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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. bro u have one? really un penny.. i envy your oakley bro..may nkita ako sa greenhills ayaw ibenta,nka display sa may cp stand..penny is the one cyclops wear in x-men movie..thou mdyo nkakahilo kz polarized lens but id like to have one since 2002 yata stop production n to..


    ah no... i thought yung "oakley coin" ... hehehe, oakley penny pala... muntik akong bumili actually sa ebay, pero i went for the 2010 model since i liked the silver frame better than the "x-metal" frame... and wala ding serial number yung nasa ebay eh... so mahirap na.


    yung lense ng juliets ko now is "fire polarized" ... di naman sya nakakhilo pero you get to see weird rainbow colors when playing PSP *lol* or when you are viewing the digital speedometer of a honda civic. very slight lang, not enough to be disorienting.

  2. ive been an evil shopaholic for the week:


    -Solo (interesting brand name) long sleeves

    -Puma athletic shirt

    -Puma Roma 68 (shoes)

    -Green Converse thermal T's

    -Levi's 523 jeans (red tab)

    -some cheap bat/pentagram pendant

    -Adidas athletic shirt (those tennis ones)


    after the credit card bills get paid, i am going for Puma Ferrari shoes ... i know its red... but what they hey... maybe i can pull it off *lol*

  3. i pretty much agree with Rearden...


    i noticed that arguments erupt because a lot of ppl cant seem to be able to define "money" as a measure of one's abilities.... but instead, typically define it as "money - something that can BUY something."


    your wit, humor, skills, looks, etc. hard as it may to believe... actually translate to 'money.' thats what Rearden was saying for quite a few posts now.

  4. im wearing oakley juliet.. but id like to have oakley penny un with serial number.. anyone for sale ther?


    i do... im just wondering, what is the coin for?


    proof of authenticity perhaps?


    i also read that some juliet's ave serial numbers and some dont.... i dont know what makes the two different though (lucky for me, mine has a serial)

  5. i shop for clothes online and it has been great except when im dealing with ASIANS i.e. thailand and china specifically...


    i dont know, the shops they have are rip-offs when it comes to shipping... so please please, only get from those places if you are willing to pay more for certain clothing (in my case, it was a Celtic Scarab belt buckle).


    however, i have been nothing satisfied with Japan, Korea and Hong-Kong... they have the best videogame/anime/rockstar fashion stuff.


    the best place though is still the US... but if you are gonna get expensive shirts like D&G or Affliction... be sure to get 3 (i know this will get you in the 8K) mark, just for shipping to be worth it.


    i got an Affliction shirt once in a really big, spacious package *lol* lesson learned: get more than ONE!

  6. sporty, smart, adventurous, creative, passionate, knows how to cook well, knows how to fck well, artsy, earns bigger than i am, fashionable, witty, thoughtful, sweet, faithful. like yeah, they should mass produce these types in china.


    hmm, it could be possible china answered your prayers.


    first, i am "parts in china, assembled in the Philippines"


    2nd, im sporty. im not a champ of anything though but well, i can do at least two cool things *lol*


    3rd adventurous. do you like hiking? skin diving? is that adventurous enough? ... i dont like having sex in public though. its scary.


    4th creative. i wrote some pretty interesting songs and arrangements. yun nga lang, its death metal and girls have never been impressed with how fast a guy can play an instrument *lol*


    5th passionate. when i do something, i really do something. i could elaborate but it would be my boring life story.


    6th knows how to cook well. there was a time in my life where my ex gf's mom and me were bestfriends cause we shared cooking tips and even cooked family meals together *lol*


    7th knows how to f#&k well. if i tell you i am good in bed, you shouldnt believe me... but well... i dont know. if you like me, id love to get a chance to show you some things.


    8th artsy. im a musician and i write poems every now and then. if you check out my posts.... you might get a hint of what my taste in art is :)


    9th earns more than you do. mmmm... a lot of my money goes to basses and musical equipment, hehe. its my hobby. along with women, but ooopps. i shouldnt have said that.


    10th fashionable. i forgot... i tend to spend money on clothes too. but hey, this is better seen than talked about, right?


    11th witty. i got suspended for making too much side comments back when i was in school :(


    12th sweet. yes! i am very lambing


    13th faithful. uh-oh... let me think. i can do my best to be faithful if its a serious thing... but well, its a little too early to think about being serious, agree? :)




    here are the negatives though:


    1.) vain

    2.) mayabang

    3.) has to make his post public instead of PM-ing it

    4.) very long winded! ang daming satsat!

    5.) needs to lose weight. but hey, im not that fat. i mean, i look good with clothes on:p *lol*

    6.) flirt


    oh well, i guess 'made in china' is bound to have little defects here and there *lol*

  7. dear purty princess,


    that was the joke, i said "it has to be Playstation Portable." the punch line was "now im convinced the japanese made the PSP" ... hay. its not funny tuloy :(


    i understand that you encounter stupidity and testosterone here a lot, but give me credit.


    im actually a smart guy ;) - and i sent you a PM before i read your reply here

  8. i want:


    an above-average looking girl who logs on the internet and chatrooms because she is a romantic at heart and believes that a guy with wit and a good sense of humor can beat 6 pack abs any day...


    incidentally, if i do end up with 6 pack abs... then im changing what i posted to:


    girls who ask for cum shots just so they can view my 6 pack abs!!! ohhhh yeaaaahhh!


    *its interesting how my intelligence decreases as my muscle mass increases* lol

  9. my version 1 i-pod shuffle finally died (from jogging sweat most likely) and i had to replace it.


    since the new ipod shuffle was too impractical (you can only switch tracks via its earphones) and the other versions were too hi-tech (LCD screens are accidents waiting to happen) .. i took my business to sony and got me a 4GB walkman NWZ B143 for 5,000 php (rounded off)





    its pretty simple and works as how a "basic jogging mp3 player should" namely:


    1.) simple controls (shuffle option is a must, and Sony doesnt fail)

    2.) very little features (it has a radio and voice recorder, both of which i find useless)

    3.) no parts to break (it has some LCD screen but its so small, its negligible)

    4.) small and light

    5.) easy to upload songs (sony is good here cause you can drag and drop stuff here via windows explorer)


    the downsides of this thing are:


    1.) will only work with ORIGINAL pc's. yes, screw sony cause this thing will only connect with my mom's dell and my sisters fujitsu laptops. the good thing though is that at least it gets to charge (but not connect) with generic/assembled PC systems. i can forgive it because im the type of "upload once, and thats it" kinda guy.


    2.) volume is too low.


    will i recommend it?


    -NO. find a better one. if i had the chance to do it all again... ill probably get an ipod nano, eventhough it has an LCD screen to break ... at least it has better support and would probably connect with generic PC systems. i do hope they have a "drag and drop" option this time, because if they dont... im probably gonna go back to sony

  10. the thing with sex and pretty women is that it is addictive, destroys our boundaries and make ourselves give-in to whoever it is we are having it with.


    it doesnt help that those GROs, PSPs, etc. are usually larger than life and beautiful at that .... most are usually good listeners and conversationalists because hey, they know their craft. you pay them to give you that illussion.


    i use to fall in love with these type of women... but i sorted out my feelings before i did something stupid.


    its really easier said than done... but the key to sorting out these feelings is basically doing it with another pretty PSP you are "compatible" with and see if you have the same feelings... more often than not you'd find yourself "in love" again. i hope by then youd find out you are just repeating a pattern and instead just treat the PSP experience as well, a PSP experience; a break from real life where you fall in love with a beautiful girl and everything is perfect... just get over it the next day - it would help if you are busy with something (be it work, church, hobbies, etc.)

  11. cause looks are just one part of the equation.


    lets say the woman's standards out of 100 would be 70 (cause she's one high standard beeyatch) and you have this rating:


    *humor = 18 (you have a good sense of humor that clicks with the girl)

    *looks = 10 (you never have been praised for your looks, but you have been called ugly before)

    *presentation (the way you dress) = 15 (you make it a point to take care of yourself and buy decent clothes)

    *date ideas (usually related to your budget) = 10 (you dont have much money, sadly)

    *intelligence/manners = 18 (you navigate your way really well thru various topics to keep the girl interested)

    TOTAL = 71


    you passed!


    now, realistically speaking, most girls dont even have standards like that ... so, there, you have a really good chance against most girls... even those pretty ones.


    the sad part is that most dont have a good sense of humor... so there, i suggest you read books and know more things and reserve judgement.

  12. add:


    i only go for Fubus when my woman is malignant with her nagging, silent wars, co-dependency, etc.


    PSPs are usually enough to relieve the stress since women are usually better a few days later.




    i find it ironic that some women always had this event in life that involved an assh*le man to make her end up as a PSP ... but at the same time, it is those assh*le men that sustains them.


    and yes, we are assholes if we sleep around, no matter what the reason is. the only way to be not an assh*le, is break up with the girl, then sleep around.

  13. i think i want the typical things, sweet and charming but wild in bed... of course that is shallow... thinking about it deeper, i think i want someone with the ability to change and the ability to accept change ... as well as a physique i love looking at.


    here's abiakak's post (i edited it for some grammar stuff) and ill check if i agree:




    - Someone to talk when needed. Sometimes, girls just can't keep their mouths shut. Some men are good listeners but let them speak once in a while, when he's in your world.


    ~i agree with this. i usually am in relationships where i talk more though.... if the girl talks more, we usually only get in bed and nothing else follows.



    - Always tell the man when and where are you going. Wait for the approval 'cause sometimes, men want to spend some quality time with you on the same date. If you really want to go, invite him to join, if applicable. Men does this a lot.


    ~i like this eventhough my girl occasionally forgets, and i dont mind. im very understanding. i also usually forget especially if im having fun with friends (which is very rare cause im not very social).



    - If you're out without him, always update him of what's going on. Every hour. This is a security reasonn. If you miss even one, men worries. You wouldn't like worried men.


    ~i thought this was similar to the one above. oh well. if i want a quality date with my GF and there's no special occassion with her friends, it would be common sense for her to go with me... until we're married which will make her friends a lot more fun compared to being stuck with me for a 50 years *lol*



    - Fetching you at work or anywhere else is not a responsibility. It's a privilege. Please don't abuse or misunderstand that.


    ~i agree. although my gf did say before she became my gf that if we go out, i should take her home, or we dont go out. well, she's a brat, its tiring, but its for her safety, since shes the type who ppl stare/gawd at or harrass. her condition makes sense. i noticed that there are some girls who are target for cavemans out there, and its just my luck that my gf is one of those types.



    - Men like to be pampered. Women's pampering is more, for lack of a better word, subtle. Men's pampering, at least most of them, are not even close to that. So, don't misunderstand when you're not satisfied with his pampering.


    ~im confused. if its lambing, im never short of that, and sometimes im actually too much. i noticed in movies that the woman holds the man first, in my life... im always the one who holds the woman, even if its not sex related. i do want a lambing woman. no lambing means the PSPs will be happier.



    - Don't ever let your guy know that you have a crush on someone (non-celebrity) or you will regret it. Even if your man is not the jealous type.


    ~my gf does this a lot! although more with celebrities. it can be annoying at times especially if your competition is josh hartnett... i think i should tell her that its not very reassuring hearing that. now, i feel like a girl. and oh, i think josh hartnett is gay... not because i really think he is, but its more of that's the only way i'll win over him *lol* she is smart enough to NOT MENTION the guys she has crushes on at work. if she does, then again the PSPs will be happy with the money ima be paying them.


    - Men want to know if you're going to be late. Waiting for you without any notice will ruin your date.


    ~i always assume women are late. i bring books or drum sticks to keep my mind off things. i believe that, the prettier the girl is, the longer it takes time for them to prepare.



    - Men give women some privacy. Men expect women to do the same thing.


    ~yes, my ex ex ddnt give me any... result? i slept around everytime i could. it wasnt often though.



    - When men get hot and want "some", don't just brush him off. State your reason.


    ~yes, otherwise the PSPs will be happy.



    - If your guy texted you and you haven't replied for a long time already, better put the reason why you replied very late. Do not do this often. If you do, men will think that your love is already diminishing. If that's the case, communicate or someone will get hurt.


    ~yes! especially if its something important! otherwise ... *lol* ... the PSPs will be closer to buying that laptop they always wanted.




    "The PSPs will be happy"


    while replying to the post ... i noticed that i am in relationships where the woman just dont want to talk things out or agree on a compromise. it is strange, but i find myself to be the one ALWAYS opening up to checking the things that are lacking in the relationship and how we both can improve it. i usually end up with a woman blaming me ... it became such a pattern that most of the time, i just choose to ignore the issue, and i find myself ENDING UP WITH A PSP.


    girls think silent wars or nagging wars are effective... but truth is, if you want to push the guy stick his penis into another woman's orifice, do those.


    NAG ... IGNORE ... ACCUSE ... BLAME... never listen to him even when he is doing his best to make the relationship better.


    women should know when their man is sleeping around. if you notice that you do the above too much ... yep.


    for a working man, shedding 1/4 of his income to forget you for 3 hours and 2 pops is worth it. some are cheap though and usually just charm their way to a Fubu. *lol*

  14. playing bass


    listening to Nine Inch Nails


    eating at an expensive place wearing slippers, and old shirt/jeans


    sex with someone you can feel yourself meld in lust with. its getting harder to find a girl like that these days.

  15. 1st = it started because she liked me and i thought it was convenient. later on, i found her personality dry and lifeless. i broke up with her so i can have SEB (my first). later in life, i realized my first ex was great in bed and one of the best kissers i ever had.


    2nd = she was 15, i was 18, we met once a week for 30 mins and for her fun means calling names to each other. childish girl + no sex = not worth it.


    3rd = she liked me, i thought it was convenient. later i discovered were not having sex and i dont find her attactive enough to warrant seeing her everyday. no sex + no attraction = on to the next!


    4th = fell in love thru txt *lol* such a charming girl ... only to find out she was really a 40 year old woman after 6 months of talking and sop. we met, had sex (my first MILF) ... it was all good, but we possibly couldnt be together. aside from looking too different, she is pretty prominent. the best part here is that i developed a taste for MILFs *lol*


    5th = the first girl i fell in love with. very beautiful, very charming, fluent with english. she doesnt want to be on top, it became an issue... we fought ... another girl was serving herself to me, had it with her add that with an issue of an unresolved internet romance springing back ... i made the mistake of being honest and told her, she couldnt forgive me ... she f#&ked me till she found another guy, after which she broke up with me and i was devastated. i was chemically addicted to this woman. it was hard moving on.


    6th = a prof who had a crush on me. it was convenient. later, i noticed how negative i have become since being with her and started the missing the guy i was with my last ex. my mistake was turning a fubu relationship into a bf-gf thing... she did love me so much that it lasted 1 year, while i was sleeping around left and right (of course she never found out and it wasnt that often anyway). i broke up with her and the freedom was amazing.


    7th = a girl i found ugly but because of her intelligence, class and ability to speak fluent english, i found myself inlove with her. she wasnt chinese, or anywhere near it, and my family couldnt accept that id end up with someone who looked like her. it had to end. she ddnt want to have sex with me... so when we broke up, i was really happy releasing my semen on women rather than my lap *lol* i did miss her personality though.


    -most terrible break up was no. 5


    -most terrible relationship was no.6


    -most kilig relationship was no. 5


    -most intelligent relationship was no.7


    -best kisser was no.1


    -best f#&k was ... mmm... no.5


    -woman i wanna f#&k again is no.1


    -woman i wanna have a relationship again = NONE!

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