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fishing. one of man's earliest livelihood. and then one day it evolved into a hobby. now, it's an art.


it used to be all spears. or to some cultures, bow & arrows. then there's the boat & the net. then came the boat-rod tandem. now it's too complicated. so complicated that sometimes one gets confused: who's the fish & who's the one fishing.

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i wish to be the one who can always make you smile...

...my voice to be your comfort and your lullaby

the love i feel for you is enough for both of us...

and you being in my life from an infinite mile..

amounts to every single hope i need to get by

............... ................... :unsure:

anyway...i know you're upset so i won't make any more fuss! :boo:


...ehehe...la na kong maisip na kasunod eh...antok na ko...

niiisip lang kita....gusto ko sana naka smile ka na....

mahal kase kita eh...my bestest friend... :*

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where are you my mysterious silhouette? will i still find you? is it too late?

have we crossed path already...when i was preoccupied with people and things

that lead me here? did i miss those eyes? did i not recognize you? do you belong

to someone else already...are you wondering about me too as i do right now?

did you ever tried to look for me...did you not recognize me?

..... ..... ..... sweetest dreams my (would be...would've been) beloved :heart:

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“General Motors is not in the business of making cars.

General Motors is in the business of making money”

Alfred P. Sloan

Chairman and CEO, General Motors Corporation, 1932

Founder and Chairman, Sloan Business School, MIT


Remember this, mi amigo – Today, we are pirates on hire to the best bidders. It is that necessary phase in our life that we must go through, if we are to become bigger legends someday. Today, our calling is the manufacture of cold hard cash. A Filipino may have invented the first f*cking fluorescent bulb, for all I care, but which smart f*cking pirates made money from it?


Today, we are in pirate school so we do not make such mistakes.


For every thousand Filipinos willing to die defending their f*cking country, I cannot find ten f*cking Filipinos who would instead capably foray right into unknown enemy waters. And come back alive.


Defence never was the best defence.


Today we need pirates not patriots.


And them pirate-kings. Of course.



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why do you have to be so moody? we were okay na the past few days. and now somewhat back to square one? im trying you know. im helping you with your work even. have you forgotten i have stuff of my own to worry about? and still i try to be cheery for us, and all you can do is treat me like that? ayayay. patience is a virtue. patience is a virtue. patience is a virtue.

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To my love




Love is just a matter of finding that very special place in this world where it would hurt a lot less. That is probably why people move away or break up. It is the conscious (and at times unconscious) drive to find bliss or happiness… whichever comes first in the dictionary. Thus, I don’t blame you for any of this. It’s human nature… our very instinct to stay happy.


For two years I have found solace within your arms. And on those two years, we were unbeatable. Everyone knows that. Though, at times, we were uncertain of ourselves and our feelings, we still went onwards and bravely stood ground against every fast ball life pitches at us. Even if we were badly bruised and bled, we didn’t stop. But as soon as the pain became unbearable, we did succumb to it, but we did have a haven to run for cover which was one another.


But as we know, nothing lasts forever. The world won’t last, and it would be foolish to expect that our love can. It may have, but the choices that we made it otherwise. But I’ve always hoped. And I’ve always thought that maybe, just maybe, things would always turn out just fine. And after all harsh words flew out from our lips. Maybe, just maybe we’d find the love and the forgiveness and continue on loving. But hope can only do so much. And for so long I did. But it would also be foolish to say that hope didn’t do its job, it was just us. It wasn’t “him” or just me. It was simply “us”


As what you said, things don’t always turn out the way we expect them to. And it’s so sad that our ivory tower has to come crashing down; where our love, dreams, hope, happiness, magic stay locked amidst its pristine walls, away from the world.


But with all honesty, I’d like for you to hold on and believe that you’ll meet someone who would be take care of you as much as I did. I’m actually praying that he can be more than I could ever be; mature and kind. Not to flatter you and such, but I feel that you deserve all the love and care this lifetime can possibly offer. After all, I know each and every scar that you carry. Some are as shallow as puddles formed after June’s rain. But some are deep, so deep that even my care is not enough to heal those. All I could do is to love you unconditionally and pray that it would soothe the pain.


Time does heal all wounds. And forgetfulness comes in much later than we hope. But it has started healing me. I’m in my own private Boston now. And I love staying at this tiny haven I created for myself. You’re always welcome here. Whether it is peace or a friend that you’re looking for, my gates would always swing open for you.


I no longer feel jealous or hate for what happened, but a bit of regret. There is such a way that our what-ifs that our heads concoct creeps towards us like a bad hair day or something; there is no cure but you have to bear with it.


No need to explain. No need to apologize. Let’s put those feelings all behind us. Always a price for extra baggage brought. Believe me, I’m paying for mine


The world has led us into believing that our well-being is dependent on what we receive. But that thinking has always caused much of our troubles. It really doesn’t matter what goes in, but what goes out.


I’ve always lived through this thought


Now you understand why I love unconditionally.


Take care always.

Edited by coffee_junkie
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Once a country treats its politicians and its generals any differently, we get a nation with its administration done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.


(paraphrased from the original Spartan)



Mi amigos,


Nowadays, the battles for national progress are fought mainly in the economy (duh), the generals are today's CEO's, and the politicians are, well, still politicians.


And just how many of our politicians have substantial resumes outside of mere politics and public sector "service"? Little mindedness leads to equivalently little change.


Too late now for them thin-blooded politicians of today, my friends. Asa pa. We must work on the future instead. That future is merely 3 more years away - get started already.


You know whom to choose. At least, from which sectors to take your candidates.


Politics is too important a business to be left to politicians (apologies to Clemenceau)




PS - Don't forget to get laid as you go along. Very important. Celibacy saves our soul, but not our cause.

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There are different types of masks. There are those you wear momentarily, for instinctive social requirements. There are those that you wear quite longer for extended interaction. There are those which you just keep at hand when the situation necessitates immediate first aid. There are masks that you wear for protection, those you wear for deception, and those you wear and never take off to replace the real image behind.


Mine are so thick I don't know what they are there for anymore.


But I am removing them one by one, anyway. Attempting to do so, at least.


I find this process of removing the layers of facade to be quite difficult, to a certain extent. The flesh that peels off together with the inner lining of the masks (the skin having grown into the covering over time) leaves raw scars that require nursing. And as medical attention would require, a bandage would have to be laid over the exposed wound, meaning that once the veil is off, the natural instinct is to lay new covers yet again, lest you infect the flesh with airborne virus, or worse, expose it to bacterias from direct contact. But there comes a point, such as now, when some would have to come off, despite the risk of exposure. Ironically, the idea behind the removal is in fact, exposure.


The problem with me is, I am hindered by an obsessive compulsion to never be thought of looking like anybody and when I know that what I will reveal would appear to be a result of such similarities, I opt to keep the mask in place. Even if it will only appear as such, but not in fact.


I am trying to deal with that. With much struggle.


However, undergoing the almost surgical procedure has made me realize that the outer lining has mutated into some organism beyond an artificial mask. It has become scales of iron that covers not just the face but extends to the head and down to the chest. I am scaled-down like any filthy cold-blooded reptile that slithers and crawls the putrid earth...


What have I become? But that's just the point, isn't it? To shed the scales and breathe anew through thinner covering, that the image beneath might resurface.


The process of peeling off the masks has become a self-inflicted agony unto myself, for what I am removing is already second skin and a sharp scalpel is required to cut through the thick layers. And how it cuts.


I hope you realize that I am exposing myself beyond recognition; but do know that though singed and seared and mutilated, the essence of my person remains.


For you to realize that you have already met the real me all this time, and to finally understand the image you have seen, is enough reason for me to go through the ordeal of revealing some of the bluest veins that you see through my thin fair skin, under the many segments of covers, one on top of each other.


It takes a lot of trust, something I have very scarce supply of. But perhaps, like the biblical account of the multiplication of loaves, it will increase as my faith in trusting increases.


Cut through the masks now and let us deal with it. Only, let me leave some for myself for I may not be able to bear the nightmare of knowing what I have actually become once I see what lies beneath.


At the end of the day, it is actually my knowing myself that will make things clear for us both. So this is as much for me as it is for you and the answer to your requests. Masks or none.



- C

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hey there,


pasensya ka na. bigla-bigla akong nawawala. di naman sa binabalewala ka kaya lang andami kong ginagawa. kabikabila.

para akong nasa roller coaster. pero sa yo siguro mas bagay ako na kabute. lulubog lilitaw.

sa totoo takot ako sa roller coaster. at saka sa ferris wheel. kaya ko lang sakyan yung merry-go-round, minsan nahihilo pa ko.

pero ang kabute masustansya. wag ka lang kakain nung ibang variety. magiging psychedelic ang trip mo. peace. man.


ayan kung anu-ano sinasabi ko. wala pa kasi akong tulog at tatlong araw na kong nabubuhay sa soup at itlog.


wag ka sanang magsasawa.




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Salamat sa lahat ng ginagawa mo para sakin... sa lahat-lahat.. hnd ko alam kung paano ako sau mag papasalamat... sobrang dami na kc ng mga bagay na ginagawa mo skn,.. halos d ko na mabilang,.. na aalala ko yung mga ginawa ko sau dati at nag sisisi ako na binigyan kita ng pag ka hirap-hirap na pag subok para lng malaman ko kung talagang mahal mo ako,.. at oo ngaun alam kong mahal mo ako,. naramdaman ko at nasisiguro ko,.. maraming-maraming salamat sayo... sa pag titiis mo sa akin kahit matigas ang ulo ko andyan ka parin,.. kala nila mabait ako ehehhehehe.. ikaw nakaka alam nun.. ingat ka dyan,.. always.. ok..?mag payong ka pag sobrang init..

:thumbsupsmiley: :thumbsupsmiley: :thumbsupsmiley: :heart:

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