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Martial Arts


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chi is not the force you believe it to be. somehow it is blown out of proportion by some martial artist. but chi is truly existent, just as the blood running through your veins. chi is better viewed from a medical viewpoint, connected to pressure points and yin & yang. it is not scientifically proven but you just feel it and know it is there. its simply just there without all the wackadoodle, woo-woo nonsense :rolleyes: .


i don't believe in meridians, pressure points, or any other wackadoodle woo-woo nonsense. in all my fights i relied on hard work and training, in my fights outside the ring i relied on violence, aggression, and general brutality.


i've never heard a ufc, kotc, or pride winner ever say "well my chi was really good today and i sensed that his was a bit low, so i beat him by using pressure point attacks".


"chi" can never be viewed from a medical standpoint, unless you're a quack.


i'm sure the deluded fool in the video believed his "chi" would protect him from his sword strike. i posted another link earlier on in this thread about an aikijujutsu "master" who defeated an entire room of his students using his "chi". when he came up against a real fighter he lasted about 90 seconds.


there's enough bullcrap going around the martial arts world as it is, propagating nonsense like "chi" or "t3h d34dly pr355ur3 po1nt5" makes money for some people, but it will get other people hurt, or killed.

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this is the best defensive martial arts...

its more about bone braking...


i don't care of your fancy moves... once i saw an opportunity, you'll end up disabled... hehehe



wow! you must be so "t3h de4dly"! i'm sure steven seagal would proud of you, and he'd tell you himself if only he could tear himself away from the "eat all you can" buffet he seems to be living in at the moment. and that black skirt that you guys wear, wow, the chicks must love that...


check out why march (and april) was "aikido sucks month":



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If you're interested in Muay Thai, please tell me your location so I can refer you to the nearest Muay Association of the Phils. (MAP) nearest you. Like, you I started in TKD. This background made it easy for me to transition to muay thai.


sir binondo area ko san ba ok ang muaythai malapit dito...thank you po sir

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Any muay thai gym in fairview or close to Shaw blvd? Im a taekwondo player but would like to transition to muay thai if I can find the time in my schedule.


Natkick has kickboxing classes in Lagro There is also a muay thai camp in Lagro as well.


In Shaw, Eclipse has MMA classes and also has a stuido where muay thai, boxing and kickboxing classes can be held.

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Any muay thai gym in fairview or close to Shaw blvd? Im a taekwondo player but would like to transition to muay thai if I can find the time in my schedule.


I'm not familiar how close Fairview is to Commonwealth Ave. but there's a chapter of Muay Thai Association of the Philippines (MAP) in in the said area. It's called Muay Vallega Camp. It has produced 3 RP team members one of which won the gold medal in wai kru in the 2005 SEA Games.


If you're close to Shaw Blvd., then the best place to train is in Ultra. Its the Central gym of MAP, where the Philippine team trains, and they will be the one to train you.


It will be very easy to transition to muay thai if your background is TKD. The challenge is you have to change the way you do your kicks. Aside from using the shin as the point of impact, muay thai round house kicks are delivered dead legged style, there's no chambering, which is very unlike TKD kicks.

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