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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. More (originally posted in my room ... hope it's ok for me to re-post here):


    "Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary

    to a worthwhile achievement."

    - Henry Ford 1863-1947, Founder of the Ford Motor Company


    "You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on."

    - Homer Simpson


    "Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work."

    - David Sarnoff, TV pioneer


    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort,

    but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy."

    - Martin Luther King, Jr., Clergyman, Civil Rights Leader


    "To win...you must stay in the game"

    - Claude Bristol


    "Man is happy only as he finds work worth doing -- and does it well."

    - E. Merrill Root (1895-1973) American Writer


    "You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true."

    - Richard Bach, Author


    "We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems."

    -Lee Iacocca (1924 - ), Former chairman of the Chrysler Corporation

  2. I recommend that the quotes should also include the source ... with respect to that individual.


    Here's one (will CUM back and post more!):


    "Many people think that if they were only in some other place,

    or had some other job, they would be happy.


    Well, that is doubtful.


    So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can

    and don't put off being happy until some future date."

    ... Dale Carnegie, author

  3. Hello to the "MONEY" peeps here! ;-)


    Who knows? ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  4. Hello to the biz-minded peeps here! ;-)


    Who knows? ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  5. Hello to the Entrepreneurs here! ;-)


    Not exactly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  6. Hello to the HR practitioners here! ;-)


    Not exactly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  7. I ask for continued STRENGTH ... to help me cope, bear and keep me OPEN.


    I ask for YOUR will ... to use my SKILLS ... me.


    I ask for some kind of push/pull ... to get myself back in the land of the living.


    I ask for something to keep me occupied, employed and earning income.


    PLEASE ...

  8. "The One",


    Where are you?


    I know you havent arrived. You must be caught up in another place, country or time.


    Hope you're well and ok.


    Am here ... waiting for you.


    I guess, it isnt yet our time ... I still have to work on me.


    Would want to be ready to nurture a healthy relationship with you ... minus my baggages. Yes, they're still there. Unfortunately, this site reminds me sometimes of my past.


    It cant be helped ... nor can I escape.


    I just have to face things head on.


    I am ... I will ...


    In the hopes and promise of you ...



  9. JB,


    Quite shocking to see the pics you've posted here.


    So you're into that ...


    Now, I dont know what to think ... of the time we WERE. Whether I was the ONLY one you were c-ing ... entertaining ... F**CKing. I doubt it.


    Guess my friends were right about you ... just hearing about what you do, who you are ... they knew right off the bat ... you were using me. I was just too blind to have seen past how I felt about you ... how you made me feel ... how GOOD you are (in bed).


    I wasted 4 months of my life with you ... the money I'd shell out for your interviews, our overnites, dinners, movies, etc. And it was becoz of you that we got in that accident.


    I feel so DIRTY now ...


    You make me SICK!



  10. Sip Chamomile tea with candles lit in my room and listen to soothing, relaxing music ...


    Write in my journal ... processing my thoughts, feelings ... to gain some clarity of why things are TOO stressed/much.

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