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Posts posted by remoteworld

  1. are we talking about the same FELICITY ???? is it the one near Commonwealth ave??? I've been there three times and I don't remember seeing an oyster omelette dish on their menu.


    my mistake, i was rushing out when i replied. i mistook it for sincerity (binondo). last time i was in felicity with a friend, i remembered the place covered in very light pink colors, care-free signs, and other stuffs that target the feminine subconscious, very homey indeed. their steamed dory didn't disappoint. one look at their menu makes one think they specialize in new dishes through unusual combinations.

  2. if I may ask .... why wouldn't you ???? (the pasta dish by da way, is available at Felicity Resto Cafe)


    that resto is a favorite place to go to, especially with their oyster omelette and fried chicken


    i'm a spaghetti lover, a pasta addict since my toddler years. although i've tried eating spaghetti with non-meat toppings, my tongue just can't get use to eating pasta with sardines and anchovies. they're included in my folder of 'personal dislikes'. wala lang. hehehe. but i'll eat those garlic bread and basil leaves. hahaha

  3. looks like I won't buy my first 500gb external HDD here with those kind of product reliability and warranty problems.

    we backup because the data are really very important to us. for backups i prefer to use the best brands. my personal favorite is western digital hdd, an item you may never find in cdrking.

  4. i bought a set of cctv (1 monitor with 4 cameras) last april 16, 2011. last week one of the charger (connecting the camera to the electrical outlet) conked out. so i told my messenger to bring the defective charger to the cdrking store where i bought it. at the back of my receipt says 6 months warranty but the store says they'll only replace if a defective item is returned within 2 weeks. besides, they said they don't have spare chargers to replace defective ones!


    hmmm ... tomorrow i'd be paying them a visit, but i'll bring along my friend from san juan municipal office just in case they don't want to uphold consumer protection laws

    i paid them a visit the other day. their manager said they don't guarantee accessories. what accessories? i said, the chargers are part of the main unit otherwise there'll be no pictures! i challenged her to show me where in their warranty stamp says that. she then said they have no stock of the damaged item. well, not my problem, i replied, i just have to refund the whole thing. i made sure my voice is loud and clear to discourage the long line of customers from buying. i said their warranty stinks and they don't stand behind their products. she then called up several branches and soon enough, she changed the defective unit in 15 minutes.


    yeah, i was on a warpath that day.

  5. i bought a set of cctv (1 monitor with 4 cameras) last april 16, 2011. last week one of the charger (connecting the camera to the electrical outlet) conked out. so i told my messenger to bring the defective charger to the cdrking store where i bought it. at the back of my receipt says 6 months warranty but the store says they'll only replace if a defective item is returned within 2 weeks. besides, they said they don't have spare chargers to replace defective ones!


    hmmm ... tomorrow i'd be paying them a visit, but i'll bring along my friend from san juan municipal office just in case they don't want to uphold consumer protection laws

  6. I'm still more sold on good food rather than the quantity......


    hmmm I smell a foodtrip in the making oh SINFUL Maester.

    during last saturday's fiesta and drinkathon at qc, when i asked MasterM his latest hangout he promptly replied cowboy grill. and he heavily recommended it too: foods, drinks, music and the atmosphere. must be worth the try

  7. ...


    - the best thing i like on n8 that is a great help to me is the free nokia ovi maps. i used to go to different locations and the free ovi map helps a lot in locating the venue, complete with voice narration. you can also check you car speed limit without looking at the speedometer. i also downloaded all the different languages which is fun coz the taxi driver, regardless of nationality, can understand the directions.

    congratulations on being a happy user of Ovi Maps. but if you use it quite often you'll notice that the detailed/complete maps are only manila, cebu and baguio. the rest of the country's towns and cities have only 3 streets at most. database is so thin it's a waste of time to type in your destination. if you get hooked in gps, i suggest you try the rpmap (downloadable in www.roadguide.ph) in a windows-based samsung phone, then you'll be twice (or thrice) happy

  8. any non-mac notebooks you can recommend for photo editing? am in the market for a 15inch, i5 processor, 4gb ram rig. thanks!

    photoediting with a laptop/notebook? aside from not seeing the right colors, it will give you a headache squinting to see/check the details. unless you'll only edit simple pictures/graphics for web use


    i'm using a 15" toshiba with an i5 and 4gig ram, but when photoediting or drawing i connect it to a 22" Samsung Syncmaster lcd monitor

  9. Why can't nokia put a 1ghz processor into this phone?

    Haven't they learn their mistakes when they build the 5800?

    admittedly, nokia hasn't come up with an iphone-killer, not that it doesn't want to. by now nokia must've realized there's very little future in symbian. only very few software houses developed programs for it. symbian games and apps are pathetic at best. nokia can't even come up with a decent dual-sim phone. yet its market share is still one big pie because of its phone design and physical features (n8's camera, for example).


    if nokia wants to put in a powerful processor, it should be complemented with a more powerful os.

  10. came back to shandalar. bilib ako sa mga shandalar fanatics. since mahirap ilaro sa windows xp, pinag-hack ang programs just so it will run smoothly. also, they added more cards!


    to think i almost bought an old pc with windows 95 in it just to run shandalar!

  11. Can anyone recommend a Windows-based tablet? Something not so heavy and convenient to carry around in a bag, can do your basic Office applications, can be hooked up to a projector for presentations? I'm quite happy with my 2 year old asus eee 1005 netbook and I'm wondering if there's a tablet that's lighter and more convenient to carry around.

    try REDFOX WIZPAD, there are 3 models, the top one's got 3G

  12. Cafe Lucia

    Real Street, Tacloban City, Leyte

    GPS location: N11deg13min4.93sec, E125deg00min23.66sec


    (sorry no pictures, my camera's battery conked out after i took pictures of my upcoming projects and the city's sights)

    the place is beside the seashore, samar is at the other side. eating here at night could be a wonderful experience but unfortunately i've a plane to catch at 6pm. :angry2: this place offers a good view of tacloban's astrodome


    tricycle guys don't know this place. so i sought a taxi (at present there are only 25 taxis in tacloban) in robinson's, thinking the cabbies know better. alas, they're not so familiar with this cafe either. thinking this is an upscale resto, i approached a rich-looking lady for this whereabout and true to my hunch, she gave me directions.


    the place is simply neat, with artsy decors at the walls. hearing they're known for pastas, i ordered two: puttanesca and carbonara. now sometimes looks can be deceiving, especially if you're used to saucy pastas and these pastas are not! well, i happen to like sauce-deprived pastas, and it's no small wonder i savored every bite of them. only one-word description of my eating experience here: divine

  13. Saramsam

    Rizal Street, Laoag City

    GPS Location: N18.19709deg, E120.59042deg


    cebu pacific's inflight mag suggested trying pinakbet pizza in this queer but cute resto. After a whole day's trip to Pagudpud, Bangui, Paoay, Batac, etc., I asked my Ilocano driver to take me to this place. Saramsam means relaxed, fun way of dining. There's no equivalent English word so I simply took the word of the waitress for it. Their waitresses are noticeably educated, citing some interviews on them by ABS-CBN and GMA in various programs like TV Patrol, etc.




    I noticed the place use antique furnitures and native handicrafts. Their signboard and menu looked out-of-place


    i found the prices are quite cheap even to locals


    since i took the trouble in coming this far north, it's tempting to order dishes with Ilocano names


    i started with 'nalengta nga ikan' or steamed fish with tomatoes and large chilies. the taste could be compared to 'sinigang na bangus' without the clear soup and sourness. maybe ilocano foods are more like japanese dishes, very plain. the fish was kinda fresh and so were the tomatoes and chilies, and i like them that way


    fearing i might find myself in bruce lee's situation in 'enter the dragon' wherein all his orders in an italian restaurant were all soups, i ordered something familiar, 'okoy'. but of course i asked the waitress first to describe their 'okoy' for me. who knows, 'okoy' might be an ilocano word for another 'steamed fish'. hehehe


    nothing extraordinary compared to ilonggo's okoy. there's a hint of kikkoman soy sauce in the vinegar dip.


    i ordered one dish that caught my fancy, 'poque-poque', i remembered hmp's remark there's a dish by this name in q.c. dampa


    it's steamed eggplant that were cut in pieces and mixed with tomatoes, spring onions and eggs. it's a dish that i will tell my cook back home to do for me, very simply done yet tasty (and less filling)


    for piece de resistance, what else but 'pinakbet pizza'? the vegetable ingredients were fresh and crunchy. the dough served its sidekick duty well, easy on the bite and no trace of oiliness. notice the condiments, chili oil and bagoong at the side? with reluctance, i let some bagoong droplets on my last slice. not bad at all



    so far i was full and satisfied. but before i left the place i asked the waitress why it's 1pm and there were only 2 tables (including ours) that were occupied. she said locals consider it cheaper to eat in their homes, only tourists come to this place. hmm, mga ilocano nga (joke lang ...)

  14. after a long hibernation from this game, i played shandalar (the modified unofficial version 3) yesterday and finished it winning (2292 years of peace) within a few hours. i felt so good that i could finally said, "life is good."

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