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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. First off ... CONGRATS to you all! ;-)


    No matter how long it took you ... sometimes people do shift ... you made it!


    Now ... for the NEXT chapter you need to start off ... getting your "feet wet", "hands dirty" and feel as if you're going thru the smallest needle hole ... coz there's just 1 opening yet hundreds, if not thousands, are applying for the said position.


    Just dont give up! ;-)


    I know ... am currently on the jobhunt myself! ;-P Just no longer a newly grad ... Aye!


    - job hunting (information and techniques)


    This means ... getting the Sunday papers (Bulletin and Inquirer ... from my exp. these have pretty good ads), going to jobfairs, checking out the jobsites and telling people (friends, family, peers, and acquaintances).


    I agree with the earlier posts ... it IS a numbers game, sometimes it depends on WHO you know ... not WHAT you know.


    Find out WHAT you'd really want to do ...


    As much as possible stick with whats connected to your course.


    Not always the case or possible ... what if vacancies just arent available?


    Or sometimes you only took that course coz your folks coerced you into it ... or it was the "fad" at the time of your enrollment ...


    - job interviews (usual questions and best answers)


    check out books/websites about these ... how to handle them


    bring a pen ... something to read (may take too long while waiting for your turn)


    Do "mock" interviews w/ your friends/family ... so the answers to some questions are already in your head ... during the actual, it's like you're just reciting a poem ... it'll come out more smooth and casual ...


    be yourself ... enjoy it ... it's just a conversation between two individuals ;-)


    - resume


    try to put in as much as you can about your accomplishments ... esp. your extra-curricular activities ... this gives your prospect employer the idea that you're capable of good time management ... able to handle more than just one thing on your plate ... also affiliations w/ clubs or volunteer activities ...


    Keep one available when you do go in for an interview ... even if you sent it via email, sometimes the company would ask you for a hard copy ...


    - self confidence (what to do when ure oh so nervous)


    It's normal to be nervous ...


    Arrive early ... try go to the CR prior to your interview ... fix your interview attire, make sure ALL the buttons are done or your skirt/shirt is neat and tidy ... dont put TOO much makeup (for the ladies) ... dont wear too much cologne/perfume


    Dont be intimidated ... the interviewer just wants to know more about you and how you'd fit in the company and for the job


    - starting salary and employers


    you can already do your "research" by asking around from peers, etc ...


    - freelancer (may money ba dto?)


    Yes ... IF you have contacts AND you do GOOD work ... there's no harm in trying ... just let people know whether you repair PCs, design websites or sing/play an instrument or can host or whatever you're into "on the side" ...


    - call centers


    something one can try out should they find that they're not getting calls from the companies they're originally applying to ... just to earn money ... jobhunting can drain one's finances with the bus/jeep/trike fares, meals before/after/in-between interviews, necessary expenses (shoes, clothes, stockings, supplies, toiletries)


    remember ... most of the work hours are for the graveyard shift ... know IF this IS something you'd be open to do ...


    be aware that there are normally 2 types of "agents" they look for ... inbound (calls are made by the customers of the company requesting for technical support or assistance with their credit card account thru a simple balance inquiry) and outbound (sales related ... "agents" are required to SELL a product or service)


    know which you'd be more suitable for ...

    * the rather timid/shy people, I'd recommend inbound ... there's more structure and set of procedures to help with the call ...

    * while for the more outgoing people, outbound's good coz they can make things up as they go along ... what's important is to make a sale and reach quota set by your team lead

  2. Daddy,


    Dreamt about you again ... you were cooking and I was helping out.


    Do I miss your culinary expertise.


    It's just not the same w/o you.


    Am trying to locate the documents for the store ... where did you put it? Maybe you can show me in a dream?


    Help me find work, Daddy.



  3. W,


    Thanks SO much for your offer and understanding my situation.


    After hearing an awful turnout at the last meeting ... yes, I do accept to help in whatever way I can.


    I should write my next speech, no? With all this time on my hands ...


    But am puzzled and worried about other stuff ... will try. For DTMC ... I owe the club much.


    Despite my current predicament ...


    Again, thanks!



  4. To ALL the MEN who dont have the balls to show up during the EBs,


    You're FULL of crap. Wasting our time ...


    May karma get to you.


    You're text message(s) explaining why you cant make it ... I already know the deal. I wasnt born yesterday.


    We can see past all that ...


    Your loss ... not ours.


    We're better off ... not meeting you.

  5. Be with mom on her trip to Brisbane. May she be happier there and cope better, even without dad.


    I ask for your presence during my interviews, so I'll be able to present myself well. Allow me to sell my good points ... counter what they may perceive as confused, or that I may be a possible risk for them.


    Let me be articulate enough to engage in a successful interview beneficial to both parties.


    Bless Ate R. so she may be able to meet her financial commitments.


    Seek Ate N., she needs to change for JDGH and herself. Help her realize she doesnt need S.

  6. Daddy & Lolo!


    Happy Father's Day!


    Although, you're both no longer with us physically ... the happy, fond and treasured memories are with us.


    We miss you.


    We love you.


    Thank you!


    Be our angels up there ... guiding us towards what's better for us.



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