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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. I pray you keep me, my family, my friends and people who I care about ... safe, well and in good health.


    May you please guide me ... with my decisions regarding my career, social, personal, and family life.


    Bless those in pain, hungry, homeless, destitute ... send them your angels so they're given inner strength to hold on.

  2. Thank you for allowing me to make the situation light ... as opposed to making it stiff ... with my ka-EB last night. ;-) We enjoyed a WHOLESOME EB. He texted that it was his 1st. ;-P


    Thank you that I continue to use Mind Mapping to keep me in check with my To Dos ... shopping list ... To Budget/Pay Bills ... appointments/dates/EBs. ;-)


    Thank you for the good time I have with friends over coffee ... or catching up over the phone.


    Thank you for blessing JAL with someone who loves her as she loves him.


    Thank you for giving me strength to continue what I'm doing despite how I REALLY feel.


    Thank you for my sense of commitment ....


    Thank you for the blessings ...

  3. i don't think this is the right venue to advertise for "The One."  :D


    i won't repeat what i told you the other night about my observations on the general mtc environment. (and you, of all people, could attest to it) but i hope you keep what i said in mind.  ;)


    but open letters for no one, i admit, are good for releasing pent up emotions. i will hand that one out to you.



    Well ... who knows who's lurking around here. ;-)


    Yes ... have met some to "attest" to your theory.


    Used to write this letter of mine to The One on paper ... will show him when I meet him. ;-P I've written about 3-4 already.


    It's pretty much like throwing it out there to the universe ... you will never know who's listening, or reading ... where this is concerned. ;-)

  4. The One,


    My body's weary from meeting MEN almost every night after work ... hoping and wishing it will be you.


    When will you CUM to me? ;-P


    Hope you're making your way to me soon .


    Want to feel your arms around me ...

    Let my head rest on your shoulder/chest (and listen to your heat beat) ...

    Our hands inter-twined as we walk together ...

    We smile into each other's eyes and just enjoy each other's presence ...

    Share and feed each other dessert ...

    Enjoy feel-good movies, watch concerts or theater productions ...

    Stroll around the mall, park ...

    Walk barefoot on the sands of a nice beach ...

    Have an easy conversation over dinner or lunch ...

    Listen to your hopes and dreams ...

    Dance with you, cheek to cheek ...


    These, I wish to do with you.


    Waiting ...



  5. Thank you that JDGH is adjusting well with her new school and classmates in Australia.


    Thank you for the chance to volunteer ... may I finally commit to do what I can despite not having the finances.


    Thank you for good and new friends. ;-)


    Thank you for the blessings ... food, strength, energy, shelter and love.


    Thank you for realizations, learnings and foresight.


    Thank you for the simple things ... catching a bus when I need to go to work/get home, etc.

  6. I pray for things to go well ... with my career and plans esp. the course I signed up for last Sat. May that give me alternatives ... instead of settling here.


    I dont think I *will* renew with the contract here ... on a holiday, I am working ... and am getting calls where the user is demandin too much, not listening.


    It's been a LONG while before I got this job ... I dont want to be jobless again. Please ... let it not be so.


    I have a number of financial obligations ... I dont want to disappoint my family yet again.

  7. CPO,


    Real shame that we couldnt see each other Sat. Anyway, I made up for it by catching up w/ KL ... we went to hear mass at Greenbelt church and did a little shopping! ;-)


    Bought myself a new bag and a pair of shoes.


    Hoping to get myself a haircut before my course starts on the 14th ... who knows there could be *interesting* MEN there! ;-)


    Well, I hope when you're free ... you'd get in touch with me so we can hook up once more.


    Am just here ... waiting.



  8. Ate R,


    Hope when you schedule to go to the house over the weekend ... it isnt in conflict w/ my plans. ;-)







    Hope that you will be able to squeeze in that we meet this Sat. I want to see you ... I miss you a lot! ;-)







    Have a safe trip!


    Am flattered that you asked if I wanted something ... again, thank you!


    See you when you come back!



  9. Lord,


    Safely be with my parents as they fly off to Australia this afternoon for a few months w/ Ate N and JDGH.


    Look over myself and E while they're away.


    May I be able to take care of my financial obligations.


    Be with me during my interview this afternoon.


    Use me to share my talents, skills, experiences ... esp. this coming Sunday.


    Hope to join more volunteer groups ... has been a longing to be of service!



  10. P,


    Thanks for giving me the reason to update my CV ... because of that, I have an interview today! ;-)


    Hope before my contract ends, I will be able to choose what I really want and not just settle.


    Have a safe and successful trip.








    I am anxious to see you this Sat. There's much to share and update you.


    Hope things will be different from the last time we were together. I guess, it's up to me anyway. I was a little reserved that time ... not sure of what to share with you ... I wasnt as open as I usually am with you.


    I will ... I miss you a lot! ;-)






    Ate R,


    The plans we have for the family ... I can and only will work on them as long as you're there to guide everyone.


    Mom and Dad leaving today for a few months ... will certainly make me be a little more responsible w/ my finances. I guess I just need some obligations to put money aside rather than just spending on material things.


    At least that Sunday ... we were all able to talk as a family and air out our grievances. Ate N's dilemma certainly made us grow closer.


    Whatever happens ... I am here.


    I love you and our family!



  11. I pray for my friend's father who has been battling lung cancer for a year ... we lift his health to you.


    May you provide for those w/o home, food, shelter, finances ... somehow, though the kindness of people.


    May you use me to share my blessings.


    May I be here to serve you in whatever way you need and want me to.

  12. Thank you that am keeping it cool and real despite feeling bouts of loneliness ...


    Thank you that I'm absorbing as much as I can so I'm able to do the work required of me


    Thank you for enabling me to share my blessings ...


    Thank you that I'm able to treat my good gal pal, KL ... the other night at Dencio's, Mega Strip. ;-)


    Thank you for I have money in my wallet.


    Thank you for the good purchases I've made the past few days ... a nice little lack dress from Bench originally priced at P1,600+ and slashed to P399! ;-P


    Thank you for everything ...

  13. Thank you for last weekend ... was able to see the beauty of nature in Subic during S.T.A.R.


    Thank you for getting us from pit-stop to pit-stop ... for the kind people who gave us a ride.


    Thank you for the safe journey to and from Subic! ;-)


    Thank you for the organizers of S.T.A.R. ... they made it an enjoyable, fun, memorable, exciting and interesting experience for us all.


    Thank you for P.


    Thank you for the additional blessings ... to come my way! ;-)

  14. P,


    It was nice to finally meet you last night.


    I enjoyed dinner, dessert, the conversation and the company. ;-)


    You're truly a kind soul ... no wonder things are going well for you.


    No worries ... will make the most of the "investment". ;-P



  15. The One,


    Please come to me SOON ... am tired from all this dating game.


    It's like putting my heart and hopes on the chopping board ... not knowing how things will be.


    I know I'm not ready for you yet ... I just wish you were here already.


    May you be safe and find your way to me ... when it's time.



  16. Thank you that our family's is getting closer because of a problem with my sister. We will do our best to take care of her daughter.


    Thank you for friends and family.


    Thank you that I have FINALLY realized things can no longer be with him. I have deleted his number from my phonebook.


    Thank you for all the other blessings despite not physically going to church.

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