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Juan Manuel Marquez - Manny Pacquiao

- 12 ROUNDS WBC/Ring Magazine Super Featherweight Title

Scorecard« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T

Juan Manuel Marquez 10 10 8 9 10 10 9 10 9 85

Manny Pacquiao 9 9 10 10 9 9 10 9 10 85

JMM: 78-239 punches through 6

MP: 79-314 punches through 6

Notes: The fight begins at 8:25


Round 1:

Pacquiao lands a straight left...quick right...Loud chants of "MARQUEZ..MARQUEZ" ..Marquez fires a right..hard right from Marquez..Hard left from Pacquiao..Marquez lands a body shot that drives Manny back

Round 2:

Marquez lands a reaching left..Marquez lands a body shot...manny lands a straight left..Hard left from Manny and a right..left hook buckles Pacquiao to end the round

Round 3:

Pacquiao lands a atraight left..Hard right from Marquez..Straight from Marquez...2 lefts from Manny...HARD COUNTER FROM PACQUIAO AND DOWN GOES MARQUEZ..TREMNEDOUS ACTION AS MARQUEZ ALMOST WENT DOWN AGAIN AT THE BELL

Round 4:

Hard left from pacquiao..1-2 from Pacquiao...right from Marquez..Blistering straight left from Mannys...good left hook from Marquez..Marquez lands a solid straight right at the bell

Round 5:

Pacquiao lands 2 good jabs..2 nice counter rights from Marquez..Pacquia o lands a good right..Marqwuez lands a good straight right...Pacquiao lands a left..Hard right from Marquez...both try to rally to steal the round

Round 6:

Marquez lands a staright right...body shot..hard counter right..abrasion outside Pacquiao's left eye..Body shot from Marquez..Pacquaio lamds a body shot...Marquez lanmds 2 rights and a left hook..Marquez countering with the right..good right

Round 7:

Hard left from Pacquiao..Marquez lands a lil left hook to the body...ACCIDENTAL HEADBUTT CAUSES A CUT OUTSIDE THE RIGHTEYE OF MARQUEZ..Quick right hook from Manny..Left...trading furiously in center of ring..Marquez drivez Pacquiao back with a right.. 2 lefts from Pacquiao

Round 8:

Straight from Marquez hurts Pacquiao...Blood from right eye of Pacquiao ...Left from Marquez..blood is really bothering Manny..Blistering 1-2 from Marquez..perfect uppercut from Marquez

Round 9:

Hard right from Pacquiao..Perfect straight right from Marquez...traight left from Pacquiao..Hard left drives Marquez back..Body shot from Marquez..Marquez bleeding bad from his right eye...Referee Kenny Bayless brings Marquez to the doctor and the fight goes on..trading shots at the bell

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Round 9:

Hard right from Pacquiao..Perfect straight right from Marquez...traight left from Pacquiao..Hard left drives Marquez back..Body shot from Marquez..Marquez bleeding bad from his right eye...Referee Kenny Bayless brings Marquez to the doctor and the fight goes on..trading shots at the bell

Round 10:

HARD left rocks marquez

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