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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. If there anyone looking for a gym in makati, there's Kamphuis-Fabricio. Just check out bjjphilippines.com


    Yup Yup. KMA represent! Rada Cor. De la Rosa. was at the opening. I train in wakwak though. (but I haven't been there in a month or so)

  2. Would love to see Filho fight in the UFC.


    By the way. Great Documentary on the local MMA Scene last night on 'The Correspondents' on Channel 2. Very fair, honest and objective unlike that other so-called MMA documentary done by Channel 7 (I honestly thought that was just another tactic in the ongoing network war).

  3. goes to show that couture is scared of minotauro... hahahaha :thumbsdownsmiley:


    Well maybe not scared but something else. I think the majority of mma fans don't think Brock deserves a title shot yet however Nog was already lined up against Frank Mir (as the two were picked to be coaches of the latest season of the TUF) before Dana was able to convince Randy to come back. I guess a contract was already out which had Mir against Nog and upon Randy's return they had to find somebody who could match him in popularity and in turn increase the 'hype' of his eventual return and that's why perhaps among all the (more deserving) heavyweights in the UFC Brock was picked to fight Randy.


    As for Nog against Randy stylistically as sir Larry has already said I think Nog is a bad matchup for Randy stylistically because first he's very durable and he's never been knocked out even via GNP (which is Randy's bread and butter) and second that world class BJJ ensures that even if Randy decides to take him down and put him on his back (which he probabbly will and will work to Nog's advantage) Nog will still have a gazillion ways to beat him.


    Both Nog and Randy use boxing on the standup part of the game and both rarely use kicks and again on this aspect I think Nog has an advantage. I honestly think Nog's boxing is a lot better than Randy's though Randy is a master of 'dirty' boxing with his greco roman background.

  4. that is one ugly position to be in, with one of Lesnar's knees in you belly


    Yeah. Knee On Belly with a neck crank for good measure. Ouch. It's the Count vs. the Crippler this Sunday. That's gonna be a slugfest.

  5. move over Brock Lesnar



    Former WWE Champion Bobby Lashley has officially signed and joined American Top Team.


    I think I just felt Tim Sylvia and the rest of the heavyweights in the MMA world shake in their boots. hehe.


    So you have Brock and now Lashley. Who's next? I heard former Olympic Gold Medalist Angle wants a piece of the MMA pie himself.


    Ah earth to Fedor... I think we just found you a lot more competition.

  6. i don't think Cap would go for a sub, since i haven't seen him pull one (but this is MMA so there is a probability), i think he'd utilize his wrestling for a SnB approach or control the fight with his Wrestling & balance in the clinch & do some of his signature dirty boxing

    Brock is huge and has lots of potential, but i'd still stick with Randy Couture on this fight. ^_^


    WAR Gurgel! that last fight he had he was winning until he got caught in that triangle in the dying seconds of the last round...


    Yes I think his best chance would just be to pin him against the cage standing up, use that legendary greco roman clinch and use dirty boxing to soften him up.

  7. mwehehehehe


    he probably does that to sable eh? ^_^



    nice card as well


    Gurgel fighting again yeah!


    yeah. let's hope he does better this time around.


    apart from the main event. I'm interested to see Amir Sadollah in action as well.

  8. props to Lloyd for successfully disarming one of the two gunmen, Sambo is the bomb! ^_^


    Yeah Lloyd Irvin is great and again it shows a possible scenario when martial arts can be used to save lives and defend oneself and family.


    Sambo like Ju-do, Wrestling, BJJ or any of the grappling arts are seen mostly with applications in competition but in this case where it was a life and death situation


    the muscle memory, reflexes, skill and courage Irvin has gained thru his study of Sambo came into great use.

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