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The Mail Box

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Part of my difficulty in studying was that every time them great professors scratch some new ideas and concepts on the whiteboards, sparks fly from my head and set fire upon that heap of tinder that is my imagination. I realise just how many of my old political and business gut instincts were quite correct after all, and all of the sudden I seemingly have answers to getting everything except world peace and free beer.


The problem is I get so caught up in that smoke of fresh ideas that I miss some of the lessons while I frantically scribble on the margins of my notes and cover a special tickler (like what I used to carry at work) with page after page of scrawls and exclamation points. Any one of those one line scrawls could easily be elaborated into an essay pages in length.


I can only hope that there is fire underneath all that smoke.


yours forever



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i was going to let it pass that you had to ask me that question.

however, the more i thought about it, the more i realized.

in all our interaction, albeit short and quite recent,

i had never given you reason to doubt my sincerity.


after much thought, yes,

it IS offensive to me that you had to ask.


much saddened,



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Its the time of the year when I feel like shunning the sun and hide myself in the cave of anonymity where no one can touch me and come near me.


Its the time of the year when I usually call you for a much needed confiding and just let myself be myself for a brief un-perverted moment. No one knows the real me and my absurd ideals, and big ideas, and foolish dreams, but you. With you I can just go on and on and on and you simply sit back and listen to me, interrupting with a but a word of encouragement, an exclamation of disbelief, or even a curt rebuke, or sometimes, an expression of disapproval with an exasperated sigh and an exaggerated raising of eyebrows. But you let me be myself and talk non-stop.


You paid attention to me when I spoke of my major plans and even took time out to study the blueprints and time table. You let your accountant study my financial plans and praised me for a clean book. You appreciated me and supported me like you were a part of the whole structure.


You were the one who pushed me to make the step of faith to initiate the journey to where I am destined to go. And you were very proud when you saw that I was finally conquering the undiscovered terrains.


You were sympathetic when I narrated about F and his ordeals and understood me when I no longer wanted to be part of that enterprise.


You gave me time and you listened to me.


It is during those rare long talks in your very serene office, watching the flowing water in the make shift garden, where time is no-when, that I have revealed, in almost a whisper, what I dared not share with others, for fear of my life. And you listened intently and gave me very sensible advise, applying my situation to your corporate scenarios, sharing with me your extensive genius coming from the wisdom of years, experience of different worlds, and graying hair... After all, you are not ignorant of these things, being a man of prominence and esteem. You did not become who you are by a whim. You did not get to where you are without facing the challenges, you said. And you were expecting the same from me.


The secrets overtook me but I did not call you. And I feared letting you in on the matter, for I know you would come to my protection, like you did years ago. I felt I could handle it and I made sure I did. I feared letting you know of the developments because I promised you around this time last year, during an emergency call, that I will leave the halls and grant myself the freedom to finally do what I want and had to; and gain what I must and should. But I am still here, sir. I failed you. I failed myself. But I am doing my best to fulfill what must be carried out, for a greater cause. For a greater glory.


Now, I brave this storm dictated by duty even as I struggle to release myself from such responsibilities.


After a sleepless night of turbulent decision-making, I decided on when the fated day will be.


I know what I will finally do will injure the system. But I have to, maybe for selfish gains, but for a purpose nonetheless.


I will hand my papers in a matter of days, sir. I know the pillar will crumble.


I want to call you but I stop myself. I know you will be pleased when you find out about this. But not yet. There is still one more thing I have to do. When that is accomplished, maybe then I will call your secretary for an appointment.


But right now, I struggle with the desire to just simply let it be and hide myself in the darkness of the caves.


Truly, we fight the bloodiest battle with ourselves everyday. We have to decide to win against ourselves every time.


I am tired, yet I keep on.


Victory is not for the fainthearted. I will win this.





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un amigo dijo


silencio. distancia entre los dos. cada vez mayor. los silencios que antes nos unían, esos instantes incómodos que se convirtieron más tarde en momentos cómplices, preludio de estallidos de pasión, ahora nos separan. hace mucho tiempo que hemos dejado de hablar. pero no con palabras, si no con miradas, con gestos, con caricias... con besos. algo que ya conocía. ella vuelve a cambiar, y con ese cambio se vuelven a repetir experiencias ya vividas.

me doy cuenta de que este es verdad...

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Perhaps it is time for me to release that remaining boat.


Long years ago, on this day, my cousins’ birthday, we had so nearly gotten together. Had we married we would have been the dream team made unstoppable, I on the left, you on the right, and none living now to withstand us combined.


But it was not to be.


You later said in your notes that you would now want to give me the chance at a happy marriage, and that I could therefore move on. Perhaps I would agree.


But I would have you know that it will be to some extent basic social responsibilities that will drive me to accept a match, if ever. I am the last of my line, and all that means. I have accepted long ago that after you, I would marry for duty as much as I would for companionship, and would therefore carry all the responsibilities of that practical relationship with a realistic soul. But marry for heart, for love? The woman I loved hardest and longest has left me. My years and decades may bring with them wisdom, or some wisdom at the least, but they do not shield me a whit from heartbreak.


You also wrote in your later notes about children. How I had so secretly wished we were given ours, in the time we were together. For age is also catching up with me, and I do feel the ticking clock, though I kept that worry a secret from you too. I would treasure kids. If there would be a stronger and more personal reason for me to later on get married and to stay married, it is because of the irreplaceable children which that union could produce.


If I am ever denied my children, it will take me until the next life to understand why that was so, and even in that next life, still I will not have them.


And such eternal loneliness would be truly complete.


The material challenges of providing well and equally for all of my children, whether with some politically matched wife-to-be or with one I truly love, or both, would be tough, though not at all insurmountable. But I agree with you that if my fatherhood experiences are limited to regularly dropping off loads of money in a bank account, then that would be grossly unfair to myself and my daughter. My daughter is not my daughter unless I have had a hand in raising her, and I do not mean only the baby care, but also (especially) the school age when she asks the questions, and then I would teach her to ask the right questions, and when she finds the answers, and then I would teach her to find the right answers. You are also correct that secrecy will be difficult for me, especially since I will be living a public life in 20 years or so. Though it will not be impossible - if and when I should acquire ever more authority, secrecy will be one of them.


What sort of mortal power is it that hides no secret anyway?


However, time is passing fast for me, and therefore, I must now come to grips with the reality that left to my own devices, there are ever diminishing chances of my laying the necessary groundwork of matchmaking and also of high career, and still leave enough years for a tall, fair, bright-eyed brown-haired red-lipped big-nosed daughter who would have such natural gifts that would have her shape society long before society would have a chance to shape her.


So, I must go ahead and release this last boat. Soon, I will await a cold clear winter night exactly like this very evening, when the winds blow strong and frigid and the moon round and perfect and silver. And I will write you that, at last, I have scribbled down my dreams, her name, our plans, and what might have been, and folded that precious parchment into a small boat. And then I will wander by that magical nearby river, right before where she thunders down that creaky ancient dam, and put the boat in her cold blue waters, to drift away to some unknown sea, gone for all time from me.


Perhaps, like that beautiful full moon tonight, neither does my daughter belong to this world.



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I read your note in our school forum the other day.


From a purely technical perspective.


The minds behind this in your-face-pardon are startlingly similar to the minds behind the in-you-ass explanations for the Glorietta blast (methane and diesel exploding together? Why don’t we ask the Shell/Petron boys, they live with methane and diesel by the billions of liters everyday of their lives?)


There is such a yawning lack of imagination here. The target audience, the Filipino people, is just too sophisticated nowadays. So why are they being shown 80’s style Voltes V cartoons when they expect no less than Star Wars episode III light and magic, at least? The lowest Cagayan-born masa himself demands LOTR level presentation these days, even for the (related) field of showbiz. How can anything less allow the audience to suspend their disbelief?


Don’t even think of what we must look like to the international community – who have such influence in our economic futures.


The smallness of imagination is so bad that the scheming minds can only be called military-grade, given the level stupidity.


And so we see one more reason why we are not going anywhere – the stifling Saharan aridity of those executive department minds (we already know the imagination of the legislative department – anyone see any of those guys’ education backgrounds and resumes recently?)


The above discussion sets aside the question of right and wrong, of course


If we were to talk about right, however, we should expect en masse resignations of senior executive officials. Considerations of personal honour aside, these officials should realize that they do a greater disservice to the country and the people by staying where they are and thus inadvertently lending their skills and credence to their present employer, instead of simply leaving and taking away their credibility with them, and thus hastening the rotting process of the present government, as well as saving themselves from further taint such that they might become unusable later on.


For there is much work to be done tomorrow yet. And much preparation.


And there is also such a thing as delicadeza. And sadly so very few, in senior and less senior levels administration levels, can understand this concept. They instead prefer to justify sitting where they are, all these years. Easier way out, perhaps?


The masa can always take more short term pain, (what have we been doing all these years?) with the total collapse of government credibility and temporary interruption of government services resulting from mass resignation, if they see that such pain leads to long term benefits. It is only 3 more years until change is forced upon all anyway.


It is time that the elite think long term. And I include here the economic elite. And I mean here you too, included. In 2010, I hope to high heavens the economic elite get their act together. I would rather take the case of the country run by modern multinationals than by such small minded men.


Trust we, we will then get somewhere, anywhere, faster.


Remember Pisay? Whose interests did you serve? Speak the hard truth.



Edited by LostCommand
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I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart




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I never thought id reach a point of such irritation with you that id actually write out how I saw you.


I know you have angst and issues and I tried to be there for you .... but for what its worth, you started this seeming "distance" between us - you and your "intelligent chatmates".


See there lies the difference. I may not be a genius compared to other people you chat with but ... I go beyond being a chatmate. Im a friend. Oh let me correct that I WAS a friend.


But you got busy with the intelligent ones... and forgot that you had a friend in the sidelines... and when you remembered, you wanted a grand reception? You wanted the fun and fanfare?


I may not be THAT intelligent but im also not a fake. The reaction you got is the reaction you deserved.


So. Quit your snide remarks about respect. YOU have to learn the meaning of the word respect before you can even use it in a sentence, much less expect it from other people.


The angst is getting old. Seriously.



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hello there.. :flowers:


thank you for your smile

your love

your sweet caresses

your kisses

your embraces

your thoughtfulness

thank you for you.. i love u so much


sorry kasi madalas maldita ako..

pero alam mo naman na mahal na mahal kita kahit inis ako sa pagiging manhid mo

pinakaswerte na ako sa lahat kasi akin ka


nagpost ako dito kasi alam kong di ka marunong magbackread ng posts hahaha!

di mo naman mababasa to eh.. kaya malakas loob ko.. hehehe..


i love u.. i love u..

i miss you sobra


:mtc: love natin mtc di ba? :mtc:





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:ninja: huli ka! :boo:

Edited by munchiehoneycake
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Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas.


I owe you an explanation.


There was a time when I was in awe. I was captivated by what I thought was fantastically surreal. I took everything in even if I knew there was a degree of ambiguity that shall either hold me mesmerized for a longer time than usual, or tire me as I dig into the profoundness.


It was all a spectacular display of seeing myself in another and feigned lack of recognition in order to keep the narcissism under control. I went to the extent of denying my already established self in order to embrace the offering with such authentic appreciation of what I pretended was nouveau, and I took them in as if for the first time. I acted like a student to a maestro to feed your lust for affirmation, to stress your greatness. I gave you what you needed, all the while knowing that I had you entranced. I made real your fantasies. I supplied you with your cravings. I played weak to emphasize your strength. I went a notch low to elevate you a bit higher. To a certain level, I was mesmerized by my own craft. I allowed myself to deceive myself that I was enthralled by your charms. But like most spells, there is a form of magic that can spellbind only up to a certain length of time.


It is usually when the supply is short that scarcity is encountered. And much as I attempted to magnify the speck of potential that I saw, you simply lack the charisma to hold the power longer. I can only do so much. The amusement turned bland.


Looking at it now, it must have been boredom and I took the chance to play faerie with little Tinkerbell spells to help you help me get to Never Land. I snapped out of that boredom when you started to bore me.


More and more you began to appear to me like a commoner, and no more a knight to my lady. Your appeal waned when I saw that you were just like the rest of them. Crude. Un-seductive. Without sophistication. Prone to mediocrity.


So I went.


It was never about the heart, dear. My heart was never on the line. Affection or anything similar to it was never uttered at all. It was more of a mind game for me. Even a power-trip. To know that someone like you can be such an easy prey... You with your legion behind you. You, thinking you captivated me...


What can I say? I have my skills.


On the other hand, the deep truth is, beneath the masquerade and glitter, I really did see how undeserving you were of me. The lies got to me, first and foremost. Its such an easy trade, lying, that I have no idea how you could bungle even that one.


But then, I cannot completely blame you for I have woven a magical web for myself, to begin with. And midnight does turn golden coaches into pumpkins. So the clock struck a breath past the unholy hour and corrupted the enchantment.


To hold what is not is to hold what cannot hold.


In reality, Casanova must justify his existence. As Cleopatra will be justified by those who wish she exists. But neither will be who they are, if not for those who let them be who they are crafted to be.


Alas, serendipity, fanciful accidents and metaphorical sagacity, of stumbling upon things that we are not in quest of, are exactly what fairy tales are made of.


It is a lesson learned for me.


What can I say? It is just one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.



- C

Edited by chiquezee
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