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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. ...


    this morning i had hot chocolate and miseries. 'twas way past nine and i was still in bed.


    i couldn't stand being at home alone on a workday. so i got up and hit the shower. i put on some clothes combination i wouldn't have worn if it were any ordinary day and i, in an ordinary mood.


    and then...


    you see, i want it crystal. must only be either: black or white. night or day. ying or yang. rain or shine. now or never.


    i guess, i already made that clear saturday night.

  2. women fall for ugly men because they give it their best shot... as for guys who look good... yeah, they look good but their ego, the size of uranus!!!  :lol:  so focus... when you really like the girl... please her... and show the girl you really want her...  :cool:


    not all goodlooking men fall under your description. :) yung mga lalaking hindi kagwapuhan, wag insecure sa mga lalaking may face value.


    saka hindi lang sa mukha nakukuha yun. if you can't have a face, at least have a body to die for... ang dami po kayang gym dyan! :D


    mas nakakainis kung pangit na nga masama pa ugali. yun ang total turn off. :boo:

  3. Dear Authentic A,


    Thank you for putting some sense into my head last night. You are quite right, good men do come few and far between and it is crazy to let one slip away.


    there are no assurances, just tons of risks. but i agree he could be, might be. and it is a million times worth a try.


    it's amazing how we stumble on people like them. like magic. meeting them defies chance and destiny. they are those who make the unworthy ones forgivable, forgettable.


    i owe you, lady.






    you ought to have trusted your instinct. next time, remember what happened here.

  4. LA,


    Thank you for keeping an eye on my monster dog while i was busy with something. The black chocolate and martini did go together quite interestingly well. Thank you. Those jokes about typrewriters were a blast. kinda pointed at my own little stupidity and slow-wittedness.


    Thank you for everything which i'm afraid i can't speak about just right here.






    don't fall. don't fall. please...

  5. To the Roman God:


    I'm glad we're back to normal again. Obviously you didn't take it to heart that I have been a bad host the last time you dropped by my place to visit. Your Martini is still unopened. (Wala pa rin akong corkscrew. Next time, dala ka na rin... :D )


    You appear to be doing well. What with all the girls around you! Just be careful and be safe. Always.



  6. Dear Friend,


    You want more from him. We've agreed on that already. Last night.


    However, this morning I've come to realize it's not good idea to force the issue. As you said, you can't get it out from him. And you won't.


    I guess you have to talk to him and put a stop to the routine.


    Lastly, I hope you get over the stage you're going through right now. There are so many like them who will disappoint you. Why do you think they're out there? Don't you think they're just as big a disappointment to themselves as they are to other people?


    Take it easy. And remember: Men are only boys when they can only brag about their dicks. You gotta see some balls, girl. Funny, but true. <_<



  7. My apologies to those wanting to be near their families, for having decided to get my own place.


    My apologies to those hurting as they live away from their folks, for choosing an independent life.


    My apologies to those lovers who need to spend a few hundreds to enjoy three hours of privacy, for having rendered my other room just a place for shoes and shoe boxes.


    My apologies to those who scrimp for food, for the 3-week old limp veggies and stone-frozen beef patties.


    My apologies to those children who yell at their parents for independence, for the familial independence that i enjoy.


    My apologies to those who do not have what i have, for now i've decided to give those things up and just live without.


    My apologies to those who wish they could get out of their parents' overprotectiveness, for having chosen to go back to my parents' home.

  8. Didn't realize it has been 11 years since we became friends. you got married, bore a son, separated from your husband, fought for your life you almost lost. and i, despite the sad stanzas of your life (your life is a poem, not a prose), would go to lucban to visit.


    in lucban, i met your friends who,too, became my friends. i met J--, dated him in Manila as he studied in that school along Taft. (No, the rumor was wrong, we never dated in L--)


    it was funny how you connived with the rest into having him and me, gaoled in some place dark and spooky about 5 years ago. you see, nothing happened beyond what i could allow. and you know, oh how well, what my limitations are. and i was sorry to disappoint you and the gang. the alcohol didn't cooperate, because as you know, i never got drunk.


    but last night, i met him again -- with his wife. no big deal. she's pretty. and so am i. did i see regret in his eyes? i didn't. because i didn't look -- for fear, i wouldn't see what i expect to see, feel, what i feared, i would.


    but again, i'm happy. i'm going back home to my parents. on the fortnight.




    it was this day when S started bothering you with his messages. begging for the time you couldn't give -- just yet.


    if only you could read this as i write, i could have warned you of the hurts S would bring. forget about the bliss, which as you now know would pass.


    i could have warned you not to mind him, not to waste your time.


    but since you can only read back and not relive, i give you all of life's regrets.

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