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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. i have a hard time sleeping with clothes on. back when i had my own place i spend the whole day naked, walking around like a caveman


    i dont know. i must have been a dog or a cat in my past life... covered only in fur, except i have no fur this time lol ... woof!

  2. i mix everything with chilli oil ... but if you want something that would knock your socks off, you have to try this demon




    man! i am still looking for a place that sells that!


    @jedimaster - Slayer's Ghost of War




    have you ever seen a spider that has pincers like a scorpion?

  3. "When was your last?" (What if I say that I just had one last night?)


    "How many men did you go to bed with?" - (Why? You wanna do the math?)


    "What makes you horny?" - (Duh! Should I really tell you?)


    It's not uncomfy really, more like D-U-H questions...


    hahaha... those are actually research questions!


    1.) "when was your last" means - are you a sexualy active woman, cause i could use one right now

    2.) "How many men did you go to bed with" means - do you have high standards, cause if you dont i just might make the cut beybeh!

    3.) "what makes you horny" means - i wanna find out whether i have the skills, abilities and proficiencies to get you in bed again and again and again.

  4. im calling this "study" BS ... im with the guy who said "would you rather drink toilet water in the resto than chew the ice on your KFC ice tea?"


    the kid better demonstrate it with a youtube video where he's drinking toilet water in his local Mcdo, until then, the findings are BS... i have been drinking bacteria-laced ice for years now, and nope... not dying, not getting amoebiasis.

  5. im not big on pick-up lines ... but i had some that bombed pretty bad.


    i gave this girl a tin of those imported coffee powder and i wrote a message saying, "i heard coffee is the new chocolate... do you agree? tell me when we meet"


    needless to say the girl got creeped out




    are expensive headphones worth it?

  6. you know else what pisses me off?!?!


    ok, just kidding :) but...


    the way i see it, drinking coffee makes you think, thinking makes you complain. complaining stresses you out. when you are stressed out you unwind. you unwind with beer. with enough beer you go "whhhhooooo" to everything!


    *its possible i might have had too much caffeine

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