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Supplements - to Take or Not to Take?

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creatine causes your body to hose water into your muscles, (so you thirst unusually, and you feel bloated)- more water in the body theoretically makes you perform better because you dont tire as easily when youre dehydrated. that's the most noticable effect for me, but there's loads for others (like pimples-which i dont get) and a hundred more reasons why gym dudes/athletes take the stuff-


which takes me to this: the other day I was in the office, I took my usual 1-heaping-teaspoon creatine for the day with an apple smoothie-sans the syrup-from fruit magic. In 10 mins the area around my mouth started itching parang needles pricking which lasted for about 15 mins then subsided. I've never had that before. This afternoon naman I took it with mango smoothie (still, no syrup) from the lounge of FF rob place mla and had the same pricking sensations about an hour later, albeit to a way lesser degree. anyone else experienced this?


FF btw is a really stupid place- it's the biggest FF i've been to, pero isa lang yung free weights area. i guess that branch is for the filthy rich gymgoers who are on day 12 or so of their new years' resolution. ang daming tao bad trip. puro naman treadmill at speed 4. sheesh

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^^^ i meant FF rob place mla- ung free weights area na alam ko ung sa papuntang changing rooms lang..possibly i just missed out the other one (if there was another one. . .) buti pa sa FF libis 2 ung free weights area

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Madami doctor nagsasabi ;ang per they can't back it up. Whey is the liquid portion byproduct when making cheese, casein is the curd. Whey isn't bad, in fact, many grwth formulas fr babies contain whey, tell that to your idiot doctor. ne thing I don't like about whey is that it is easily flushed out of the system as fast as it is absorbed.

question nga pla. bkit sbi ng doctor masama daw whey sa kidney or liver? hindi ko na masyado tinanong eh.


san pa masama pag whey? or may kailangan ba ihalo sa whey para match?


thank you

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I agree, so if I were you guys I'd stop wasting my money on those whey protein supplements. If you're going to study the history of weightlifting, there were many superhumans who exhibited superior strength in the past (like Loius Cyr, Paul Anderson, etc.) who didn't resort to shortcuts like food supplements. There is no shortcut or secrets to this sport. Just rely on good, balanced nutrition and LOTS OF HARD WORK.

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Madami doctor nagsasabi ;ang per they can't back it up. Whey is the liquid portion byproduct when making cheese, casein is the curd. Whey isn't bad, in fact, many grwth formulas fr babies contain whey, tell that to your idiot doctor. ne thing I don't like about whey is that it is easily flushed out of the system as fast as it is absorbed.






even little miss muffet ate whey...

j/k lang...

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Madami doctor nagsasabi ;ang per they can't back it up. Whey is the liquid portion byproduct when making cheese, casein is the curd. Whey isn't bad, in fact, many grwth formulas fr babies contain whey, tell that to your idiot doctor. ne thing I don't like about whey is that it is easily flushed out of the system as fast as it is absorbed.



so pag timpla whey meron ba dapat ihalo daw para hindi masama sa liver or kidney?

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Creatine helps replenish phosphates as these deplete when you exrt physical effort. Creatine helps keep ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) form turning into ADp (adenosine di phosphate) and it also uploads water into your cells thus the puffed up look when taking creatine.


I never said its a waste of money, however, many people forget about eating properly once they start taking any kind of supplement, thinkin gthis would compensate for poor nutrition. This is why I don't recommend supplements for beginners.


can u elaborate a lil further sir?  so, is it bad? waste of time and money?

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Creatine helps replenish phosphates as these deplete when you exrt physical effort. Creatine helps keep ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) form turning into ADp (adenosine di phosphate) and it also uploads water into your cells thus the puffed up look when taking creatine.


I never said its a waste of money, however, many people forget about eating properly once they start taking any kind of supplement, thinkin gthis would compensate for poor nutrition. This is why I don't recommend supplements for beginners.



so bro, ok lang whey + creatine (2months) + proper diet ?


safe? medyo hesitant ako aksi lagi may nagsasabi masama sa kidney

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