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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. Hello to the HRD practitioners here! ;-)


    Not exactly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  2. Hello to the Dental practitioners here! ;-)


    Not exactly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  3. Hello to the Computer enthusiasts here! ;-)


    Not exactly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  4. Lord,


    You have been so kind and giving to me... specially with my requests for developments in my career path.. all of my experiences, I owe them to You... I asked for them... and You gave them to me...


    The latest you've given me is something I am truly thankful for... I couldn't ask for more...


    But this time, I will ask... not for myself...but for miss barenaked...that she may find the perfect job for her...suited for her interests and capabilities...that she may be confident enough to present herself well...and eventualy get the job she badly needed...


    Lord, you have been so kind to me... please be as kind to this young lady..as you are to me...






    Thank you for kind souls here on MTC ... praying for me. ;-)


    Yes ... I'm extremely anxious for a job now.


    Please bless me ... so I may be busy again. My mind needs to work ... it's getting rusty. I need to forget about CPO too.


    I pray that I'm well enough for a possible interview this Thu.


    I know you have kept me here ... alive ... still for Your purpose. I still dont know the reasons ... please make them known to me.



  5. CPO,


    Wish you well with work/projects and your plans for Canada.


    I *do* miss you ... the weekends just arent the same. :-(


    Even watching cable doesnt help ... some shows/movies have a person with your namesake. What torture for me!


    It's a HARD pill to swallow ... but I guess, I wont see you again. Even though I'd very much want to.


    Missing your CUTE smile, MANly tummy and yummy kisses!



  6. Dear Father,


    May You be with me during my 2nd interview later at ADB. May I be able to answer their questions directly and calmly. May You ease the nerves and possible intimidation I may have in front of the members of the interview panel.


    May You heal the hurts and pains of our fellow MTC member, Nightshift. May he be able to recover soon so he may try to live normally again.


    May You bring my Dad home safe from the province.


    May You keep me busy from thinking of CPO.


    May You blanket Your blessings, healing and protection over Your people who need You ... spiritually, physically and emotionally.


    In Your Name,



  7. Yes ... this happens to the MEN at times when they feel strangled!


    These are the times when you want more or want to know where the relationship is going.


    Learn from each MAN/relationship you have, Chelly.


    The MEN get better! ;-)


    I can relate ... I was 29, my EX was 23. Different stages ... different needs and wants.

  8. Father,


    I've had interviews last week ... I hope something comes out of them. May I be called for the next level of interviews.


    Give me the strength to forget about CPO. My life again revolved around a man. May I ease him out of my life, thoughts.


    Protect my loved ones wherever they are ... esp. when they are on the road.


    May we see Your hand in all that happens to us. Should we lose our way ... guide us back to the right path, Your path.


    I ask for your loving embrace esp. for those who are in physical pain, emotional trauma and gripping circumstances.


    May you use us as your intruments to show that you exist.


    At Your service,



  9. Almighty Creator of Heaven & Earth,


    Kindly Blessed this Lady ( even if I do not know her ) your Divine Love...

    ... that she will Loved and Be Loved by the Man in her Life!


    Shower her your Divine Blessings...

    ... that she will have financial gains and monetary extra for the rainy days!


    Kindly Light up her Path....

    ... so that she will be given the right direction in achieving her goals and dreams!


    this I ask thee... So May It BE!


    Thank you for this ... it kinda brought a tear in my eye that a "stranger" but MTC member prayed this for me. :-)


    I pray that you are also blessed too!

  10. ...as have the words in your short post.


    But for those who have been raped by Life (and sometimes, have raped Life back even!), they do not need to fake the excitement and emotion dripping from their words. They write of ecstatic pleasure, of divine visions, of hellish dreams, of agony, of joy, of the world and all its machinations, of Life unmasked and bare...


    ...while the virgins write of their own little life and their own little heartbreaks. That is, until Life takes them, rapes them, and gives them a few more hard f*ck sessions for good measure.


    And then their (creative) juices finally flow for real,




    Thank you for your comment, LC.


    I always seem to find myself pained after trusting yet another MAN! Writing to "him" gives me comfort.


    I only hope that my tears, heartache and realizations bring me closer to meeting "him" ... without the baggages of my cruel past.


    I'm not ready ... I guess.


    Make me stronger, wiser and more determined to BE here ... for the right reasons.

  11. Im truly disappointed .... you don't even remember to greet me on valentine's day .... i should have known im not important to you ... the day ain't significant but the effort will be ... but alas there is none at all .... im hurting deep inside ... other people remembered ... but the one i'm waiting didn't even spend a sigle centavo to remember me ....



    Oh ... Leslie!


    I suffered the same anguish!


    Now I know where I stand with a MAN I'd thought I *had* something with.


    I was apparently dis-illusioned.


    Boy, does Cosmopolitan Philippines know what they write about! I found comfort and clarity in reading "What If ... He's Not That Into You Pala?".


    Hence, I somehow ended it ... returning all I'd received from him during the 4 months we were going out with each other.


    My consolation ... spend lunch and dinner w/ two good GFs!

  12. To the One ...


    I thought someone I'd been dating sembled you ... he treated me well and with respect.


    I guess you're still out there.


    On the day of Hearts ... I had another one of my close calls. My second in this lifetime.


    May we both live long enough to cross each other's path, love and be.


    I only hope that's why I'm still here ... for you.


    Loving you already,



  13. C,


    Was GREAT to meet you (finally!) over lunch... then have "dessert". Mmmm ... ;-P


    You're extremely funny ... handsome and good in between the sheets!


    Hope to CUM together with you again ... when you're ever in town. Aye ...


    Til then ... I have my memories of the afternoon delight we had. Was short but oh-so GOOD! ;-)



  14. CPO,


    I know you're going thru some changes ... with work, your health, eating habits.


    It's like we're playing the cat-and-mouse game of sorts.


    I cant read you.


    I dont know if I was ever able to.


    Valentine's is fast approaching. I'm not sure what days to keep free for you ... us. Will there be any plans?


    Well, it's been 2 weeks since we were together last. Hope to see you this weekend. ;-)



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