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five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes...


just one of those nostalgic nights when the thought hit me that this day was significant :)

if you are where i think you are now, please know that you still have my hand to hold, our happy thoughts to think about and a lot of stuff to look forward to. we both know it's not easy but we'll muddle through. somehow.


if you're in some place better than where we were before, you know what to do...


your time traveling has made me appreciate the things and people around me. well, mostly of you. oh the the lessons learned and the realizations made are priceless. you once said absence only makes the heart grow. not fonder. nor makes it forget. i say it makes the heart grow fonder. painfully so. and it took this particular time travel to make me realize this. i hope it isn't too late.


at the end of the tunnel, there's someone there with double cheeseburger meal, coke, fries and a pack of marlboro lights. hurry back then.



te echo de menos


love always,



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Dear bei,


do you even remember the last time we had a real meaningful conversation about us? Sometimes i feel so selfish for wanting you to be mine again. I know we can be good friends. We are decent enough for that. But, i know we can be better if we are also more than friends. This world, my world is a better place with you. I miss our laughs or the times when we could just sleep and not care about the whole day. or the way we can just argue all the way and just find ourselves understanding that we just really needed to get it all our of our system so we can be fine again. we love the same food, same colors, same music, same interests.. we just cant love each other again.. at least that's what you said. I know you are not the most perfect person in the world because there's no one perfect. But i do know that we both have come to that point where we are both home to each other. that u an i? we can do better. we can be better. if only there can be another time, another chance for us. but i guess that until then, i'm gonna hang in here, holding on to what we had. holding on to my dear life. wishing and hoping that you would come back. i still love you. more than words can say. please dont let me stay out in the rain too long. you know that i'm not going to make it. i never regret the day i went to the girl's place to fight for you. i guess i just saw how much i love you. and what i am willing to give to have you back. i trust you bei. with all my heart. and i wish, God would just spare me a little more time to be with you.

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I'm sorry, but I won't make a promise that I can't keep.

Please don't ask me for something that I can't give.

I can lie to you -- and you'd hear the words you want me to say -- but I won't.


What saddens me most is I feel the pain in you.

Thing is, i really can't do anything about it.

Much as I want to be that man, it just won't happen anymore.


You're a beautiful, smart, young woman.

You certainly deserve the best.... and this is not the place for you.


The bottomline is I'm just a man.... no, a dog.

Just like what you need, not a man.

But I won't walk on my all-fours just to please you.


And I'd really love to see you still.

You can't take that away from me.


Goodbye. :(

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'Nay at 'Tay,


I visited you again last week. Lighted up a candle for you. I watched the fire speechless hoping that the smoke would carry my thoughts with them, and into your ears. There is just so much to say. And just the same, so much I want to hear from you. But how could I when I couldn't even see the boxes that you're in??? Could you hear me? And if you speak to me, would I still recognize your voices when it's been so long?


I wanted to hold your hands so badly. To feel the warmth of your embraces the way I did when as a child, you both held me. There in your arms where I used to find comfort. Where nothing in this world could ever hurt me. And though we were together once again last week, my pain didn't go away one bit. It hurts that all that I could do to reach out to you, 'Nay and 'Tay, was run my fingers through the letters of your names on that cold marble slab.


Ngayon, tapos na naman ang undas. Hudyat na malapit na naman ang pasko. Nami-miss ko na naman kayo.


Ang magaling n'yong anak.

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mon cher,


The last time we were together was the best so far. Spending time with you is always a special one, plus the adventure walk we did is something i didn't expect you would do, but then we did it. Who would ever think we would be walking for almost an hour, along C5 then crossing the bridge over pasig river in a broad daylight? And it was fun....


And from the time i saw you walking thru the aisle of the mall until we parted ways, it is just special. And I can't wait to do that again one more time. I miss you..... I love you!



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In Denial


yeah whatever...

i got so many things from you...

you only got sex from me...


so what..

so what if i made a couple of cuts because of you

so what if i lost my soul and suffered for you

so what if you murdered me for the thousandth time?!

i can always erase and rewind!


yeah..before this clock strikes four...

you won't even matter anymore...

just like most most people i hate

just like most pains i've been through

just like most dead people i know!



*pedal to the metal

don't mind me.

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In my ears I hear again the grind and clash of heavy gears from under floor, the chest reverberating thunder of pounding truck pistons from up close, the hair-raising military-grade pitched turbos wailing clean through the muffling mountain fog, the mixed smell of fresh-lit cigarettes and day-old bread. Suddenly I am a small boy again, delighting to ride the smoky smelly iron beasts, and you, my engineer tooting the cargo whistle at my call.


The wind and dreams told me that not all is well, 'tang Tinio. The email merely confirmed thus. The years fly, and so fast.


I will write to you soon.



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I hope you would understand... if i tell you that you are ugly...we both know that that is something undeniable...and i am not lying

..and you know that. And yes, ofcourse it was meant to hurt you....like a virtual bitch slap, you know?


Realize that if ever say i am beautiful...it is simply because i know am....i don't see any reason why anyone should have

any problem with that.

It's something i consider "coherently undeniable".

I am not bragging for that is totally out of my character.

And you must remember... I never said i was perfect.


You see... for you to accuse me/my character for being this and that...based on your shallow/hateful judgement and opinion (or envy or insecurity or what have you)...when infact you will never and i repeat...."never" know who i really am ... is really something...that makes you even uglier than how you really appear to be....and you truly deserve to be virtually bitch slapped for that.


You know what...i suggest you mind your own business...i'm sure you're not as bored as i am.


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