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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. All time greats for me


    1) ken shamrock-- master of submissions, started the first real mma camp, very professiona, well conditioned, ambassador for mma (remember he was one of those speaking in behalf of mma during its early years telling people that its a sport not a cockfight) i just hope he stops fighting he is old already...


    I gotta disagree with you regarding Shamrock being well conditioned. Check all his fights with Tito and that fight way back then he had with Fujita in PRIDE. Those fights clearly showed his lack of conditioning back then. Also that boring 30-minute staredown with Dan Severn that has gotta be the worse fight in UFC history.


    As for your hate for Tito Ortiz do keep in mind that without his antics and the controversy surrounding him the UFC wouldn't have received as much media attention back then. So you are correct in saying that he is arrogant and he did duck Chuck for a while but without him the UFC wouldn't have crossed over into the mainstream media as easily as it did. MMA is a sport and sometimes a sport needs "characters" to boost it's popularity. Tito was one of those characters.

  2. My balls ache whenever i stay seated for for than 1/2 hour. extremely uncomfortable when driving. Any suggestions?

    I had unprotected sex with an MPA bout a week ago but i do not have any discharge or any std symptoms.

    Pls help.


    Hmmm.. hindi kaya masyadong masikip ang pantalon o underwear mo ser? or maybe it has something to do with your car seat.


    Anyhow as per your episode of unprotected sex. Eventhough you got no symptoms better have urself checked during sex with people we generally do not know (even more so in this case since public utility girl itong nakaniig mo) the attitude should be "STAY SAFE and ALWAYS ASSUME that the other person may have something you don't wanna get."

  3. If its not a killing, I dont know whats the proper term for that... Nagmukhang tanga si Herring, which was the heavy favorite before the fight. Look at Herring's face, its too much of a damage the whole three rounds... Lets not equate KILLING = submission or knockout, it can be a total dismantling or dissecting of one's opponent, especially if it involves a whole lot of beating...


    Bro,may I suggest we imitate Joe Rogan's in describing Brock Lesnar's performance "COMPLETE AND TOTAL DOMINATION". hehe.

  4. yeah, Damian Meia is a badass, he's a BJJ Mundials champ and if i'm not mistaken he's also a ADCC champ. dude's got potential, but not quite ready for the Spider though, hope they don't rush him into fighting Silva as i don't like my favorite fighters duking it out between themselves ^_^


    I'd love to see Damian Meia and Rousimar Palhares in a fight. That would be a great match showcasing "slick" technical BJJ. But Rousimar got his plate full in the meantime dealing with former PRIDE Champ Dan Henderson another world class wrestler.

  5. nice! sana mga top playes dalin nila dito.


    well yah, and I also do hope they do a good job promoting the event here. The first time an international fight outfit tried to do a major show here, Araneta coliseum wasn't even half full in my estimate.

  6. ^


    Nice point bro...


    He still has a lot of work to do with his BJJ


    Well yes he does. But then again how much of how his BJJ develops will also depend on how it will fit with the way he fights. As Joe Rogan said, some guys would rather ride and GNP (guys like Tito or Randy). Brock is a former Division 1 NCAA Wrestling Champion, he 's a wrestler and that will always be his strength. As for his BJJ the most I think that he needs to develop is his submission defense and maybe that would be enough for him to win even against the toughest competition. In terms of ground control and base Brock already has that courtesy of his wrestling (He spent majority of the fight either on Herring's back or on mount if you remember).


    If he can keep that kind of base and posture and know how to defend submissions even the Napao's and the Nog's of the world would have a hard time with him. Keep in mind that BJJ in MMA is different. The fact that it's no gi favors Brock as there are less submissions to defend. Also it does get a lot harder to submit someone as an MMA fight wears on cause of the excess sweat (and blood). Add to that the fact that he has the first hands in the UFC to ever wear 4XL gloves and his fists can cause a lot of damage even within someone's guard.


    Speaking of BJJ. That Damian Meia dude is a real badass on the ground. He nearly got Jason McDonald(another talented ground specialist) in a triangle choke during the first round of their fight and eventually got him in a rear naked choke to finish him off.

  7. When We Hold on Together - Bata pa ko nito the song was played in the movie "Land Before Time" during that scene wherein Little Foot's mother was slowly dying. This is the first and last time I've ever cried while watching any movie.

  8. i was waiting for him to be more explosive during the latter rounds after that devastating first punch..after the fight i thought i just saw him deliver 2 solid punches. other than that he was just contented to be on top of heath.


    just my observation


    We call that "riding" in wrestling sir. To make up for his lack of BJJ experience (and to counter that of Herring's) he was simply content to stay on his back and control him. He was simply avoiding a repeat of what happened to him when he fought Frank Mir.

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