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Posts posted by Barenaked-NoMre

  1. Father,


    I have appointments next week ... may they be favorable ones for a SOLID job offer. I need to be busy so I am worthy of living as you have granted me this new/2nd life.


    I know I may not be regular in my visits to your temple ... but you know that I hold you near, in my thoughts/heart.


    May you help my dad's papers be processed so he can go back to Australia ... mom's getting too bothered by his crazy ideas. The noise between them can get to me ... as well as our neighbors.


    Bless mother to be less critical of everyone and everything.


    Enlighten Ate N with her decisions.


    Empower us all with the wisdom to do what is right according to your will as well as what's best for us.


    In your name,



  2. Father,


    Forgive me for I continue to do things I should not.


    Open my eyes becoz I seem to be blinded by the desires of the flesh rather than focusing on my current dilemma.


    Make me realize that CPO's enough ... the others I tend to meet do not come close to the kind of MAN he is.


    Bestow upon me the will to be loyal even though I want more.


    Grant me the right frame of mind when I go out for interviews so I will be able to get *that* job soon ... rather than some "other" jobs.




  3. Thank you:


    * that I spoke to my best friend last night


    * that I was with KL when we saw the CREATURE and he ignored us and even tried to "hit on" some women. The nerve!


    * that I see the a-hole MEN for what they really are ... their true colors!


    * that I'm able to still see beyond the signs you put forth for my discernment.


    * that I am STRONG ... in the knowledge that you're still looking out for me.


    * for enabling me to feel you and experience you to the very core of my being!

  4. M,


    WOW! Didnt figure you to be a SNOB. To see you today and have you pass by my table and ignore me ... that says a WHOLE lot about the kind of person you are.


    To also witness you in "ACTION" ... well, that's the kind of guy you are.


    To think I was impressed and even thought "priviledged" to have been with you.


    I was dis-illusioned but your height, skin tone and demeanor.


    Another one ... to "charge" to SEXperience.



  5. Am PISSED! Saw an MTC guy I hooked up with twice ... yet he didnt even say "HI!".


    Talk about B***S***!


    There are SO many MTC men here who think they're God's gift to women ... but then they're really not, in the end.


    Am hopeful ... that I get called in again for an interview with a multi-media company.


    Am glad I still am cool about "bumping" into former "encounters". I keep running into them ... Hmmm!

  6. CPO,


    I duno ... I may be falling.


    You dont make it HARD ... you're a sweet, kind and CUTE man. :-)


    I just dont hear from you as often. I just have too much time on my hands to think CRAZY thoughts and am also emotional/stressed about my situation. Not a good combination.


    My past with MEN havnt been good or great. You're the only one who's treated me well ... like a WOMAN, respected.


    I hope to be occupied SOON ... so that I dont cause anymore stress on you with my woes and rantings.


    You need time and space for yourself ... your own stuff. I respect that.


    Hope despite everything ... you'll still be there.



  7. Its been a LONG while ...


    I hope that what's happening around the world isnt a indication of the end ...


    It does seem all too overwhelming from one disaster to another ... I guess your way of reminding us.


    Yes, we need wake-up calls ... to jolt us from living in our own little world.


    May we continue to be your instruments here ... to be and do good!


    Lead us ... especially when we are lost!

  8. Thank you for letting me NOT give up ... even though its SO tempting!


    Thank you that I made peace with the EX ... we can now co-exist here in MTC and MTC EBs without having to avoid be be awkward with each other.


    Thank you for the small circle of close and special friends I have.


    Thank you that we had a good yet trying year ... we learned lessons, grew personally/spiritually/professionally and realized that living simply is better ... if not BEST!


    Thank you to the MTC members I've met at EBs ... it nice to see familiar faces from time to time.


    Thank you for allowing me to meet CPO ... he's sweet!


    Thank you for providing us what we need.


    Thank you KL for always being my companion during EBs, as well as listening to my crazy adventures! ;-)

  9. Mr JB,


    I was shocked to see you at the EB. Good thing I had 2 bottles of San Mig Lite in me to give me that courage to approach and greet you.


    Am glad that we were able to make PEACE before the year ended. ;-)


    Hope you're happy and well where you are now.


    I always wish you the best!



  10. My CPO,


    Sorry that I wasnt honest with you about going to the EB.


    I now know how these things could upset you.


    Am glad we are now ok.


    It was awful when we met the day after the EB ... but werent really "together".


    Hope you will be a little more direct with me about how you want things to go ... where WE are concerned. Am not a mind reader.


    Thank you for your friendship, concern and taking good care of me when we're together!


    Am always here,



  11. Yes ... the years just keep passing me by.


    But I am still here ... like I havent taken a step forward.


    There has been times, places, friends, MEN, chats, exchanges in between ... yet, why do I feel like I'm stuck or sinking in quicksand?


    Will 2005 be better or the same?


    It has to change ... or I will retreat back into my shell.


    P-L-E-A-S-E ... let things be as they should for me.


    My heart is full ... with want and need to BE, DO and GIVE as YOU have destined for me.

  12. It differs ... it also depends how far the girl/woman is from them ...


    From a woman's point of view ... I think it's The Twins ... front and back. ;-P


    Then they either go to the face (eyes, cheek bones, nose), legs (how tall, smooth) or skin (how fair, smooth).


    What I look for in the MEN ... how they carry themselves when they walk across the room, how confident they are. ;-)

  13. Am happy that you look happy with her in your pictures. Sorry, I "invaded" your space on the web ... to "check" you out.


    Hope we can somehow get past our past ... and be acquaintances at least. We should ... we will no doubt meet at EBs. I dont want to always worry bumping into you ... how I should be.


    Let's end 2004 well and be better individuals for 2005. ;-)


    You will always have a special place in my heart ... JB.

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