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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. Gambit! ... apart from being sweet, romantic and flirty (eherm), he also is very loyal to his friends. he is willing to die for love... errrr ok, he was willing to die for sex after he got really messed up trying to be nasty with Rogue lol


    @nick - iceman, cause i dont wanna google maverick




    favorite pizza place?

  2. i wrote a radio spiel for a DJ audition in one of our local radio stations!


    @nickfury - i do not know what obtuse is, the only obtuse i know is a triangle... so ill google it and... well, after googling it, i can say i am an obtuse person lol




    who is your favorite ninja turtle?

  3. women comment on my eyes. nothing special with them, they are just smaller than the pinas norm.


    friends in the gym comment on my triceps. well they arent really as toned (im not into body building), but i guess my genetics allowed them to develop faster compared to some body types.


    thanks for the greeting MC :)




    to BAN's q: when i saw this youtube video last week = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrlIK_ArzeM (worst death scene ever video)




    would you wanna be married to someone who would ask you to engage in the occasional 3some?

  4. its the only forum i am in where sex is accepted (to various degrees).


    and oh, it also helps that this forum has a lot of interesting women in it. and i dont mean PSPs... you know, women who you can have nice, adult conversations with

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  5. awesome! ... it was my birthday last fri, so i treated myself to a caving trip with my cousins and her friends (its hard to get ppl to participate in outdoors stuff, so none of my friends joined). and saturday we went rafting, it was my first time. it wasn't physically challenging, but the experience was fun. sunday, i just rested and MTC'd all day.




    how did MTC influence your life?

  6. i dont like people who are "proud" to be fat, because that is just their excuse to be lazy and undisciplined.


    i also dont like people who are in the right weight, and are obsessed about their weight/looks. as a matter of fact, i do not like these group of people more.


    i have always been struggling with my weight ever since i turned 11 ... i workout regularly, but i have a hard time eating the right food. i am 5'7, and 210 lbs. so i really understand what its like to be fat ... i also dropped down to 150 lbs in 2004 (coming from 220 lbs) ... so i know it is possible, and that it makes life and health better.


    before i ballooned to 210 lbs (now), i was 170 lbs, and ran 32K last year. i still have the stamina to do it, its just, my knees cant handle the weight, and i would definitely get injured if i do something like that.


    im still hoping i could really eat right this time and get to 160 lbs

  7. cause it is also known as "my BF is cooler than your BF" day.


    the day where guys do really outrageous things or spend on really impracticl stuff to impress their girls ... making me look like a terrible BF or something just because i do not feel like doing those things to the then-current gf.


    its the day where you'd be ask "saan kayo ng GF mo?" to which you will either lie or tell them "i am single" and they'd give you that "awwww, wawa ka naman" look.


    it is also the day where your favorite PSP is booked, but then again, i am giving up on PSP's, so that wont be really so bad.

  8. dear person who asks me to call without saying what i should be expecting,


    sir, i would like you to know that as much as we are good acquaintances, i will only call you if it had anything to do with guitars. and i seriously doubt that. as a matter of fact i am thinking right now of ALL the possible interesting things you could say within the scope of your personality, and i cannot come up with anything.


    i actually think you are going to sell me something. so forgive me that i will never call you, or even ask about why i should be calling you




    your suplado acquaintance,


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