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Supplements - to Take or Not to Take?

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Dexone is similar to a natural steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland.  This might be a little advance in the supplement department for digitalsober.  Also, the side effects are a little scary (See below).  But big is big and dexone will get you there.


My suggestion would be to find a protein, liquid creatine and a good multi-vitamin to start.  Go to the gym and be CONSISTANT with the workouts and don't over indulge in alcohol and fried food.  If you give an honest effort.  You'll see positive results in 6 weeks.


Just my $.02

Dexone side effects that you should report to your prescriber or health care professional as soon as possible:

•bloody or black, tarry stools

•confusion, excitement, restlessness, a false sense of well-being

•eye pain, decreased or blurred vision, or bulging eyes

•fever, sore throat, sneezing, cough, or other signs of infection

•frequent passing of urine

•hallucinations (seeing and hearing things that are not really there)

•increased thirst

•irregular heartbeat

•menstrual problems

•mental depression, mood swings, mistaken feelings of self-importance, mistaken feelings of being mistreated

•muscle cramps or muscle weakness

•nausea, vomiting

•pain in hips, back, ribs, arms, shoulders, or legs

•rounding out of face

•skin problems, acne

•stomach pain

•swelling of feet or lower legs

•unusual bruising or red pinpoint spots on the skin

•unusual tiredness or weakness

•weight gain or weight loss

•wounds that will not heal


Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your prescriber or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):

•diarrhea or constipation

•change in taste


•increased appetite or loss of appetite

•increased sweating

•nervousness, restlessness, or difficulty sleeping

•unusual increased growth of hair on the face or body

•upset stomach


that is correct ;)


but it was just a prescription given to me by my doctor...

I used to weigh 45 kilos... & I was hopeless...

i took small dosage of dexone (white color) for 3 weeks & my body got positive response

I gained 18 Kgs. :)

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TWINLAB ripped fuel 90 caps - 1350

TWINLAB ripped fuel 180 caps - 2600





just text at 09224181002


What does a ripped fuel do to you? aside from the obvious "rip" does it give additional energy when you work out? i am taking the twinlab creatine capsules but i am also thinking of buying twinlab ripped fuel.



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I have had positive results with Hydroxycut.  I haven't tried Xenadrine, but may in the future.  The ingredients seem the same though.


If I remember correctly the dosage is:

1 pill 3x a day week 1    = 21

2 pills 3x a day week 2 = 42

3 pills 3x a day week 3 = 56

  Total  = 119


The results you were getting were positive after just a little under a month.  Losing 1-2 pounds a week is a safe and healthy way to lose weight.  You have to remember that you didn’t put on that extra weight immediately, but rather accumulated it over time. 


The other item is muscle is heavier than fat.  So during your month of training you probably noticed your muscles started to get firmer.  That is muscle getting bigger and adding to your weight.  It’s a seesaw effect.  As you lose fat weight, you gain muscle weight.  To get a true indicator of how much progress you are making, you should get a fat analyzer done.  The preferred method is the dunk test, but the electric resistance method is fine.  Just don’t do the caliper test.  It’s the least effective of the 3.  This will track how much fat your losing as you progress in your workouts.  The simple weight scale doesn't give you the true picture.


Keep up the good work and remember to do cardio in your fat burning zone at least 3x a week.


dude, does hydroxycut give additional energy when you workout? of course aside from losing some fats..



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What does a ripped fuel do to you? aside from the obvious "rip" does it give additional energy when you work out? i am taking the twinlab creatine capsules but i am also thinking of buying twinlab ripped fuel.




nope... it does not give you additional energy. if you want additional energy, take XENADRINE NRG instead...


PICKUP POINTS: Katipunan, Visayas Ave (QC), Rockwell, Camp Aguinaldo (saturdays)… or where convenient



Cytodyne Xenadrine EFX (ephedrine-free) 120 caps  2,000.00

Cytodyne Xenadrine NRG-8 (ephedrine-free) 120 caps  2,400.00

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dude, does hydroxycut give additional energy when you workout? of course aside from losing some fats..





I have tried both the old hydroxycut and the new non-ephedra version. The difference between the two is night and day. The new version I find myself snacking during the day and the thermogenic properties aren't as strong.


The old version with ephedra would stop me from eating period. I have to remind myself to eat and even when I did I had to make a concerted effort to finish the meal to get the needed calories. The added energy I received was enough to cut down or virtually eliminate all caffeine. I literally just had to pop a few pills when I woke up and I was able to take on the world. I also cut down my cardio to 1x a week, since I was getting ripped faster than I can add the muscle weight. It just didn't look good on me. But it's great if you already had the bulk and you wanted to show off those muscles.


Both products were able to keep my weight down, but the new version is not as effective as the old. There was an ephedra ban in the USA about a year ago. Unfortunately, I can't even find any supplements or herbal stores that carry Ma-Huang.


I haven't tried xenadrine, but it looks like the active ingredient is just caffeine, a lot of caffeine. If you are prone to getting the caffeine shakes from too much coffee then I wouldn’t recommend it. But if your goal was energy, then this looks like your product.


There is another product in the US. It’s called total lean. The company is small so I don’t expect a huge fan base or websites dedicated to it. The product has an active ingredient of hoodia. There are several products that carry this ingredient, but none of the big supplement houses have discovered it. My GF is taking it and she says she doesn’t fell like eating during the day. There is no energy boost and she complains of headaches from it.


My suspicion of her headaches is from not getting enough calories and vitamins during the day. Getting her to take a vitamin supplement is challenging. So until she takes her vitamins and rules out a vitamin deficiency, I can’t say the product will not give you headaches as well. I’ve seen a weight loss in her in less than 2 weeks. Her exercise routine of 2x a week hasn’t change so I have to contribute her weight loss to the product.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do supplements work?

Let me first set things straight by informing that you do not need supplements to get results. However, in recent years science has proven that some supplements can enhance performance and provide the additional nutrients your body needs, particularly if you not getting enough from your normal meals and are training hard. Whatever it is, never replace your meals with supplements. Supplements are meant to be used in addition to your normal diet, which should be already in good order.

What's the rational for using supplements, you asked? Mainly to:

· support recovery

· provide protection against possible nutrients deficiency

· provide convenience

· enhance performance

However, many unscrupulous supplement companies are going overboard and make wild claims about their products. While some claims are substantiated, most are not. We will never be short of a supplement that promise to help in us in:

· building more muscles

· burning fat

· increasing sexual performances

· increasing endurance

· becoming younger

· becoming stronger

· etc

Which then are the ones that work? There are some that do work while some are plain useless. It is important to also note that some are quite toxic and dangerous when consumed in excess. What should you do, as a consumer, to guard yourself from falling into the traps?

Beware of all claims. Those that sound too good to be true, usually are. We provide here a list of common supplements that are being marketed for various fitness use and have concluded whether they are useful or not. Possible side effects are also included.

1. Protein powders (including whey protein, soy protein and egg & milk protein).

Claims: for muscle growth and repair.

Effectiveness: Yes, particularly if you are not consuming enough protein in your normal diet to match your activity and goals.

2. Weight gainers

Claims: for weight gain, recovery and muscle growth.

Effectiveness: Yes if used as a post-workout recovery drink or if one is severely underweight. If consumed in excess under normal circumstances, the weight gain would be mostly fat.

3. Amino acids

Claims: for muscle growth.

Effectiveness: No. You would be better off sticking with protein powders and cheaper too.

4. Multi-Vitamins and Multi-Minerals

Claims: insurance against micronutrients deficiency.

Effectiveness: A good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement provides the best protection from its complete spectrum of all the vitamins and minerals your body everyday. Deficiency in a single nutrient can lead to severe consequences.

5. HMB

Claims: increasing muscle mass and strength

Effectiveness: Not proven to work. Put your money somewhere else.

6. Creatine

Claims: increasing strength and power

Effectiveness: Yes. This is by far, the most researched and scrutinized supplement on the market today. And most supported its effectiveness. Many athletes are taking creatine to enhance performances. Possible side effects include diarrhea and water retention.

7. Caffeine

Claims: increasing endurance and support fat-oxidation

Effectiveness: Yes. Just like creatine, caffeine has been proven to work by many researches. Taken in moderate amount, it could help increase performance and utilization of fat for endurance activity, especially for those well-trained. Possible side effects include stomach upset, irritability, nervousness, and diarrhea.

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ako po protein powder lang iniinom ko. and a daily multivitamin, folic acid, calcium-magnesium, vitamin c, garlic-licorice, omega-3, and an antioxidant...


supplementation is ok, inamin na ng medical community, dati hindi e, pero mga 2-5 years ago may lumabas na article sa leading medical journal sa states (i forgot the title, sorry) na kailangan na talaga mag-supplement mga tao.

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ako po protein powder lang iniinom ko. and a daily multivitamin, folic acid, calcium-magnesium, vitamin c, garlic-licorice, omega-3, and an antioxidant...


supplementation is ok, inamin na ng medical community, dati hindi e, pero mga 2-5 years ago may lumabas na article sa leading medical journal sa states (i forgot the title, sorry) na kailangan na talaga mag-supplement mga tao.



The original article is 11 pages long. This is a short summary.


Journal of the American Medical Association - JAMA


We don't get enough nutrition from our diet alone.


Harvard researchers Robert H. Fletcher, MD, and Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD, have written new guidelines regarding the use of vitamins in the June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). After years of taking an anti-vitamin stance, Drs. Fletcher and Fairfield reviewed studies published during the period from 1966 through January, 2002, and found significant data supporting the need for vitamin supplements to prevent a number of chronic diseases, including several forms of cancer. Their studies also found that only 20% to 30% of the US population consume the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.



Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults

Scientific Review


Kathleen M. Fairfield, MD,DrPH; Robert H. Fletcher, MD,MSc



JAMA. 2002;287:3116-3126.


Context Although vitamin deficiency is encountered infrequently in developed countries, inadequate intake of several vitamins is associated with chronic disease.


Objective To review the clinically important vitamins with regard to their biological effects, food sources, deficiency syndromes, potential for toxicity, and relationship to chronic disease.


Data Sources and Study Selection We searched MEDLINE for English-language articles about vitamins in relation to chronic diseases and their references published from 1966 through January 11, 2002.


Data Extraction We reviewed articles jointly for the most clinically important information, emphasizing randomized trials where available.


Data Synthesis Our review of 9 vitamins showed that elderly people, vegans, alcohol-dependent individuals, and patients with malabsorption are at higher risk of inadequate intake or absorption of several vitamins. Excessive doses of vitamin A during early pregnancy and fat-soluble vitamins taken anytime may result in adverse outcomes. Inadequate folate status is associated with neural tube defect and some cancers. Folate and vitamins B6 and B12 are required for homocysteine metabolism and are associated with coronary heart disease risk. Vitamin E and lycopene may decrease the risk of prostate cancer. Vitamin D is associated with decreased occurrence of fractures when taken with calcium.


Conclusions Some groups of patients are at higher risk for vitamin deficiency and suboptimal vitamin status. Many physicians may be unaware of common food sources of vitamins or unsure which vitamins they should recommend for their patients. Vitamin excess is possible with supplementation, particularly for fat-soluble vitamins. Inadequate intake of several vitamins has been linked to chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

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Hey guys,


In case you're interested, am selling supplements at way below market prices.

















PHP 2100




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