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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. Hmm ... that I'm not really living a life that's ALL crappy ... others have it worse that I do ...


    I should be more appreciative of what I have, who care about me and the fact that I am here, still ...


    I must not jump to conclusions when I dont have all the details ...


    There's no need to defend yourself to people ... especially when they've already had a perception of you in their heads ... despite limited information of the situation.


    As long as you know you didnt do anything wrong ... in His eyes, you only have Him to face ... at the end of it all.


    Your family's who you should run to ... not strangers or people who you think are your friends.


    Family doesnt necessarily have to be "blood" ... just those who you can turn to in the midst of trouble or in need.

  2. Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo ...


    Thank you for:


    * giving us all an education ...

    * the courage to work abroad so you can provide opportunities for your family ...

    * the various occassions you picked me up at "labasan" when I'd come home late ...

    * the opportunity of living, growing up and being exposed to Western education (elementary and HS) ...

    * for my appreciation of the world, experiences, different cultures and people ...

    * the example of service ... to the officers and members of FAPNG (Filipino Association of PNG), Lions Club, Red Cross, church, Macaria Village Stage 5 Homeowners Association and your family (wife, children, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and granddaughter)

    * the delicious food you'd prepare ... tapa, hamburger, adobo, escabeche ...

    * accompanying me to my appointments after my accident ...

    * driving me around: to work, Toastmaster meetings and other work/personal activities

    * the EXTREME sacrifice ... your life!


    We love you ... Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo!


    We miss you ... Dad, Tatay, Ama, Lolo!

  3. hi guys, i wanna help a friend out. he's an IT guy doing admin work at a callcenter.


    he wants to work with IT abroad (US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Caiman Islands, cruise ships, etc.)

    maybe you guys know of openings there so i can tell him bout it.


    thanks :lol: :mtc: :mtc:


    Have him try signup with the FIL-IT yahoogroup.


    They post vacancies from time to time there. ;-P


    Extend my GOOD LUCK to him!

  4. Ate R,


    You were strong in the midst of our sorrow.


    Thank you for that.


    I love you for your sacrifice, strength, wisdom and advise.


    May I ... someday, become someone our family (especially Dad) will be proud of.


    I have yet to be worthy of this life.



  5. Dad,


    To see you suffer and your health deteriorate ... pains me.


    I can only remind you to take proper care of yourself.


    We're here for you ...


    Please dont be hard-headed ... Dont smoke anymore. The xrays are proof enough ... you have to stop.



  6. Thank you for calling me back to your fold ... yet again.


    You're always there, despite the times I always push you away and forget that you are my source/strength.


    May I be the daughter I need to be to you and my parents.


    Give us all the strength to handle the coming days, weeks and months.


    Only you know when.

  7. Ate R,


    Thanks for the honesty. It's long time coming. I should have been told earlier, so my actions would have been better towards those affected.


    Boy, did that prompt me to go back to Him. It made me angry ... hurt and cry like never before.


    May I be able to do my part ... to make things better for all.


    We can only give ... while we can. :(



  8. Not appropriate ... but you "techie peeps" might want to attend (from an email ... no need to mention my handle):


    ---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

    Subject: M2M Wireless launches InfoTXT Commerce at the e-Services

    Philippines 2006

    Date: Thu, February 9, 2006 11:46 pm



    We cordially invite you to be part of Asia's premiere IT and e-Services

    conference and exhibition, the e-Services Philippines 6th Outsourcing

    Conference and Exhibition, to be held at the EDSA Shangri-la Manila Hotel

    on February 16-17, 2006. We are located at booth A-5, opposite Sulu

    Function Room.


    The event is a showcase of the latest advancements in the business process

    outsourcing industry, software applications and solutions, and product

    offerings from some of the best IT distributors in the Philippines.


    Get to know the people behind successful e-commerce businesses and have the

    opportunity to speak with them personally. Exchange ideas with key industry

    leaders, senior executives and experts, or broaden your network by building

    new business relationships with exhibitors. Conferences and break-away

    sessions provide information on new product and industry trends you will

    never hear elsewhere. Hear what the experts have to say, and learn from

    their professional experiences.


    And good news for existing InfoTXT users. M2M Wireless Tech Corp. and

    GiveMe Unlimited Inc. will be launching the new package upgrade for its

    award-winning SMS application solution, and this year's official entry to

    the e-Services Philippines Awards: the InfoTXT Commerce. See first-hand the

    latest and exciting features that InfoTXT Commerce has to offer, and be the

    first to realize how your business can benefit from it.


    InfoTXT is now the industry standard for SMS-based solutions. If you're not

    yet using InfoTXT as your SMS-based business solutions in your company, see

    why top corporations are now up-to-speed with this new approach. What's

    more, we'll even give you SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES at the venue.


    Let us help you help your business grow. We'll see you at the Shang!

  9. My results:


    You know how to flirt when you want to.

    You've mastered the art of giving off sexual energy without leading anyone on. Men feel flattered by your attention, and you feel more alive after a bout of flirtatious banter. Nothing wrong with that!

  10. JAL,


    It's GREAT news that you're now an Auzzi citizen! ;-) This is what you wanted. You ALWAYS get what you want. Wish you could tell me your secret, so I too may get what I want and deserve.


    Am glad you and the hubby spent New Years in NZ. Am sure you had a blast.


    Are you getting married this year? When? Should I go?


    Write me soon.



  11. Y,


    I hope you make the right decision for yourself.


    I know how tempting things are at the moment.


    But ... you might regret. Things could blow up in your face leaving you with nothing.


    You have a good thing going for you ... think about that.


    Really ... do.


    Wish I have what you do.



  12. Found out thru your posts what you've been doing and how you really feel.


    To HELL with you! Thought you were different ... apparently not at all.


    You're just like the rest of them.

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