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Pano Ba Paliitin Ang Tyan

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Paliitin ang tyan? MAG DIET!


Wala naman muscle na lumiliit pag ine-execise, dba? :D


hehe! yan ang paliwanag ko sa mga mahihilig mag-sit-ups para lumiit tyan.


it goes something like this:

pano mo palalakihin biceps? exercise mo biceps.

pano mo palalakihin chest? exercise mo chest.

pano mo palalakihin triceps? exercise mo triceps.

then, pano mo paliliitin tyan????? exercise mo tyan???



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For the nth time, itsd not rice that is the enemy


huh ? rice is the calorific enemy, since it's the staple food it's always advisable to take only half-cup of rice in every meal. rice has calories, the more calories taken in, with less exercise, it is converted to fats via gluconeogenesis and eventually deposited on the abdominal flabs.


now tell me, why rice is not the enemy ?

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huh ? rice is the calorific enemy, since it's the staple food it's always advisable to take only half-cup of rice in every meal. rice has calories, the more calories taken in, with less exercise, it is converted to fats via gluconeogenesis and eventually deposited on the abdominal flabs.


now tell me, why rice is not the enemy ?


1. If rice really was the enemy, Asia would have the most number of obese people, but we don't

2. I have seen so many people avoid eating rice but then eat tons of bread, processed foods fried foods and sweets, so which is the real culprit?


1. fact. a cup of rice is about 50 grams of carbs which would be about 200 calories... A donut or a piece pf porkchop has more calories than the cup of rice.


Again, rice is not the main culprit... it takes the total calories to make one fat and not just one type of food


Fact.... I noticed that the consumption of bread has increased in this country and the number of fat peple have increased as well... So why do peple blame rice and not look around and see what the people eat with rice and without rice and thenmake thier conclusions???


I rest my case

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okay, then it should be rice is not the enemy per se. yet still rice plays a big bulk in every Asian meal. it also has to be categorize in age groups, many Asian adults has pot-bellies nowadays while most teens and most young adults haven't got any.


it's always wise to take things in moderation including breads.


i've read an article that Filipinos (including Asians) are now getting fatter nowadays not with the consumption of rice per se but because of the many fast food sproutings plus the lack of exercise.

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okay, then it should be rice is not the enemy per se. yet still rice plays a big bulk in every Asian meal. it also has to be categorize in age groups, many Asian adults has pot-bellies nowadays while most teens and most young adults haven't got any.


it's always wise to take things in moderation including breads.


i've read an article that Filipinos (including Asians) are now getting fatter nowadays not with the consumption of rice per se but because of the many fast food sproutings plus the lack of exercise.


technology has made many people Asian or non-Asian lazy and as I mentioned earlier and you pointed out that the processed foods, fast foods are more of the culprit to the rise of obesity among Asians.


And yes, everything must be taken in moderation

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rice alone is not the culprit.. i believe in coach olympus on that. blame it on the fast food and junk foods we all eat everyday.


a diet wont be successful if its not balanced. moderation and proper diet is always the key, plus a sensible workout program (not to the point of overtraining).



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rice alone is not the culprit.. i believe in coach olympus on that. blame it on the fast food and junk foods we all eat everyday.


a diet wont be successful if its not balanced. moderation and proper diet is always the key, plus a sensible workout program (not to the point of overtraining).




women who've had babies will really find it harder to have flat tummies than single girls.

so moms shd be realistic about their figure goals.


on the great rice debate: people react differently to reduced rice intake. some people are more sensitive to reduced carbo diets. hence, the difference in results among various individuals. you gotta find out which one works for you. do experiment.



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western people dont eat rice... and yet they are fatter. and some western people who go on a diet, actually include rice in their diet. :)


see those muscular construction workers? see how much rice they eat? im sure you've probably seen them eat in a carinderia 3-4 cups of rice with a single fried fish! but look at their bodies.


now, im not saying you should do that :D because we dont use energy as much as them. what im saying is that rice is not the enemy (as what the experts here are saying). if you eat 3-4 cups of rice and not use that energy, then that's the time you'll get fat.


in short, if you eat excessively (not limited to rice) and not use that energy, you'll get fat. rice is not the enemy. :)

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