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Posts posted by KristinLavransdatr

  1. Bought 3 discounted books last night at Powerbooks:


    1. LOVE GATHERS ALL (the Philippines-Singapore Anthology of Love Poetry)

    2. DOG EATERS - Jessica Hagedorn

    3. THE AWAKENING - Kate Chopin (Read this in college - xeroxed version, now i have a real book, would be nice to read it again - no missing pages, no blurred paragraphs.


    LOVE GATHERS ALL is a blast. would be able to finish the 200++ pages over the weekend.

  2. to the guy from an IVY League in the US:


    "You don't know how proud i am each time i am asked where my boyfriend is, and i go, oh, he's in the states, a yalee working on his graduate studies. and they would all say 'oooohhhh!' but you see, i get really lonely and sad when nights are cold and the typhoon just wedges itself in my windows. and as i cry i say, may i go out and date again?"

  3. I'm currently reading Bridges of Madison County


    I'm reminded of the incident which took place years ago. My officemate borrowed my copy of that book having told her how it made me cry so hard there was no room to breathe. (that was before the lousy film version came out, i think.)


    on that particular morning, my officemate rushed to my table, shook me like a shaker, and asked: "why didn't you tell me, this is such a tearjerker???" she took her shades off and showed me her swollen nose and eyes. and told me: "the people in the FX thought i was crazy because i couldn't stop crying, sobbing, my nose a poodle of something, but i couldn't stop reading either...and finally, i told them, 'it's just this book. i'm ok. i'm fine.'" really funny girl. and nice little love story book.



  4. i have been trying to read THE TALE OF GENJI, but it's too darn difficult to get past chapter 2. it sure doesn't have the disctinction of being the first novel to have ever been written for nothing. :blink:


    On this novel, Washington Post Book World says: "A triumph of authenticity and readability." If that Genji is readable, man, i do wonder what book they've tagged as non-readable. :evil:

  5. I have a pet dog named Kunot.


    And boy! he makes me feel like a single mom. i cook for him, bathe him, play with him, sleep with him (errrr, he sleeps with me. :D ) I didn't want him to share my bed with me, but he just always finds a way to sneak in every night.


    But i love it. It's better talking to a dog than being in an empty house talking to yourself. B)

  6. Dang! This is one huge assumption. :rolleyes:


    Of course, sex with love is great, ideal even. But man, you can't have that all the time.


    when you can't have love, attraction can be a good substitute. Unless, of course you are totally hopeless and desperate to hit the sack. :D


    Besides, i think, it is quite easy to weed out those who are "bed materials" (term courtesy of a friend) and those who aren't. But not so easily as to know who are worth loving and those who you must not love.



  7. This is a poem for all the men who hurt my friend, A.


    (Note: Mr. ee cummings, i am not responsible for all the asterisks here. MTC finds your words too vulgar. forgive them for art's sake. :blush: )


    by ee cummings


    the boys i mean are not refined

    they go with girls who buck and bite

    they do not give a f**k for luck

    they hump them thirteen times a night


    one hangs a hat upon her tit

    one carves a cross on her behind

    they do not give a s**t for wit

    the boys i mean are not refined


    they come with girls who bite and buck

    who cannot read and cannot write

    who laugh like they would fall apart

    and masturbate with dynamite


    the boys i mean are not refined

    they cannot chat of that and this

    they do not give a fart for art

    they k*ll like you would take a piss


    they speak whatever's on their mind

    they do whatever's in their pants

    the boys i mean are not refined

    they shake the mountains when they dance

  8. I quit smoking April 11, a day before the Holy Week, and a day before my week-long vacation in Boracay. I told myself, if i could quit for a week, if i could bar-hop every night and not smoke, I'd make it. Today is the 9th of July and I haven't puffed a smoke since then.


    Oh, boy but it ain't easy. People who smoke who know you smoke are sometimes the ones who make it difficult for you to quit. They'd invite you to a yosi break. They'd take you to restaurants with good smoking areas. They'd show you what bliss it is to smoke after lunch, during breaks, over coffee. And that's the most difficult part of it -- they'd show, not just tell -- you off from quitting.


    But the best part of it is --- you win over yourself.


    Also, try going back to the gym. I did. :cool:

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