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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. Ate N,


    You call always asking me how I am. You know my situation.


    Again, you try using others to talk to me. Grrrr!!!


    Never will I allow you to manipulate me with other people.


    Learn. Respect. Please!



  2. D,


    Thanks for the Cafe Mocha, lunch and the movie. Although, I think Narnia would have been better than the Zathura we did happen to watch that day.


    I dunno what to think about you.


    There's no REAL connection there.


    I might just be "using" you ... coz you're there paying me the attention I'd rather have someone else do. I know that's unfair.


    I feel guilty about it.


    I dunno...



  3. I still struggle to forget.


    You've already seemed to have forgotten how we've met.


    The good times ... the memories I'd want to erase.


    Especially that CUTE smile I'd grown to love on your face.


    Soon, couples will be sharing a day to celebrate their love


    but I will be floating around aimlessly like a dove.

  4. I think i have a good idea of what you're selling, sort of something like COMZGATE and another one created by some Filipino Group... which is all very interesting. I really hope you get to be successful in selling it dude, peace and keep well.


    More of the latter ... yes, I am connected with that group. ;-)


    Am no dude, dude! ;-P


    We're all here providing people information/options.


    In the end, it's their decision.



  5. D,


    You seem nice. Talking to you over the phone ... was wholesome. Yet, our textes werent. ;-)


    Anyway, hope to meet you soon.


    May I not be too taken by you. It's too soon for me, I think.


    I'm still trying to get over him ...


    Be patient with me.


    May we be friends ... w/o any of the sexual intonations.


    I'd like that.


    Seems we can even be biz acquaintainces too ... later on.


    We'll see.


    Til then.



  6. I don't quite get it. Are you selling the sender application (gateway)? or are you offering a mobile application development service?


    If it's a gateway ur selling, what's the TPS? Most companies will require vanity numbers to push their promo, otherwise its just gonna be your regular messaging platform (one to many) and there's already a friendster mobile service running under 227 and 2276 which can cover most of these messaging scenarios :-/... furthermore there are lots of acces numbers that are open to the public for use: ex. 2333 for globe and 211 for smart, all you need is hook up a processing URL to load and provision your app. :P


    I'm plugging all this information here just to inform everybody here how easy it is nowadays to create your personal messaging service. FIrst half of 2006, http://www.txtdomain.com will be launched, anybody can register and create their own mobile service, and this isnt limited to SMS alone, this will include MMS services, as well as GPRS, UDH, CSDR and other services as long as the telco's here dont fu*kup on their 3G roll-out. NTC has already granted 3G LIC's to smart, globe, digitel(sun), broadband phil, and one more new player.


    Hope some of you will find this information usefull. The site is already live, but it is still under development and under wraps, expect a lot of bugs.


    Yes, it's the software that I'm selling ...


    The 3/4-digit numbers are availed by companies through a binding contract of guaranteed minimum no. of textes sent/received per month via the telcos.


    It's really a matter of what the company plans to do with the application. It comes w/ a GSM modem ... the company would just need to supply it w/ a SIM (can be pre/post-paid).


    This allows for push and pull of the company's products and services.


    Confidentiality of the company's clients via their DB of mobile numbers need not be shared ... privacy is the thing here.

  7. Hello to the Techie peeps here! ;-)


    Possibly the appropriate thread ... who knows. ;-P


    Should you have a need for an SMS/text-based application software or know of someone/companies interested in such, I am just a PM away. ;-) I am an independent reseller for the product ... we can work on some kind of referral fee (on a closed sale). ;-P


    Hey, we don't know everyone ... this is where the 6th degree of separation comes into play ... ;-)

  8. have you tried deleting cookies, files, checking security, privacy(should be on med.) on the ie options.... also try disbaling the internet security if you have one... :cool:




    to think I used to advise my DSL callers the same ...

  9. I cant escape you ... I see your name in the oddest of places.


    I do miss you ...


    I cant recall having "dates" with the other MEN I've been with ... it was something else with them.


    With you ... it was that and MORE. I just didnt see YOU ... now I do. But ... :(

  10. Usually ... lock myself in my room, lately. I would either listen to angry music, India Arie or my bestfriend's acapella songs on CD. If it's evening, I'd set the mood and light up a candle in the middle of the room.


    I'd read past entries in my journal ... then write EXACTLY what I'm feeling at the moment.


    EVEN ...


    Read old books.


    EVEN ...


    logon, immerse myself online.


    EVEN ...


    Find myself somehow DRAWN to the Greenbelt Chapel ... whenever I'm in Makati.

  11. I,


    The last time we met ... just confirmed that the "sizzle has fizzled".


    It just wasnt like it was before. We were un-comforable ... scrambling for things to say to break the silence.


    It's been over anyway ... for a long time, hasnt it?


    I was just too stupid or stubborn to admit and let go.


    It's now 2006 ... time to go our seperate ways and find NEW friends.


    Good luck ... with that and work.



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