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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. yeah after the Tim fight, i must admit that Choi did better than Tim against Fedor. or was it that Fedor knew already what to do as he had experience in fighting Choi previous Tim.


    what i'd like to see next is a Aleksander Vs Tim fight, hehehe lets he he tries to jab a UD against that banger. ^_^


    Yup Aleksander against Big Timmy would be cool. Aleksander has the same power and aggressive style his brother has but with less "oxygen". hehe. and Tim's gone the 5 rounds (championship rounds) in the UFC several times. Maybe against him he'll have a slightly better chance.

  2. yeah I remember that


    Rampage was sitting in with Bas, and they were doing the commentary, Rampage kept going on and on how Fedor was doing the "chicken dance".


    I remember Randleman slamming Fedor on his head too


    Maybe Fedor really isn't human


    Yah who could forget that jumping german suplex at the pride heavyweight Grand Prix. I honestly thought Fedor had been knocked out by the move as he clearly landed on his head. Amazing that he rolled out of it into side control and got the winning keylock. He really seems to be superhuman.


    I mean look at this:

    the most dangerous man in the world can't possibly look as goofy as that.


    That's part of Fedor's mystique also. That he really doesn't look that dangerous. He doesn't seem that imposing. He doesn't have the 6pack or the well defined muscles you'd see with most fighters but he has perhaps the highest level of skill among all MMA fighters today. He looks goofy out of the ring but has that stonecold stare during the fight.

  3. seeing the TimXFedor again and watching highlights of FedorXHong Man Choi, Choi actually did better than Fedor.


    I don't what that means for Tim though.


    Yah Hong actually had Fedor in more trouble than Tim did. Yung laban dati ni Fujita saka ni Fedor yun ang nakakahinayang. Fujita had him wobbled. That was the closest has ever come to defeating Fedor.


    As for Big Tim. Well how about a match between him and Hong Man Choi just to find out. hehe. I don't know if Choi can cut dow to the 265 weight limit though it might be too hard for him.

  4. Adre Vs Fedor nice! that i'd like to see go the distance with a lot of banging and sub attempts from both fighters. ^_^


    the Fedor, Tim fight was a classic, classic Fedor highlight moment ^_^


    Yes another one for the Emperor's highlight reel indeed. He did exactly what he had to do. Against someone who is long (and uses that to his advantage with the classic jab-straight combo) you try and close the distance quickly. He not only closed the distance he fired shots straight down the pipe which wobbled the former UFC champ.

  5. I think Arlovski's chin would be a bit suspect to Fedor's KO power as evidenced in his second fight with Big Timmy. Also If Fedor decides to take him down I'm not sure he can stop him. Cro Cop's Sprawl is way faster than the Pitbull's in my opinion and yet Fedor took him down at will.


    In an MMA fight you never know which Andrei Arlovski would show up. The strong agressive KO and Submission Artist who put down, Buentello and Tim Sylvia or the timid,unsure fighter who winds up with a boring decision win/loss (like in that 5 rounder with Timmy and his fight with Fabricio Werdum). It's always a Jekyll and Hyde situation when it comes to Andrei Arlovski. Let's just hope that in his fight with Fedor it isn't the latter who shows up.

  6. Clues??!! ayaw ko nga.. hehehehe.. baka mabugbug pa ako.. pero im sure alam mo yan.. hehehe.. they have this one fighter who shifted from team to team to team na kasi no body wants him kasi mayabang sobra.. this gym took him in to take advantage of his natural abilities as a fighter.. hahahaa.. parang yung binili ng Fairtex si Yodsanklai from Twins.. hehehe.. and as they say.. the rest is history


    and oh.. pede mo rin "collar choke" tong fighter na ito kahit hindi naka gi .. bwhahahah.. :upside: :upside: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    Team to Team to Team ha. hehe. naobvious tuloy.

  7. kung malapit lang sa office mo i suggest you train there.. Tagle is one of the best grappler and fighter sa local scene.. im sure matututo ka doon keysa you go to "jack of all trades" na gym that seem to be popping up recently.. heheheh


    Hmmm... isyu na naman ba to? hehehe. I wonder what group this is. Clues naman dyan. hehe :thumbsupsmiley:

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