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Posts posted by Palakol

  1. so... emelianenko is overrated huh?


    come on. i could call him cyborg or omega red or universal soldier, and i would only be slightly exaggerating.


    however, he was never able to f u c k big nog up the way mir did. how about frank vs. fedor?

  2. bro if youre in a tight budget try sprint running or what is commonly called "sayonachi" very effective and very cheap, :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    look for the parkour thread.


    Bro, san ung branch nila sa marikina/cainta? wanted to look for it kaya lng ala pa ko time. Thanks sa heads up!



    chief ikaw ba yung sensei dun? hehehehe ang kulit


  3. Starting strength - I have that book and read about it but only with the forms.


    Diet - Hmm ok then hehe. By the way, what's the difference between skimmed milk and full cream milk besides the fat content?

    besides the fact that skim milk is for chicks, i have no idea.


    and you should get with the program with starting strength. trust in rip.

  4. So I'll just take out isolation movements and substitute them with chinups and dips without the added weight to compensate for the lost work?


    It's probably partly because I have a really bad eating habit right now. Work puts a toll on my eating habit because I don't have time to prepare my own food anymore. Anyone can suggest any restaurant in Makati that caters for body builder diets like lean grilled chicken/tuna and veggies? Money isn't that of an issue because I usually am happy spending money for food. I'm having a hard time gaining weight due to my diet (Which consist of an oatmeal for breakfast, half chicken for lunch and country style sandwich for dinner) and sort of lack of sleep. I still drink a glass of milk a day.


    check this out:

    Starting Strength


    frankly, you eat like a chick. eat more. a lot more. steak and eggs, and eggs and steak. just boil 'em eggs and you're good to go. :lol:


    and a liter of full cream milk a day. :thumbsupsmiley:


    if it is nearly impossible to eat every 2-3 hours, i'd consider the luxury of supplementation. (enervon, milo, ovaltine, sustagen, ensure, various protein shakes, etc...) they don't take much time to prepare.

  5. that's what I noticed too in many weightlifting forums. trainees always include some kind of curling movement in their routine, and most do it in the power rack. hehe


    guys, if you're going to do some curls, then do it somewhere else. leave the power rack vacant for squat lovers like me



    Yeah right squat lovers.



    My friends in the gym seemed to get scared for me when i do my 5x5 squat, 200 lbs pa lang naman kaya ko. lahat sila puro upper ang tinitira. two hours or more puro biceps and bench presses

    ah. nice to see a few squatters here (pun intended).


    I started lifting about 9 months ago.


    You mean how heavy I lift? These are 6 rep maxes (except squat and deadlift)


    Bench press 154lbs

    Overhead press 88lbs (My arms still suck)

    Barbell Row 143lbs

    Pullups BW(125lbs) + 20lb dumbell

    Squat 198lbs

    Deadlift 215lbs


    So far, I only progressed in the leg part because of the 5x5 but my upper body lagged. Muscle gain is only prominent on my torso and legs but not on my arms. Cuts have shown but size didn't improve that much. I'm doing strict full range execution on my exercises btw (Pullups from dead hang to chin above the bar, Bench press from parallel to straight arm etc.,).


    I added the isolation curls because I can't do anymore chinups after doing several sets and reps. Same goes with the skull crusher.

    simple: if you can't, don't.


    honestly, you can bench press more than i can.


    and to get bigger, toss the isolation, add more volume, sleep more, and drink more milk.


    BTW, I stand about 5'3-5'4, 125lbs. Last time I checked with the body fat percentage machine, I think I had 19% bodyfat after working out.

    where did you check your percentage?

  6. I know alot of people are isolation haters here so be nice but would adding single jointed workout for my arms help it grow? I mean theoretically? Like skull crushers and barbell curls? When I started doing these Isolations, it got my arms sore.


    Main workout is still full of compounds, I tried Max OT's 3 day split just so to focus on the body parts more. My legs are growing faster than my upper body due to 5x5's squat per day and it's becoming more obvious now.


    Day 1 - Chest and triceps

    Flat Bench 1x12 1x8 3x6

    Inclined Bench 2x6

    Weighed Dips 2x6

    Skull Crusher 2x8


    Day 2 - Back and Biceps

    Lat pulldowns 1x12 1x8 (Warm up)

    Weighed Chinups (Narrow) 3x6

    Weighed Pullups (Wide) 2x6

    Barbell Rows 2x6

    Barbell Curls 2x8


    Day 3 - Legs, abs and Delts

    Squat 1x12 1x8 3x5

    Deadlift 1x6

    Military Press 1x12 3x6

    Upright Row 2x6

    Leg lifts 2x15

    soreness does not automatically mean hypertrophy. i mean, i'm damn sore after a running session, but i don't see muscle growth in my legs. and i've been running religiously for about 7 years now.


    and you do not need multiple exercises. i personally use only three to four lifts per workout. and i ALWAYS train the whole body.


    pullups, pulldowns, and rows target basically the same muscles. and your deltoids work whenever you use your pushing muscles, so they belong with the presses.


    and i will never get tired of saying: ISOLATION IS FOR ADVANCED BODYBUILDERS.


    why are people so obsessed with curls?

  7. Guys, what's another effective martial arts self-defense?


    I tried aikido before when I was in college but didn't have the time to continue due to studies.

    i'd go with krav maga, kali, and silat.

  8. ano mas madali krava maga o yaw yan? planning to take up martial arts

    KRAV MAGA - israeli combat art. strictly practical self defense. the only official gym is in san juan.

    YAW YAN - filipino martial art. the focus is mostly competition. branches in cubao, marikina/cainta, etc...


    what exactly are your intentions?

  9. I would need the help and advice of every1 here, specially the experts like Olympus, Genetic Freak and Palakol



    my supplements:


    AMINO ACID 10,000 by Healthy n Fit

    Muscle MIlk ( Choco) by Cyto Sports

    GH MAX (Growth Hormone Capsules) by Universal


    * I sued to take Syntha 6 instead of Muscle MIlk but my friend says Cyto Sports is more effective



    my vitamins



    Ginseng by GNC

    Honry Goat weed( no need to mention what's it for)

    Enduranz Capsules

    wow. that's a lot. i'm not really a supplement guy. i mean, i take a multivitamin and calcium capsule in the morning. that's about it. i also have a supply of protein powder for the days i am unable to eat properly.

  10. Oh well. either way, I saw people waste money, some a ton on supplements and only produce expensive pee. Lots of overpriced PT,making lifting complicated instead of simple and effective. I don't believe in it. Unless mag karga ka, pero I consider this pointless (pasintabi nalang sa mga kumakarga) unless you really plan to compete.

    haha. like putting expensive motor oil on a car with a sewing machine's engine that doesn't even have gas. :lol:


    imagine your car = you

    training = improving your engine

    diet = the gas you put in your car

    supplements = nothing but motor oil (that is why they're called "supplements," and not "replacements.")

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