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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. CPO,


    Thanks for being my movie buddy today.


    I really cant fathom why you dont textback though ...




    Anyway, hope you had a good "session". ;-) Good luck w/ your film.


    I'm always here ... you know how I REALLY feel about you.



  2. Dear Lord,


    I thank you for this day.

    I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning.

    I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God.

    You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.

    Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that

    was not pleasing to you.

    I ask now for Your forgiveness.


    Please keep me safe from all danger and harm.

    Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.

    Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I

    can hear from You.


    Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.


    Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.

    Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil.

    And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my

    wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.


    And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example --

    to slip away and find a quiet place to pray.

    It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits.

    I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.

    Continue to use me to do Your will.


    Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.

    Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may

    have words of encouragement for others.

    I pray for those who are lost and can't find their way.

    I pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood.

    I pray for those who don't know You intimately.

    I pray for those who will delete this without sharing it with others.

    I pray for those who don't believe.

    But I thank you that I believe.


    I believe that God changes people and God changes things.

    I pray for all my sisters and brothers.

    For each and every family member in their households.

    I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of

    debt and all their needs are met.


    I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem,

    circumstance, or situation greater than God.

    Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.

    I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that

    sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly.


    This is my prayer.

    In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  3. S,


    The EB with you was definitely WORTH my time ... by answering your PM. Did take a few exchanges for you to convince me to meet you. ;-) Am glad you were free that night, despite the last-minute text.


    I did enjoy the company, dinner, drinks, your stories/laughs ... and DESSERT! ;-P


    Hope we do have some more MEALs together. ;-)


    Soon ...



  4. Mom,


    Despite what you may think ... you're TOTALLY off course.


    We dont think certain things of you.


    You're just missing Dad.


    I may speak louder than necessary to you ... I need to. Your ears dont register what they should with the normal speaking voice/volume.


    I dont know ... it is the generation gap.


    I hope for your sake, you papers are processed. You'll be more happy and productive in Aussie.


    Just dont be too hard on yourself.



  5. Ate N,


    What the HELL is happening to you over there?


    You already got the 1 point something MILLION from the PAG-IBIG you were bent on processing before you flew back.


    Now, you're asking for more?


    Tama na ...


    Fix your life. Stop turning to us for help. We can barely live on what we have as it is.


    Ate R's getting pissed off already ... based on her reply to your email request.


    You leave your daughter with her ... as if she were an old piece of clothing you can just throw away.


    Shame ... YOU should have DIED instead of Dad.


    Hope Ate R doesnt send you a single cent. You dont deserve it!



  6. You're busy ... I get it.


    I dont know what's up with you lately ... wish I did or you'd mention it.




    Am a fool for still trying to connect.


    You're just like the rest of them ... I thought you were different.


    MEN are just USERS!

  7. To honor you ...


    I will put myself out there ... be of service to our family, my friends and anyone needing my help.

    Just like you were ... and did.


    My return to the Diamond TMC tonight ... only reinforced that it's part of who I am. I missed it terribly. JAL's no longer around to share the highlights of each meetings with but I'll find other ways to compensate for that.


    Hope to achieve my CTM this year. Help me ... I've been struggling with BSP#5. The idea's there, just need to develop it more ... so I'll be able to achieve ALL the objectives.


    I want you to be proud of me, Dad.


    Hope you were during my induction as Area Governor. That was special ... you being there. You saw me organize the whole thing and even listened to my 1st speech as a TM officer. I wish I knew what you thought ...


    Anyway, I know I'm the only one who comes close to how much of a people-person you were. Ate N ... she's more into just knowing MORE people but not necessarily being of SINCERE service to them. Unfortunately, she only does things coz she'll expect something in return.


    May you be smiling down on me as I attend each TM meeting ... be it Diamond's or others. ;-)


    For you ... to continue what you started ...

  8. JB,


    Sad to see what you do with your life these days.


    Too think I sacrificed much for you then.


    Am glad am no longer part of your wild and crazy life ... nor did you involve me with your antics.



  9. Sorry ...


    Am sorry:


    * for the hurtful words I may have said to you.


    * for not being sensitive enough to your needs and requests


    * for my antagonistic and selfish ways


    * for not listening to you when you needed me to


    * for not treating you with the respect you deserve


    * for not finding out where you grew up and came from


    * for not knowing more about your childhood, struggles and personal sacrifices ... as well as triumphs


    * for not appreciating the food you prepared and cooked during New Years ... your last


    * for not accompanying you during the times you requested me to


    * we asked too much from you ... you even offered your life for us

  10. Given the prices of books and movies these days ... neither!


    Nah, kidding ... I'd still prefer to bury myself in another world the book prompts you to play with your imagination. Even if you're BARENAKED ... alone in the comfort and comfines of your room? Definitely a book.


    BUT ... I would probably be tempted to watch the movie depending on how good the trailer/review(s).

  11. Be with JDGH this Saturday during her entrance exam. May you provide her a clear mind to answer right. Hope she gets into the school which would mould her into the fine young woman she's growing up to be.


    Help Ate R with her financial obligations. I know she's tight with SO much on her plate. Continue to bless her ... she's been a blessing to many.


    Shower me with some semblance of peace ... in mind, body and soul.


    Embrace me during times of loneliness.


    Be with mom ... I dont know her emotional or mental state. Let her feel your presence.


    Take care of him ...

  12. The One,


    Have been told ... not to look for you.


    Yet, I see many couples around ... in the mall, on the streets.


    I wonder how and why they have someone ... I dont.


    The personal loss of a family member is just the tip of my sorrow and loneliness.


    Did I miss you? Are you still out there?


    I am running on empty most times. I sleep to numb the pain tugging at my heartstrings ... despite an empty stomach (like last night).


    Hope I dont become too cynical about life ... to miss you when you appear before me.



  13. I do miss you ...


    It's hard to fight or convince myself that I'm better off w/o you.


    I can only say you were the only one who treated me as a woman should be ... taken to dinner, movies and enjoying each other's stories.


    At least I have those memories ...


    Tears are steaming down my face as I type this ...


    I love you ... still and will ... my heart holds a special place for you.

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