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It's a tough environment you're in. It's also tough for them. God damn him for failing you!


What I saw saddened me. I'll do my best to help you through until your most significant goals are attained.


I love you. However, I'm pretty sure that someday, I face the prospect that you may not feel the same. When that time comes, I will have no choice but to accept it. But I will always wish you well. You will always be in a special place in my heart.

Edited by zamora2310
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My hand touched the last of your heart beat. The warmth that clung to your skin went past mine. The eyes that couldn't see shed the last of your tears. I cried, too, not the last of my tears but my first for you.


I saw you die. It will be in my memory until someone has seen the same of me. Your death was liberating for both of us. You lived so I could be who I am today. You died so I could be more than who I will ever be.


Our family loved you, we still do. You lived well and chose your deathbed well.


You couldn't have chosen a better day to die - the 6th of September. As the world lamented the music that died and the musician that created it. It was the day when the great masters of life had chosen to leave the earth. You are one of them.


I will always be thankful for the last breath you allowed me to feel, for the warmth that kissed your body last, and for the tears that brimmed your sightless eyes. I saw you die the day you truly lived.

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my first online friend,


hehe...nice to see you posting around. Bakit kase ang tamad mo mag-post, eh matalino ka naman....and I find you extremely sensible.... and articulate enough, for my taste :rolleyes:


miss mo na ba sop natin? :lol: :upside: joke....


your online friend :hypocritesmiley:


P.S. lapit na b-day natin...

Edited by angel_by_day
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If I were to tell you the whole sordid plan now, uncle, you would say it is impossible. You would only say, that is not what we stand for, and that is not what we are. You would not believe me, and therefore would not agree to my designs, thus aborting the greatest adventure our family would have had since the crazy 50's and wild wild GG Felix with the red hair.


Yet, what are we really here for uncle, but to preserve honour? And power? And to contain both in the very same hand? A family achievement envied by others. How many crippled, blinded, tortured, and dead enemies would testify to that, these past 104 years? Over and over it was driven into us, Napoleon's own adage, that the spiritual is to the physical as 3 is to 1. And so our family have prevailed, though we paid such a heavy price that we remember everyday; the many fatherless amongst us, the few who are left.


So, therefore, any material designs we have must be mere expressions of our spirit, of what we truly are, the past century. Else, we will be led astray, into dead ends and failures, as we have been the past decade.


At great material cost to us I have let you do as you wish those past ten years, even encouraged you, knowing that only after facing such dead ends will you start to favour my views. And still, I maintain my silence today, this plan that you will not believe yet. I will pick the timing of revelation. Timing is so critical - I have little else to depend on, so I must time everything right. We have energy for but one attempt.


Now at the end of ten years, I will slowly lead you to my side. You are exhausted, and therefore you will start listening to me. But I will not tell you even now what I plan, save this: There are many many ways to use land aside from plantations. And do not underestimate the value of plentiful flowing fresh water, rainy seasons, high elevation, and free access to basic dirt roads and telecommunications. And a mad engineer nephew who already understands machinery very well. And who will speak even the secret language of money soon enough.


That is all I will tell you today. You still have many resources yet, just like Pinas. Look around. Don't you see even a glimpse of what we can truly do? Well, perhaps not yet.


The next few years I will now have to guide you step by step into temporary goals, never revealing to you the distant goals. Always, at the end of each temporary goal, you will be surprised that I have what sounds like a logical next step ready to be exploited. And when we are near the finish, only then will I tell you the ultimate goal, and remind you of how lost and bewildered you were so long ago.


And then you will find the spirit to make that last burst to the final goal, though it may cost you heavily.


I know you have the spirit. That was never in doubt. The weight of your barefisted punches, 200 lbs of hard flesh behind them, broke jaws, in our younger wilder college days. I won't forget that fistfight one evening in matabungkay beach years ago, and outnumbered how we fought them jologs with such promdi faces, and how these jologs later on, down on the ground and crawling, could not understand why we kept smashing their heads with trashcans long after they had surrendered and been beaten unconscious. We did not stop until we got tired from lifting the garbage cans and dropping it on their bodies. No doubt some had suffered brain trauma, perhaps permanently - do you remember how the skinny addict-looking guy kept convulsing long after we stopped taking turns hitting him on the forehead with a broken flashlight while screaming "hello" at him, aping his poor english? How we laughed at the sight and went to mass the next day in warm cheerful smiles.


Damn, and that was only one of our smaller escapades. And that is one aspect of the sort of spirit you have - leaving this mercy bullshit to weaker men. So useful.


So my plan will succeed.


And so now, from an ocean away, I will now guide you, step by step, using that hidden language of consultants and advisers - for such is no mystery to me either.


And that is one of the arts of leadership - to work one's will through others, even unto thugs and killers. And close senior relations too. Others call it delegation. I call it, high command. Of course the resulting painting would not be as crystal sharp as if I had painted it myself, even if I could from half a world away while balancing 20 concerns on hand. But it will be clear enough. That broken flashlight did not have the subtlety of martial arts. But it (bloody) hell worked just as well.


So I will now work through you. And once I have restored you to high positions, where you belong, I will then send you the full bill for my services. By then, that would only seem only natural as the next logical step. And you would fill the bill instantly. Leading to even more adventures, enough for even the next generations to follow us. And that, my uncle, is the ultimate goal.


Adventure. What we are here for.


In the end, you will understand too. For we are brothers under skin, my uncle. The same hot blood drives us mad.


Send my warmest regards to Sabrina.



Edited by LostCommand
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Its empty.


I checked again and again to make sure. It really is empty.


This was exactly what I asked for, and as usual, I got what I required. Every knot and bolt secured, velvet covering inside immaculately royal, and empty. Wonderful.


But there is no sigh of relief ... there is no remorse or regret; or any inspiration to do the rhetorics. This is magnificent and immediate result of the first class. But I feel no joy nor exultation. Neither did I feel any surprise.


It was done, just as I ordered, and I feel nothing.


Must be perfectly done, huh? Now, to deal with the perfection of the result.

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hi..uhm well..to you:

If you once loved someone so much

If he once loved you so much

If there were once the time when the universe was in its total agreement with you and him


If then, the universe did not allow you to be together, yet you cannot find any reason not to love each other

If what you can do is just postponing the pain and pretend that it will last forever

If one morning you found him sending you a message saying,

"May I at least know the reason of your silence?"

What would you do and say ?


I cried. Silently.



For you and for your email this morning.

I am afraid that there are reasons people invented something called "past tense".

And I am afraid that it is the same reason of my silence.

That I loved you.

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When I get home from work,

I wanna wrap myself around you.

I wanna take you and squeeze you

Til the passion starts to rise.


I wanna take you to heaven.

That would make my day complete.


But you and me ain't no movie stars.

What we are is what we are.

We share a bed,

some lovin',

and TV, yeah.

And that's enough for a workin' man.

What I am is what I am.

And I tell you, babe,

well that's enough for me.


Sometimes when you're asleep

and I'm just starin' at the ceiling,

I wanna reach out and touch you,

but you just go on dreamin'.


If I could take you to heaven,

that would make my day complete.


But you and me ain't no movie stars.

What we are is what we are.

We share a bed,

some lovin',

and TV, yeah.

That's enough for a workin' man.

What I am is what I am.

And I tell you, sweetheart

that's just enough for me.


You and me ain't no super stars.

What we are is what we are.

We share a bed,

some popcorn,

and TV, yeah.

And that's enough for a workin' man.

What I am is what I am.

And I tell you, babe,

you're just enough for me.


When I get home from work,

I wanna wrap myself around you.

I like to hold you squeeze you

Til the passion starts to rise.


I wanna take you to heaven.

That would make my day complete.


You and me ain't no movie stars.

What we are is what we are.

We share a bed,

of lovin',

and TV, yeah.

And that's enough for a workin' man.

What I am well that's what I am.

I tell you, baby,

that's just enough for me.

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You are just a mere fan! you're no different from everyone else...you're just a step ahead from those who doesn't have internet access!...you think i don't know? i do. and that is why i hate your guts. you are just like everyone else!

disguised in something else.

f#&k you...you're breaking my heart...foolishly thinking i don't know.

you are so predictable....so disappointingly predictable. :(

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