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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. So when you put it on, do you feel a sense of sexiness?  Does it make you think or imagine that people are looking at your ass?  With that in mind, wouldn't it turn you on?


    For me ... that's one REASON why I wear them. ;-P


    Makes me walk differently ... more sensual. ;-)


    not exactly... actually, we wear it so people wouldnt be staring at our vpl hence our asses.  :hypocritesmiley:


    I think the opposite is true, my dear.


    MEN tend to look MORE now ... whether a woman's wearing thongs RIGHT after the girl walks past them. ;-)


    Dont deny it, boys!

  2. UI,


    I thought of you when I watched "40 y/o Virgin" with a friend.


    NOT that you were a virgin ... more of the similarity of the main character's interests. Most esp. when he couldnt part w/ his Ironman action figure. ;-)


    I miss you SO!



  3. Its better NOT to get caught! ;-)


    Hmm ... really depends. But once I found out that my THEN BF ... had someone else in his life, what's the point continuing the relationship. He CANT have his cake and eat it too!


    It's NOT a nice thing to happen ... esp. when your partner REALLY loves you to bits. It hurts.


    Usually, when the WOMAN does the cheating ... it scars a MAN more. Harder for them to love again.


    It just takes WOMEN more time to love again ... they do. ;-)

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