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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. i guess its fair to say that nick fury is smarter than the average bear who asked smarter than average question in a thread that was supposed to be for the average joe.




    you know what music they play in coffee shops? bossa nova, arrrrghhh! ... i like it the first time i heard Melt With You in bossa ... but i realized theres 500000 albums that used the same formula. the worst part is: you dont even see the musicians and singers in the linear notes.

  2. sigh, i was a lurker in mtc back in 2002 cause i was only concerned about PSPs and hook-ups. in 2005 i joined cause i got involved with a woman who kept on urging me to participate more. i made an account, but i wasnt that active. i guess i did not know what to do here because im the type who can only talk if theres a specific interest being discussed.


    lately though, i am learning to enjoy the forums, and the ppl i interact with are way more fun than my facebook friends

  3. who: nightwriter


    when: october ... or maybe early november


    where: ocean park


    why: i havent been there and i want to see dolphins


    why why: cause if you wont like me at least we'd look at fish.

  4. The post a question thread should have a subtitle "thinking caps required". The same poster didn't understand the question I posted and again posted something asinine. Hindi ko naman tinanong kung sinong bobotohin nya tapos sumagot ng bobotohin nya. HIndi na naman nasagot ang tanong ko. Strike two! laugh.gif


    hahaha, fight club na yannn! go go go go

  5. now that her name is above mine, i can say what i said before i edited my post.


    it was: probably the prettiest user who has a -10 reputation, but then again, her comment about me being a "hottie" has more to do with my MTC post rank more than being an actual hottie.



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