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Posts posted by geneticfreak

  1. not sure what style you're referring to, because implying straight from the name Mixed Martial Arts, there's no longer one specific style, but a hybrid of styles encompassing all ranges of fighting from punching, kicking, clinch (elbows and knees) down to grappling.


    style vs. style is so UFC 1


    but to partly answer your question the guy in the mohawk is Chuck Liddel and his martial arts background came from Kenpo Karate.


    And Chuck was a great wrestler back in high school and college too. He's one of those strikers who is so difficult to takedown.


    Ortiz couldn't do it. Brazilian Olympic Wrestling Team member Renato "Babalu" Sobral couldn't do it and neither was Randy successful their last couple of meetings.

  2. Yeah! After UFC 1 everybody started learning jiujitsu, then the wrestlers came in! Its was Don Frye (Freddie Mercury look alike) was one of the first fighters who can strike/boxe and grapple/wrestle in the UFC. You guys are right its not style vs. style anymore but more of a fighter vs. fighter nowadays! And its true that MMA is more brutal than boxing but its what we have close to a "real" fight is! Brutal! Theres no "grace" in a fight!!! Never submitted/ choked anybody in my life (only fought in the streets) but always GnP footstomped and soccerkicked f#&kers in their heads after I knocked them to the ground!!! All fights ends up on the ground! Congrats to Hansen for winning the DREAM Lightweight GrandPrix!!! Never expected that after he lost to Alvarez in the second round of the grand prix!!!Just waiting for Fitch vs. St. Pierre, anu take nyo dito mga pare!? Fitch ako dito!!! :thumbsupsmiley:


    Hmmm.. Honestly I find this quite hard to call. Fitch in my opinion has a "controlling" style much like a Yushin Okami wherein he uses his base and wrestling to take people down and control them. He's a really good wrestler and he showed it when he defeated Thiago Alves (who Matt Hughes failed to defeat the last time out). But no mistake about it GSP's wrestling has come a long way (even being asked to be part of Canada's Olympic Wrestling Team), this from a guy who didn't know wrestling at the start of his career but was compelled to learn it when he entered MMA. So in the wrestling side of the equation these two might be equal.


    But think about this for a second... GSP has been matched up with wrestlers with supposedly better pedigrees than him and have always come out on top. We all know what happened to Matt Hughes (twice), Frank Trigg and NCAA Undefeated Division 1 All American Josh Koschek. Will Fitch be next? That still remains to be seen.


    As for the Standup advantage. I give this one to GSP though Fitch has improved tremendously on his feet also (with his boxing in particular). I also think Fitch has the stronger chin among the two, but heck who needs an iron chin when you can stick and move like the athletic GSP. Remember also the "diversity" of strikes GSP is capable of as was shown during his second meeting with Matt Hughes. You can expect everything from the guy, spinning back kicks and superman punches included.


    Turning now to grappling/BJJ again I give the advantage to GSP. I mean, Man!, that "submission chain" he did on Matt Hughes during their third and final meeting. Now that was something. Hip Throw into a kimura slash top triangle choke, into an armbar with a wristlock. What else can I say? As for Fitch I haven't seen him use his grappling that often relying on his wrestling brilliance to control and ground and pound.


    So I think I'll go with GSP on this one. But heck it's MMA! Anything can happen.

  3. Is there any gym or school in Makati that can learn MMA?


    Hmmm. You can ask at Red Corner Gym if they have MMA classes.


    The new KMA Makati gym will have MMA classes to be taught by Erwin Tagle and the rest of Submission Sport Philippines.


    you may view the details here: http://www.bjjphilippines.com/core there's currently an article there which discusses the new venue.

  4. Any martial arts schools in the Batasan Hills area?


    Kru Zhie Vallega has a muay thai school sa batasan hills.


    Anyway since mukhang taga UP ka.


    the UP Wrestling Club and SPRAWL MMA are based at the Vanguard Building UP Diliman.


    WE have training sessions T-TH 530-9PM

  5. Actually there are two, Doug Dedge (the guy who fought in Ukraine) from way back in the 90s when the sport was in its infancy and no real systems in place (the fighter had a pre-existing medical condition and should have never stepped inside the ring), and Sam Vasquez last year.


    Boxing is boxing, but very soon MMA will overtake boxing in popularity (if not already), boxing won't die, but in the general order of things, pretty soon MMA will become the most popular combat sport in the world.


    Amen to that. :thumbsupsmiley: And thanks for the correction sir.

  6. JUDO and WUSHU... Lethal combination ito... Kahit sa URCC, WUSHU guys dominates their division...


    Tinalo pa nga ng isang first timer sa MMA na WUSHU guy si Allan Co eh... Grabe kasi ang conditioning nila, parang hindi napapagod...


    Well iba talaga ang conditioning ng mga taga Baguio first of all (where Team Lakay is based). The high altitude gives them the advantage of developiong superior lung power when compared to their counterparts here in manila. Also, not to defend Allan Co but the guy hasn't fought in a couple of years and has spent most of his time recently with his office job unlike Folayang who is a full time fighter.


    But yah I have to agree with you. Lakay is the most dominant team in the local MMA Scene at the moment.

  7. There'll be a martial arts festival sa Star City from JUly 25-27 (that's this weekend). During this GAB sponsored event there'll be demos from the many different martial arts namely: taekwondo, aikido, ju-do, muay-thai, brazilian and japanese jiu-jitsu and many others. They will also be holding a Yaw Yan Fighting Challenge to highlight the said event.

  8. There'll be a martial arts festival sa Star City from JUly 25-27 (that's this weekend). During this GAB sponsored event there'll be demos from the many different martial arts namely: taekwondo, aikido, ju-do, muay-thai, brazilian and japanese jiu-jitsu and many others. They will also be holding a Yaw Yan Fighting Challenge to highlight the said event.

  9. Nice to see Fedor "destroy" Tim rather easily. I'm sure Dana's gonna quadruple his efforts now to try and sign the guy. And for all intensive reasons I hope he does. And I hope Randy comes back to fight him.


    As for the guy here who compared boxing with mma. I advise you to try and search for that vid where Joe Rogan was in a debate with a boxing promoter on espn regarding boxing vs. mma. And I think this will sway your opinon. As he states during the debate. Boxing is not fighting. Boxing is combat limited to using only your hands. MMA on the other hand is fighting. Though it has rules in place for fighter safety it is the closest, most legitimate you'll ever get to having a fight as a sport or a competition.


    "Parang mas magandang panoorin yung boxing. Sa boxing may grace saka brutality on the otherhand sa MMA pure brutality di ko maapreciate lalo na pag grapling na, parang yung tendency palagi sa MMA e humantong sa posisyon na magkapatong yung dalawang naglalaban."


    Admittedly MMA is a lot more violent than boxing will ever be. But think about it how many deaths have ever resulted from a legit MMA fight (I believe there is only one during an MMA event last year in Russia) and from those of boxing. I know you may argue that boxing is the much older than MMA but still safety nets all over MMA. Aside from the usual intervention by the refs you have the beauty of the "tap" verbal or otherwise and this has saved a lot of fighters from acquiring any serious injury. A lot of rule changes have also been made to ensure fighter safety like the nevada resolution to disallow kicks to a downed opponent to the head and the prohibition of kidney strikes from the guard. MMA is actually a lot safer and a more "civilized" than a lot of people seem to think.


    If you don't appreciate grappling I suggest you watch the fights of Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza, Randy Couture, Dean Lister and Marcelo Garcia just to name a few. Maybe by watching them and learning about the techniques you would gain an appreciation of grappling and it's practical use in fighting. I have actually choked a couple of people during a street fight myself. The ground game is a big part of any fight (even street fights) not just MMA so when people do end up on top of one another it's just part of the game. And what you see as being boring is actually a chess match on the ground it just so happened that you don't know any of the techniques that's why you don't appreciate it.



    "Mas maganda kasi yung movement sa boxing tapos inaanticipate mo yung knockout punch o kaya maapreciate mo yung counter punch nung boxingero(e.g. Marquez technical savvy). Opinyon lang po, peace to all"


    And you don't have this in MMA?! I beg to differ sir! Just watch the fights of Anderson Silva, Chuck Lidell, Wanderlei Silva, Mirko Crocop just to name a few. You'd be surprised at the KO's these guys can produce. And these are KO's not just using the hands as in boxing but by the feet as well (knee strikes included). Watch Anderson Silva and see how pinpoint his striking is (and how technical) or Chuck (with his counter punching) and you will see that KO's or technical striking is not limited to people in boxing alone.


    Let me just add the fact that in MMA anything can happen. The sheer multitude of techniques that can be used from the many arts studied in MMA (boxing,wrestling,muay thai,BJJ and others) just adds another dimension to an MMA fight. And it is becuase of this uncertainty that MMA matches are far more exciting in my opinion than any boxing match. Don't get me wrong though I am not bashing boxing as a sport here (I'm a big Pacquiao fan as well). I'm just saying that in terms of technique and the number of possible outcomes (and thus excitement) boxing pales compared to MMA.


    If you don't believe just check out last year's best fights. Serra vs. GSP, Gonzaga vs. Crocop, Randy vs. Tim Sylvia, Jardine vs. Forrest, Quinton vs. Chuck and a whole lot more. You might still be watching MMA fights from the good old Shamrock vs. Dan Severn days that's why you got that "boring" outlook on MMA.

  10. Yup Yup. Was there last monday and wednesday. Next monday ulit. Pero paalis si Stephen ngayon. 3 weeks wala, puntang australia and new zealand. Dun ata magbibirthday. We learned the Bravo choke last wednesday. Sa half guard pala yun. hehe.


    Yung nasa loob pala ng half guard (the guy on top) yung gumagawa ng bravo choke hindi ung nakahalf guard. Baka malito kayo. hehe. Sorry.

  11. Nice Superman punch from one of my fav GSP!


    Any good training ground in Metro Manila for kids age 11?


    Well what kind of training are you looking for in particular.


    Kung BJJ. KMA in wakwak has kids classes every saturday 9-11AM

  12. yeah am also working on half guard.


    nakaka train ka pa in wack wack? haven't been there in ages


    Yup Yup. Was there last monday and wednesday. Next monday ulit. Pero paalis si Stephen ngayon. 3 weeks wala, puntang australia and new zealand. Dun ata magbibirthday. We learned the Bravo choke last wednesday. Sa half guard pala yun. hehe.

  13. your best bet is to enroll in a class since nothing beats having someone knowledgeable go over the details in the technique.


    Yup, butterfly guard is difficult. I'm just happy with open guard, but still working on it a lot


    Hehe ako I love the Spider Guard pag naka gi. Tapos I like using the half guard during either gi or no gi to get someone's back or setup a sweep. Also the half guard kinda lulls the person on top into a false sense of security which I also take advantage of.

  14. Dear Oracle Cluster.


    Sorry we have to take one of your nodes away for the moment.


    He is scheduled for an upgrade.


    We promise you that in two weeks in time you will all be together again.


    So kiss him goodbye now and wish him luck.


    You'll be with him again in no time.

  15. Nothing teaches the basics in BJJ like gi training. the slower pace puts a premium on technique, on the step by step approach to how a particular position is reached or how a particular lock or hold is applied.


    Pero tama din si sir Olympus your body can certainly handle no-gi wala naman sa itsura yan. Sa grappling naman kasi you make the most of your body type if your heavily built you try to stay on top and use your size to hold down positions. if your long and lanky naman u have an advantage in fighting from the guard especially if you do develop the needed flexibility and you have long legs which you can use to get someone in an armbar or a triangle from the bottom as I have seen Ralph Go do so many times in competitions. It's really up to you and how you use the tools you've been given to excel in BJJ.


    Goodluck in your training. I'll see you in December perhaps. At the Phil International Gi and No gi tourneys.

  16. i just read a forum hwose topic was a comment from lyoto about the UFC/Dana White will have Chuck have first dibs on Forrest as Chuck is "malakas" with Dana... then there are those mooks saying na lyoto still hasn't proven anything... your thoughts?


    Well there's a saying in combat sports that goes "your only as good as your last fight". Well let's analyze not just the last but the most recent fights of Lyoto Machida to see if there's some merit to the statement above.


    He wasn't able to KO Nakamura (though he clearly dominated him and Nakamura has one hell of a chin and that famous fighting spirit the Jap fighters are known for)


    He choked out Sokoudju with an arm triangle (which I thought was impressive because it finally showed that he has a ground game)


    He retired Tito from the UFC with a decision victory (again quite dominant apart from the fact that he nearly got caught in a triangle choke/armbar at the very end)


    Considering the fact that Tito's back is already a liability and he no longer has the sprint to take people down with that double leg shot (has also affected his strategy of pinning people to the cage and taking double underhooks for his takedowns) I guess we can say that Machida fought a Tito who was already on the way down and thus that might have helped him.


    On the Sokoudju fight he was fighting someone who I believe was having trouble adjusting to the octagon, with that fight being his first time. I was however impressed by the strength Machida showed. being able to stand up immediately after getting taken down by the South African and being able to control him on the ground en route to that triangle choke victory.


    Lastly I felt he could have knocked Nakamura out if he just put a lil bit more 'oomph' into it.


    Let's also take into account his unique style that nobody has figured out yet.


    So what do we have. What we have are mixed results. And what this analysis shows is Machida does need that one fight. That one "validating" fight which will show if he really belongs to the cream of the crop of the LHW division. I don't think it'll be this fight with Thiago perhaps it will serve as a stepping stone towards that "validating" fight that he needs to be considered for a title shot.


    Speaking of Thiago I think he's in the same boat with Machida. If he wins I think he'll get his shot at validation.


    The LHW division is jampacked with fighters who could serve as the opponent unto the validation either of these two young bulls deserve. You got the recently dethroned champ Quinton Jackson, Chuck Lidell, Keith Jardine, Wanderlei Silva, Mauricio Rua there are so many possibilities.


    Just my two cents.

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