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Posts posted by Intuition

  1. Cool answers!


    Here are some of my question:


    1. What inspires you to write/make music?

    2. If you were to write a song for a lady what would be the opening line?

    3. What song reflects your emotions as of the moment?

    4. What would you consider as sexy?



    Those are the only things that I can think of as of the moment. :)


    hi DE, thanks for the kind words :) i like your questions. so here goes:


    1.) i guess the general answer for that is "life." i have been involved in a lot of projects, i've written lyrics and music for a genre as extreme as death metal. now, most of the subject in that genre revolves around satanism, the occult and destruction of the status quo. it was a challenge writing lyrics for that since i did not want to write cliches, so what i did was write about the same subject matter (i.e. war), but instead of glorifying it, i asked question on its validity and importance. still though, i do my best not to sound preachy. i tend to ask questions instead of pointing at answers.


    i've also written lyrics in the point of view of a 20-year female singer. what i did was listen to her talk about her life, and i tried to piece things together to come up with lyrics that tackle her problems - be it family, seeking for identity, love life, etc.


    its kinda ironic, but the works where i am really proud of were stuff i wrote for something or someone else (i.e. for metal music, for the female singer), while the stuff that i wrote that was completely about me were written in tagalog and were funny stuff... lyrics like:


    "kaya naman kitang pasiyahin, kaya naman kitang patawanin

    hindi ako macho, hindi ako gwapo,

    ako'y isang... cutie pie! isa akong teddy bear"


    for some reason, it throws people off. they seem to perceive me as this stern, english-speaking person, especially if they only got to know me through the forums and my posts.


    thanks for asking about my music... i always love talking about it :) a lot better than the sex stuff actually.



    2.) i did write a song for a girl. the song is called 'Playground' and here's the first verse:


    Hello little clueless you ... How long has this been on?

    We run a race of futility, can't we get along?

    But i'd rather have it like this, than have you check out of my life

    Let's stay like this, until you're bored with me


    the music is there and all... its just, we never got to find the right singer to sing that song :( ... no worries, the demo is still safe.


    3.) i just got home from band practice ... and the song in my head is "Mistaken" from Save Ferris. kinda appropriate too, especially with how my last romantic adventure ended. as the song said "guess i was mistaken..."


    4.) a woman who feeds her mind with literature, information and adventure who also keeps a healthy body is sexy. i'd like to take this moment and say - she doesnt have to be thin to be considered healthy.


    thanks again Darkeinjel!






    its funny you described me as "boy" ... but then i thought about it:


    -i play bass in a rock band

    -i wear my hair long

    -i sleep at 3am

    -i have time to go to the gym

    -i take 5 hours editing videos and stuff

    -i play videogames

    -i never have problems like paying rent or getting into debt


    damn ... i really am a kid! and i want to stay like this as long as i can.


    which reminds me, my friend's 11 year old son is really excited to see me this saturday ... i plan to treat him to a DOTA lan party lol along with his friends and my cousin ... i suck at DOTA to be honest, so i guess im gonna get digitally whooped by 11 year olds then.


    as for my tweet ... i'd probably send something like "have fun! your job is hard, i admire you for doing what you do even if we do not agree on a lot of things"

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  2. Ang mahal mo naman 3K! ilang Pops? laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif



    Name the top 3 mtc girls na gusto mo maka one night stand ..... (wag mo ko babanggitin , upakan kita laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif)


    lol 1 pop lang. hirap magka-erection pag walang emotion (nakzzz). tsaka sulit naman ehhh! nice skin ko, tapos kahit mataba ako madalas ako mag gym


    top 3 na maka one night-stand... hirap naman nito, kailangan ko mag backread sa FR sections eh. tsaka di ba pwede mag coffee date na lang muna tapos "see what happens?" hahaha

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    In your relationships, what are the things that have gone right, and gone wrong?


    i am currently not dating anyone, so i guess you have to be more specific.





    Who would you like to be next on the hotseat?


    erika. i enjoy reading her page.


    leyna is also quite interesting. i dont know what she's like, i only managed to see some pics of her, and she's pretty - at the same time, smart enough to avoid the MTC circus.





    May I ask what you liked about her at the start?



    the fact that her life, or at least what she wrote about was mmmm, 'stranger than fiction.'

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  4. Hi papa pwede magtanong?



    Kung psp ka, magkano rate mo?




    laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif


    hahahaha! ok. nasagot ko na to back in 2007 ... naalala ko si jenhotdoll kasama ko nun. sabi ko sa kanya "siguro ang sarap maging PSP, para kang rockstar... yung ikaw mag book ng gigs, at para ka pang nag totour. yun nga lang, 1 on 1 performance usually... paano kaya kung mag PSP ako?"


    sabi ni Jen "kung seryoso ka, pwede ka 3K sa matrona at 5K sa mga bakla"


    lol pagkatapos nun nag usap kami about marketing and stuff ... and we settled on "raving rei, your hot chubby chinito"


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! god, if that isnt puke worthy, i dont know what is.


    i have to admit, i have had some of the best laughs with PSPs.

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    1. Is it sexy when a thong shows out the back of a woman's pants?


    2. How many dates would you suggest a woman to wait before jumping into bed with someone new?


    3. Which would be hardest for you to go without for a year : Oral sex or Penetration


    4. Share some tips on the lost art of the hand job.


    5. In what city a guy most likely get laid on a quick vacation?


    well, hello too.




    1.) neutral


    2.) up to her


    3.) penetration


    4.) playing metal makes your right hand faster


    5.) manila






    1. Are there any songs or albums that you think you can induce orgasms?


    2. If a guy has an erection, what music can you recommend that will finally put his boner to sleep?


    3. What's a no-fail cunnilingus technique?


    4. How long should sex last?


    5. Male Bisexuality : Myth or Realtiy?


    6. When planning a threesome, is it better to ask quasi-friends or to scout out attractive strangers?


    7. Is it okay to fantasize about other people when you're in bed with your partner?


    8. Is it appropriate to give someone a sex toy for Christmas? What is the best sex toy to give for Christmas


    9. If your genitalia were a game controller, what would be the code to get you off.



    1.) no


    2.) justin bieber


    3.) hitten mitsurugi style


    4.) 5 minutes to 8 hours


    5.) real


    6.) buckfuddies who are friends


    7.) haven't done it


    8.) i have no idea


    9.) up X, down Y, L, Y, R, A - kakarutsuuuu

    • Downvote 2
  6. Thanks intuition.


    I have more ;) ;) ;)


    1. Do you like talking naughty?

    2. What’s the sexiest outfit a girl should wear to turn you on?

    3. Would you help me pick that outfit if I asked you to? :lol: :lol: :lol:

    4. What’s your favorite part of a girl’s body?

    5. Which part of a girl’s body do you think tattoos look best?


    lol this is the most sex questions i have ever been asked by a female


    1.) yes i do!


    2.) completely naked! sexy for me has something to do with how she moves. there was this girl once, i called her "serpent queen." just wow.


    3.) hahaha! yes, we are friends ;) but please do not take me shopping.


    4.) pekpek! hahaha ... seriously, you can hold a girl's hand, boobs, hair, etc. but if she lets you "hold" her pekpek, its special and it requires a lot of trust. after all, girls open themselves to pain in that body part.


    5.) spinal column. definitely the spinal column.

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  7. Significant Other.


    Wahahahaha. That was fast.


    Q: what are your ratings of the mtc people you.ve dated before? How many were they?


    lol easy come, easy go. at least Clairvoyant has nice taste in MTC handles. something to ponder i guess :)




    i am not sure how many i've dated since 2004, but this is the first time i've really been an active part of the community.


    i have met (i think this is a safer word) and had positive experiences with:






    -hunnyhannah (a PSP, but we actually just went out and had a great time in trinoma. she was "Yellow" in my blog entry #13 in my room http://manilatonight.com/index.php?showtopic=51360&st=0


    i am sorry if i might have missed out some names, all i know is that i only intentionally not mention one person lol and nope, im not gonna say anything about that.






    My questions.


    1. MTC member/members that you consider you're real friends.

    2. MTC member/members that you hate most.

    3. Ever been to a bar just to get sex?

    4. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex?

    5. Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?


    1.) about 3 or 4, including you ;)


    2.) i don't wanna mention names but let's just say i don't hate them, but i avoid interacting with them or visiting their rooms. they are female, and they are addicted to attention to the point that they fabricate things just to get more. its normal to want to attention, but dang ... at least do something significant to get it. and at least be more entertaining than your vagina.


    3.) yes. drunk girls are really "friendly." i also dont drink, so if you see me alone at a bar, its usually a sex side quest.


    4.) no i havent. there was a time i dared a friend to kiss in front of those mall audition cameras. it never happened. i might have watched too much Jane's Addiction (dave navarro kisses men just for the heck of it) and read about Trent Reznor's accounts about "being secured with his sexuality he is willing to kiss a guy to prove it or just to make homophobes leave the room."


    5.) yes. 2 females. i dont remember how many times i have done it. it usually happens when i become good friends with some PSPs, and 2 of them know each other. its not as kinky as you might think though, cause we do more hanging out than actual porno intercourse.

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  8. Hi, I'm the brand-new SO of nightwriter. We have been in touch with each other for quite a while but we finally got to meet only yesterday. Everything just fell into place. It was one of those things. She told me about MTC and I got curious. I was backreading this thread -- don't know if this is a good question, but as you seem to have a history, man to man, what would be good to keep in mind in relating to her within the context of a relationship? Thank you.


    hi, welcome to MTC.


    hmmm, i am the wrong person to ask about this. i never really knew nightwriter ... i mean, yes, we might have talked on the phone and stuff, but still, i never felt that i knew her.


    i have my perceptions, and they arent positive. please dont ask me why; our breakup and how publicized it was, was bad enough.


    anyway, congratulations on your relationship (errr, SO ... im not sure what it means)

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  9. hi guys ... i didn't know i made it to seat, but its cool. i really appreciate it. for one thing, im sorry i kinda introduced myself to the community with a publicized MTC-romance-gone-wrong, but i hope at least i can answer some question and change the perception about me.


    thanks for the intro bonito (that rhymed).




    Riv. kinks in bed... im not sure how to answer that, but well i really like it when a girl treats sex like a dance. it has to have rhythm, interaction and beat to it. lol. im sorry i might have answered that terribly.




    cxavier, yes i did ... i made a video. its kinda emo/senti cause well... you know the circumstances behind it.





    as for the kitty... i left it behind one of the airport plants. i shot a video of it, but i have yet to edit it... i'll post the vid in my room one of these days.

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  10. aikido rin po sir iceman yung style daw ni Mon Tulfo.. yet look what happen.. what I'm asking sir is the degree of physicality needed to thwart the attacks of a woman without getting into legal trouble.. I have no intention of "hurting" a woman,, kaso if she is armed with a gun or a knife.. or nakikisawsaw sa rumble by clawing someboby's eyes.. what can you do?? Anyway.. thanks for replying sir iceman..


    grab her hips, sweep her down to the floor, either lay on top of her or put her on a side mount ... you could also pull guard. or well just do the old boxing clinch and dont give her space to strike. shell eventually tire out. if the woman has a knife, run! if you cant run, kick that knife off her. if you cant kick that knife out, just make sure you dont get stabbed, then just disarm her - tip: bend the gripping thumb first. break it if you have to - just tell the court she broke her own thumb by herself while trying to stab you.


    if the woman is "nakisawsaw" ... she is the least of your worries, just keep on moving your head so she cant lock on to your eyes, but really, if theres 3 guys, with or without a woman, you will get your butt kicked, especially if you run out of space to backpedal. best thing to do is, grab one guy, pull guard, and just wait for security to stop the fight.


    in a self defense situation where your attackers try to k*ll you in an enclosed space, just go all out - dont give a crap if its a woman... good luck. there will be no way youd walk out of that without stab wounds and/or cuts.


    if there are guns involved, just pray you have a place to hide.

  11. dear me,


    be strong. just let it go. go home now. this is not working for you. do not give your heart too fast just because you have been lonely for a really long time. you can do it. buy that plane ticket and go home.



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