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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. -i have always been interested with women who can handle intellectual conversations in english.


    -i also am attracted to women who love music and musical instruments... maybe because of the fact that they are attracted to me too *lol*


    -singing and dancing skills are very important. a woman cant really be as feminine if she doesnt have knowledge in those arts.


    -expensive taste. not really materialistic, but a woman who doesnt settle for less and buy an imitation calvin klein bag, but would rather save for a year and get that high end Prada or something *lol*


    -sensual. must love physical contact.


    -optimistic and blessed with an open mind. someone who would say "i wonder what it would be if i try that?" as oppossed to "i havent tried it, i think its terrible, i will never try it!"


    -the ability to have time for herself. yes, im not jealous, i am not possesive, she should be able to have fun by herself when i am having fun by myself... and no, this isnt about kinky sex stuff.


    -good and very advance sense of humor. what i mean with "advance" sense of humor is that she has gone beyond the "wenk wenk wenk" style of slapstick comedy, but is able to find funny things in regular life.


    -takes care of her health. yes, she is not a lazy bum... she wants to get physical; meaning, she'd jog for 20 minutes, rest for 10 minutes, and f#&k me for the rest of the day *lol* ok, not necessarily in that order *lol*


    -sense of wonder. she never grows cynical of the world. ok, there will be days where she will be... i can forgive her for that.


    -reads books! very important! ... books feed the mind, tv makes one stupid. and occassionally, the internet too *lol*




    i have a very tall order. but hey, i believe a woman with the above qualities would find me attractive too :)

  2. well, secret affairs would be fun and exciting. it wont be monotonous since both of you are always looking for creative ways to sneak out and be lovers.


    it is very tempting but id rather not...


    i experienced falling in love with a woman, and falling in lust with 2 other women. naturally, i took the lust candiadates to bed, and it was great. great and all till the one i love found out... i told her. and that was it. after we broke up, i found more women to lust over... but none of them really filled the void in my heart. it was painful living without love for 3 years ... very ironic since ive been living in lust ever since for 8 years worth.


    i guess you will only fall in love with one woman and fall in lust with dozens... the ones you lust for will always be there - only their faces and names change. but the one you love... they just might never come back. im lucky cause mine came back, its just, she has a different name and a different face... but nevertheless... someone i really love.

  3. thanks for all your replies... im getting a lot of insight from them.


    as to comment on the part where i kick using my lead leg (right), i dont snap it back... i drive it full force into the bag. i think the reason why it has a "whapak" sound is because i use my instep as a contact point. i think the instep is soft and fleshy, and upon contact with the bag, makes a "clapping" sound.


    as on my first post, where i kicked with my balance leg (left) doing the thai motion... the bag also had a "whapak" sound - although that is for the price of me limping afterwards.


    i tried training, using my shins as a contact point awhile ago... and i think im progressing very well because i notice my shins hurting a lot more.


    thanks for the advice on the medication... and i'll just send you a PM when we can meet so that you can check my moves.

  4. i forgot to give my MA profile :)


    i've been training in Joey Perico's Jeet Kune Do for 3 years now (just recently got back so i could lose weight). i know a lot of people diss him (especially online), but i totally respect the guy. eventhough i do not agree with everything he says, i know very well that he is the reason why i am where i am now.


    to those interested, his gym is located in v.cruz and is pretty cheap. 1K start up fee (inclusive of 2 t-shirts and jogging pants) and 100 php per session.


    i can assure anyone that the environment is healthy there and it is a good place to learn martial arts (since students are free to talk in training).


    however, the gym may not serve your needs if you are a:


    1.) tournament fighter = we lack mats and training regimen for those kinda things. we discuss the concepts though (with me being the biggest promulgator of MMA, hehe).


    2.) MA/Bruce Lee/JKD fanatic = there are politics involved in Master Joey's authenticity. i suggest you try those Dan Inosanto schools (i dont know of any.. sorry). i also suggest you stop being a fanatic :)


    3.) violence inclined = the environment discourages ppl from hurting each other or sparring all out.


    you are suited here if you are a:


    a.) beginner = the training regimen develops your cardio and basic muscles but to the point of torturing you. there are no tournaments to prepare for in here, so you are free to train in the intensity you want. i suggest you train hard or not train at all :)


    b.) Working = it is an excellent stress reliever and you are not required to complete exercises your body cannot handle. however, know that there is a thin line between laziness and your body giving up :) ... know the difference.


    c.) an individual who likes the science behind the arts = yes, we talk here all the time. sometimes the talking gets too bad that it degerates into basic gossiping and life stories. i probably shouldnt have said that *lol*


    d.) someone who hates crowded rooms = master joey doesnt advertise anymore... there's a maximun of like 8 students here and just yesterday, i was the only one who trained. this has happened twice within the month *lol*




    end of advertising :)

  5. i read the posts from last 2 pages, and i'd just like to contribute to the overall idea of my view on martial arts (don't have the patience to quote everyone, hehe):


    i think the aspect of fighting in MA should and never be labelled as "striking, grappling, clinching, etc." ... because those labels will only limit a person's mind and view on the realistic side of fighting. to demonstrate, here's what ppl of different MA stereotypes would say:


    a.) Striker = why should i train in grappling and take downs when i can knock you out before you come near?


    b.) Grappler = all fights end in the ground.


    i diagree with both ... and the only situations those quotes can be true is when you are in a ring, competing (be it jiu jitsu, kick boxing, TKD, etc.) and protected by rules.


    in real life, anything can happen. MA situations or self-defense situations can start from any range:


    a.) long = this usually happens when you hang out with a "bad crowd" and you are being hunted by 'gang' members for supposedly stealing another guy's gf... one day you get back attacked and you manage to see the attack coming. you can use offensive techniques here, but i think you'd end up getting in trouble with the law. i havent experienced this. i dont hang out with a bad crowd.


    b.) medium = this usually happens when you know the attacker (not necessarily their names) ... it's what i call "away barkada." this is not usually a self-defense situation but more of a "pasikat defense" situation, where you fight cause your ego was hurt or something. you CANNOT apply lethal force here. this situation is similar to what happens in tournaments, except that your rules are invisible.


    c.) close = this usually happens when you are mugged *lol* this situation usually REQUIRES you to implore self-defense, where you either: give away your money OR go all out and use "foul" techniques that damages or stuns your aggressor. a lot of ppl end up dead in these situations? why? ... they attempted to fight their aggressors without really knowing how to fight. i was mugged twice or thrice... and i gave my stuff away without attempting any fancy move of some sort. it may make me sound like a wuss but in those situations, i was actually ready when the muggers pulled the trigger (i tend to protect my heart and neck). self-defense basically means staying alive at the end of the day.


    *note, the examples above are just illustrations... not every long range situation is a gang fight scenario, it can actually be mugging, away barkada, etc.




    i love martial arts not because i think i can use it for self-defense or that it can win me fame and prestige (actually, i have NEVER used martial arts in a self defense situation and im not suited for tournament fighting either), but because it helps me deal with life.


    a bad trait of mine is being lazy and complacent... i deal with it by remembering the times i trained hard in my art... times when i was too exhausted to even get up, or when i was in too much pain but still persevered to train. after thinking about those things, i just tell myself "f*ck it! if i did it in the gym, i can do this (whatever it is)"


    having said that... MA for me is actually self-development more than self defense.


    it is ironice because the arts i train in are "military techniques" (as Corkscrew said) ... arts that were meant for fighting ... arts that deteriorate the body in exchange for temporary strength.


    someday i would surely want to try internal arts ... because i tend to enjoy the philosophical aspect of MA more than the "winning and achieving" portion of it. the only reason why i am in military techniques now is probably because of budget, impatience, and ZERO knowledge about who's the real slim shady in internal arts.




    thanks for reading :) i enjoyed writing this.

  6. thanx for the advice corkscrew... i'm glad i didn't break my ankle (i only broke it once, and that is from an inverse heel hook that i was stupid enough not to tap out to, hehe).


    i started kicking using my shins as the contact point... and while i do not end up limping out of a potential broken ankle, i do end up limping from those sharp shin pains *lol* while it doesnt cause injury, the pain can get too sharp at times that i have to take breaks (and stop in the process). i think the heavy bags i kick in wasnt made for roundhouse kicks (it's too fat and heavy) ... but that's the way i like it. it trains me to kick any surface with as less hesitation as much as possible. how can i "get use" to this sharp shin pains? what if my shin hits a knee?


    and oh, a friend told me that its ok to use my in-step as a contact point when i aim for the jaw since it isnt as solid as the thigh or mid section (is it? i know the head is hard enough to break fists, what more a flimsy ankle bone?)... what's your thought on this? ... im thinking that using my instep gets me more height and in the process, i can reach the jaw of those taller than me.


    i really agree with what you said about "the power generated from a muai thai roundhouse is not similar to the one's in TKD" ... because i noticed that when i kick with my lead foot (right), my ankles dont feel like breaking eventhough i generate a lot of force with it. one thing i am not use to though, is that using my shins to hit the contact point doesnt make the affirming "whapak!" sound when it hits the bag, hehe.

  7. just curious...


    when you do a muai thai roundhouse kick aimed to the thigh... do you hit it with your instep or your shin?


    ive been training kicks with my left in-step (the instep i dont use), and it feels like my insteps gonna break after 4-5 kicks out of the heavy bag... i end up limping afterwards although i usually wake up feeling better.


    how do i train for this kick? thanx in advance :)

  8. those things that kiyosaki wrote in his books are not fully applicable in real life.. most especially in Philippines.. here even in Real Estate.. you can get gypped with fake titles.. so its not applicable..


    fake titles and the like can be traced by real property appraisors. the city provides them, so just go to the city hall... others are freelance (you just have to look for them). you can usually trace an appraisor's authenticity by asking for certificates and verifying it in the bank or the company who gave him such certificate.


    currently, i'm working with an Ayala Land appraisor/broker since i have yet to get my license (and take tests in the process).


    just a word of caution - a-holes can gimp you on your commission if you aren't a licensed broker (this happens often) ... so a word of caution when going into a deal who gives you a verbal agreement of 10% thingamajig if you sell his property.

  9. "In your current state, you're better off dead!" (said in Japananese) -Iori Yagami (King of Fighters series)


    "Moetaru?" (Flaming?) - Kyo Kusanagi (King of Fighters)


    "Vengeance is mine!" - Demon Hunter (Warcraft III)


    "Let me attract the enemy with my human call... I'm so wasted, I'm so wasted!!!" -Dryad (Warcraft III)


    "I apologize for your death" (in Japanese) -Chris (KOF series)



    Ready to build your nest egg? What if you can retire in 5 years?


    Do you want to:


    * Improve your personal cash management?

    * Know the secrets to successful businesses and investments?

    * Learn effective negotiation and communication?

    * Make the most of your hard-earned savings?

    * Gain knowledge on starting your business?

    * Understand what RISK really means?

    * Be aware of opportunities to increase your current cash flow?

    * Realize being able to give more back to the community and society?


    You might have heard of the CASHFLOW 101® from the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the No. 1 bestseller authored by Robert Kiyosaki, who created it to bridge the learnings from his bestseller to our experiences in the real world.


    CASHFLOW 101® costs around PhP 15,000, and workshops in Southeast Asia are usually priced between $250-$450. It is with great privilege that we are able to let the Philippine public access this powerful educational tool at a very affordable price of only eight hundred pesos (PhP 800)!


    The next session will be held on January 22, 2006, Sunday, 12:30-5:30pm at the Exportbank Plaza (formerly Urban Bank Plaza), Sen. Gil Puyat (Buendia) corner Chino Roces (Pasong Tamo)., Makati City. Last day for reservation and payment is on  January 18. We may also offer special sessions for interested companies and institutions. Do contact me at +63 915-788-2126 or email me at ggbuid@yahoo.com or ggbuid@hotmail.com for inquiries and ticket reservations. Student discounts may apply.


    This workshop is brought to you by Laurus Enterprises, the official CASHFLOW® group in the Philippines, as certified by Rich Dad's Training ( S.E.A .) Pte Ltd, authorized by Robert Kiyosaki and CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc. (USA) with the *exclusive* rights to conduct Rich Dad activities in Southeast Asia. 


    The Rich Dad mission is one of education and empowerment. It is only through awareness, education and action that people everywhere can take control of their lives and make the choices that will enable them to become financially free. We invite you to this opportunity for everyone to get together to learn and grow.


    You may want to pass this information to your family, friends and colleagues who can benefit from this program.

    "To elevate the financial well-being and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of the Filipino people"

    P.S. RICH DAD ASIA, LIVE IN MANILA! on February 24-26, 2006. For more details, visit Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Asia) or Rich Dad, Poor Dad.



    Is this the group where Larry Gamboa is in? ... because if he is, then i am very interested with this.

  11. Ironic as it is, i had an ex-gf i really loved (still think of her til now) ...


    She had a guy calling her and being the open-minded BF i was, i thought it was healthy she interacted with other guys... she promised shw won't leave me anyway...


    Oh well, you know what happened.


    Lesson I learned was that if someone is trying to steal your GF, the best move is to say 'hello' to the guy. If he is really in-love with your GF, and you know your GF will fall for him... oh well, time to kick his butt (something i use to be very much against) ... before you look for another girl.

  12. 10 Things They Hate About Me:


    1.) Too objective, forgetting emotions 70% of the time.

    2.) Too emotional, forgetting rationality 30% of the time.

    3.) My aura that I find the existence of god, trivial.

    4.) My utilitarian sense of morality.

    5.) Being an elitist.

    6.) My inability to sound humble.

    7.) My disregard for traditional culture.

    8.) The way I contradict myself and not find it wrong, inconsistent or fake.

    9.) The way I criticize things (i.e. insensitive).

    10.) The way I can make a person sad and happy, just to give them an experience that happiness (and sadness) shouldn't be based on another one's opinion or perception.

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