teach MMA (yung halo na tlga lahat ng techniques for MMA). Meron ding nagtuturo with separate programs for muay thai and BJJ.

  3. I totally agree that Silva seems unbeatable but then again this is MMA and noone is invincible!

    Just trying to dish out a way for Silva not to retire early.

    Silva and GSP are two of my favorites...

    Anyone knows if there's an organize MMA tournament 1st week of Nov? I have visitors from Canada that wants to see MMA Pinoy style.



    I think the next URCC event is scheduled this November (as per my last conversation with Willy Carlos the URCC matchmaker last Saturday) also here's what I know: ROGUE Magazine will be having an MMA event by either the 2nd or 3rd weekend of October. Featured fighters will be coming from the URCC roster.


    FEARLESS is scheduled to have it's next event by December naman daw.

  4. Congratulations to geneticfreak for winning in the URCC university challenge!


    Thank You mga sir. It feels good to finally be back in there again after quite a while. hehe.

  5. Really? You guys think that Bisping can beat The Spider? That guy's been on a strict tomato can diet since he started fighting in the UFC. I know I shouldn't do MMAth but his striking is not even at par with Franklin and we all know how far Ace Ventura's arsenal took him in his two outings with Anderson. I still think a 100 percent Hendo is the man to do the job.


    This is not really an argument. I want a practitioner's point of view as to how can Bisping possibly beat Silva. Please elaborate.


    Well what I said was I would pick Bisping over Cote (in response to another post) in terms of who I think could 'better' beat (or perform well against) the Spider.


    I don't know if you guys have noticed but Anderson Silva likes to 'measure'. He will actually let an opponent hit him a couple of times before engaging him cause he likes to figure out the range, power and the overall quality of a guy's striking. Franklin tried to measure Anderson Silva himself during their last two meetings and wound up unsuccessful. In my opinion Bisping's 'fast starting', agressive, brawling style might actually serve him well against a methodical Anderson Silva.


    You may argue that Chris the Crippler Leben actually used the same strategy against Silva and lost. Well let me just say that Bisping and Leben are two different fighters. Bisping has better defense, head movement and Octagon Control than Leben (due to his training with Juanito Ibarra) and has that ability to "explode" on an opponent with a barrage of strikes that Leben doesn't have. (Leben IMHO is much like a Caloy Baduria who will just try to hit you as hard as he can each time till he has you beat even to the point that he has defenses down just to deliver that killer shot). It was actually that "hit as hard and often as you can" approach which landed Leben in trouble because he was open to counter strikes from the Spider. I don't think Bisping would have the same problem cause compared to the Crippler his striking is more sound technically.


    Apart from that he is a big strong fighter at 185 so Anderson might have trouble with his size (and his base as what we saw in his fight with Jason Day) if it hits the mat and he ends up in guard. Remember Travis Lutter nearly had Anderson beat had he not tried that lazy armbar and had just stuck to good old GNP.


    Don't get me wrong though being a wrestler myself I also think Hendo stylistically is the worst style matchup for Anderson Silva. Given his wrestling ability,base and his chin.


    I just didn't pick him cause they just fought and he had just lost to the him.

  6. Or a loss....Might be impossible but I hope Cote gets the 'Lucky Punch' then maybe Spider will think twice about retirement. Hope him and GSP or Penn will meet up in weight...then will see some intelligent MMA!


    Well Patrick Cote is no bloke. He is a good fighter don't get me wrong but I don't think he has the tools to deal with an Anderson Silva. Both Standing up and on the ground (Cote has no 'offensive' ground game as we have seen during his previous fights).


    I'd actually rather pick Micheal Bisping or even Yushin Okami over him to be the one to finally place a mark on the Spider's UFC loss column.

  7. Every Fighter Comes to a point when they think they've done enough. More so these guys at the top of the heap who have been fighting for a very long time. The training and conditioning (physically and mentally and otherwise) required to be a top notch MMA fighter can sometimes be quite draining.


    I just think the Spider maybe a bit burned out. He maybe pondering retirement but perhaps not a "permanent" retirement.


    I'm in constant communication thru ym with 6-0 undefeated former URCC heavyweight champ TJ Tiu who did declare his retirement from the sport 2 years ago and has since moved on to the states. And as what he says he really misses being in the the ring and mixing it up and wishes he could go back to fighting.


    It's like what Apollo Creed said to Rocky Balboa in Rocky 4. Fighters have this killer instinct you just don't turn off. They might feel tired or bored (or both) but the competitive spirit is always there.


    Anderson is too young to retire anyway. I think all he really needs is a long and well deserved break.

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