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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. MM,


    Talking to you for hours on end ... seemed like it was too good to be true.


    You said many things I've wanted to hear that night.


    Yet, after meeting you the other day ... I havent heard from you.


    I know how you're NOT interested.




    I dont think you're what I need anyway. You're too complicated ... separated with 2 kids. Too many baggages for me. I've my own.


    Good luck to you ...


    Should we end up as friends or business acquaintances ... that would be more than ok.



  2. UI,


    When I'm out ... I think about you. What you're doing ... if you're ok.


    It's HARD to forget you ... my memories of our sweet moments.


    Hope life's treating you well.


    Am hanging on ... coping ... struggling and SURVIVING!


    I do love you ... there will always be that special place in my heart only you were able to tap into.


    I miss you TERRIBLY!



  3. "The One",


    I am trying to get a grip.


    Hoping I keep on track so it will lead me to you.


    The journey's rough but I MUST be determined to trudge forward ... for it will somehow enable for our paths to cross.


    Be safe, my love.


    Waiting for you,



  4. CPO,


    Obviously, you're no longer interested like you were before.


    I have to get it in my head ... "you're just NOT that into me".


    Sad. I yet again have to mourn this ... you.


    When will I STOP with the crying!



  5. UI,


    As for my previous post ... it's high time I end whatever it WAS I thought we had. It's useless.


    I always end up in tears after meeting up with you. That shouldnt be the case.


    Am tired from ALL the crying, anguish and heartbreak.


    Will leave you be.



  6. Thank you for 32 years of life...


    Thank you for letting me be on time for the mass yesterday at Greenbelt ...


    Thank you for the answers you have given me by way of discernment of my mission here for you ...


    Thank you for being there when I am alone ...


    Thank you for my family and friends ...


    Thank you for the opportunities that have CUM my way ...


    Thank you for the skills ...


    Thank you for the experience ... of pain, love, laughter, success and everything else ...


    Thank you for giving me more than another chance at life!

  7. CPO / FWB,


    Receiving that text from you that you have arrived from the US after 2 months on vacay there ... really made me smile.


    Just to think that you're near ... more accessible. I was hoping to meet you the weekend after you had CUM home.


    Am sad to hear about your work.


    Like me ... maybe it's time for you to look at what you really want to do.


    If you want ... maybe we could work together? ;-)


    Anyway, you will pull through this. Just a bump along the road of life!


    Am here for you like you were for me, k?





  8. The One,


    My bestfriend got married civilly last Friday. I'm extremely HAPPY for her.


    Am now wondering when you will CUM to me ... I to you. :(


    Hence, I'm keeping myself busy with work and after office activities ... literally til I'm SO tired that when my head hits the pillow, I'm out!


    Be safe, take care ... I'm WET-ing! ;-P



  9. I ask that you give me strength to do what's required of me ... at work, Toastmasters and other things I've gotten myself into.


    I know you are there ... for me.


    I can feel you.


    Thank you for ALL the blessings and challenges.


    Please watch over my family ... for we are scattered around the globe.


    I pray for our country ... those sick, in despair, hungry, in pain and suffering.

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