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The scientists say that in the Beginning was pure energy; all white

light. And this energy instantaneously condensed into clouds of

hydrogen vapour, the simplest of all matter, filling the void.

Nothing was solid, nothing was firm, nothing was tangible, in the

ringing vaporous vastness of all-space.


Then the first stars were formed from these pure hydrogen seas, and

the crush of gravity set them alit. Within their pulsing,

unapproachably fiery hearts, and nowhere else before nor since, were

gaseous and insubstantial hydrogen atoms forged and bound together

like coalescing clay balls, into ever bigger and heavier solid

elements; the carbons, the silicons, the calciums. And then the irons and the

heavier metals; even unto platinum and silver and gold, the rarest; the latter

forgeable only with that most extreme fires, brilliance, and violence

residing within the detonating cores of those rare stellar supernovas.


When these stars and supernovas were no more, their alchemically

created elements, solid matters all, were cast unto the void and spread

out, and stellar matter criscrossed the universe, to gravitate

towards newer, younger stars. And these new stars collected the

material, these stellar treasuries, around themselves, and therein

were formed the planets.


And then, in due time, ourselves.


Everything we see, indeed everything we are, our very flesh and bones,

every atom of us, were mined and forged from the beating hearts of

stars, now long gone. No other furnace, least of all any feeble

devices of mere mortals, could have carried out such wholesale

transfiguration of matter from the base form into the useful; and

thence into the noble.


And then our spirits were housed within these temples.


Star-stuff. Every particle, every drop of us. That is what we are,

though we know it not. Bodies created from the celestial material, and

given life; call it magic, call it divinity, call it what ever else,

but deep inside we know we carry the mystery, the spark, of one who

can trace his existence from the deeps of time and space and

ultimately from the white incandescence at the cores of uncounted

suns; billions and billions of years in the making.


There are no real birth-days for us, then; that is, no date that can

be placed in the limited confines of mortal calendars.


I hunger to see that spark within your soul. I live for those

moments when your soul and mine, and the stars, are one.


For an instant, we were divine.


A. Paz-Benitez III

Edited by LostCommand
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today you are going to be another year older.. I’m sure at this stage of your life, you are asking yourself what this means and how you should handle this milestone. You may be asking yourself questions like, “Am I officially ‘old’ now?” or “Is it all downhill from here?” or “I can’t pretend to be young anymore, can I?”


Mama loves you. and God loves you and wants you to accomplish great things for them.. That should be your career, your life goal.


Forget about what is past and look toward what lies ahead, what is truly long term. Life is hard, yes, but it is meant by the Creator of Life to be enjoyed. My advice to you is, work on enjoying life — the simple things — more and you’ll be happier than you ever thought was possible...




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Just want to let you know, the law of karma is on my side. You can strategize all you want. No amount of voodoo & lies can protect you from the truth, even if your friends believe you just because they have to. "A pure heart is always more powerful than a million calculations."


Like before, you do your worst to your grestest threat & I'll still do my best for the people who matter. I do nothing to retaliate because I don't have to. You'll just do it to yourself better than I can. Besides, ther have always been better things to do than waste time on getting even.


I'll be there laughing when justice happens to you, especially when it is out of my hands.



Edited by Mobius Stripper
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The days fly, and so fast.


It is just move! move! move! From now on, until xmass!

These are the days when your judgement is rapid and thus instinctive

and depends purely on your past training and experiences

and reflects any deficiencies in such past experiences and training.


I have many strengths, as well as a few grave weaknesses.


But so be it. Fight today, patch wounds later.


(As well as my friend's wounds. If you are still around)


For so says my siggy,



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you know everything now...

need i say more?

oh well, no words can describe

how and when it happened

it just did...

you silly you... (you know that don't you?? :boo: )

not afraid of heights anymore..

would have the guts to take that fall..

even if i end up with broken head and bones

wouldn't be scared


just thinking out loud dear

wake up wake up!!

i wana talk to you before i leave :lol:



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I'm sorry if i can't be there with you right now. I'm not even sure what i can do other than cry my heart if i get there. I'm not in the most articulate height right now but i hope that whatever i'm rambling about here, somehow gets to you. I will miss you. I really really will. I'm very very sorry that you cannot hear me say how much i love you. I know you have been loved much more than i could've. You were God's blessing to me. And now, God just took you away. I'm sorry that things didnt work out for you and me and them. I love you. So much that i wish... We could've had more time together... I wish you heard me when i said 'please hold on a little longer coz mommy's coming...' ... I wish you could've fought for me. But most of all, i wish that wherever you are right now, you are happy.


xoxo, mom





Babe, you broke my heart. But somehow, you have a way of fixing it without even doing anything... Please, do not hurt me... I'm too fragile to be broken one too many times.


xoxo, sugar




friend, thanks for listening to me, we'll get that coffee ok? you know who you are



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Seeing u or any sign of you is the most....heart wrenching thing.

I may be young, I may have other boys, I may fall in love again, but you. You are my soulmate. Even though you are officially far from me. . I know one day, you and I will be living the dream we made up for ourselves. -_-



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it was your wish for me to back off and stay away. i respect you, thus i respect your wish. kudos to your boyfriend, i haven't seen you cry in awhile, but why do i feel that you are no where near happy? why? sweetheart, i know i can't make you see how much you mean to me, because i highly doubt that you are informed of my existence, my real existence, that is.

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