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Dc And Marvel Universe

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That is the reason, I never became a huge fan of DC Comics.. Although, I do collect some DC titles, as well, Marvel will always be my first love.. It looks like after "Countdown" another Crisis is brewing for the DC Universe.. Pathetic.. but because I am a comic fan boy (as you say), I might still get the 3rd Crisis.. haha.. :lol:


Same here, Marvel will be my favorite among the two companies but it's very funny na DC comic ang una kong nabili. Lol!


Fanmen na tayo ngayon bro. Hahaha! :thumbsupsmiley:


And I'd probably get that Final Crisis too.

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Even with Bruce's own DNA, Amanda Waller failed to produce an "exact" replica of Batman... Terry IMHO doesnt even come close to Dick Grayson (Nightwing)


Batman Beyond is not part of the Elseworlds Universe. It's part of the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) continuity. Terry McGinnis is Batman's boy. well... clone technically speaking. Pity Terry didn't inherit the brains of Bruce.
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Even with Bruce's own DNA, Amanda Waller failed to produce an "exact" replica of Batman... Terry IMHO doesnt even come close to Dick Grayson (Nightwing)


This is probably because it was only half of Bruce's DNA. Waller only overwrote Terry's father's DNA. I think the logical successor for Bruce is still Tim Drake in the comics continuity. He's the only one who has Bruce's amazing brains.

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Comic book enthusiasts know that the Mighty Thor is back.. Actually, he has his own monthly title.. And in issue #3, Thor is going to battle Iron Man.. Apparently, Thor is pissed at Iron Man for cloning him (that led to the death of Goliath - Civil War).. and he will battle the tin man.. Hope Thor guts Iron Man alive.. mwehehehe!!!! :thumbsupsmiley: Can't wait to read the whole story on this one.. :P

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Titus Pullo will be the Punisher


With Thomas Jane pulling out of the project, Ray Stevenson is now the new Punisher for the next punisher film. At least according to The Latino Review. If you guys don't know who Ray Stevenson is, he plays Titus Pullo in the HBO Series Rome (he was also one of Arthur's knight's in King Arthur; the one with Keira Knightley). Reports are unconfirmed but Ray does look like an aged Frank Castle.



First Look: Iron Man




for the new trailer for Iron Man:


Iron Man Trailer, exclusive Comic Con clip


Watchmen Final Casting:


from Newsarama:


According to both of today's Hollywood trades, the long-awaited big-screen adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Watchman has the first additions to its cast, and they are Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Malin Akerman. Zack Snyder 300 directs.


According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Set in an alternate America, 'Watchmen' follows costumed hero Rorschach, who is living a vigilante lifestyle because most masked heroes have retired or been outlawed. While investigating a murder, Rorschach learns that a former masked-hero colleague has been killed, prompting him to begin investigating a possible conspiracy."


Haley - best known for this roles as a teen in Breaking Away and The Bad News Bears before mounting a comeback with his Oscar-nominated role in Little Children will play Walter Kovacs, aka Rorschach, "who ignores the ban on costumed vigilantes."


Crudup (Almost Famous, long-time voice of the Mastercard "Priceless" commercials) will play Dr. Manhattan, "a superpowered being with godlike powers and temperament."


Akerman will play Laurie Juspeczyk/the Silk Spectre, "who is involved with Dr. Manhattan -- but that relationship begins to fall apart as he becomes more disconnected from humanity."


Goode will play Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias, "a costumed adventurer who retired voluntarily, disclosed his identity and built a large fortune. He hatches a plot to avert a global catastrophe he believes will be caused by Dr. Manhattan."


Wilson will play the Nite-Owl, "a crime-fighter who uses technical wizardry and has an owl-shaped flying vehicle."


Morgan will play the Comedian, "a cigar-chomping, gun-toting vigilante-turned-paramilitary agent."


Shooting is set to start this fall in Vancouver, with Snyder reportedly employing many of the filming techniques he used for his adaptation of 300.



The Dark Knight Teaser here

Edited by Larry
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Comic book enthusiasts know that the Mighty Thor is back.. Actually, he has his own monthly title.. And in issue #3, Thor is going to battle Iron Man.. Apparently, Thor is pissed at Iron Man for cloning him (that led to the death of Goliath - Civil War).. and he will battle the tin man.. Hope Thor guts Iron Man alive.. mwehehehe!!!! :thumbsupsmiley: Can't wait to read the whole story on this one.. :P


OH YEAH! YEE-HAH! I'ts a bit confusing, though that Don Blake is back. That has got to be one of the most weirdest alter ego I know.

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Yeah I got surprised why Heath Ledger became the new Joker.


I guess the Dark Knight would have the same atmosphere as the Batman Begins. Something thats realistic. Unlike Batman forever and "Batman & Robin." It became to unrealistic.



Another question, is Power Girl and Super Girl the same?

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Yeah I got surprised why Heath Ledger became the new Joker.


I guess the Dark Knight would have the same atmosphere as the Batman Begins. Something thats realistic. Unlike Batman forever and "Batman & Robin." It became to unrealistic.

Another question, is Power Girl and Super Girl the same?


Power girl is Kara Zor El of Earth Two (the same Earth Kal-L, the golden age Superman comes from). I'm not familiar with her history but she's been a member of the JSA for as long as I can remember.


Super Girl is this universe's Kara Zor El. She's the same Supergirl who appears in the Legion of Super Heroes comic. and she is the "official" supergirl of the current continuity. This incarnation of Kara Zor El was introduced in the Superman/Batman comic books. (Hottest art of Supergirl I've ever seen, Michael Turner is the best!)

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Power girl is Kara Zor El of Earth Two (the same Earth Kal-L, the golden age Superman comes from). I'm not familiar with her history but she's been a member of the JSA for as long as I can remember.


Super Girl is this universe's Kara Zor El. She's the same Supergirl who appears in the Legion of Super Heroes comic. and she is the "official" supergirl of the current continuity. This incarnation of Kara Zor El was introduced in the Superman/Batman comic books. (Hottest art of Supergirl I've ever seen, Michael Turner is the best!)


As far as I know they can't have physical contact. When they made contact on the current Supergirl book (issue # 1), Power Girl somehow lost control and attacked Supergirl. I don't know if this has been fixed but this happened.


As for Supergirl I'm a bit confused on why she's w/the Legion of Superheroes and at the same time exists under current continuity. An explanation from a LOS reader would be nice.


There are numerous Supergirls before the current one, I think this is the 5th(?) version. :unsure:

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power girl has bigger tits and seems to be dumber


perfect combination.


they tend to draw power girl more muscular than supergirl.


sure power girl has bigger boobs but she looks like a man at times especially since she's got short hair.


i'll still take supergirl over powergirl anytime.

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As far as I know they can't have physical contact. When they made contact on the current Supergirl book (issue # 1), Power Girl somehow lost control and attacked Supergirl. I don't know if this has been fixed but this happened.


As for Supergirl I'm a bit confused on why she's w/the Legion of Superheroes and at the same time exists under current continuity. An explanation from a LOS reader would be nice.


There are numerous Supergirls before the current one, I think this is the 5th(?) version. :unsure:


The explanation i think is that when Supergirl was transported to the future, when she decides to come back, she'll be transported back on the very same instant she left so it's like she never left. Although I haven't really confirmed this because I'm not an LOS reader. Besides, I don't really trust DC's shady explanations anymore with the multitudes of resets.

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The explanation i think is that when Supergirl was transported to the future, when she decides to come back, she'll be transported back on the very same instant she left so it's like she never left. Although I haven't really confirmed this because I'm not an LOS reader. Besides, I don't really trust DC's shady explanations anymore with the multitudes of resets.


About that, I think that story was aired in a JLU episode.


A future good Braniac accidentally got Supergirl, Green Lantern and Green Arrow to fight future Villains. According to him the day they got Supergirl, history says nothing more about her so they assumed she would certainly die if she helps them. As the story goes, the won and Supergirl decided to remain in the future. She asked Green Lantern to write a citation that she did not die but she decided to remain in the future.


I asked about Power Girl because she resembled a Clone Villain of Supergirl in the JLU animated series.

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to each his own bro




ohhhkay.. i can't explain it but i'm feeling very happy right now.


About that, I think that story was aired in a JLU episode.


A future good Braniac accidentally got Supergirl, Green Lantern and Green Arrow to fight future Villains. According to him the day they got Supergirl, history says nothing more about her so they assumed she would certainly die if she helps them. As the story goes, the won and Supergirl decided to remain in the future. She asked Green Lantern to write a citation that she did not die but she decided to remain in the future.


I asked about Power Girl because she resembled a Clone Villain of Supergirl in the JLU animated series.


the storyline in JLU was actually designed to introduce the legion of superheroes series but instead of supergirl, they decided to use superboy in the animated series. but note that the DC Animated Universe follows a different continuity with the comics.


Galatea was kind of an intentional play on Power Girl. But since they couldn't explain her crisis origins, they decided to make an Evil Twin storyline. But yes, most speculate that Galatea is actually the DCAU's version of Power Girl.

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I spent my lunch break time in Robinson's Place.


I kinda enter Comics Odyssey store. To my surprise there were a lot of old school Comics being sold.


Also I saw new titles. New titles in which I'm not really familiar. What is the story behind the Fallen Son; Death of Captain America. Then there were a lot of Super heroes. Death of Captain America for Spiderman, then another Death of Captain of America for another super hero.


What is also the difference between Xman and Xmen, and Fantastic 4 and Fantastic 5.

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Also I saw new titles. New titles in which I'm not really familiar. What is the story behind the Fallen Son; Death of Captain America. Then there were a lot of Super heroes. Death of Captain America for Spiderman, then another Death of Captain of America for another super hero.


What is also the difference between Xman and Xmen, and Fantastic 4 and Fantastic 5.


Captain America (as we all know) died in issue #25.. The Fallen Son series were events after his death.. Events from Wolverine (Fallen Son: Chapter One), Avengers (Chapter Two), Captain America (Chapter Three) - Hawkeye played Cap, Spider Man (Chapter Four) and Iron Man (Chapter Five)..


Now, with XMan and XMen.. Well, for one, XMen is an on-going monthly series from Marvel.. While XMan has been already cut (medyo matagal-tagal na).. XMan is the son of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Jean Grey from an alternate future.. His genes were controlled and manipulated by Mr. Sinister.. He came about after the events in the Age of Apocalypse event in the Mutant Universe of Marvel (mid 90's).. Forgot the storyline eh.. His name is Nate Grey.. He is already dead..


Fantastic Four is within the Marvel continuity.. While, Fantastic Five is part of an alternate universe of Marvel called MC2 (short for Marvel Comics 2).. Much like the ultimates or the what if scenarios.. The fantastic five is composed of the Human Torch, Psi Lord (Franklin Richards), the Thing, Lyja Storm (wife of the Torch - a skrull) also called Ms. Fantastic and Big Brain (a robot versio of ol stretcho)..

Edited by revi
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Captain America (as we all know) died in issue #25.. The Fallen Son series were events after his death.. Events from Wolverine (Fallen Son: Chapter One), Avengers (Chapter Two), Captain America (Chapter Three) - Hawkeye played Cap, Spider Man (Chapter Four) and Iron Man (Chapter Five)..


Now, with XMan and XMen.. Well, for one, XMen is an on-going monthly series from Marvel.. While XMan has been already cut (medyo matagal-tagal na).. XMan is the son of Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Jean Grey from an alternate future.. His genes were controlled and manipulated by Mr. Sinister.. He came about after the events in the Age of Apocalypse event in the Mutant Universe of Marvel (mid 90's).. Forgot the storyline eh.. His name is Nate Grey.. He is already dead..


Fantastic Four is within the Marvel continuity.. While, Fantastic Five is part of an alternate universe of Marvel called MC2 (short for Marvel Comics 2).. Much like the ultimates or the what if scenarios.. The fantastic five is composed of the Human Torch, Psi Lord (Franklin Richards), the Thing, Lyja Storm (wife of the Torch - a skrull) also called Ms. Fantastic and Big Brain (a robot versio of ol stretcho)..


This is an example of Marvel's excellent job of managing continuities. You can actually explain which happened in what universe. Hindi convoluted yung storylines. People may hate Joe Q but I daresay he does a better job than Dan Didio in terms of dictating the way storylines go in their respective comic companies.

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another great thing about Marvel now, is they're not afraid to shake things up


DC's countdown was good, but nothing really seemed to change.


Marvel on the other hand:


1) Killed Captain America - a definite A lister, and it looks like he won't be coming back soon.


2) Transformed The Hulk into a warrior king bent on destroying Earth, instead of just some brainless maniac jumping around in Nevada


3) Outed Spider Man


4) Outed Daredevil


5) Transformed Ironman into an unredeemable villain - another A lister, can you imagine DC doing the same thing to Batman? (who is the Ironman of DC)


6) Reduced the total number of mutants to 198




I hope they keep this up, it's nice to see the status quo challenged and see writers take risks just to keep the stories fresh.

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another great thing about Marvel now, is they're not afraid to shake things up


DC's countdown was good, but nothing really seemed to change.


Marvel on the other hand:


1) Killed Captain America - a definite A lister, and it looks like he won't be coming back soon.


2) Transformed The Hulk into a warrior king bent on destroying Earth, instead of just some brainless maniac jumping around in Nevada


3) Outed Spider Man


4) Outed Daredevil


5) Transformed Ironman into an unredeemable villain - another A lister, can you imagine DC doing the same thing to Batman? (who is the Ironman of DC)


6) Reduced the total number of mutants to 198




I hope they keep this up, it's nice to see the status quo challenged and see writers take risks just to keep the stories fresh.


Yes a lot of things are changing in the Marvel U.


Don't forget the Skrulls are about to become major players in the Marvel U too.


The way things are shaping, Winter Soldier will take over as Cap. but I don't know if things are set in stone yet.


Hulk is definitely cooler now than he used to be. I liked it when he got smart but I like this incarnation even better.


I think Ironman will be revealed as a Skrull. they were hinting at that in the New Avengers storyline when they revealed Elektra to have been replaced by a Skrull warrior. and not to mention Jessica Drew's baby was also hinted to be a Skrull.


And this is what's made Marvel so successful over the years. DC keeps on leaning on their A List heroes. I think Bats is the only interesting character they have. Superman is nice but he's boring sometimes. Although the JLA stories seem to be pretty good, they need to establish some sort of consistency.

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