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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. I totally agree. Rashad should fight Lyoto first before getting a shot at Forrest Griffin. I even think Machida actually is more deserving of a title shot than Rashad Evans. Anyhow yah I hate how he showboats too much too. He could do without it but I guess it's part of his "package: now fighter slash entertainer kuno. The UFC wants personalities and they clearly have one in Rashad Evans (now even more so after that KO win over the iceman).

  2. World no. 2 Jelena Jankovic vs. No. 4 Serena Williams in the women's singles final and just confirmed!


    Murray vs. Federer in the finals tom.


    Finally Roger I think has a chance to win his first grandslam this year, Murray is no pushover though just look at the way he handled Rafa.

  3. Brilliant Gamplan by Greg Jackson. Luring Chuck into a false sense of security in the first round by having him chase Rashad all around before finally landing that overhand right (or was it a left) to finish him off. True Chuck's gameplan is already well scouted especially by the people from the Jackson camp who know seem to have Chuck's number. First Jardine and now Rashad Evans.


    Rich simply peppered Matt Hammil on the feet with strikes and defended takedowns. A simple gameplan against someone who I consider to be a one-dimensional fighter.


    And Dangerous Dan played it safe against Rousimar Palhares. 'Sprawl and Brawl' had that right hand cocked all the time waiting for Palhares' shot.

  4. Mir has nothing to give Nog that Nog hasn't seen yet


    He's the perfect matchup for Nog, a guy who fights his game


    True add to that the fact that Big Nog is probabbly one of the most 'durable' fighters to ever grace the ring or the octagon while Mir has had sh*tty conditioning ever since the motorcycle accident. If the fight he had with Brock had gone on to the second round or even just till the end of the first round he would have been killed. He was just lucky Brock was still 'green' when he fought him.

  5. it wont happen Mir will pull a surprise come fight night hehehe


    Yah it'll be a surprise if that does happen in my opinion that's why not a lot of people are counting on it.


    But what the heck it's MMA. Anything can happen.

  6. I know! But I'm sure Nog want to get his hands on Fedor again. And who do you think will win with the UFC 4 man Heavyweight tournament?! Nog ryt?! Dana's gona k*ll the Hype on a Fedor vs Randy fight by giving Randy his comeback fight vs. Lesnar and the winner will face Nog vs Mir. At the end of all this casual MMA fans will know who is the top two heavyweight in the world. Fedor and Nog! They will be in a rude awakening when Nog Chokes out Mir and Couture/Lesnar!!! So UFC co promoting with M-1?! Fedor in the Octagon?!Hard to say for now :thumbsdownsmiley:


    Well yes you do have a point bro. If it did ever come down to having Fedor face perhaps the best heavyweight in the UFC (well right after this 4-man heavyweight title tourney) Nog might actually be the one to face him when all of that is said and done.

  7. The scarier Williams won!


    Safina vs. Serena Williams


    Dementieva vs. Jankovic


    Haha. What a stark contrast the two semifinal matches will be!


    In the Safina/Williams match it'll just be about who has heavier ground strokes and who can pound the ball harder onto the opponents' court.


    In the Dementieva/Jankovic matchup naman it'll be all about defense and tactics.


    Thanks for the link bro. :thumbsupsmiley:

  8. bjj - da best


    downside: lagi kang makakakita ng dalawang pawisang lalaki na nagyayakapan sa floor. wag mo lang isipin na missionary position ito.


    Hehe. Dapat pagdating naman sa gf or wife mo if you happen to be a BJJ practitioner always try to stay "inside the guard" hehehe.


    Puwede mo din sa kanya ituro ang triangle choke para mas maganda.

  9. At last! UFC and Randy Coutures drama finally ended! Big Nog and Mir not screwed coz Dana said it will be like a 4 Man tournament for the UFC Heavyweight title! Nog vs Mir will face off with Couture vs Lesnar, there will be the unification of the Interim and the original Heavyweight title. Hopefully it would be Randy coming out of top so the fight woth Fedor would really mean something. Poor Affliction though, I think they're the ones who really got screwed here!!!? They were hoping the fight with Fedor vs. Couture happens in Affliction. But UFC co promoting with M-1?! Hmmm... lets see in the future!? Nog. vs Fedor 4!? Anyone here?! :thumbsupsmiley:


    Another Nog Fedor fight? Hmmm.. Nah I really don't think there's any need to have a fourth Nog Fedor fight. Nog himself before his third fight with Heath Herring actually said something to this effect, "As far as I'm concerned there is no rivalry between him and me cause I beat him twice already". The same principle should apply to him if that's the way he's thinking. Furthermore,if he got controlled in the ring Fedor would more than likely be able to control him inside the cage should there be a fourth fight and they put em in a cage this time. He'll just end up trying to fight from his back again and inside a "walled" environment like the octagon, being pressed up against the cage further negates any effort to try and fight from your guard if you've got such a talented GNP guy like Fedor on you.

  10. Nakakatakot kay Brock is his size & speed, baka "lay & pray" lang gawin nya kay Couture, sya pa manalo.


    Gugulangan sigurado ni Couture to! Hehe!


    Hmmm.. I actually am curious on what tactics Randy will employ to derail Brock Lesnar. I don't think his usual 'pin to the cage and take down' approach will work on him.

  11. The Brain is a muscle. How do you maitain the 'fitness' of a muscle? Simple You give it ample 'EXERCISE' and 'REST'.


    The REST part is easy. But how do you EXERCISE the brain?


    Simple. THINK or engage in activites that will engage you into THINKing.


    Word Games, Puzzles and the like are good.


    Also certain supplements have had years of study and research on them proving they do help improve brain function.


    One of these supplements is Brand's Essence of Chicken. Try niyo lang. Baka makatulong. (Read the research, haven't tried it myself yet though).

  12. worst advice ever.


    a couple of facts:

    sit-up world record holder Mark Pfeltz, who completed 45'005 sit-ups in 58.5 hours was not exactly ripped. in fact, he had no visible "six-pack." his belly fat actually rolled in front of him whenever he completed a sit-up. lesson: spot reduction is bullcrap. visible abdominal muscles are a result of low body fat, not abdominal strength.


    not eating for 4 hours puts your body into "starvation mode," a survival instinct where your body recognizes the shortage of food, drastically lowering your metabolism. in other words, "fat storing mode." lesson: if you want to burn more calories and more body fat to look lean, what the hell are you doing starving?


    sadly, only a few people comprehend the word "diet." most still associate it with not eating and starvation.

    apparently, this guy does not eat:


    if your goal is to achieve a similar physique, then i have no right to interfere with your business. each one to his own.


    AMEN to that!!! :thumbsupsmiley:


    Sadly up to this point in time many people are still being mislead into the "crash diet" and "spot reduction" way of trying to produce that six pack.


    Let me point this out too (though I am sure many of you have heard or read about this time and again): Situps do strengthen your abdominal muscles but but but! No matter how strong your abdominal muscles get from doing a thousand situps a day that won't mean jacksh*t on the beach when you've got a layer of fat covering it up.


    You can go and crunch and situp all you want but unless you remove that layer of fat above your abdominal muscles it's quite useless (unless your practicing to get that situp world record sir Palakol mentioned).


    Again you remove fat thru a combination of diet (this includes supplementation), aerobic (aka cardiovascular) excercises and some form resistance training. Starving won't do you sh*t it only teaches your body to store fat better.

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