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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. lol, i have a funny one.


    back in the early 2000's i met/chatted with this woman online who was 8 years older, works a high-paying job and was horny. we met in IRC and she did not go for me because i was "too young" (i was 21 then). she kept me in her messenger though.


    one night she wanted to get-off, and she had no one OL, so she chose me. we started doing the cyber thing, and i guess my writing style turned her on (i remember it had something to do with vampiric/gothic sex - this was before Twilight, so she might have thought it was cool) because she decided to turn her cam on. she never showed her face, but she showed me everything; breasts, nipples, vulva, etc. they looked great, she was thin, and she had a flat tummy and 34b breasts.


    she liked me so much she wanted to meet me ...


    so the date was set, Glorietta 4. we'd start the night watching Red Dragon, have something to eat, then head back to her place to fffffkkk like wild animals.


    unfortunately, i was into goth fashion then. i thought it would be really cool if i showed up for our date:


    1.) shaving my eyebrows

    2.) wear white face make-up with shades of black lipstick

    3.) wear a trench coat


    i also happen to be a good 200lbs or something lol a fat goth, you'd say.


    when she showed up ... i died. she was REALLY PRETTY.


    when she saw me, she also died. DIED OF FEAR lol


    she did her best to survive our date, until i took pity on her and said "you arent feeling this arent you?"


    to which she nodded and said "thank you for understanding" and bolted out.


    i was left with 2 tickets and no date, standing alone, looking like a total freak lol ... i still watched the movie. nevertheless, i never heard from the girl anymore.








    tell us about a movie that changed your life...

  2. hey you,


    there's a warm ball of fire inside me ... it starts on my stomach and spreads around my body. it burns and consumes me, and you can feel it when i am burning up.


    last night you allowed me to share that fire with you. i felt it leaving my body as it entered yours... and i allowed your fire to enter me too.


    your fire consumed me, it felt different ... i closed my eyes to feel the pain and release of yours. it did not take long for the fire to make its way across, and i am glad we are normal again.


    sometimes i wonder if you love this normalcy and you'd rather be like this all the time ... but hey you, its just i never told you my secret... that i am burning all the time. i want you again.

  3. i'm a libran ... but when i read the stuff they wrote under "Leo" it also applies to me. i went the next step and read stuff about "Capricorn" and most of it apply to me too.


    it is very possible i was born in every constellation in my past lives lol i am just kidding. while i do not believe the horoscope stuff, i still pretty much enjoy it.

  4. i have never experienced being sexless for 1 month. i have lied about it, because women like it when you havent done it for a long time, but honestly... longest i could last is 2 weeks and that was since i was 19 (im 32 now). i have too much free time :(

  5. the only reason why i fell for a PSP was because she looked like someone i could be in a relationship with.


    later on i realized that she just looks the part, but is never that woman who could be my equal.


    i guess i grew up in a household and was exposed to a certain social standing and values where having to sell one's body was never an option ... i am just culturally too different and incompatible with someone who grew up having extreme financial problems.

  6. Women who are way below you in terms of finances.


    -the logical reason for this is that, if you are indeed serious and have plans to get married, her family will someday ask money from her (having married someone richer than them), and in turn, she will ask money from you. before you know it, her family becomes your financial burden.



    Women with a history of laziness, and underachievement


    -when you get married, she will do the same things she did in her house, except this time, itll be in your house.



    Women with poor coping mechanism


    -if she reacts to changes by freaking out ... then yes, you are in for a really deep emotional hell.

  7. cause i suck at being normal:


    -i do not like religion

    -i watch a lot of western television

    -i don't give a rat's bum about politicians and their tirades

    -i disagree with everything kris aquino says

    -i think the judges in X Factor Pinas are devoid of musical intelligence.


    i can go on and on ... in real life, i have to lie about those things. i have to nod my head and agree when somebody says Jesus is saviour... or that Martin Nieverra is really smart.


    online though, i can say what i really think, and some people actually agree! :)

  8. im a very big fan of Tough Jeans ...


    i make it a point to visit them everytime im in manila. the staff in trinoma are really nice... they remember me (and my boots) even after not seeing me for 3 months *lol*

  9. i am starting to love HeyDay... i saw them accidentally at Trinoma ... went back for them, fitted the thing and closed my eyes while paying for that Olive Snakeskin super shift premium *lol*


    its the most expensive footwear ive ever bought in my life!

  10. had a haircut yesterday ... i went in like a gay guy on crack:





    i got out like a shell-shocked lesbian:





    (yes, it was that bad and there's nothing much i can do about the way i look *sigh*



    but if i use a really lo-resolution camera and a little angle work:




    i think it's not bad-bad

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